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Iatrogenic medicine

More deaths, fewer white babies due to—what? Mandatory vaccines? (watch it here).

Chris Martenson Pandemics Pseudoscience Psychiatry

Debunking the Covid narrative

Watch today’s dialogue between Bret and Chris before they vaporise the channel (by the eighth minute Chris’ microphone didn’t work, but then it did):

Several scientists are beginning to realise that the medical profession is a mixture of real science, bad science from corporations seeking only profit, and even pseudoscience. I knew it decades ago. But who has listened to what I have said about psychiatry (see pages 143-166 of my Daybreak)?

Chris Martenson Free speech / association Pandemics

Scientist censored

In my opinion, the best scientist on YouTube has been Chris Martenson. Thanks to him I realised that racialist Sebastian E. Ronin was right: energy devolution (peak oil) will make, later in the century, the forthcoming crash of the dollar look like a picnic. But last December YouTube censored Martenson’s video about the best Covid treatment by far, Ivermectin (a video that now can be seen in his webpage: here).

Yesterday, YouTube censored Martenson’s latest video, ‘Vaccine mandates are here’, and now it can be watched at Odysee (scroll down: here).

Since the end of the last century, when I was researching psychiatry full-time (I even took a mental health course at Manchester’s Open University), I learned that Big Pharma dominates medical science to such an extent that much of what passes as medicine is bad science (e.g., these vaccines) or even pseudoscience (psychiatric drugs).

The System’s game is obvious. They want to do big business and that’s why they censure Ivermectin, insofar as it is a generic drug proven for forty years as an antiviral drug but… it can no longer make anyone a millionaire (unlike the new Pfizer vaccines not duly tested, whose side effects are sometimes serious).

Yes: it is a question of money. And I suggest to those with a good sense of what real science is to watch at least these two Martenson videos linked above.

The System generally censures those who tell the truth, such as racialists for example. Yesterday I was talking about the great class that Jared Taylor gave on race realism while debating a Catholic. Let’s not forget that the guy who began to have millions of hits on YouTube on the subject of IQ, Stefan Molyneux, was censored on YouTube— vaporized, I would dare to say, as now there is not a single surviving video from Moly’s channel on that audiovisual platform.

Free speech / association Pandemics

Robert, Steve and Bret

‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it’. — George Orwell


Full livestream is now censored on YouTube.

Pandemics Psychiatry Sigmund Freud

The human side of chess, 15

What to do in case of mental disorder

Surprising in such prolific chess literature as that of the United States is the absence of biographies that explain the mental disorders of their chess champions: Morphy and Fischer. I have complained about friends in the park who lacked the heart to inquire about the personal tragedies of Roger, Iván, Gilberto and Ricardo. For example, I don’t remember hearing anything pertinent about the scar that Gilberto wore on his face due to the blow of the dish thrown by his mother. But this is not limited to my acquaintances: it is endemic outside the chess field. In writing this essay, I tried to search the internet for biographical material on Morphy, Steinitz and Torre. I was surprised that the attitude of the authors of books and web pages was identical to that of friend Antonio, whose supposed friendship was ‘to talk exclusively about chess’.

A section from the fourth volume of Kasparov’s five-volume collection of his predecessors is an exception, in that it portrays Fischer through astonishing anecdotes. Although Fischer’s feat from 1970 to 1972 is admirable from a strictly sporting viewpoint, it’s impossible to read those pages without thinking that Fischer was, in his personal life, a poor devil. Do you know, my dear readers, someone who could have had fame, money and glory and throughout the years threw that opportunity away as Fischer did? It is worth reading Kasparov’s My Great Predecessors, Volume 4 and finding out what happened to poor Bobby after he triumphed over Boris. I am referring to the final pages that are already free of game analysis and focus, pace the friend Antonio, on the human side of chess; in this case, Fischer’s psychological profile. However, and like Reinfeld, Kasparov knew nothing about the morbidity of family dynamics that can flourish in the adult in the form of psychosis.

Not even psychiatrists know these things.

If mental health professionals, or American chess writers, were down to earth they would try to write psycho-biographical studies on Morphy and Fischer. But when it comes to psychological trauma, it is impossible to find an in-depth analysis of those who have suffered this type of crisis. In this aspect my work is innovative. It seems that I am the first person in history who has devoted more than a thousand pages to pondering the tragedy of his own family (see the titles of my books on page 3).

To the names of deranged chess masters I have mentioned I might add Pillsbury. And let’s not forget the alcoholism of Chigorin, Alekhine and Tal. Former world champion Tal and his buddy Korchnoi, who was on the verge of taking the title from Karpov in 1978, were badly beaten up in Cuba for being drunk. Once Alekhine showed up to a simultaneous exhibition so drunk that he wet himself on the floor and the show had to be suspended. The numerous chess magazines circulating in endless languages are as misleading as Velasco’s book on Torre. They focus on the sporty aspect omitting the real life of the pathetic players.

The total lack of knowledge of the human mind in both psychiatrists and chess players is evident in the sovereign folly of blaming Staunton, a retired player in his day, for Morphy’s madness. I find it regrettable that even Reinfeld repeats this like a parrot. Ironically, it was thanks to Reinfeld’s book that I learned that it was Morphy’s mother who forbade her son from playing in public places again, and the best player in the world obeyed like a child. Also the professional chess writers Horowitz and Rothenberg repeat the Staunton myth in The Personality of Chess, where they quote the incredibly stupid words of Ernest Jones, Freud’s disciple, that Morphy was burned out by success. Based on the Freudian axiom of exonerating the abusive father or mother, Jones blames Staunton, who Morphy never played with! His crazy theories appear in the essay ‘The Problem of Paul Morphy’ published in 1931: a classic in psychoanalytic literature on the chess player. In Mexico, a country where the refutation that has been made to the Vienna quack, Freud, is unknown, I have found the fans repeating Jones’ nonsense.

Thus I arrive at the central question: What to do in case of mental disorder of a loved one? What to do, for example, if he gets naked on the streets or surround himself with women’s shoes?

With psychiatry ruled out as an iatrogenic profession, the good news is that we have the humanitarian alternative of Soteria Houses in Europe.

Unlike the therapy applied to Torre, which impaired his faculties and left him resentful for life with Ferriz, entering the Soteria Houses is perfectly voluntary. In the United States, those precincts flourished thanks to public funds before Big Pharma lobbied for the subsidies to be withdrawn. (The multibillion-dollar companies that manufacture drugs don’t tolerate competition from their medical model for treating disorders of the spirit.) In the Soteria-type houses that exist in Europe, the dignity of those who suffer a crisis is not violated. Neither you will find treatments such as electroshock, surgical lobotomy or intellectual impairment practised by chemicals euphemistically called ‘antipsychotics’. No matter how serious their delusions are, the person is respected and a friendly environment is provided until, after some time of good treatment, they can regain their senses.

Generally, people who get disturbed are not dangerous. Steinitz believing in his telekinetic powers, Torre imitating St. Francis or Morphy declaiming on the roof ‘and the little king will walk away in shame’ were harmless. Had they lived for a few months in a Soteria House, similar to the quarters for the alienated of the 19th-century Quakers, they would have recovered. There are no Soteria houses in Mexico, although the last Robert Whitaker’s video that I’ve watched now that I review this book, ‘The Rising Non-Pharmaceutical Paradigm for Psychosis’, shows us that alternative in first world countries:

When I advanced the idea of renting in Mexico City an apartment to take care of a friend of Russian descent along with an assistant (a young man who was disturbed), his older brother’s response was to commit him to a repressive institution, where he died. It is sad to say: but psychiatric repression is originated from family repression (Morphy’s family, too, wanted to commit him). That flat would have been cheaper for our friend than the psychiatric fees he paid. But the deference in the West to the medical profession is too ingrained. I hope that the way the medical establishment behaved now that I review this book, with all that media cancellation of the effectiveness of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 (to profit from Big Pharma vaccines), begins to wake up part of the population.

There are very few thinkers who have an exact idea of how the interests of pharmaceutical companies corrupt medical science. And this especially includes psychiatry. It was for this reason that I spent five years of my life, full time, researching the profession.

Chris Martenson Pandemics

Counter-productive covid vaccination?

Watch Chris Martenson’s latest video.

Hopefully his and Dr Geert Vanden’s fears are based on fact, as coupled with the looming dollar collapse and the depletion of oil it would lead to the much-longed-for apocalyptic scenario for priests like us.

Correspondence Deranged altruism Pandemics

Dear Caesar,

I sent you a small donation in support of the Daybreak Publishing project. I believe this is an invaluable project for our people, a sign of great devotion to the Nordic ideal and the 14 words. I did a little research on Lighting Source and it seems as though the initial cost for submitting the complete manuscript is $120 with additional fees for revisions, etc. Is that what your research shows? I made it a recurring donation, but please let me know if there are any additional costs and I will do my best to assist you.

I have never been much of a tech junkie or online poster so you probably do not recognise my name. Nonetheless, I certainly value your insight and the dedication that goes into your prodigious web site. I have been perusing your website from a distance for several years and I am a firm believer that our world is now completely consumed by neochristianity—a most astute observation my friend!

The recent COVID insanity is a case study in the absurdity of Christian ethics in modernity. I keep telling people that we are totally neglecting the most basic Darwinist principles and the mindless lemmings always reply: ‘We can’t possibly do that, people aren’t ready for that, we need to protect the vulnerable’.

The funny thing is that these people are not even professed Christians! So tiresome. Seems as though the survival of the fittest philosophy was burned up in the Hellstorm. Nonetheless, I am most hopeful that there are a few embers still burning. The new David Irving book is good evidence of this theory—I plan on ordering my copy later tonight.

Furthermore, I want you to know that I am really enjoying the new pdf book, On Exterminationism. Thanks again for all your hard work and please let me know if you need any additional help.

Best regards,

SS physician

Chris Martenson Pandemics Pseudoscience Psychiatry

Covid & profits over lives

When the previous century I began an in-depth study of psychiatry, I came across a revealing fact. According to studies by the World Health Organization, poor countries such as Colombia, Nigeria and India had much higher recovery rates in people diagnosed with schizophrenia than in western countries. Reason: those poor countries couldn’t afford neuroleptics (‘antipsychotics’ in western Newspeak). So-called antipsychotics cause akathisia, that is, they are iatrogenic drugs. See what I recently said about Jordan Peterson regarding his akathisia produced even by other psychiatric drugs.

So from the last century I knew that there was a pseudoscientific dimension within conventional medicine. Just for the record, I recently told my female friend that ‘I reject one hundred percent alternative medicine and ninety percent of conventional medicine’, referring to drugs in the latter case; that is, most of what comes from Big Pharma.

Chris Martenson’s most recent video on covid-19 is very revealing, the summary of which tells us:

As many parts of the (so-called) developed world enter second lockdowns, and people line up for miles in their cars seeking food handouts in Texas, the less developed nations are busily discovering Covid-19 treatments that actually work. Really well. They work in an outpatient setting, in mild, moderate and severe cases of Covids-19. They work prophylactically. As always, I present the studies for your thoughtful examination.

The video is worth watching. Just keep in mind Martenson’s use of the code term ‘Dwizibin’ when he refers to hydroxychloroquine!

Although I am not sick with covid (not yet…), I already bought both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. The doctors where I live are under the influence of pseudoscientific propaganda against these drugs, so I had to pay an informed doctor to give me the prescriptions. About these drugs that do work, in the YouTube discussion thread of Martenson’s video a couple of commenters said: ‘It’s almost like a vaccine is superfluous if we followed these guidelines’. And: ‘It’s because there are expensive vaccines now that must be sold’.

It seems very clear to me that Western capitalism must be destroyed if we ever reach power. The absolute proof that it has corrupted the white man is shown in that there is not a single millionaire or billionaire today who substantially sponsors the racialists; let’s say, as they were sponsored in the previous century by the German businessmen who helped Hitler. Although the present ‘profits over lives’ policy is very noticeable in the covid-19 pandemic, capitalism in general corrupts the Aryan soul as much, or even more, than Christian ethics. Or to be more precise: the effect of both is lethal for the race, which is why the US has become a paradigm of ethno-suicide.

For those who haven’t read the essay on the meaning of the ring in both Wagner and Tolkien, it is time to do it…

Chris Martenson Currency crash Pandemics

And covid…?

Earlier this month, Chris Martenson said:

I was very worried about Covid-19 six months ago. Afraid even. Today? Barely worried at all. This video will take you through the science behind that shift in viewpoint. Very strong data from Ivermectin and hydroxycholorquine, combined with the powerful protective effect of having sufficient levels of Vitamin D combine to provide what appears to be a very effective approach for managing Covid-19 the disease.

Martenson, who has a Ph.D. in pathology, is a sane voice in an ocean of madness: from those who believe that everything is a hoax to the American authorities who committed the lockdown blunder.

The latter is convenient for us, priests of the 14 words, since it has accelerated the collapse of the dollar. Remember, America delenda est.

Currency crash Kali Yuga London Miscegenation Pandemics Racial right Real men Sword

Andúril: the broken sword

At midnight I was talking about the feeling of unreality that I felt when I saw a video of Jared Taylor. Finding ourselves on the brink of a civil war or rather an anti-white, exterminationist war that gets closer and closer to Ward Kendall’s novel, Taylor gives counsel like getting married, having a good job, and trying to do politics without overtly revealing our true colours…

Another notable racialist webzine, Kevin MacDonald’s, recently published a terrifying article of things I had already seen in London the last time I visited the city. The island has truly become the ultimate example of what I call ‘sin against the holy spirit of life’, an unforgivable sin: doing mass propaganda for English roses to have kids with blacks. But the most serious issue about the MacDonald webzine article is that there is not an iota of hatred among the commenters, or even in the writer. And without hatred there can be no war of recovery of the English roses.

What can save the white race at this point? Only that a million white men on each side of the Atlantic develop the infinite hatred that I feel. But how likely are they to become like me?

Probabilities seem null, don’t they? However, there is a possibility of salvation: a Deus ex Machina in the real world, the convergence of catastrophes.

What would happen if in the coming winter, as happened with the Spanish influenza of a century ago, the contagion curve rises dramatically? And what would happen if that catastrophe converges with the fall of the dollar? (Both gold and silver have already started to rise—the real indicator that something big is coming, as we have been predicting on this site since 2011.) And what if in the US Biden wins and the old senile president dies so that his negress vice president transitions from soft totalitarianism to hard totalitarianism?

Several times I have said on this site that the first president of Paraguay forced whites to marry Indians, blacks or mulattas: an even ‘harder’ step to exterminate the white race than the ‘soft’ steps taken in the UK.

What happened these days on the Taylor and MacDonald webzines confirms what I have been saying: white nationalism only represents a couple of baby steps for the normie to start going to the other side of the Rubicon. It should be more than obvious that on the other side we already can see warriors ready to fight for the recovery not only of their land but… of their beautiful women! Will catastrophes converge in time to make the white male react?

Most white advocates don’t even know that the dollar is going to collapse. Still others are in a state of abject denial about the Chinese virus saying it’s like the flu. And still other racialists are reluctant to see the extreme gravity of the situation: a soft totalitarianism that aims to exterminate the white race. They cannot even imagine that historical inertia is directly aimed at a hard totalitarianism that implements the anti-white policy of the first president of Paraguay throughout the West, as in Kendall’s novel.

Lack of warrior hatred in the movement; the lack of the most elementary knowledge of history (most racialists don’t even want to read Pierce’s non-fiction book) and of the economy, make the white nationalist movement of today a sort of child throwing a tantrum in the middle of the Rubicon, unwilling to walk past his first baby steps.

But history leans toward what we say in The West’s Darkest Hour, not what they say. It is true that we cannot predict, for sure, what will happen to the Chinese virus. But if the herd’s immunity or vaccines are not created (I doubt it—cf. Chris Martenson) and that converges with the catastrophe of the dollar crashing, a window of opportunity will open for white males to start waking up in enough quantity to make a difference.

An opportunity is only an opportunity. In no way is it assured that, even if catastrophes converge with a negress president who starts to implement policies such as those implemented in Paraguay, whites will want to wake up.

‘Men will fight to the death for only the most basic of motives’, said George Lincoln Rockwell. If I understand human psychology well, in the convergence that will unfold in the following years and decades, at least thirty to forty percent of whites will have to die horribly before the survivors finally begin to wake up and wield the sword. Including this article, there are sixteen entries on this site under the heading ‘The Sword’. But when catastrophes converge, who among today’s racialists will want to wield it?