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Adunai vs. Morgan

An icon depicting Emperor Constantine, accompanied by the bishops of the First Council of Nicaea (325), holding the Creed of 381.

I’ve been watching the recent discussion between Adunai and Robert Morgan in the comments section of The Unz Review. Morgan seems to hold a classic view of Christianity: the one I held before reading a conservative Swede in Gates of Vienna. Now I see that Christianity is not just its dogmatic part, let’s say, what we who were Catholics used to hear during the Creed on Sundays:

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible:
And in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all;
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God;
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father,
by whom all things were made;
who for us men and for our salvation descended from heaven.

The above is the dogmatic part that not all westerners believe now. But Christianity is also the axiological part, what we have been calling Christian ethics. And from this angle westerners continue to be Christians. As Adunai summed it up in his discussion with Morgan: Christianity, in essence, means not the number of priests ordained: but the number of niggers loved.

This means that secular, atheist or agnostic whites continue to be Christians. It doesn’t matter that they have left behind the dogmatic side of Christianity, the Credo quoted above. The axiological part of Christianity (secular neochristianity I call it) is today in its red giant phase: incinerating, with its suicidal ethics, the nations that used to be traditional Christian.

It was not Darwin, or the revolution of ideas that started 1789, as Morgan seems to believe, what marks real apostasy. Adunai is right that Hitler was the first one who tried to transvalue Christian values back to pagan times (see also our ongoing translation of Savitri Devi’s book). This is our litmus test: If you are willing to do something similar to the Nazis’ Master Plan East, then you have left Christianity behind.

Otherwise you’re a fucking neochristian.

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Von César Tort

The Course of Empire ist eine fünfteilige Gemäldeserie, die Thomas Cole in den Jahren 1833–1836 schuf (oben, Destruction, das vierte Gemälde der Serie). Sie spiegelte die populäre amerikanische Stimmung jener Zeit wider, als viele ausgeprägte Weidewirtschaft als die ideale Phase der menschlichen Zivilisation ansahen und befürchteten, daß das Imperium zu Völlerei und unvermeidlichem Verfall führen würde.

Ich habe gesagt, daß der weiße Nationalismus eine kurzsichtige Diagnose des weißen Niedergangs entwickelt hat: die Judenfrage. Ich habe auch beklagt, daß amerikanische weiße Nationalisten nicht Who We Are von Pierce veröffentlicht und als Bestseller verkauft haben, um diese kurzsichtige Diagnose zu einer genaueren Weltsicht zu erweitern. Wer in die Geschichte der weißen Rasse einführt, stößt auf Muster, die auf den meisten nationalistischen Websites nicht zu sehen sind. Eines der auffälligsten Elemente dieses Musters ist die Geschichte des Christentums. Und ich meine nicht nur die Zerstörung der klassischen Welt durch christliche Fanatiker im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. Ich beziehe mich auf den Zeitgeist, der im Westen nach einer solchen Zerstörung entstand.

In der heutigen Welt der blühenden Psychose scheint es, daß die Mode, Transgender-Leute zu ermächtigen, nichts mit dem christlichen oder liberalen Zeitgeist zu tun hat. Aber genau hier erscheint mir die nationalistische Perspektive als kurzsichtig. Vor ein paar Monaten schrieb ich den Artikel „On empowering birds feeding on corpses“, in dem ich zu erklären versuche, daß einige Merkmale der psychotischsten Aspekte des heutigen Egalitarismus auf eine franziskanische Bewegung des 14. Jahrhunderts zurückgehen, die die Botschaft Jesu in ihrer ganzen Reinheit ins mittelalterliche Italien tragen wollte. Die Kirche von Rom war nicht tolerant gegenüber der egalitären Fraktion, die das Evangelium buchstabengetreu vertrat, und verfolgte die Fraticelli schließlich als Ketzer. (Als eine unterhaltsame Erzählung dieses historischen Dramas siehe Der Name der Rose von Umberto Eco: ein Roman, der das 14. Jahrhundert so didaktisch darstellt wie Julian von Gore Vidal das 4.) Niemand hätte im Mittelalter vorhersagen können, daß die latenten Ideale der Fraticelli ihre historische Chance bekommen würden, sobald die Macht der Kirche beseitigt war. Aber genau das geschah, Jahrhunderte später, mit der Französischen Revolution. Wie die Leser dieser Seite bereits wissen, waren die egalitären Ideale der Aufklärung, die während und nach der Französischen Revolution mit Gewalt in Europa durchgesetzt wurden, genau von der Botschaft des Evangeliums inspiriert. Es mag unglaublich erscheinen, aber selbst die kirchenfeindlichsten Jakobiner schlossen sich den Geboten an, die von der fiktiven Gestalt namens „Jesus“ gepredigt wurden – geschaffen von den semitischen und judaisierten Nichtjuden, die das Neue Testament verfaßt hatten.

Wenn wir das, woran der Westen gegenwärtig leidet, mit Krebs vergleichen, können wir sagen, daß die ersten Krebszellen entstanden, als im 2. Jahrhundert eine Fraktion des Judentums, die Julian „die Galiläer“ nennen würde, begann, die heidnische Welt in den äußeren Provinzen des Römischen Reiches zu infiltrieren. Die Infektion kam mit Konstantin und den römischen Kaisern, die ihm folgten, an die Macht, trotz Julians bester Bemühungen in seiner kurzen Regierungszeit nach der Apokalypse für die Weißen, die in „Roma contra Judea; Judea contra Roma“ beschrieben wird. Dem edlen Geist des Ariers gelang es im Mittelalter, die ausgeprägtesten ethno-suizidalen Aspekte dieses levantinischen Kultes zu zähmen, den man sogar den nördlichen Barbaren mit Gewalt aufgezwungen hatte. Aber erst in der Reformation und Gegenreformation, als sie den wiedererweckten heidnischen Geist der Renaissance ermordeten, begann man das heilige Buch der Juden ernst zu nehmen, besonders in der protestantischen Welt.

Nichts hätte selbstmörderischer sein können als die Verehrung des heiligen Buches der Juden, insofern sowohl das Alte Testament als auch das Talmud geschworene Feinde der Heiden sind, insbesondere des weißen Mannes, weil er das Beste der heidnischen Welt repräsentiert. Aber das Schlimmste von allem geschah, als dieser Virus von seiner religiösen Phase zu seiner säkularen Phase mutierte […].

Die westliche Welt von heute ist nichts anderes als die ideologische Erbin der Ideale der Aufklärung. Die sogenannten aufgeklärten Philosophen haben die Vernunft, um die Sprache der Zeit zu verwenden, nicht begrüßt, und noch viel weniger die französischen Revolutionäre. Diejenigen, die wirklich begannen, die Vernunft seit der Dämmerung der griechisch-römischen Welt zu begrüßen, waren die Eugeniker. Nur sie lösten sich von dem christlichen Dogma, daß „alle Menschen vor Gott gleich sind“, oder der neochristlichen oder säkularen Version des Evangeliums, daß „alle Menschen vor dem Gesetz gleich sind“. Die Krux ist, daß „Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich“ seit den 1960er Jahren zur ontologischen (wesensmäßigen) Gleichheit aller Männer und Frauen mutiert ist: das Krebsgeschwür im Endstadium, das den Westen derzeit umbringt. Wie die Kassandra namens Alexis de Tocqueville voraussah, verlangt der Virus der Gleichheit nach immer mehr Gleichheit. Es ist wie ein Gen oder Mem, das sich bis zum Absurden vermehrt. Und das Absurde ist heute nicht nur mit der Forderung erreicht, daß wir Transgender-Leute als gleichberechtigt ansehen müssen, sondern auch Trans-Kinder. Aber gemäß Tocquevilles Beobachtung wird diese letzte Metastase nicht bei Trans-Kindern enden. Es gibt bereits westliche Länder, die Zoophilie legalisiert haben, und in einigen von ihnen gibt es Vorschläge, Pädophilie und sogar Nekrophilie zu legalisieren…

Durch diese letzte Metastase, diesen ausufernden Egalitarismus, ist der Westen dem Untergang geweiht. Daran besteht kein Zweifel. Oder genauer gesagt, die christlich-abendländische Zivilisation, die sich in ihrem Endstadium befindet, wird noch in diesem Jahrhundert sterben, wie der Schwede vorausgesagt hat.

Der Punkt jedoch ist, daß alles seinen Ursprung in der radikalen Botschaft des Jesus hatte: eine Botschaft, die mir mit sechzehn erhaben vorkam, die ich aber mit sechzig als semitisches Gift für den weißen Mann betrachte. Die Zeit des Trojanischen Pferdes, von der Pierce schrieb, also die vollständige Umkehrung der arischen Werte in vom Evangelium inspirierte Werte, ist schließlich gekommen.

Quelle: C.T.: Terminal Stage, aus: Daybreak, Edition 2020, S. 190-192. Das Buch ist erhältlich bei lulu.com.



In computer science rubbish in, rubbish out (RIRO) is the concept that, if the original data is aberrant, even the most sophisticated computer program will produce aberrant results or ‘rubbish’ (in the US the term used is garbage in, garbage out, GIGO). The principle also applies to more mundane situations, for example, what is happening in our universities.

But Christendom, from Constantine to the forthcoming demise of Christianity—Xtianity’s fundamental premise is that whites must worship the god of our ancestral enemies—is the perfect paradigm of RIRO/GIGO. The darkest hour in the West—rubbish out!—is nothing but the acting out that whites suffer today as a result of such an extremely aberrant programming.


Keith Woods

That Christianity is a sort of extension of the Jewish problem is made clear in the latest video by Keith Woods, who used to appear in the McSpencer Group on YouTube before the thoughtpolice deleted all the videos that Richard Spencer had uploaded.

In his video today the young Woods mentioned St John of the Cross (see what I said about this ‘saint’: here) and other mystics. Woods informs us that ‘the claims of the mystics are universal’ and repeatedly used the term perennial philosophy: an esoteric or occultist perspective that erroneously views all of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single truth—as if the drive of Islam to kill and conquer is the same as what we have recently been saying about St Francis; and let’s not talk about sacrificing children to the gods in even more primitive religions (see my yesterday post).

Woods also said: ‘You need an ahistorical vision of absolute truth’ and spoke of ‘the experience of God’. But he fails to understand what God actually is. He also fails to see philosophy as what it really is (see for example here and here). Woods also failed to mention how his Irish parents—or whoever raised him in Catholicism—installed in his mind his religious introjects (cf. my very recent entries that explain introjection with examples of my own life).

Worst of all, what Woods told us after the seventeenth minute evokes, in a way, how Christian Matt Heimbach repudiated racialism in a public confession this year. Woods said: ‘…and to defend nationalism or racialism on the basis of an extended egotism I think it is basically incoherent and it is just relativistic and arbitrary, and believing in that it is as believing in any kind of far-left anarchism or anything else’.

Woods started his video saying that he no longer wants to visit social media because it is superficial, and informs us that it is better to read books. Recently I reread some passages of Bertrand Russell’s Wisdom of the West, which summarises the main philosophical currents. What Woods doesn’t seem to get is that even the great works of the so-called wisdom of the West also tell big lies. Even the best Christian art is full of poison (cf. what I have said about the music and lyrics of Bach’s compositions, pages 149-156 of my book Daybreak).

Like the vast majority of white nationalists, Woods, who with his statements today has apparently distanced himself from the movement, knows nothing about the real history of Christianity.

If avid book-reader Woods doesn’t know German to approach Karlheinz Deschner’s ten volumes on the history of Christianity, why not read the few chapters translated into English? And if Woods wants to go back to his previous practice of reading a hundred books a year, why not also read The Fair Race which also addresses Christian history?

What Woods ignores, as many who have not broken with their parents’ programming also ignore, is that what Christians and neochristians (which include those who believe in esotericism) call ‘spirituality’ is psychosis, folie en mass. Genuine spirituality is something very, very different and there is a whole category here, under that heading.

If Woods loves books so much it would do him a lot of good if he read some of our Daybreak Press books. It is not an excuse that he doesn’t want to buy them. Except Letter to mom Medusa (very personal stuff about my biography) those in English can also be read as free PDFs.


Linder on Christianity

Listen to what Alex Linder says about Xtianity: here, here, here, here, here and here.

Or if you want to listen to the whole thing, almost 8 hours of interview, click: here. In one the last minutes Linder said: ‘I really really have thought a lot about Christianity, and studied it a hell of a lot and when I eventually write something it is going to be part about it. Because I think that is the biggest unexplored territory in relation to racialism and the whole movement—the political aspect of it. That part has not been worked out. I honestly believe that even the significant people in racialism underestimated the problems that come from that direction and [are] basically tolerating it openly as some kind of good a neutral thing. But I literally could go on and on for seven more hours, he he! Anyway…’


Stop being insane

Editor’s note: Below, a passage from an article by Kevin Alfred Strom, ‘Stop Being Insane’, published on National Vanguard in 2017. Strom’s entire article hits the nail as to why the Christian problem is larger than the Jewish problem. Not only the traitors are more wicked than Jews (as betraying your own race is morally worse than an external foe who wants to exterminate you), but there are more demented Christians than external foes.

Of Strom’s piece, pay special attention to the sentences: ‘They [American Christians] may not know where their own people were 2,000 years ago, what they lived and died for, what they believed, how their ancestors struggled…’ And also: ‘they [evangelicals] view Jewish history as their own’. On the other hand, ‘They see images of our Germanic or Classical ancestors and there is not the slightest sign of recognition in their dull eyes’.

Do you see now why stories or foundation myths are so important? Do you see why every single white nationalist must read William Pierce’s story about their race?, why Christian-friendly white nationalism is so ridiculously blind?

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And the “Christian Embassy” behind all these projects is just a small-time operation, a tiny fraction of the overall Christian support for the Jews and their murderous state given by the likes of Pat Robertson, Liberty University, John Hagee, and their ilk!

These deranged White men have been programmed by a 2,000-year-old psyop to work against their own best interests and use their money and energy to help Jews, when there are poor White children in this country who will never reach their potential for lack of money, and honorable White grandmothers who eat out of dumpsters or go hungry.

Why do these fools care so much about Israel? According to the magazine Christianity Today,

Many evangelicals have vivid memories of sitting in Sunday school rooms, staring at maps of Bible Lands and listening to Bible stories week after week. Through such experiences, evangelicals came to view the Bible’s story as their own and the land of the Bible as a kind of home away from home.

They may not know where their own people were 2,000 years ago, what they lived and died for, what they believed, how their ancestors struggled so that they might live and have the blessings of civilization—but they sure know, or think they know, all about the Jews; they view Jewish history as their own and call the Middle East the “Holy Land”; and identify with the Jews as a kind of superior and more godly version of themselves. They see images of our Germanic or Classical ancestors and there is not the slightest sign of recognition in their dull eyes. But show them a picture of a Jew in the desert near a burning bush and they identify with it instantly. How bizarre this is—and how infinitely tragic.

No doubt these “Christian Zionists,” as they sometimes call themselves, sincerely believe the Jewish verse they constantly quote again and again: “To the Jew first!” To the Jew first, indeed!

Can’t you see how insane this is? The Jews support their own institutions, their own state, their own people, as any rational nation would do. But millions of the men and women of our European civilization, White men and women, heirs of the greatest culture the world has ever known, do not support their own people. With the words written by an alien race—“to the Jew first!”—upon their lips, they ignore the basic needs for the survival of their own race, their own nation, and ignore even the cries and suffering of their own poor and destitute, and give their all for the Jews. They justify and support genocide and brutal occupation (if done by Jews), and gladly tax themselves and sacrifice the lives of their children to make it possible. All based on a preposterous hoax that Jews are somehow holy and sacred and intimately connected to God.

What fantastic power to control the minds of their hosts the Jews attained when they hit upon the brilliant idea of taking over monotheism and remaking it in the image of their tribal, ethnocentric god Yahweh.

Not only will this misplaced loyalty and religious perversion be fatal to us and lead to our extinction in the long run if it is allowed to continue, but it is extremely dangerous in the short term as well.


SJW: an offshoot of Christianity

Editor’s note:Last month I mentionedthat the medieval monk Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) tried to create a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality. Fra Dolcino used thugs against the rich and fat bishops in his social justice war. Yesterday I posted ‘Lincoln refutes monocausalism’, where I quoted Robert Morgan’s comments in the last few months on Unz Review. The following is the most recent exchange of Morgan with folks on the right who still don’t get that Social Justice Warring has medieval roots:

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“I wonder if it has to do with the declining importance of religion among white liberals? That this SJW nonsense has taken the place of religion and they are its true believers out to stamp out any heretics.”

It’s a big mistake to set up an opposition between Christianity and modern liberalism. Modern liberalism is a Jesus-less sect of Christianity; one that, as Spengler observed about Marxism, has its roots in Christian theological thought. It acts like a religion and its adherents act like religious zealots because it is, and they are. Recognize that big liberal causes in contemporary America such as women’s rights and minority rights can trace their genealogy back to the Second Great Awakening of the 1820s, which fueled the abolitionist movement and eventually led to the Civil War, the result of which was full citizenship and the vote being given to negroes. All the rest of the unfolding racial disaster white America is currently experiencing got its start there.

America was founded by Puritans, Christian religious fanatics so uncompromising in their beliefs they had to leave Europe, and has never collectively apostatized from that religion[emphasis added]. Liberals may deny being Christians, and revile other Christians and even Christ himself, but unless they reject Christian ethics, specifically, the utopian Christian vision of universal brotherhood, they should still be regarded as adherents of rabbi Jesus. Disputes between Christians about what constitutes true Christianity and what is heresy have raged for almost two thousand years, so their seeming enmity towards each other isn’t unusual; it’s more the rule than an exception.

Obscuring this connection serves the purposes of both sides though, so it’s easy to lose sight of it and become deceived. Church-going Christian “conservatives” want to distance themselves from liberals even though liberals merely call for them to live up to raceless Christian ideals. They also can use the dispute to call for a return to “real” Christianity [Editor’s note: exactly what Fra Dolcino wanted], by which they mean their particular sect; so it’s a good recruitment tool.

Liberals, on the other hand, may want to distance themselves from church-going Christians and even Christianity, but this is just a pose, like an ex-prostitute who now claims to be reformed, or an alcoholic who got on the wagon and stopped drinking. No matter what they may claim, liberals remain the spiritual descendants of abolitionist John Brown, a Christian religious fanatic referred to by his contemporaries as “the last Puritan”.


Today, during my meal’s dessert, a revelation came to me. The symbol of this blog could very well be an iceberg. While white nationalists can see the iceberg’s tip (Judaism), they cannot see what lies beneath the sea (a Christianity that sustains it).

In modern America, the red carpet was rolled out for the Jews since the 19th century in line with the dominant Judeo-Christian, liberal ideology. So obvious it is that the latter is the invisible basis of the former that, as I said yesterday in ‘The Worst Scum’, if the pagan Vikings had conquered the American continent, Jewry would never have been empowered in North America.


The perfect antidote to Jesus

by Joseph Walsh

Editors’ note: White nationalists have misdiagnosed the causes of white decline. It’s not only the power of the Jews in the media and the academy, but the fact that whites candidly accept their anti-white narrative. The recent statements of Hunter Wallace in Occidental Dissent shed light on the ultimate cause of Aryan decline: the complete internalization of the suicidal ‘ethics’ that the New Testament writers sold us.

Recently Joseph Walsh said the following in the context of the narratives that have seized the white soul:


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Christianity + the false, lying WWII narrative from the Jews’ perspective = a lethal cocktail for the Aryan mind.

Removal of Christianity + the truth about Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany and WWII = liberation for the Aryan psyche.

But most Aryans, even WN, don’t appear to have the strength to face the truth and remove the lies from their worldview. And if most Aryans are too cowardly to face the truth, even though it means their own extinction as a consequence of not facing the truth (indeed many Aryans seem to prefer extinction to facing the truth) then aren’t Aryans but the very goyim Jews have assessed them as?

As of note, National Vanguard have an incomplete series on their website called A New Religion for Us and in part 5 Kevin Alfred Strom said that in future parts of the series they will “consider the martyrdom of Adolf Hitler—the martyrdom of Germany, and the near-extinction event that the entire White race is now undergoing—as elements of a new faith for our people.” I’m still waiting for that next part of the series.

You’re right [the admin of this site] that Aryans need a new story, really a new religion, a new mythos to enable us to revive and survive into the further future. Jews have a foundation myth in the Torah and a holy book with their ideology in the Talmud as well as a long memory of their history. Aryans need the same things—a new foundation myth, a new holy book and a reclaimed knowledge of their history as well as knowledge of who they are, of the essence of the Aryan race.

Hitlerism should play a big role in any future Aryan religion. After we lost our old pagan blood religion and indigenous culture to Judeo-Christianity, Hitler appeared as the perfect antidote to Jesus. Hitler was the earthly incarnation of the collective psychic power of the Aryan, repressed for a millennium by Judeo-Christianity and a veneer of domestication that it imposed.

As Carl Jung said, Hitler embodied the collective unconscious of the Aryan race. Aryans need to understand who they are again, who Nature made them to be. They need to have a strong sense of their own racial identity like the Jews do. Then our racial immune system will be healthy once again, as it used to be before the HIV virus of Christianity was introduced into it.

Hunter Wallace vs. Joachim Hoch

Update of 7 PM:I cannot believe it. All of Joachim’s videos seem to have disappeared from his channel!Can you see any of them?

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I am starting to believe German commenter Devan’s iterative claim that ‘Whites are Jews’, in the sense that even white nationalists have been Judaized to the core by failing to become apostates of (((Christianity))).

In my previous postI used as an epigraph Matt Heimbach’s silly words to convey the idea that the American pro-white movement is a grotesque chimera from the eugenicist’s viewpoint. (I know: to some visitors my chosen epigraph was like flogging a dead horse after Matt’s sordid scandal with the other Matt a year ago.)

Eugenics as a subject is so important that I had planned not to add new articles until Sunday. But Hunter Wallace recently posted a piecethat illustrates my point about the impossible chimera (Christianity + white preservation) that flourishes at the north of Río Grande. Wallace’s basic moral tenets seem fairly similar to Heimbach’s. It is enough to quote Wallace’s recent reply to Joachim Hoch to get my point:

Joachim claims that non-violence is ridiculous (15:13)

The overwhelming majority of White people in this country believe that political violence is immoral. 

Joachim claims that survival is its own morality (19:55)

No, that’s barbarism. 

Westerners are a civilized people with a deep and rich moral tradition. Joachim is comparing us to animals now. I don’t think we should be encouraging our people to act like animals. We’re not going to persuade our target audience by comparing them to salamanders. 

Instead, I believe we should be taking these deracinated people who have been stripped of their own culture and heritage and educating them so that they can start practicing the virtues and obeying God’s law to become better men and women like their ancestors. 

Joachim argues that William Pierce, George Lincoln Rockwell and James Mason were morally sound (20:48)

Why are the SIEGEposters so enraptured by this Helter Skelter nonsense? William Pierce wrote violent fantasy novels like The Turner Diaries and Hunterand even created his own cult for alienated people called Cosmotheism. 

Joachim claims that […]

Part of being a Christian is suffering and obeying the law: “Christ says that we should not resist evil or injustice but always yield, suffer, and let things be taken from us. If you will not bear this law, then lay aside the name of Christian and claim another name that accords with your actions, or else Christ himself will tear his name away from you, and that will be too hard for you.” – Martin Luther

Violence isn’t the prerogative of the aggrieved individual. In our culture, it can only be sanctioned as self defense or as a just war on behalf of the community. The question is closely bound up with that of who is the legitimate sovereign authority in any given area. 

[On the comments section Wallace added:] If there is a God who created the entire universe in all its magnificence, why do you think such a being would be concerned with only your particular tribe or ethnic group [whites]? Wouldn’t such a God be responsible for creating ALL life? 

Again, this is indistinguishable from Heimbach’s Orthodox Christianity.

Joachim Hoch is YouTuber ‘Burning Man’. It is precisely because Wallace prioritises Christian morals over racial preservation (‘You cannot serve two masters…’) what started the whole debate.

Joachim’s first reply to Wallace can be listened: here. His second reply after minute 23, aired today, can be listened: here. After minute 73 Joachim asks, ‘Do you want to be a preacher or a political leader?’ and later ‘There’s going to be a split’ of revolutionaries and non-revolutionaries.

Alas, ten minutes later Joachim reveals himself as a Christian and even piously quotes the gospel. He completely misses the point that Wallace (and Heimbach) are right about their interpretation of Christianity regarding Jesus’ commandment of universal love, which includes other races.

His Christianity aside, Joachim’s response to Hunter was really good. I do recommend it to those who visit Hunter’s Occidental Dissent. I especially liked Joachim’s response to Hunter’s words about William Pierce cited above. As to this Luther quote above (my bold type):

Part of being a Christian is suffering and obeying the law: “Christ says that we should not resist evil or injustice but always yield, suffer, and let things be taken from us…”


Yes: Wallace follows Christian ethics to the letter. What neither he nor Hoch get is that such deranged altruism is destroying their little race.