exactly Salzburg!
In the presentation of the book that I hold in my hand in my new room (on the wall we see some of Parrish’s paintings), María Teresa Franco, director of INBAL, informs us that since the times when it was an Aztec enclave ‘where the shoemakers, barnyard animal sellers, vegetable, plant and flower traders who came from Xochimilco prevailed’, the current Tepito neighbourhood in Mexico City is emblematic of the country. See some of the photographs that make up the book in this video.
Of course, the neochristian woman who wrote the prologue to the book praises what I consider nefarious. It was precisely the sight of such places in the heart of the capital that motivated me, since I was a child, to develop an exterminationist ideology.
Significantly, St Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of the Tepito neighbourhood: a saint whom, as an adolescent, I wanted to imitate (remember that I was raised in a fierce Catholicism). Who would have thought that, due to the abuse at home, I would transvalue my values from St Francis to Himmler…!
Not all the zones of the Mexican capital look like Tepito, which has such a bad reputation that people of my social class rarely dare to enter there. But I think it is impossible for an American racialist, whether Christian, or neochristian in the secular sense of accepting the Christian ethics of loving every wingless biped regardless of its appearance, to understand my exterminationism because he has not suffered such people over the decades. Asking Americans who advocate racism lite to revalue their values, to the point of loving Himmler and repudiating so-called Christian saints, is asking too much of them.
But the most paradoxical of all is that, as I said in my previous post, it is preferable to live in Mexico, or another third-world country, than in ethno-traitor Europe where the thoughtpolice literally breaks down doors, at night, to jail you if you say anything unkind about migrants. Those who know Spanish can watch, for example, this recent YouTube interview where Spain’s thoughtpolice dragged a blogger, who used to speak in a much softer tone than the hate-filled tone in which I speak, out of his home using SWAT forces.
Christian values reign in the West and are implemented with the ferocity of a religious fanatic like the High Sparrow, and his Faith Militant, in Game of Thrones.