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Currency crash Eschatology Third Reich Videos

Currency crash course, 5

Although Mike Maloney is afraid, like almost all westerners today (including quite a few white nationalists) of Hitler and his movement, I see this latest video of his course as the opening of a window of opportunity for us national socialists after the American dollar crashes in the near future.

Watch this video that mentions the rise of the Third Reich—but not as a warning, as Maloney sees it. Watch it as our best chance to pursue political change in both this continent and at the other side of the Atlantic (where they are also mistaking currency for real money).

Maloney didn’t read my previous entry on Liberalism by Yockey, of course. Although I see Austrian economists like Maloney as Cassandras insofar as they are accurately predicting the coming collapse, it goes without saying that I don’t endorse individualism in a capitalistic society, which easily leads to the worship of Mammon. However, this is not an entry to debunk libertarianism but to show how, as Maloney says at the very end of this episode, the Central Banks and even their think thanks “still don’t get it.”

(See also the four previous videos on the course:
Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4.)

Currency crash Videos

Currency crash course, 4

“As I have said many times before, the economic crisis of 2008 was only a speed bump on the way to the main event. I believe that before the end of this decade there will be an economic crisis so historic that it will eclipse the crash of 29 and the subsequent great depression. I also believe it is both unavoidable and inevitable, because it is merely the free market releasing the stored up energy from decades of economic manipulation. Yes… bad things are going to happen, but it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.”

—Mike Maloney

Note: Economics is not my forte and therefore I cannot discuss the complex issues of these new series with skeptical commenters. I would recommend those who completely reject what Maloney says to go to his own site, subscribe if necessary (it’s free), and discuss it there.

Currency crash Videos

Currency crash course, 3

“As I have said many times before, the economic crisis of 2008 was only a speed bump on the way to the main event. I believe that before the end of this decade there will be an economic crisis so historic that it will eclipse the crash of 29 and the subsequent great depression. I also believe it is both unavoidable and inevitable, because it is merely the free market releasing the stored up energy from decades of economic manipulation. Yes… bad things are going to happen, but it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.”

—Mike Maloney

Note: Economics is not my forte and therefore I cannot discuss the complex issues of these new series with skeptical commenters. I would recommend those who completely reject what Maloney says to go to his own site, subscribe if necessary (it’s free), and discuss it there.

Currency crash Eschatology Videos

Currency crash course, 2

“As I have said many times before, the economic crisis of 2008 was only a speed bump on the way to the main event. I believe that before the end of this decade there will be an economic crisis so historic that it will eclipse the crash of 29 and the subsequent great depression. I also believe it is both unavoidable and inevitable, because it is merely the free market releasing the stored up energy from decades of economic manipulation. Yes… bad things are going to happen, but it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.”

—Mike Maloney

Note: Economics is not my forte and therefore I cannot discuss the complex issues of these new series with skeptical commenters. I would recommend those who altogether reject what Maloney says to go to his own site, subscribe if necessary (it’s free), and discuss it there.

Currency crash Videos

Currency crash course, 1

“As I have said many times before, the economic crisis of 2008 was only a speed bump on the way to the main event. I believe that before the end of this decade there will be an economic crisis so historic that it will eclipse the crash of 29 and the subsequent great depression. I also believe it is both unavoidable and inevitable, because it is merely the free market releasing the stored up energy from decades of economic manipulation. Yes… bad things are going to happen, but it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.”

—Mike Maloney

Note: Economics is not my forte and therefore I cannot discuss the complex issues of these new series with those commenters who believe that gold or silver “are no cure for it,” no cure for the Ponzi scheme that will collapse within this decade. I would recommend those critics who completely reject what Maloney says to go to his own site, subscribe if necessary (it’s free), and discuss it there.

Currency crash Energy / peak oil Eschatology Heinrich Himmler Homosexuality Individualism Tom Sunic

WN conference

Below, the first paragraphs of “After the Fall,” a recent American Renaissance article:

The National Policy Institute (NPI) held its second national conference in Washington, DC, on October 26, with a very interesting lineup of speakers. The meeting was held in the Ronald Reagan Center, a federally operated facility, which resisted all “anti-racist” threats to the conference.


The speakers were introduced by Richard Spencer, director of NPI, and the conference began with Piero San Giorgio, a Swiss author and survivalist. Mr. San Giorgio argued strongly that current population and consumption trends can lead only to economic and social collapse. We may have already reached “peak oil,” and in 15 or 20 years, the energy it takes to extract oil could be greater than the energy we can get from burning it. We are also running out of copper, zinc, bauxite, and other metals while we pollute, deforest, and overfish the planet.

Mr. San Giorgio predicted that what he calls “the religion of perpetual growth” will come to a crashing end as governments default on debt and nations go to war over resources. The result will be widespread poverty of a kind now found only in the worst parts of Africa.

Only organized groups will be available to survive this collapse, and the best organized groups for that purpose are criminal gangs, which are well armed and used to getting what they want by force. Those of us who do not want to be slaughtered by gangs will need what Mr. San Girogio calls a “sustainable autonomous base” with its own food supply, energy source, and armed defense. Mr. San Giorgio believes we should build such bases for ourselves but that no one will survive in isolation. We are social animals who need a tribe and social links. In the mean time, Mr. San Giorgio recommends getting out of debt, converting financial assets to gold, and learning how to lead the simpler, pre-industrial way of life that is coming.

Mr. San Giorgio elaborates on these themes in his book Survive–The Economic Collapse.

Sam Dickson’s lecture, “America: the God that Failed,” seems to have been also very enlightening. He argued that “America’s great failing has been an excess of individualism that has destroyed the organic ties of community. The British were already the most individualistic people of the Old World, and those who settled North America were the most individualistic of the British.”

But what I liked the most are the above-quoted paragraphs on the doomsday. At last, for the first time—as far as I know—survivalism has found its way into a mainstream racialist conference.

Alex Kurtagic and Tom Sunic, who also delivered lectures, are still clueless about the coming convergence of catastrophes. Kurtagic, while speaking on “the end of the world as we know it,” pointed out that sometimes collapse “can be slow and that its beginnings may be recognizable only in retrospect.” As always, Kurtagic ignores that the collapse of the dollar will unfold very rapidly (for my latest entry on this subject see here).

Sunic “does not believe in the inevitability of collapse. Even if there is a large-scale collapse, we cannot be sure that it will give rise to a healthy consciousness of race.” Fair enough: we cannot be sure at all. But energy devolution, which will unfold very slowly after the financial crash, is inevitable (see e.g., my blog posts on Chris Martenson, here).

The NPI conference also passed the mic to out-of-the-closet homosexual Jack Donovan. Can you imagine this guy trying to deliver a speech in the 1930s Germany (cf. Himmler’s views on this, here)? As I said in “National Socialism replaces White Nationalism,” my ideological differences with the American White Nationalist movement are huge. I cannot even imagine myself attending any of such conferences without making a scene…

P.S. of November 1:

In this transcription of Tom Sunic’s speech I don’t find Sunic’s words that the AmRen author quoted above.

Peter Schiff William Pierce

Doctor Doom

With the exception of the blogger Mindweapon, no one in the pro-white movement seems to be aware that we are heading straight toward an economic collapse and a foreign debt crisis of epic proportions. This will happen when the US’s creditors impose a lending ceiling to the traitorous US government.

Now that the US government-created phony crisis is over and that the debt ceiling will be raised for the Nth time, I would like to point out that I have embedded quite a few videos by Peter Schiff, called “Doctor Doom” by the media, explaining the subject (here: must-watch clips for those still clueless that we are living near the end of the long Diktat after 1945.

Of course, you may prefer to see directly Schiff’s latest videos in his own YouTube channel (here). Whatever you chose, this is the most important subject for all those who desperately crave for the long interregnum imposed by the Americans on Europe to end.

Eschatology Michelangelo

The eschaton


How WNsts who say that they don’t believe the media,
they actually believe the media

The End of The Road documentary (YouTube clips here) that I have been advertizing on how the world as we know it will end soon—what I’m starting to call the eschaton—was released last year. People should take heed that Edgar Steele advised all of us to storage food for at least a year, before the System put him in jail.

On May 28, 2012 I posted an expanded entry of the below post. That’s why the first threaded comments date from those times. I am just editing and relocating it to August 1, 2013 for further context to what I said yesterday about my fundraising thermometer. Pay special attention to what the commenters in the entry itself say about the psychology of normalcy bias, and how white nationalists who say that they don’t believe in the media, they actually believe in the media.

Below, a miscellaneous collection of what can be read in several blogsites about the coming eschaton:

End of The Road portrays eleven influential commentators within the finance and investment communities, as they share their knowledge of our current financial structure. Through each of their narratives, a story is built which chronicles the current economic dilemma and paints a picture of the world’s financial future.


Eric Sprott,
James Turk,
Jim Puplava,
Peter Schiff,
Bill Murphy,
Dimitri Speck,
Mike Maloney,
James Rickards,
Edward Griffin,
Adam Fergusson,
Alasdair Macleod

These gentlemen have an intimate understanding of the ongoing policies—read manipulation—central bankers have utilized in order to keep currencies and markets from imploding. If you are familiar with central banking you will have come to understand that all fiat currencies have gone to zero (see the Mike Maloney clip in the comments section). This time it will be vastly different because it is occurring simultaneously, in the context of a macro-level, around the entire world.

From 100th Monkey Films:

In 2008 the world experienced one of the greatest financial turmoils in modern history. Markets around the world started crashing, stock prices plummeted, and major financial institutions, once thought to be invincible, started showing signs of collapse. Governments responded quickly, issuing massive bailouts and stimulus packages in an effort to keep the world economy afloat.

While we’re told that these drastic measures prevented a total collapse of our system, a growing sense of unease has spread throughout the population. In the world of finance, indeed in all facets of modern life, cracks have started to appear. What lies ahead as a result of these bold “money printing” measures? Was the financial crisis solved, or were the problems merely kicked down the road?

B. Paul said…

It looks interesting but I’m not sure that it [End of the Road documentary] will have anything new for regular Collapsenet users. Perhaps it will be a good tool for friends/family, if it doesn’t come out too late. However, some Zombies will never get it, no matter what evidence they are presented with or how clearly, concisely and urgently it is presented.

Lydian Mode said…

I’m starting to wonder if some people aren’t supposed to get it. Maybe they’re the ones who are supposed to die off. Maybe they are missing a vital evolutionary gene or something that’s keeping them from realizing that they are living in a very dangerous time and should think about some options to help them survive. Who knows? I just hate thinking about all the innocent children who are dependent upon their Zombie parents for their survival. This is the part of collapse I really, really dread to see happening.

James Beckmeyer said…

Most people are far too busy and wrapped up with their lives to “get it.” What we want them to “get” sounds outright loony to them, and since few people want to believe in loony shit, they will never get it. This is a perfect set-up for a very hard fall—much harder than the Soviet Union whose citizenry, for the most part, had a belief system much more rooted in reality than the US.

Businessman said…

This discussion reminds me of a quote I saw on video given by a late historian and political activist, which I’m paraphrasing here: “These people who tell you that they don’t believe the media… they believe the media.”

Peter Schiff Videos William Pierce

Economic illiterates

Greg Johnson’s latest article, “Premature populism,” reminded me my favorite comment by Ward Kendall in this blog:

The moment Billy Pierce started selling “hate core” CDs via the National Alliance’s putrid distributor Resistance is the moment he shoved a figurative gun barrel clean down his clucking, chicken-skinned, babbling throat and yanked the trigger.

Brainz wuz eberwheres, folks!

Kendall is right. And Johnson is right too that—as I interpret his latest article—, since the US is not economically suffering like Greece, Americans still cannot have the benefits of a movement like Golden Dawn.

But like most white nationalists Johnson ignores that America’s bottom will drop out sometime during this decade. See for example the first comment at Johnson’s piece: a whole essay on its own where a commenter, suffering from typical normalcy bias, imagines that business as usual will continue… until 2045!:

If, a hundred years and more after Hitler is dead, it’s still too soon for any assertion of white interests, I think that would be a logical reason for being pessimistic about our prospects.

Here at WDH I have been embedding quite a few Peter Schiff videos (see for example this one) that, with the honorable exception of the commenter John Martínez, have not convinced anyone.

Why people, why? Because Schiff is of Jewish extraction?

Oh boy! I own a copy of the documentary film End of the Road. If some of the regular commenters want to listen voices of economists light-years away from Counter-Currents’ point of view on economics, including gentile voices of course, let me know. I could lend the DVD by mail to those who are willing to listen the pretty solid arguments of those who have been predicting the crash since Alan Greenspan started to print dollars like crazy (and let’s not talk of Obama’s Jew, Ben Bernanke).

Thanks to the fact that, as Mike Maloney says, “fiat currencies always fail” and that “there’s no exception to this,” the days when white populism are no longer premature in America are closer than what the average nationalist imagines.

Americanism Eschatology Final solution New York

Germany: be warned!

Denise, one of the commenters at Occidental Dissent today, addressing another commenter said:

Dammler: Jews created World War II. They created that mess. Hitler tried to prevent Jews doing to Germany what they did to Russia. Screw off. The problem with Adolf and the National Socialists is that they were too liberal. When one pulls up the rock on the real history of the kikenvermin one marvels at the fact that they weren’t all hunted down and killed off completely.

My sister and I were discussing this error of judgment at Easter Dinner. I’ve concluded that Jews escaped their well-deserved fate because we did not possess mass communications before. The Juden Tuefel would go to one place—wreck that, get the boot, then go somewhere else. The new Host knew nothing about what happened in “the last place.” The whole effing world is pretty much on to the Hebes, now. America is the Last Bastion of Cluelessness—but that miasma is rapidly dwindling. As the economy implodes, due the systematic, eternal malevolent machination of the Spawn of Satan, I see more and more folks wising up. When the USA is Cypressed hell will breaketh loose, and the Spawn of Satan will be sent back to their Daddy in Hell. Expulsion #110 will be global, and final—and they’ve brought it all on themselves.

Can’t wait. I’m stocking up on lots of popcorn.

Ditto: sooner or later the USA will get Cypressed. Those who have been following the entries of this blog under the category “currency crash” know that there is no question that the dollar will collapse and probably hyperinflate.

Germany: pay attention please!

Most of the thousands of tonnes of your gold in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, located beside the gold that belongs to other countries, should be instead in Frankfurt or Berlin.

RickardsThe economist James Rickards has been predicting for some time that, after the dollar hyperinflates, the thousands of tonnes of gold in New York will be confiscated from the Europeans, Japanese and the IMF by the US government: a nation that already is the main perpetrator of the crime of the century when we were born.

If the dollar crashes under the watch of Ben Bernanke, and some Austrian economists are predicting that it will crash under this Obama administration, the US government will probably combine all of its gold with the confiscated gold of the nations that naively deposited it overseas and have 17,000 tonnes or upwards of 20,000 tonnes: 70 percent of all the official gold in the world.

Federal-Reserve-Bank-of-New-YorkThat would be enough to “reboot” the crashed economic system after the dollar hyperinflates! To boot, with that amount of gold the nation that led the crime of the century will be able to continue to dictate the international monetary system along with still more Americanism: exactly the sort of Yankee Americanism that has been leading the white race to extinction throughout the western world!

I would recommend Germany and other countries to withdraw all of your gold reservoirs from Yankeedom, exactly what Hugo Chávez did before he died.

Take heed, you have been warned…

Ex Gladio Libertas!
68 Anno Hitleris