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George Orwell Racial right

Astronomic doublethink

Doublethink is a neologism that appears in George Orwell’s novel 1984, and is part of the lexicon of so-called Newspeak. It is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory ideas as correct, often in contradiction with their own memories or sense of reality. White nationalism is a perfect example that illustrates the meaning of this Orwellian term:

There is not a single non-white who ever expresses outrage or denounces the members of their race who murder, mug and rape white people. I’d even chance to say it’s not ‘normie whites’ who bother to publicly denounce these acts of their race, but terminal white liberals, white racialists or ‘fellow white people’ aka jews. Ultimately it doesn’t matter even if these non-white groups denounced their rapists, terrorists, murderers because every non-white body on white territory is an act of war. Every non-white body means fewer white people. —Verdigris

Virtue signalling isn’t confined just to white liberals. Those here weeping about all the black ‘people’ this horrible racist young white man killed are engaging in it too. No doubt this will qualify them for a kiss from the crucified rabbi when their shades float up to heaven. —Robert Morgan

The American white nationalist ideology represents such astronomical doublethink (anti-Semites obeying the moral precepts of the Jew who wrote the gospel) that if their doublethink could be measured it would reach Pluto. —C.T.

Follow Morgan on The Unz Review for continued updates on how, through Christian ethics, the normies and semi-normies he rebuts are part of the problem, not the solution (I include white nationalists in the ‘semi-normies’ group).

Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Merovingian dynasty

Christianity’s Criminal History, 146


The Church in the Merovingian Period

‘The Frankish reign of the Merovingians… was an age bathed in blood and murder, full of the most dreadful tragedies, at the same time replete with believing zeal and holiness’. —Franz Zach, Catholic

‘No one in history ever founded so many monasteries again…’ —P. Lasko

‘… a bloody period of the Frankish Church’. —A. Huack

‘Naked violence reigned everywhere… the continually renewed spectacle of almost unspeakable crimes’. —Daniel Rops, Catholic

In the Merovingian period Gaul was already fundamentally Christian, and became increasingly Christianised.

It is true that its oldest inscription, certainly Christian, only dates from the year 334 and Lyon; but today it has been lost. And, indeed, at that time Christians were still a minority, even in the cities where the Christian emperors, and of course their Christian collaborators too, lived.

In any case, the spread of Christianity in Gaul had already made rapid progress, and it seems that by 250 there were already bishops there: in Toulouse Saint Saturninus, Arles Marcianus, Paris Saint Dionysius and Narbonne, where a few decades later there is evidence of a Christian cemetery. And in any case, these bishops, like those of Tours, Clermont and Limoges, were in no way delegates of Rome. The alleged Roman mission is undoubtedly a falsehood of the 5th or 6th century: an attempt by the papacy to assert its authority. And, naturally, such a falsehood also had to ensure the apostolic origin of these Gallic bishoprics. The same motif is also found in Spain.

But in the 4th century, episcopal sees already swarmed Gaul. In the Belgian-Germanic territories, too, there are more and more bishoprics: in Orléans, Verdun, Amiens, Strasbourg, Speyer, Worms, Basel, Besançon, and Chalon-sur-Saone. Not to mention older ones, such as those of Trier, Metz and Cologne, all of which—like those of Tongeren and Mainz—falsely claimed to be foundations of disciples of the apostles.

At the end of the 5th century, when Gaul became the epicentre of Western history, some 115 bishops ministered there, almost exclusively in cities. And by the end of the 6th century, Gaul was occupied by 11 metropolitan sees with 128 dioceses: Arles had 24 bishoprics, Bordeaux 17 and Bourges 9, Lyon 10, Narbonne 7, Reims 12, Rouen 9, Sens 7, Tours 8, Trier 9 and Vienne 5.

A kind of holy cancerous ulcer

This period, in which Christianity infected the Germanic world, the dominance of the Frankish nobility was forged and the typical medieval society of royalty, church and nobility emerged from the 5th century, was an era characterised, as few others had been, by unbridled passions and bloody atrocities, betrayals and untold crimes.

Palace intrigues, dynastic quarrels, incessant betrayals, the unscrupulous elimination of kings and princes (the average lifespan of the Merovingians was 24.5 years) and the bestial campaigns to wipe out entire families were as commonplace as drunkenness and epidemics, famines and plundering. The history of Gaul in the Merovingian period is a unique chronicle of barbarism. Administration, trade and agriculture all collapsed to a greater or lesser extent, and crime triumphed to the full.

There has hardly ever been a more anarchic period in Europe than these early centuries of the Middle Ages. And yet the clergy didn’t think of forbidding intervention. The prelates were not overly incited by the desire for martyrdom. And the Church itself came to enjoy all the plundering and pillaging. Its real estate, which had already increased in the 4th century, then increased immeasurably.

Already in the 6th century its wealth grew ‘to infinity’ (Dopsch). ‘During the Merovingian period no memorable rebellion of ecclesiastical authority ever broke out, simply because the Church was not in opposition to the civil power, but collaborated closely with it’ (Bodmer). Indeed, the Frankish bishops participated in the power struggles between kings and grandees, ‘albeit with material and not spiritual weapons’ (Bund), going so far as ‘the de facto usurpation… of instruments of state and military power’ (Prinz).

In reality the high clergy and the first nobility are the driving forces of that immense confusion. In the imperium, they set up semi-independent powers, causing it to lurch either to one side or the other in permanent crises, which led to chaos.

There have never been so many saints, perhaps except for the martyrial era with its squadrons of so-called blood witnesses. In the 7th century alone, no fewer than eight hundred have been counted. Moreover, ‘that Merovingian century, so decisive for the development of the West’, found ‘a spiritual expression appropriate to the age in the lives of saints’, hagiography having experienced ‘an undoubted increase’.

The saints enjoyed high prestige. They built great monasteries with pompous churches. Like their biographers, they had an unmistakably positive attitude towards the monarchy and the nobility, most of them coming from aristocratic families. One could almost have the impression that ‘nobility was the anteroom to sainthood’, and one could speak of the ‘self-sanctification’ of Merovingian noble society (Prinz).

This was just as beneficial to the Church as the caste of the lords. Its desire for political-charismatic domination, which had been damaged by the apostasy of the old faith, was strengthened by the resources of the new faith providing Christian legitimisation. At the same time, however, the epoch, and especially the 7th century, was characterised by a ‘flowering’ of hagiography and a taste for the miraculous, which amounted to ‘the greatest falsification of historicity’, and consequently led to ‘the state of prostration of Western historiography’. All in all, this ‘was the result of a barbarisation, after the ancient stream had dried up’ (Scheibelreiter).

Free speech / association

Where do we go from Buffalo?

Although Andrew Anglin has always condemned violence, The Daily Stormer went down today because Payton Gendron (left) dared to mention Anglin’s site in his manifesto!

‘Legislation will be drafted to ban the mere expression of every last idea contained in Gendron’s manifesto, despite the fact that most of the material has nothing to do with direct calls for violence’, writes Jim Goad in a piece published today on Counter-Currents.

I hope he’s wrong…

Civil war Real men

Gendron’s manifesto:

A brief critique

First of all, I would like to say that the way bourgeois racialists denigrate the actions not only of this shooter but previous ones (Breivik, Tarrant, etc.) in the comments section of Counter-Currents, The Unz Review and even The Occidental Observer, is infinitely more reprehensible than what these lone wolves do (see what Robert Morgan said on The Unz Review).

I have the impression that these bourgeois racialists have been saying these mean things about the lone wolves because they are incapable of revolutionary thinking, only reactionary comments; and the existence of the wolves confronts them not only with their cowardice as Aryan men, but with their intellectual cowardice.

As I said in my post yesterday, this is no time for violence. But it is time to talk about revolution while respecting the limits of Brandenburg v. Ohio: something the cowardly bourgeois don’t even dare to do with their internet pseudonyms—cowards! That said, the manifesto of the latest lone wolf is full of typical adolescent mistakes; which is obvious, as this wolfie is a teenager.

For example, it is striking how many pages the teenager devoted to educating his readers about the weapons he said we should acquire for immediate revolutionary action. Herein lies his first error, a psychological error. Unlike mature racists like us, Payton Gendron hasn’t realised, as Robert Morgan has, that the overwhelming majority of whites simply don’t want to be saved. They are, as I have said several times, the worst generation of whites since prehistoric times.

It is impossible to make a revolution when almost one hundred per cent of white males have fallen into a state of terminal degeneration. And if the race still has a chance of being saved, it is only because there is a chance that some of them will begin to cross the whole psychological Rubicon toward National Socialism (not just part of the river, as the despicable bourgeois racialists do) once the social catastrophes start to converge.

In his manifesto, the teenager wrote:

Did or do you personally hate foreigners or other cultures?

No, many people and their cultures are great, but it’s important to note that they can only stay great if they are separated from each other.

If the teenager had come across this site, he would have realised that the above statement is false. Just remember what I have said about pre-Columbian cultures, and the way the Chinese treat animals, to realise that the above statement is rubbish. I don’t even want to link what I have said in books like Day of Wrath and On Exterminationism about Amerindians or the Chinese because the regular visitor to this site already knows what I mean. These non-whites have behaved like real monsters towards animals and children and don’t deserve our sympathy. The teenager’s ignorance on this point proves that it is no time for revolution but, as Bloodraven said, to learn. In his manifesto, Gendron wrote:

Are you a Christian?

No. I do not ask God for salvation by faith, nor do I confess my sins to Him. I personally believe there is no afterlife. I do however believe in and practice many Christian values.

So Gendron believes and practices many Christian values. He is aware that ‘leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful’. But precisely because he left Bloodraven’s cave before finishing his training, he failed to see the past to the extent of realising, as those who did stay there have realised (remember that in his Zarathustra Nietzsche put this legendary character in a cave), that it was precisely the early Christians who hated anything strong, good and successful, such as Greco-Roman statuary that they shattered. Gendron continues:

Who is truly to blame?

The people who are to blame most are ourselves, European men. Strong men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die. Weak men have created this situation and strong men are needed to fix it… STRONG MEN MUST RISE UP.

Once again: the adolescent doesn’t realise that these strong men no longer exist, only lemmings. Then Gendron talks about a subject that hurts me to the core: the rapes of a huge number of pubescent English roses on Cuck Island, linking articles with statistics. Gendron ignores that Rudyard Kipling’s poem about the wrath of the awakened English is now such an anachronism that English males can hear of those statistics and they still love immigrants. (The Christian triumph of loving the enemy has reached its climax today, especially among secular whites.) Gendron wrote:

They see the decay all around them, plummeting, free-falling birth rates all across the Western world. Millions of invaders landing on our shores, conquering our towns and without a single shot fired in response. Broken families with soaring divorce rates, that’s if they even bother to get married at all. Suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act (singers, sports stars, actors). Drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism. Rampant urbanization and industrialization, ever expanding cities and shrinking forests, a complete removal of man from nature, with the obvious results. Pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. Art and beauty subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau wonders, soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and nowhere. Suicidal, nihilistic and degenerate pop icons produced from a dead culture: Michael Jackson (pedophile, self hating, self mutilating, opiod addict), Madonna (degenerate, drug addict, childless, whore, anti-christian, pro miscegenation), Kurt Cobain (suicidal, drug addict, self hater, anti-social), Freddy Mercury (lifelong identity crisis, lifelong battle with hedonism and drug use, eventual death due to sexual hedonism) just to name a few.

Bold typeface is mine. Pedophile priests have always existed in Christendom (cf. what we have been saying on this site about psychohistory). The teenager ignores that Christian ethics is behind some of the things he abhors in that paragraph, as anyone who has stayed long enough in the cave knows.

I was going to quote 750 more words from Gendron’s manifesto, including his concluding paragraphs and his call to arms, but it’s unnecessary.

Let us remember that Michael O’Meara ends the first book published by Counter-Currents with a call to arms, and we already see what has happened since the year of its publication in 2010: the authors and readers of that webzine sank more and more into a bourgeois lifestyle and essayism, not the ‘iron dream’ that Harold Covington liked to talk about in his radio podcasts.

Gendron probably never read a major intellectual like Michael O’Meara, and by jumping out of the cave prematurely he doesn’t even mention a less educated revolutionary, James Mason.

Incidentally, the image above was chosen by Gendron himself for the end of his manifesto.

3-eyed crow

On the recent mass shooting

Andrew Anglin wrote some paragraphs today that I’ll quote in the comments section of this post. I would add a couple of thoughts.

Firstly, these kinds of lone wolf actions that are not done in concert are very different from going Berserk. Despite the obvious savagery, going Berserk was a concerted Viking action to achieve something concrete in the pre-Christian world.

Secondly, Silicon Valley censorship is to blame for this kind of action. If they didn’t censor our sites, there would be a better chance of channelling this sort of Viking rage more healthily.

Brandenburg v. Ohio was a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court interpreting the First Amendment. The Court held that the government cannot punish inflammatory speech (i.e., The West’s Darkest Hour) unless that speech is intended to incite or produce immediate unlawful action. In other words, it is possible to speak about revolution at the academic level, even if that revolution involves overthrowing the US government.

If Silicon Valley revered the spirit of these laws, there would already be popular treatises and FAQs over the Internet about how to make a revolution in the nebulous future. That would channel a lot of today’s Aryan frustration into smarter behaviour than something like what just happened in Buffalo.

It is possible to convince a young white man not to do something rash if there is a concrete revolutionary plan for that future. But today’s racialist sites, in addition to the censorship of Silicon Valley, are also responsible for failing to provide that outlet, insofar as they are all reactionary, not revolutionary.

We have said many times on this site that it isn’t time for direct politics because the darkest hour of the West means that almost all Aryan males, the normies, have gone bananas. It is time to become pupils of Bloodraven (an obvious allusion to Odin, because George R.R. Martin’s fictional figure was, like Odin, one-eyed and surrounded by ravens). There, in Bloodraven’s cave, he would learn to develop paranormal retrocognition: see the historical past, especially the destruction of the Greco-Roman world by a Semitic cult and the holocaust of Germans committed by the Allies after 1945.

If, moreover, as even seen in the TV series, Bloodraven’s pupil learns to open his third eye and see a couple of glimpses of the future, he won’t see exactly the shadow of a dragon flying over King’s Landing, but how the collapse of the dollar of that Westeros capital will set that city on fire.

The pupil with the power to move through time—the real historical past and glimpses of the future—will shed his psychic skin. He will mature. And through that maturity he will realise that it is futile to strengthen the System by the intemperate actions of isolated lone wolves.

I know that’s a lot to ask hormonal teenagers and youths who want to go Berserk immediately. ‘I don’t want to be like you, a mummified old man fused to a tree’, the pupil said to Bloodraven. He replied that he wouldn’t be; that there was going to be a war, and that the pupil will have a future outside the cave.

But before all that, the pupil must learn.

Conservatism Rape of the Sabine Women Real men

The return of the Blond Beast


Against Pierce and Laje

In our latest translation of the preface to a reliable edition of Hitler’s after-dinner talks, we came across this passage:

The defeat of 1918, he thought, and the harsh terms of the peace treaty so wounded the national pride and self-confidence of the German people that they exerted all their strength to get out of the distress.

The German who wrote that passage was referring to Hitler’s mind, but now I could say that the defeat of 1945 and the harsh Diktat imposed by the Allies so wounded the national pride and self-confidence of the German people that they, finally, gave up.

And this reminds me of what I said a couple of days ago in criticising Jordan Peterson: that the Woke Monster was spawned by the anti-German propaganda that the entire West has suffered after 1945. As to the medicine, I would like to take this opportunity to say something vitally important.

The most popular Spanish-speaking intellectual on conservative media is Agustín Laje, whom I have discussed both here and in the Spanish section of this site. Laje’s case reminds me of an argument between Greg Johnson and Hunter Wallace a dozen years ago about why, according to the former, conservatives will never win. Laje, branded an ‘ultra-right-winger’ by the Latin American and Spanish press (in fact, he’s a typical conservative), has said several times in interviews that a man who rapes a woman should be given life imprisonment and chemical castration.

Compare Laje’s stance with what I quoted yesterday from Andrew Anglin!

The Spanish Vox party, branded as fascist by the Spanish press, has made identical pronouncements on life imprisonment for rapists (i.e., males). How can’t we be living in the darkest hour if these so-called ultra-right-wingers and so-called fascists do nothing but demoralise males even further? Certainly, conservatives will never win! Note that they aren’t saying that women who give false testimony against men should be given life imprisonment as liars. No: the phoney right-wing extremists and fascists in today’s media are part of the machinery of absolute demoralisation to which the Aryan male has been subjected since Hitler lost the war.

The Aryans are so demoralised that they no longer want to fight. As we also saw at noon, in table talk #114 Hitler said ‘If the German people are not prepared to stand up for their self-preservation, fine: then let them disappear!’ In this light, even the toughest thing ever written in America to save the race, William Pierce’s novel, has a passage that resembles what Laje is saying in the media about rapists. Two years ago I wrote:

An individual who truly transvalues all values detects reminiscences of the Christian ethos even in the harshest novel a white advocate has written. The Turner Diaries contains a passage in which it is said that the Order would take a freedom fighter to the firing squad if he rapes a woman who also belongs to that liberation movement.

The first thing to consider here is that Pierce wrote his novel before the movement of frustrated men emerged on the internet analysing women’s psychology to the point of understanding it. In a nutshell, women only become bad if they don’t have many children, just as men become bad if we fail to kill the enemy.

During war the life of a man is worth infinitely more than the life of a woman, and this is where Pierce erred. One of the toughest episodes during Caesar’s war in Gaul happened when those on Vercingetorix’s side had to expel Gallic women and children from a besieged fortress, as the food was scarce, and it was understood that without the precious life of the male warriors the war would be lost.

Unlike the above anecdote, which shows how precious male life is worth in time of war, in the reader’s mind that passage from Pierce’s novel, which is very brief, only demoralises the would-be soldier. In total war what counts is to kill, genocide, exterminate, and not leave a stone unturned of the enemy culture as the Romans did in Carthage. Occasionally, this Blond Beast is allowed to rape even the women in his tribe. Although the Vikings TV series is as flawed as Game of Thrones to describe the spirit of yesteryear, I remember in one of the episodes of the first season that the Viking Rollo raped a woman from his village simply because he fancied her.

For the white advocate who wants to do something for his race, and even for the Pierce who wrote that passage, it would be inconceivable if you carried that barbarism into the world today. True, once there is a social contract in a pure white society (think of the Jane Austen or Downton Abbey worlds), rape shouldn’t be allowed. But in those societies the institution of marriage—every Jack had his Jill—was rock solid.

The point is that we are not living in times of early or late Victorianism. We live in a time when Christianity has been axiologically transformed into a neochristianity whose goal is that whites must immolate themselves. In these times, the only thing that matters is to disabuse the Aryan male from the lie of millennia, as Nietzsche would say.

Postscript: The Aryan must be disabused even of what visionaries like Pierce occasionally said. This is the only way for the male to regain his self-esteem and self-image, so crushed after WW2. Do whites want to rise from the ashes like the phoenix? Think like Vercingetorix and other Germanic warriors—including the Berserkers—, not like the white nationalists. Ultimately, the referenced page from The Turner Diaries smells of ink: not of fresh enemy blood from the ax of the Blond Beast.

Final solution Holocaust Reinhard Heydrich Third Reich

The Führer’s monologues (vii)

In his Anmerkungen zu Hitler, Sebastian Haffner argued that the character of the National Socialist leader was determined early on and ‘astonishingly always remained the same’. This is especially true of the basic ideological positions.[1] The proof was provided by Eberhard Jäckel in his study on Hitler’s Weltanschauung.[2]

Here we will only briefly touch on the thoughts that Hitler developed in the monologues recorded by Heim. The defeat of 1918, he thought, and the harsh terms of the peace treaty so wounded the national pride and self-confidence of the German people that they exerted all their strength to get out of the distress. Without the uncompromising attitude of the victorious powers of the First World War, it would never have been possible to inflame the national passions to such an extent, to achieve the will tension to regain the former world status. Hitler, in contrast to many of his followers and voters, sought it, however, only as a prerequisite for the establishment of a larger Reich, which at the same time was to become the organising power of a new Europe. To achieve this goal, no state should be in a position to oppose these aspirations. Hitler was deeply convinced that the land ‘according to eternal natural law’ belonged to the one who conquered it, ‘because the old borders did not offer sufficient possibilities for the growth of the people’ (table talk #117).

According to Hitler’s worldview, the first and most important prerequisite for the expansion of Germany’s sphere of power was the strengthening of the people’s vital energies, and the mobilisation of their readiness to fight. Since Hitler could not imagine history without war, he considered it necessary to educate the people to affirm the struggle for existence. He therefore consistently wanted the German people to wage war every fifteen to twenty years (table talk #17). Only in this way would they be able to summon up the utmost strength and maintain the necessary toughness. To get young and old, poor and rich, citizens and workers to identify with the National Socialist regime, to get them to unreservedly link their private existence with that of the state privileges were abolished, discrimination ended, and educational and promotional opportunities improved. Above all, the entire population was to be given access to the nation’s cultural assets. However, the National Socialist leadership reserved the right to determine what art was, and which works of music, poetry and painting corresponded to the consciousness of the people. In addition, Hitler expected everyone to take advantage of their opportunities, to make full use of the possibilities offered to them. If he failed to do so, if he deliberately withdrew from the struggle for life as demanded by the state, all support and tolerance would be withdrawn. The same applied to the people as a whole. Hitler spoke of them with appreciation and respect, and praised their diligence, loyalty and many other positive qualities. But he demanded that they accept the struggle and prove themselves in it. If they did not fight resolutely and bravely, if they showed symptoms of weakness, there was no excuse: ‘If the German people are not prepared to stand up for their self-preservation, fine: then let them disappear!’ (table talk #114)

Hitler himself spared no effort and no means to increase the strength and readiness to fight, but above all the inner unity of the nation. This was served by the attempt to bring as many people of German nationality as possible into the Reich from the occupied areas of Europe and other states, to have ethnic Germans or volunteers from related nations fight in units of the Wehrmacht or the Waffen-SS, and to enlist minorities or individual members of foreign nations, as far as they were considered assimilable, for cooperation.

The declared enemies of the regime were fought with the same uncompromising zeal that was used to select those who were considered useful and qualified according to ideological principles. These included, among others, Czechs, Poles, Russians and, first and foremost, the Jews. Hitler repeatedly emphasised with emphasis that there was no leniency for ‘aliens from the community’. It has recently been claimed that the deportation and murder of the European Jews took place without the knowledge of the German head of state.[3] According to another view, the order to kill them was only given after the conflict between rival forces had become so disastrous that there was no longer any alternative.[4] In my opinion, both theses are untenable. The assumption that the decision to the ‘final solution to the Jewish question’ in Europe was taken by Hitler in the face of the realisation that the war could no longer be decided militarily[5] is not confirmed either in these records or in other sources.

Hitler was the undisputed leader, he made or approved all essential decisions, including the most momentous of the whole war. The ‘removal’ of the Jews from Europe corresponded to the consistency of his worldview, as all his statements on this subject show. And the consequence of his actions from 1939 to 1941 can also be seen in the orders and measures he gave. The Einsatzgruppen that followed the German armies into Russia had clear instructions. On 31 July 1941, Heydrich was instructed to develop a concept for the removal of the Jews from the entire German sphere of power and influence. The fact that expulsion was no longer on the agenda is shown by the impediment and, from October 1941, the ban on all emigration. On 15 October the systematic deportation of Jews from Germany and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia began.

Ten days later, on 25 October, Hitler declared in the presence of Himmler and Heydrich at the Führer’s headquarters: ‘Before the Reichstag I prophesied to Jewry that the Jew would disappear from Europe if the war was not avoided. This criminal race has on its conscience the two million dead of the World War, now hundreds of thousands again. Don’t tell me: We can’t send them into the mire! Who cares about our people? It is good if we are preceded by the terror of eradicating Judaism. The attempt to found a Jewish state will be a failure’ (table talk #44). Without a doubt, all the fundamental decisions were made at this time. Heydrich then made the technical and organisational arrangements so that in November he could invite the state secretaries of all the ministries involved to the house on Wannsee for a meeting on 9 December 1941. The date for the conference had to be postponed given the events on the Eastern Front, but the ‘Final Solution’ was not. It began in December 1941.


[1] Sebastian Haffner, Anmerkungen zu Hitler. Munich 1978.

[2] Eberhard Jäckel, Hitler’s Weltanschauung. Entwurf einer Herrschaft. Tübingen 1969.

[3] David Irving believes that Bormann, Himmler, Goebbels and others ruled the Reich while Hitler waged his war (Hitler’s War, p. 251). However, he fails to provide any convincing evidence for this.

[4] Martin Broszat, Hitler und die Genesis der »Endlösung« (Hitler and the Genesis of the ‘Final Solution’). On the occasion of David Irving’s theses. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 25, 1977, p. 746 ff.

[5] Haffner, Anmerkungen zu Hitler (op. cit.) p. 157.

Manosphere Sexual "liberation"

Incels were right all along

by Andrew Anglin

Me destroying the realities of woman supporters on the internet

I was on Gab. You should follow me on there—if you don’t have an account, just bookmark my page—in case the domain disappears again. You can find the new domain there.

Anyway, I posted something against women, and some gay retard came in white knighting, talking about ‘chivalry’.

I replied:

You are a gay retard.

Proper balance of the sexes can only exist in a universe where women understand that their behavior can potentially result in male violence against them. If you take that threat away, as the West has done with ‘domestic violence’ laws, you cannot possibly have ‘chivalry’—which is really more of an obsolete relic of the Victorian elite than a traditional masculine virtue. Check the publishing date on Ivanhoe—it wasn’t written in the 12th century.

This doesn’t mean that men went around constantly beating up women, it means that women understood that a man was physically stronger than her, and if it came down to it, that physical strength meant that he had the ability to force his will on her. Just so, the man knew she could make his life hell by being an irate whore. It was a power balance.

Right now, women are systemically encouraged to use all of their powers of emotional manipulation and sexual abuse against men, and men are left without any response. In fact, women have a monopoly on violence, with the government having built a standing army to come and throw you in a cage if you dare to even restrain a woman.

Social engineering has created a situation where women are masters and men are slaves. The institutional power a woman now has with sexual harassment allegations—which do not need to be proved with evidence—is absolutely tyrannical. Men live in terror of the unrestrained power of women.

Anyone who defends women, at all, in any way whatsoever, while this power imbalance exists is a simp. Citing ‘chivalry’—as if you are a literal knight in shinning armor—is gay and retarded in any context, but in this context, where you are defending literal fat, half-naked street whores, it is beyond the pale.

You should feel bad.

This individual then started quoting ancient Greek philosophers at me, and explained that actually, he is in a very good relationship with a woman, and he has a secret method of keeping a woman in check—he ‘establishes moral authority’.

I replied:

Firstly, I have the decency not to quote ancient Greek philosophers at you, and I’d appreciate it if you would do me the same basic dignity.

Secondly, calling you a ‘gay retard’ was not ad hominem or slander, but a simple statement of fact.

Here’s another statement of fact: if your marriage to your ‘fiance’ goes through, it is going to end in divorce. She is going to take your kids and your money, and purposefully humiliate and destroy you out of sadism as a result of your weakness and simply because she can.

You have no idea what is going on. Of course you are in a ‘serious relationship’ with a ‘fiance’. You are blinded by your own brain dumping sexual reproduction hormones on you, which are overpowering your ability to reason, making you into a gay retard. Therefore the need to overcompensate by literally quoting Greek philosophers at me.

‘Moral authority is all that is needed to put women into their place’ is right up there with ‘vaccines are safe and effective’ and ‘Ukraine is winning the war’ among the stupidest statements I’ve ever heard in my life.

Here’s reality: look around you. Look at everyone you know, in real life. Ask yourself: whose marriage is working out? If you have any examples at all, then I can guarantee they’ve been together less than 5 years. Many people here do not even have one example they can point to of men who are in apparently healthy marriages. Maybe they did ten years ago, but the grandparents of millennials are all dead now […].

It’s not my business to tell you not to get married, just as it is not my business to tell you not to become a contract killer or a free solo rock climber. You’re a grown man, capable of making your own decisions. However, you are living in a state of utter delusion, and I would advise you to understand the risks of the endeavor you are undertaking, which may lead you to taking more appropriate precautions.

______ 卐 ______

Editor’s note:

The rest of the article can be read on Anglin’s site. I would translate his last line (‘Anyone who is defending women is trying to destroy you’) into my words: Anyone who is defending feminism is trying to destroy you. The same with Anglin’s term ‘gay retard’. I much prefer my own term: ‘heterosexual fag’.

Currency crash

Crypto crash

‘Luna’ just crashed and its value evaporated.

At midnight, my next post will advertise Andrew Anglin once more. But on cryptos he’s so wrong… Bitcoin may Luna after all! If you still own crypto currencies, it’s time to sell them and buy gold or silver.

Postscript of May 13:

If you don’t want to buy precious metals, fans of this site who have savings in Bitcoin or Monero can make a donation to The West’s Darkest Hour (click: here). I’ll do something productive with crypto-currencies while they still have value…!

Monologe im Führerhauptquartier

Monologe im Führerhauptquartier, 16

Führerhauptquartier [1]

Nacht vom 8. auf 9. 8. 1941 Nacht vom 9. auf 10. 8., 10. 8. 1941 mittags
10. 8. 1941 abends

Nacht vom 10. auf 11.8. 1941 H/Fu.

Die Geburtsstätte des englischen Selbstbewußtseins ist Indien. Vor 400 Jahren hatten die Engländer nichts davon. Die Riesenräume haben sie gezwungen, mit wenigen Menschen Millionen zu regieren. Mitbestimmend dabei war die Schwierigkeit der Versorgung größerer europäischer Einheiten mit Lebensmitteln und Gebrauchsgegenständen. Mit dieser Handvoll Leute das Leben der neuen Kontinente reglementieren zu wollen, konnte den Engländern nicht in den Sinn kommen; es hat auch keine anglikanische Missionstätigkeit gegeben. Das hatte das Gute, daß die fremden Kontinente ihre heiligen Güter nicht angetastet sahen.

Der Deutsche hat sich überall in der Welt dadurch verhaßt gemacht, daß, wo er auftrat, er den Lehrer zu spielen anfing. Den Völkern war dadurch nicht der mindeste Dienst erwiesen, denn die ihnen vermittelten Werte waren für sie keine Werte. Der Pflichtbegriff in unserem Sinne existiert in Rußland nicht. Warum den Russen dazu erziehen wollen?

Der »Reichsbauer« soll in hervorragend schönen Siedlungen hausen. Die deutschen Stellen und Behörden sollen wunderbare Gebäulichkeiten haben, die Gouverneure Paläste. Um die Dienststellen herum baut sich an, was der Aufrechterhaltung des Lebens dient. Und um die Stadt ist auf 30-40 km ein Ring gelegt von schönen Dörfern, durch die besten Straßen verbunden. Was dann kommt, ist die andere Welt, in der wir die Russen leben lassen wollen, wie sie es wünschen; nur daß wir sie beherrschen. Im Falle einer Revolution brauchen wir dann nur ein paar Bomben zu werfen auf deren Städte, und die Sache ist erledigt. Einmal im Jahr wird dann ein Trupp Kirgisen durch die Reichshauptstadt geführt, um ihre Vorstellung mit der Gewalt und Größe ihrer steinernen Denkmale zu erfüllen.

Was für England Indien war, wird für uns der Ostraum sein. Wenn ich dem deutschen Volk nur eingeben könnte, was dieser Raum für die Zukunft bedeutet! Kolonien sind ein fraglicher Besitz; diese Erde ist uns sicher. Europa ist kein geographischer, sondern ein blutsmäßig bedingter Begriff. Man versteht jetzt, wie die Chinesen dazu gekommen sind, sich zum Schutz gegen die ewigen Einfälle der Mongolen mit einer Mauer zu umgeben, und man ist versucht, sich einen Riesenwall zu wünschen, der den neuen Osten gegen die mittelasiatischen Massen schirmt, aller Geschichte zum Trotz, die lehrt, daß im beschirmten Raum eine Erschlaffung der Kräfte eintritt! Am Ende ist die beste Mauer immer noch ein lebender Wall.

Wenn ein Land zu Evakuierungen ein Recht hat, so sind wir es, weil wir unsere eigenen Menschen wiederholt evakuiert haben: Aus Ostpreußen allein sind 800 000 Menschen ausgesiedelt worden. Wie empfindsam wir Deutschen sind, läßt sich daran erkennen, daß es uns ein Äußerstes an Brutalität zu sein schien, unser Land von den 600 000 Juden zu befreien, während wir die Evakuierung unserer eigenen Menschen widerspruchslos als etwas hingenommen haben, das sein muß. Wir dürfen von Europa keinen Germanen mehr nach Amerika gehen lassen. Die Norweger, Schweden, Dänen, Niederländer müssen wir alle in die Ostgebiete hereinleiten; das werden Glieder des Deutschen Reiches. Wir stehen vor der großen Zukunftsaufgabe, planmäßig Rassenpolitik zu treiben. Wir müssen das schon deshalb tun, um der Inzucht zu begegnen, die bei uns Platz greift. Die Schweizer werden wir allerdings nur als Gastwirte verwenden können.

Sümpfe wollen wir nicht bewältigen. Wir nehmen nur die bessere Erde und zunächst die allerbesten Gründe. Im Sumpfgebiet können wir einen riesigen Truppenübungsplatz anlegen von 350 auf 400 km, mit Strömen drin und allem Hindernis, das die Natur der Truppe bieten kann.

Es ist keine Frage, daß es für unsere kampfgeübten Divisionen ein Kleines wäre, heute über ein englisches Landheer Herr zu werden. England ist schon deshalb unterlegen, weil es im eigenen Land gar keine Ubungsmöglichkeiten hat; da müßten zuviel Schlösser verschwinden, wollten sie sich entsprechend große Räume erschließen.

Es hat in der Weltgeschichte bislang nur drei Vernichtungsschlachten gegeben: Cannae, Sedan und Tannenberg. Wir können stolz darauf sein, daß zwei davon von deutschen Heeren erfochten wurden. Dazu kommen jetzt unsere Schlachten in Polen, im Westen und heute im Osten. Alles andere sind Verfolgungsschlachten, auch Waterloo. Von der Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald machen wir uns falsche Vorstellungen; schuld daran ist die Romantik unserer Geschichtsprofessoren. Im Wald konnte man damals so wenig wie heute Kämpfe führen.

Was den russischen Feldzug angeht, standen sich zwei Vorstellungen gegenüber. Die eine: Stalin werde die Rückzugstaktik von 1812 wählen; die andere: wir würden mit erbittertem Widerstand zu rechnen haben; mit dieser stand ich ziemlich vereinsamt. Ich sagte mir, daß ein Aufgeben der Industriezentren Petersburg [Leningrad] und Charkow einer Selbstaufgabe gleichkommt, daß Rückzug unter diesen Umständen soviel wie Vernichtung ist und daß der Russe deshalb auf jeden Fall versuchen werde, diese Positionen zu halten. So ist dann auch der Einsatz unserer Kräfte erfolgt, und die Entwicklung hat mir recht gegeben.

Amerika würde, und wenn es vier Jahre wie wahnsinnig arbeiten wollte, das nicht zu ersetzen vermögen, was die russische Armee bis jetzt verloren hat. Wenn Amerika England Hilfestellung leistet, so geschieht das immer nur in der Erwägung, dem Augenblick näher zu kommen, wo man England zu beerben in der Lage ist.

Ich werde es nicht mehr erleben, aber ich freue mich für das deutsche Volk, daß es eines Tages mit ansehen wird, wie England und Deutschland vereint gegen Amerika antreten. Deutschland und England werden wissen, was eins vom anderen zu erwarten hat, und wir haben dann den rechten Bundesgenossen gefunden: Sie sind von beispielloser Frechheit, aber ich bewundere sie doch. Da haben wir noch viel zu lernen.

Wenn einer den Sieg unserer Waffen im Gebet erfleht, so ist es der Schah von Persien. Sobald wir bei ihm unten sind, hat er von England nichts mehr zu befürchten.[2]

Das erste wird sein, daß wir mit der Türkei einen Freundschaftsbund auf der Basis schließen, daß ihr der Schutz der Dardanellen überlassen ist. Keine Macht soll dort etwas zu suchen haben.

Was die Planmäßigkeit der Wirtschaft angeht, stehen wir noch ganz in den Anfängen und ich stelle mir vor, es ist etwas wunderbar Schönes, eine gesamtdeutsche und europäische Wirtschaftsordnung aufzubauen. Was würde beispielsweise allein damit gewonnen sein, daß es uns gelingt, die Wasserdämpfe, wie sie heute bei der Gasgewinnung entstehen, aber für die Wärmewirtschaft verlorengehen, zur Beheizung von Gewächshäusern zu verwenden, die unsere Städte den ganzen Winter über mit Frischgemüse und Früchten versehen müßten. Es gibt nichts Schöneres als Gartenwirtschaft. Ich habe bisher geglaubt, eine Wehrmacht könnte ohne Fleisch nicht auskommen; jetzt erfahre ich, daß die Heere der Antike sich nur in Zeiten der Ernährungsnot gezwungen gesehen haben, zum Fleisch zu greifen, daß sich die Heeresverpflegung der Römer fast ganz auf Getreide aufgebaut hat.

Nimmt man zusammen, was im europäischen Raum – Deutschland, England, nordische Länder, Frankreich, Italien – an Kräften zu schöpferischer Gestaltung schlummert, was sind daneben die amerikanischen Möglichkeiten?

England weist stolz auf die Bereitschaft der Dominions, zum Empire zu stehen. Gewiß, eine solche Bereitschaft ist etwas Schönes, aber: sie besteht nur so lange, als eine starke Zentralgewalt in der Lage ist, sie zu erzwingen.

Gewaltig wird sich auswirken, daß es über das ganze neue Reich weg nur eine Wehrmacht, eine SS, eine Verwaltung gibt!

Wie die in den Ring ihrer Mauern gezwungene Altstadt andere Baulinien hat als die moderne Stadtrandsiedlung, so werden wir die neuen Räume auf andere Weise als das Altreich regieren. Entscheidend ist nur, daß einheitlich geschieht, was geschehen soll.

Für den Bereich der Ostmark war es das Richtige, den Zentralstaat auf Kosten von Wien zu zerschlagen und die Kronländer wiederherzustellen. Mit einem Schlage ist damit eine Unzahl von Reibungsflächen verschwunden: Jeder der Gaue ist glücklich, sein eigener Herr zu sein.

Die Waffen der Zukunft? In erster Linie das Landheer, dann die Luftwaffe und erst an dritter Stelle die Seemacht! 400 Tanks im Sommer 1918, und wir würden den Weltkrieg gewonnen haben. Es war unser Unglück, daß die damalige Führung die Bedeutung der technischen Waffen nicht rechtzeitig erkannt hat.

Die Luftwaffe ist die jüngste Waffe, aber sie hat im Laufe weniger Jahrzehnte die größten Fortschritte gemacht, und noch kann nicht gesagt werden, daß sie auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Möglichkeiten angelangt ist.

Die Marine dagegen hat seit dem Weltkrieg so gut wie keine Veränderung erfahren. Es ist etwas Tragisches, daß der Schlachtkreuzer, ein Inbegriff menschlicher Leistung in der Bewältigung des Materials, angesichts der Entwicklung der Luftwaffe zur Bedeutungslosigkeit herabgesunken ist. Er ist vergleichbar mit dem technischen Wunder, welches am Ende des Mittelalters ein mit seinem Pferd in prächtiger Rüstung geharnischter Ritter dargestellt hat.

Dabei entsprechen im Herstellungs-Aufwand einem Schlachtschiff tausend Bomber, und wieviel Zeit erfordert der Bau eines Schlachtschiffes! Sobald der geräuschlose Torpedo erfunden ist, bedeuten hundert Flugzeuge den Tod des Kreuzers. Und heute schon wird sich im Hafen kein großes Schlachtschiff mehr aufhalten können.


[1] Dieses Gespräch ist von Picker fälschlich auf den 8.-10. September 1941 datiert worden.

[2] Im August 1941 wurde Persien von britischen und sowjetischen Truppen besetzt, um den Transport von Waffen und Versorgungsgütern für die Sowjetunion durch den Persischen Golf zu sichern. Schah Reza Chan Pahlewi dankte am 16. 9. 1941 zugunsten seines Sohnes Mohammed Reza Pahlewi ab.