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Free speech / association Racial right

The state of the movement

by Greg Johnson

Editor’s note: Johnson published it a couple of days ago on his webzine. I’m republishing it here because it bothers me that Greg uses that essay in his fundraising campaign. We can already imagine what would happen if those donations were sent to racially aware white people who were NS and not WN. Without the fundraiser section within that same article, Greg’s essay is more readable.

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Three readers have asked me to comment on the current state of “the movement.” As Counter-Currents enters our twelfth year, I think it is an appropriate time for such a discussion. In fact, I’ll make it an annual tradition, since I intend to be around for many years to come.

All three readers think the movement is in a malaise. I want to argue that this is not the case. Censorship and deplatforming can slow us down, but they can’t stop us. The Biden administration is dangerous, but it is also a golden opportunity for white identity politics. It is an opportunity in part because it is dangerous.

The first reader fears that social media censorship, particularly on Twitter, has interfered with “productive interactions between different people in the movement.” I don’t think that is true at all.

Twitter has been massively purging Rightist and populist accounts since the beginning of the year. This made Twitter quite boring, so I generally stopped visiting it. Recently, the Counter-Currents account was purged. But I paid so little attention to Twitter that I found out about it on Gab.

Here’s the thing: Losing Twitter and Facebook has not made it impossible for me to keep in touch with others and collaborate with them. Both platforms had some entertainment value. But that was always outweighed by drama, pointless infighting, and constant exposure to obnoxious and repulsive people. I don’t miss any of that. We will win through productive work, not online drama and goofing around. Frankly, some forms of deplatforming are doing us a favor.

The second reader who wrote in is worried that the movement is shrinking because various movement voices have gone silent or disappeared altogether, again due to censorship and deplatforming.

I think this impression is largely based on the reader’s point of view. He’s out in the audience, looking at the stage, and he sees fewer performers up here. Thus he concludes that the movement is shrinking. But the movement is not just the people on the stage, it is also you people out there in the audience. I’m on stage, looking out at the audience, and I can see it growing.

Recently, Frodi Midjord did a poll in his Telegram group. He asked when his followers became “red-pilled,” as we like to put it. Fully 70% became red-pilled after 2013, and 25% became red-pilled since 2018.

That is tremendously encouraging, because 2017 was the beginning of the end for the “Alt Right.” Due to doxing, deplatforming, censorship, legal harassment, and burnout, many leading voices of the Alt Right have gone silent. Others have retreated into inward-facing, cultlike groups. But the Alt Right wasn’t “the movement.” It was just a “brand.” The brand has failed. Some of its standard-bearers have failed. But the broader movement of white identity politics has continued to grow.

The third reader is also worried that censorship and deplatforming are working:

YouTube and Twitter channels with large followings have been banned. When their owners move to other platforms, they retain only a small slice of their former audiences. More alarming, though, is the complete disappearance of some voices. Is the establishment within reach of suppressing our movement and our message altogether?

The short answer is “No.” The system can slow down the spread of our ideas. They can wear down our morale. They can pick off the weak and vulnerable. But they can’t stop our message altogether, for three basic reasons.

First, the only way the system can prevent our ideas from spreading on the Internet is to shut the whole web down, which they can’t do because the system has become dependent upon the web for its own survival. But even if the web went offline tomorrow, we somehow managed without it for most of human history. Its absence did not prevent the rise of Rightist and populist social movements in the past. So we would muddle through.

Second, even if the system silences particular voices, ideas have lives of their own. Bob Whitaker is dead, but now normie Republicans are talking about how anti-racism is a code word for being anti-white. The system can silence me today, but they can’t undo the work that I’ve already done. The White Nationalist Manifesto is already out there. White Identity Politics is already out there. As the Norwegian secret police discovered to their chagrin by arresting me, open persecution just brings more attention to our ideas.

Third, our movement is not the primary cause of the rise of white identity politics. The system itself is driving people to white identity politics. Only a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of whites who voted for Donald Trump ever heard of Counter-Currents or American Renaissance. They voted for Trump because they see the results of multiculturalism, globalization, and out-of-control nonwhite immigration.

Now that the Democrats are in control in Washington, they are doubling down on these policies, which will only accelerate the rise of white identity politics. The Biden regime creates more White Nationalists in a day than I have in the last twenty years. The system can shut me up, but they can’t shut themselves up. They can’t control themselves at all. So white identity politics will continue to rise.

Although I am quite confident that our ideas are spreading and our movement is growing, I’d be a fool not to worry about my personal safety and the personal safety of other white advocates. America is now a lawless country in which blacks and Leftists are given full freedom to destroy. The US government is simply ignoring the fact that during the last year, the Left has been responsible for political violence that has cost dozens of lives and inflicted billions in property damage. Instead, they are promoting the idea that the number one threat of political violence comes from racially aware white people like you and me. Many innocent people will be harassed, entrapped, and framed by the system before this is all over.

But it will all be in vain, because our ideas are already out there, and with each passing day, the system provides new evidence that we speak the truth: multiracial societies are cauldrons of hatred and violence. The only solution is a racial divorce.

Free speech / association Racial right Racial studies

Unz’s scholarship

Editor’s note: The October 2020 article by Ron Unz is worth reading, ‘White Racialism in America, Then and Now: An Intellectual History of the Last One Hundred Years’ of which I’ll quote only a passage:

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The overwhelming majority of the world’s leading academics and intellectuals from one hundred years ago—whether left, right, or centre—held many views that would surely have gotten them branded as ‘White Nationalists’ in today’s severely constricted ideological climate.

But whereas today’s WNs are an extremely vilified and marginalised group, with their ranks therefore necessarily skewed towards eccentrics and misfits, the situation was entirely different back then. Their counterparts of the past included many of the foremost academic scholars and public intellectuals of that era, who openly discussed their views in leading opinion journals rather than by pseudonymous postings in dark corners of the Internet. Partly for this reason, such individuals tended to approach the same issues with far greater sophistication.

Until the early 2000s, nearly all these names would have been almost unknown to me, either rating a sentence or two in my introductory history textbooks, or else being entirely omitted. But I spent most of that decade building a content-archiving system that provided convenient access to over a million articles from more than 200 of our leading periodicals since the mid-19th century, and was stunned by the severe distortions and enormous lacunae in my knowledge which this revealed. As I wrote a couple of years ago on related matters:

I sometimes imagined myself a little like an earnest young Soviet researcher of the 1970s who began digging into the musty files of long-forgotten Kremlin archives and made some stunning discoveries. Trotsky was apparently not the notorious Nazi spy and traitor portrayed in all the textbooks, but instead had been the right-hand man of the sainted Lenin himself during the glorious days of the great Bolshevik Revolution, and for some years afterward had remained in the topmost ranks of the Party elite. And who were these other figures—Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov—who also spent those early years at the very top of the Communist hierarchy? In history courses, they had barely rated a few mentions, as minor Capitalist agents who were quickly unmasked and paid for their treachery with their lives…

As I gradually discovered, large portions of America’s entire intellectual past had been hidden or altered beyond recognition, and racial beliefs constituted a major portion of this transformation. The ongoing ‘cancel-culture’ of today’s elite-backed Black Lives Matter movement represents merely the latest iteration of this long process.

Free speech / association

If this site…

is censored go: here

Free speech / association Wikipedia

Wikipedia’s POV

Wikipedia is a far-left multilingual wiki project, censored by an internal bureaucracy of clans to conform to a largely anti-white point of view. Wikipedia’s administrators claim that they are governed by the NPOV principle, an acronym for ‘Neutral Point Of View’. But that’s hypocrisy, a lie.

As the screenshot captured in the years I was still editing it demonstrates, Wikipedia’s anti-white POV is explicit. See it with the original colours (here) and you’ll understand Andrew Hamilton’s comment on August 10, 2012 at the webzine Counter-Currents: ‘I have never contributed to Wikipedia, a viciously anti-white publication’.

They simply label even mild racialist commentators with ill-defined epithets such as ‘Neo-Nazis’. See, for example, how Wikipedia’s articles grossly distort personalities like Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald. Wikipedia’s lead paragraph this day about the former starts with these words:

Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 1978) is an American neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist…

And the lead paragraph of Wikipedia’s article about KMD starts thus:

Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is an American anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and a retired professor…

So it is not surprising that today Wikipedia’s administrators deleted my user page. You can see how my user page looked like before it was deleted: here. The rationale about why Wikipedians deleted my page can be read: here. (Fortunately, I am an administrator of Metapedia: a multilingual wiki project that, unlike Wikipedia, doesn’t hate the white race.)

None of us should ever try to edit Wikipedia. When I used to edit there I noted that what they call ‘reliable sources’ was an editorial trick. I’ve exposed it on this site as it ensures that their editorial system remains rigged against the fair race.

But today the cancel culture has reached Wikipedia big time! They are banning users just for opining on the Wikipedia ‘talk page’ (i.e., not within the articles) that ADL and SPLC might be biased. This month they blocked a user for the sole sin of arguing on the talk page that the words in the lead paragraph about MacDonald were inappropriate. This is what one of the blocking admins responded to this guy:

I’m going to be as blunt as possible why you were blocked, since you haven’t been paying attention: You argued that the two greatest institutional authorities on antisemitism in the US [ADL and SPLC] are invalid in your attempt to defend the honor of someone who’s a member of a white nationalist organization [KMD]…

Wikipedia is really bad. Andrew Hamilton was right. Incidentally, the whole discussion thread of why earlier this month they banned this guy demonstrates that Wikipedians’ POV is truly gigantic. Their encyclopedia should be called POVpedia.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Free speech / association Red terror

Solzhenitsyn’s book

Those who haven’t read Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together can at least read this recent review.

If Westerners knew why Germany rounded up all the Jews… the gig is over. The elites know this and this is why Solzhenitsyn’s second non-fiction book (2002) hasn’t been translated into English.

Free speech / association

WDH in German

With the help of a comrade we will soon start Die schwärzeste Stunde des Westens: a section of The West’s Darkest Hour in German:


Remember that the above site is also a backup of the English entries in case WordPress decides to suspend our account here.

Conservatism Correspondence Free speech / association

There won’t be a PO box

It will not be possible to rent a PO box in the country where I live, as I had recently promised. I have just returned from the offices and they informed me that my full name had to come, as addressee, in each envelope that arrived at the post office box. As I recently had problems because a (Jewish?) woman complained to relatives of mine, a woman whose son guessed who’s C.T., I can’t afford to keep putting my full name on this site or allow that envelopes are being addressed to me.

The idea of renting a PO box was not bad considering what will happen to the pro-white sites once the new administration is inaugurated: we will have to return to more archaic forms of communication. I would suggest that those interested in not losing contact with me write down my email address that appears on the sidebar: the only way to keep in touch after the US enters a state of complete anti-white totalitarianism.

The American elites have already been able, in the past few days, to deplatform Trump and his fans across the internet, and even threaten not to give jobs in the real world to those who have supported him. And this happens before Biden’s inauguration. We can already imagine what will come next…

By the way, yesterday and today I visited Counter-Currents to see who Johnson was posting in the aftermath of the event in the Capitol. The same old conservatives keep writing there. Let’s remember Commander Rockwell’s litmus test to distinguish who’s a conservative and who’s a National Socialist: the conservative wants to protect his social status and money, the National Socialist wants to protect his race.

From this angle, all those who claim to defend the white race on the internet are, in reality, conservatives: as no one begins to speak of revolution by quoting those famous words of President JFK.* It was last week when I used a commenter’s words ‘Civil war or the gulags. That’s now the choice and whites should take chances with the former’. But white advocates insist on remaining de facto conservatives.

Although I can’t be sure that the woman who complained to my family is Jewish (they don’t want to tell me her name), it’s worth ending this post with some humorous links. What bothered the woman the most is the little swastika that appears at the top of this page and what I wrote about Beth’s beautiful tits (after she complained I added this and this).


(*) In 1962, John F. Kennedy famously said, ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.

Civil war Free speech / association Racial right

The demise of the Northwest Front

If American white nationalism were not charlatanism, in these times of electoral fraud its proponents would be writing dozens of articles against democracy and in favour of the revolution.

Not only do they not do any of that, but except for Stormfront they hardly comment that the only revolutionary site with a specific plan for how to do the revolution has shut down (James Mason and his epigones never had a specific plan).

It is true that the Butler Plan was flawed as becoming independent in the Northwest leaving Uncle Sam with all of his toys of mass destruction wasn’t going to work, and Harold Covington’s character was as flawed as the Butler Plan.

But that is not the point. The point is that no one today, after the late Covington’s Northwest Front closed recently, is talking about the only option to take back the western lands after the worst betrayal against the white race since prehistory! It is very significant that if we click the address of what used to be Covington’s webpage, we find the ignominious message: ‘The Northwest Front has been shut down. Consider Life After Hate’! This recent comment by a Nietzschean on this site hits the nail:

It’s an unmistakable trend that white nationalism has become softer over the years. Compare Pierce, Rockwell, Lane and Oliver to Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald. In temperament and character it’s night and day. The former were willing to deal with uncomfortable truths and advocate actions which were appropriate to a grave situation. The latter tells you to vote for a mainstream political candidate while rattling the tin can. If we have anything going for us in the absence of money, military or media it can only be truth but WN ‘leaders’ are still trying their best to obfuscate and implicitly or explicitly deny reality. These charlatans serve as a boogeyman and punching bag for the system while rendering effective opposition impotent.

I would suggest that visitors to this site read my excerpts from The Brigade—Covington’s masterpiece—that by the way I don’t see how to purchase it in print. Covington’s novels were one of the first victims of internet censors. Even MacDonald got to comment on it when they censored the novels a few years ago.

Free speech / association Wikipedia

Anti-white encyclopaedia

Four months ago I wrote a short article about Wikipedia saying that the trick they use to turn that online encyclopaedia into anti-white propaganda is the wiki-policy they call ‘reliable sources’. Well, recently a Polish fan of Stefan Molyneux (that he’s Polish I gather from the IP he left in the wiki’s talk page) posted some words that portray what I think is the inherent fraud in Wikipedia. The Pole wrote (some of his syntax corrected):

Don’t you even see what kind of mental gymnastics and loophole thinking made from double standards you’re performing? He [Molyneux] was censored because he was speaking things the mainstream, left/far-left media you deem as ‘Reliable Sources’ didn’t like. And what your ‘Reliable Sources’ don’t like, they usually call racist, misogynist or hate speech, for convenience. So let’s follow you and your Reliable Sources’s thinking, step by step:

> Reliable Sources: Guy X has wrong opinions, they should be censored, because free speech and freedom of thought is violence and it’s dangerous for individuals to use their brains

>Guy X gets censored, anyone defending him gets shunned and also censored

>You, self-proclaimed liberals from Wikipedia: ‘We won’t censor Reliable Sources, our Reliable Sources (even though clearly biased) say that he’s a white supremacist so it means that he is’.

How ironic is it that you call fact-checking your sources as ‘censorship’, when what you’re doing now along with those sources is exactly that: censorship.

What contests the claims about him being far right are his actions and his political views. The proof is in the source material. His exact words. His podcasts and videos. They should be the main—reliable source here—, not opinions of some biased media of your choice. Especially when you want to judge the man and write an article summarising him, his views and his life.

You can’t do it legitimately and fairly when the only thing you’re doing here is quoting opinions of unrelated people instead of the man himself. The Policy and Guidelines in which you try to find support for your political bias and unprofessional way of creating articles, clearly states that all, often biased sources, such as the ones used in this particular article, need to be fact-checked, and proper research needs to be done in order to write an article from a NPOV [neutral point of view].

But you just don’t care. That’s not what you want, you don’t want the truth to be conveyed. You simply want to silence a man you disagree with. Just like a typical ‘liberal’, drunk on power and influence, absolutely confident that he cannot possibly be ever incorrect. You’re a part of the reason why we’re entering a truly dystopian phase of modern civilisation.

Thought police, abuse of power, censorship. The purpose of Wikipedia is not to convey someone’s opinions on a given subject, but straight facts. And the facts are that you simply took mainstream media’s opinion of Stefan, and put it in the article as if it was the truth, without any research whatsoever. Whoever made this article or helped to edit it should permanently lose his editorial rights for violating basic rules for article creation, which was already quoted above.

Alas, the horrible wiki editors are right. According to the so-called reliable sources (kosher approved in plain English) Moly is a vile racist white supremacist just for discussing race and IQ studies (the video I recently embedded is now the best one on Moly in YouTube). Incidentally, Peter Schiff also commented on the expulsion of Moly and in his latest podcast he even fears that he could also be expelled from YouTube…!

Free speech / association

Thoughtpolice again!

Update of 3: 40 pm. Stefan Molyneux, David Duke and Jared Taylor have also been banned from YouTube, with all of their videos nuked!

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Yesterday I linked to another very interesting take by Richard Spencer explaining how Negrolatry is ultimately Christian morality but, alas, he just twitted: ‘The Radix YouTube channel has been permanently disabled’.

Those who have not saved in their hard-disks or in a DVD The Fair Race should do it now. One never knows…!
