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Autobiography Game of Thrones Tree

Osha lying under the tree

Further to my previous post today. ‘The Pointy End’ is the eighth episode of the first season of Game of Thrones. It is the eighth episode of the series overall among the 73 episodes aired over eight seasons from 2011 to 2019. This episode premiered on June 5, 2011 when I didn’t even know that Game of Thrones existed. It was written by George R.R. Martin and directed by Daniel Minahan, who is not classified as ‘Jew’ at least in his Wikipedia article (the series changed directors several times).

Bran the Broken, still a boy, prays by the Heart Tree when he is approached by Osha, a woman of the Free Folk or ‘Wildlings’ (in this pic, Osha is barely visible because she’s laying on the ground). Osha tells Bran about hearing the Old Gods of the Forest and that the Wildlings also worship the Old Gods. She laments that the South has lost touch with the past, and that the southern Weirwood trees were cut down long ago and, therefore, the Southerners have no idea what’s awakening in the north.

I have just watched again the scene in ‘The Pointy End’ when the above photograph was taken and must add something to what I said four days ago in the article ‘New subtitle’. In the scene, a couple of times Osha calls the attention of Bran about the hidden message that could be heard from the gods by listening to the whispering leaves of the Heart Tree.

When four days ago I wrote ‘I will leave the image of Bran in the sticky post unless I can think of a better one that symbolises this site’ I had not re-watched the scene with due attention. Now I see that it resonates not only with my editorial note in my previous article today, but with the heart of my own life (cf. my book Whispering Leaves).

This day I make official the above photo as the ‘logo’ of this site.

Destruction of Germanic paganism Game of Thrones Vikings

Holy wrath, 7

by Evropa Soberana

Editor’s note: The White Man does not know his Story. In an ethnostate far from Judeo-Christianity, the study of the Vikings would be obligatory since grammar school.

In this section the author mentions the sacred trees in pre-Christian, Germanic religion.

Left, St. Boniface cutting a sacred tree. The only thing that reaches the public about this tragedy are literary fantasies which plot is a mere echo of the real events. In the bestseller A Song of Ice and Fire for example, it is mentioned how the invaders destroyed the sacred trees. In the television interpretation of the saga of George R.R. Martin’s novels, the Children of the Forest took revenge by creating the Night King to exterminate the human invader.

The common fan of the literary saga or the HBO series ignores that these symbols denote a very real past that even today continues to affect the West. In Game of Thrones the only one who saw the origin of the tragedy was the Three-Eyed Raven, whose last incarnation is the lad Bran the Broken.

I am not asking visitors of this site to buy Martin’s novels or the audiovisual adaptation in DVDs. As we know, Martin is a silly liberal; and the two filmmakers, Jews. But it is fundamental to point out that the enormous success of both the novels and the HBO series means that, unknowingly, Martin and these Jews have touched a fibre of the Aryan collective unconscious.

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The expansion of northern fury

This map shows the Nordic expansion in Europe. Red corresponds to areas of Scandinavian colonisation, and green to areas subject to incursions and Viking influence. The Vikings were particularly prolific in France, the British Isles, and the basins of the great Russian rivers. Greenland and Vinland (the Viking settlement in North America) are not included on the map.

At a certain time in the High Middle Ages, at the end of the 8th century, the Scandinavian peoples embarked on a series of prolific expeditions. Some argue that this sudden blitzkrieg of the Vikings was due to overpopulation motivated by polygamy in a little fertile land.

Others, such as Varg Vikernes, maintain that the Viking raids were a revenge against the Christian world, after Bishop Boniface cut, in Saxony, in the year 772, sacred forests and, particularly, the oak that the Saxons had consecrated to Donnar Oak—an ancient tree venerated by all the Germanic peoples of the world, considered the terrestrial version of the Irminsul, the Axis of the World.

The image that folklore and Christian propaganda has given us of the Vikings must be corrected. The Church demonised the Vikings, depicting them as dirty barbarians with horns on their helmets, when according to Chronica Joannis Wallingford by a monk, ‘The Danes, thanks to their habit of combing their hair every day, of bathing every Saturday and regularly changing their clothes, were able to undermine the virtue of married women and even seduce the daughters of nobles to be their mistresses’.

We are talking about a time when Christianity had stigmatised hygiene as something sensual and ‘pagan’. The Arab historian Ibn Fadlan, ambassador of Baghdad to the Bulgarians of the Volga, says of the Vikings: ‘I have never seen physical specimens so perfect, tall as palm trees, blond and ruddy-skinned’. He adds that often they wore tattoos of vegetable designs from foot to neck, and that they were always armed with an axe, a sword and a knife.

The Vikings ended up being famous throughout Christendom, in the non-Christian East and in much of the Islamic world. The Arabs called them Mayus and the Khazars Rus (hence ‘Russia’). In most of Western Europe they were known as Normans: that is, men of the North.

Generally their way of acting was to set sail in large fleets, sack the coastal towns, establish coastal ‘operations centres’ to plan other incursions and navigate the great rivers to reach other inland cities (such as Pamplona, Seville or Paris). Their many feats are known, from the colonisation of Iceland, Greenland and America to the takeover of Seville from the Moors (year 844), its looting and residence for a whole week, including the founding of Russian cities such as Novgorod (862) and Kiev (864), as well as the first Russian state (Kievan Rus) and the site of Paris in 885.

Left: The ray of the sea: for centuries, a fleet of longships ‘going shopping’ was the most frightening coastal vision for the medieval European.

911 was the year that the Danish Rollo received from the French king Charles the Simple the Duchy of Normandy, to appease the Viking pillage to which the whole of northern France was being subjected. (The Danish name of the king was Gang Hrolf, or ‘Ralph the Wayfarer’, as it was said to be too big for a horse to carry its weight.)

In a solemn act of homage to King Carlos, Rollo was informed that he should bow before him and kiss his feet. Scandalised and offended in his pride, he refused to humiliate himself in such a way, saying that ‘I will never bow down to anyone and I will never kiss anyone’s foot’. The adulatory bishops, however, insisted that ‘whoever receives such a gift has to kiss the king’s foot’.

Thus cornered, Rollo ordered one of his warriors to carry out the act. He took the king’s foot and, standing erect, brought it to his mouth and kissed it, causing the king to fall backward, so that the whole present court laughed loudly. This anecdote shows the arrogant and proud side of the Vikings, still innocent and uncontaminated men by the servile mentality of civilised society.

But eventually these Vikings from Normandy were Christianised. They took root in France and ended up forgetting their Scandinavian roots. Their subsequent expansion took them to England, the Mediterranean, southern Italy (the Norman kingdom of Sicily) and even the East during the Crusades. Many Normans played an important role in the cavalry orders.

Game of Thrones

Don’t miss my point

The following was my today’s comment on yesterday’s thread, ‘Night King theme’. It still surprises me that visitors don’t get what I have been trying to say about the Game of Thrones phenomenon, whose finale millions watched on Sunday, a week ago.

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But don’t miss my point.

Whites are stupid. Jews are right: they’re just cattle and behave like cattle:

Linder is wrong. He believes that by solving the JP everything will be automatically all right. But he has not answered why, sans Jews, Iberian whites screwed big time in the Americas by polluting their blood, or why the Yankees fought for Lincoln against ‘evil’ racists, again sans Jewish press.

Whites (cattle) need a Fourth Reich so that the mythmakers will use (as Hitler dreamt) Germanic sagas to feed the proles instead of Judeo-Christian myths. Yes: prolefeed for the proles but with good messages; good stories instead of a show directed by two kikes and whose novels were authored by an extremely liberal goy.

Again: don’t miss the point of my dozen posts about the Game of Thrones craze. We need good stories. We need a sort of Game of Thrones TV show for mass consumption but this time directed by priests of the 14 words.

Game of Thrones Videos

‘Game of Thrones’ fan reactions

Do you see now why I wanted to be a film director when I was a kid? In good hands the audiovisual medium—with good music of course—would be the most powerful. You can only imagine how whites would be behaving today if Hitler had won the war.

Game of Thrones

About meaning in Game of Thrones

by Vig

(an original for this site)

I am really amazed by this whole fascination for Game of Thrones. I consider myself lucky not to have wasted my brain cells on digesting this TV series.

As a regular Youtuber I have seen snippets of this series and seeing it convinced me that I had to do with degenerate stuff. I have to admit that in spite of this I am fascinated with powerful myths.

I saw a filmed edition of The Nibelungen and it inspired me to make a few paintings.

Commenting on this platform and other blogsites made me aware that it is better to ask essential questions instead of blurting out opinions, which after all is like a fighting match, you get counterblows instead of understanding.

What is the fascination with GOT really?

The massive popularity and then the following anger as things were not to the expectations of a lot of watchers are puzzling. It looks like that there is a deeply unconscious dissatisfaction that the average watcher cannot get ready with.

In my view Cesar’s understanding of this phenomenon is the deepest by referring to the anima and the animus. Here comes of course the work of the German psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the picture. But we Europeans have chosen to neglect him after it was clear that before the war he said some positive things about Adolf Hitler in his essay about Wotan.

It looks like “we” are massively attracted to some thing that we pretend to be opposed to. What is it? In any case it has the appearance of schizophrenia.

Could a philosophical genius bring the answer here? No, not at all, philosophy is exactly the problem here. This whole issue falls totally out of the domain of intellectual and rationally comprehensible expressions. That is why it is nagging us.

As a visual artist I am very much bent on perceiving the “Gestalt” in things and happenings, that means the overall pattern, which comes down to the visual and spatial aspect of things. Exactly that is what Jung in his later work came to see as the essence of the anima, our hidden shadow of the mind which expresses itself in images.

In spite of the awkwardness that verbally expressing myself is as a visual thinker, I want to raise questions about the meaning of the Gestalt in GOT and other Youtube videos that I have seen, and I am curious to know how other commentators will see that.

First of all: The heroine of GOT the queen Daenerys is blond, decisively blond, and has intricate braids in her hairdo. Did one know that German educational advisers warn for schoolgirls having braids because it is interpreted as a sign of right wing extremism? No kidding. Jewish scriptwriters?

A dominant actress here having very blond hair is not without meaning, however unconscious of himself the scriptwriter may have been.

What is the meaning here?

In a lot of other movies with Jew scriptwriters I found some patterns over and over again, the details of which you can find in Renegade Tribune.

It is so remarkable to me that in these endless repetitions of the same dumb Hollywood clichés the girl saved is always BLOND!

Blond seems to have the highest status in the world and that is why the Jew likes it. How all those Jewish and coffee coloured women must hate everything that has blond hairs, because that is what their spouses actually would have liked them to have had. No wonder that a lot of darkies and negro females are conking their hair and dying it. This is one more reason for them to hate whites.

And then the movies about the Nazi terror! This category is in the chapter of sado-masochistic semi porno movies in which the Jew excels. You know the stories of hidden concentration camps where prisoners are tortured by sadistic SS members.

And, Lo and Behold, the female SS officers who like to humiliate male prisoners are always stunningly beautiful Aryan blond females, and the male officers who like to rape the females are always the perfect blond Aryan types.

What is the meaning of all this?

Did we hear the word “projection “ here?

And where would the whole Hollywood film industry be if they would not have had the fearsome enemy of the German soldier of the Third Reich, especially the Waffen SS? Their war movies would be terribly boring and make no money.

If you can pretend at least in the image that you have defeated an enemy whose military glory is without precedence in human history then you must be a super hero !!!!!

The dumbed down whites take it for entertainment. This is really perplexing.

It means to me that the image itself, let us be precise all images in the eye of the beholder (!), have become devoid of direct meaning, they are not nurturing the heart anymore. Only on the instinctual level, the level of sex and violence there is a resonance.

If this is true it means that the white industrialised man has lost in his psychological functioning a faculty that has to do with the giving of meaning to visual images, including the images of his own body and his race. There is no identification on the feeling level, it is either rational and verbal, or it is instinctual. It sounds extreme but I would say that modern man has incapacitated his nervous system significantly by his degenerating lifestyle.

Let us look at the state of contemporary western art. In the last decades the absence of the development of new styles and new themes clearly in the visual arts but essentially over the whole front of western art signifies the absence of real creativity. It is spiritual emptiness. It supports my statement above.

The only real question is: can this incapacitation be healed within the lifetime of one generation? If yes there is hope, and with a proper spiritual inspiration work just has to start, but if not, the process of extinction for the white race and for all the ethnicities who are going to be in the same boat like the Jews is inevitably going to happen.

Game of Thrones


any reference to Game of Thrones whatsoever, in 2015 I already knew that only good stories, however mythical, can galvanise the white psyche to the point of boosting its self-image and self-esteem, let alone racial preservation.

Game of Thrones

The Power of Stories


How Bran the Broken was always the ending

by Yezen IRL

Given the massive controversy and confusion around King Bran, and the ending of Game of Thrones, I figured I would give a brief explanation why Bran the Broken was always GRRM’s endgame, what this means for the story, and what it says about fate, free will, justice, and the stories that bring people together:

Melissa Krauss: I really did like this summary. Instead of criticizing, you explained how it really did fit the book. It did make a lot of sense. I’m glad that you showed this perspective.

Adrian du Plessis: A fantastic level-headed insight that enriched my experience of the show and renewed my excitement for the upcoming books. Thank you.

Nicole Cox: Well done! You gave a reasonable analysis of themes that were underdeveloped… But, nevertheless, present if we look for them.

Loopy Luppy: I would very much appreciate it if you were to continue this channel as I love your perspective on this show and would love to see it on others!

Kimseungsoofan: I loved Bran since the beginning and it made me happy to see him as the king, but what made fans mad was the build up!

Undertow: You know, I wasn’t a fan of the writing for the past couple of seasons mainly because of the rushed pace and the way they tossed the last two books aside, but it sure is refreshing to find a channel that stays positive and tries to find hope in the things we got. And considering you have read the books it sure is great you interpreted the spirit of the plot points… so thank you and keep up the amazing work!

Al Rezz: You make me love GOT again! I am going to rewatch it!


D&D: Were we right? In what we wrote?
RR: What WE wrote.
D&D: It doesn’t feel right.
RR: Ask me again in 10 years.

Ty Hijau: I was hooked on your channel since watching your last video about Bran being crowned king, well before the end of the series. Don’t know if I have ever come across another channel where the creator uses this level of critical thinking and analysis…please, keep it up. There are some out there, like me, who do appreciate this content. All your videos have been top notch!

Abilyn: Your perspective is the comfort needed for this end… Thank you.

Daniel Polanco: Thank you for appreciating and delve into the reasons for Bran’s kingship when everyone else seems enraged by it. This final season (and your video essays) gave me all the more reasons to dive into the books I’ve been holding back from ever since I started watching the show. Cheers.

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My two cents: Why am I posting so many posts about GoT?

Because of what I said a couple of days ago: ‘Jews win because they have a story. Whites lose because nowadays they’ve lost their story’.

It is high time for the white race to recover their stories, starting perhaps with Pierce’s Who We Are. Otherwise, the Jews will continue to win.

3-eyed crow Game of Thrones Philosophy of history Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Tyrion’s speech

Watch it in the context of my recent reply to a commenter on Red Ice’s historical ignorance about the religion of our parents (the Red Ice couple are YouTube personalities, part of the Alt-right movement).

Update of 5 p.m.: According to the plot of Season 8, the Night King planned to bring about an eternal night, wiping out mankind altogether, and in order to accomplish that he needs to kill Bran, who inherited the title of the three-eyed raven from a very old man. As Sam points out, true death is only achieved when people are completely forgotten by the living, and the three-eyed raven has access to all of human history, making him a crucial target for the Night King (NK).

In real life, this almost happened when Judeo-Christians destroyed all temples, libraries and even the human lives of the carriers of the white man’s culture, especially in the centuries 4th and 5th.

Following this analogy, white nationalists have failed to see the three-eyed ravens’ messages to retrieve such history after the NK (Christianity) destroyed the most germane knowledge for white survival. I refer specifically to the histories of the white race by Pierce and Kemp that ‘nationalists’ still refuse to read, and apparently will continue to refuse until the eternal night finally reaches the entire West.

See the previous posts on this site under the title of ‘3-eyed raven’ (actually, quotations from Pierce’s Who We Are):

Three-eyed raven, 1

Three-eyed raven, 2

Three-eyed raven, 3

Three-eyed raven, 4

Three-eyed raven, 5

Three-eyed raven, 6

Three-eyed raven, 7

Three-eyed raven, 8

Autobiography Game of Thrones

Wisdom in the Game of Thrones finale

Further to my previous posts, including ‘Bran the Broken’.

At the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 70s, when I was a kid, I read the Sunday comics of Prince Valiant. In a comic strip that Harold Foster had originally written and illustrated from 1948 to 1951, the following appears:

The child that I was did not read English yet. But retranslated to English, the two pictures on the right say:

Arf: What use is strength to an invalid? To cut the meat with the sword [in the kitchen] and use the shield as a bowl?

Prince Valiant: The knight takes the cheers, but it is the wise one who, with his wit, directs the destiny of the nations! Forget your sword for the benefit of your books!

Arf had lost his left leg in the previous episodes, but in the strips of the following weeks he became a scholar.

Now that I was reviewing the Prince Valiant collection in my library, I saw other strips that would be unthinkable in the Game of Thrones film screenplays. For example, Val’s blonde wife once says in the volume bound under number VII (1959-1962): ‘When women mingle in the affairs of men these matters do not prosper. I know because I’ve tried it myself’.


Not even the pundits at Counter-Currents have understood the message of the Final Episode of Game of Thrones! They aren’t three-eyed ravens…

Game of Thrones

On Game of Thrones finale

by Andrew Anglin

The series finale of Game of Thrones, the most popular television show in all of history, was severely based and severely redpilled.

After leading a horde of violent nonwhites into the land of white people, Daenerys, the white feminist queen, went insane and committed a genocide in last week’s episode.

In this week’s episode, which aired Sunday night, the heroic Aryan Jon Snow murdered the stupid feminist bitch. However, even though the throne was rightfully his, the chad manlet Jon Snow decided to give the throne over to an autistic incel, Bran Stark.

This is the most based and redpilled show I’ve seen yet.

Of course, the final season was extremely problematic in terms of basic storytelling. The plot issues were so large that it is impossible to even try to address them. But, you know—whatever.

The bottom line is that the feminist nigger-loving queen is dead and the autistic incel rules the land. This is true justice of the highest possible sort.

Furthermore, Daenerys’ nigger army was expelled to the Isle of Naath, where they will all die of a disease that makes the flesh fall off the bones.

It is extremely satisfying to see these sluts and soyboys having mental breakdowns over this expectation-subverting plot twist that twisted itself into a full redpill. They told us we were evil racists and sexists when they destroyed all our video games—but the shoe is on the other foot now, ain’t it?

Game of Thrones is a Jewish show, so I’m not really sure why it is that they decided to go the route of trying to redpill the goyim on how white women are flooding our countries with niggers and our only solution is oust them and install autistic incels as our rulers. I suspect that these expectation-subverters were so subversive that they decided to subvert their own Jewish agenda.

The Game of Thrones Jews are on steroids and decided to redpill the goyim.
Whatever their reasoning, this shit is funny as hell.

There are over a million signatures on a petition for HBO to remake the final season as a total bluepill.

But that’s not happening.

The ultimate redpill that is the final season of Game of Thrones will forever stand, mocking the sluts and their soyboys for trying to destroy Western civilization with a horde of niggers—and letting them know that in the end, the autistic incels will reign triumphant.