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Darkening Age (book) God

Darkening Age, 22

Editor’s note: Yesterday I saw a clip of Kevin MacDonald and Richard Spencer, in which both talk about the Jewish question. It might be very strange to say what I’m about to say: but he who, unlike MacDonald and Spencer and their purple pills, is fully aware of the Judeo-Christian question, has taken the red […]

Julian (novel) Literature

Julian, 55

During the weeks that followed, we saw each other every day. Yet I came to know the Hierophant no better. On any subject not connected with the mysteries, he refused to speak. I gave up talking to him, accepting him as what he was: a palpable link with the holy past but not a human […]

Constantinople Goths Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History, 114

St. John Chrysostom exhorting Aelia Eudoxia. Note how the Empress—the spouse of the Roman Emperor Arcadius—, in this painting by Jean-Paul Laurens, has people in her Byzantine entourage who are not whites. Editor’s note: In a nationalist forum last month a commenter said: A BS narrative that makes no sense. The idea that Jews created Christianity to […]

Christendom Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Judea v. Rome St Paul

Commissary to the Gentiles, 5

by (((Marcus Eli Ravage))) If Paul’s own writings fail to convince you of this interpretation of his activities, I invite your attention to his more candid associate John. Where Paul, operating within the shadow of the imperial palace and half the time a prisoner in Roman jails, is obliged to deal in parable and veiled […]

Racial right

Ethno-suicidal nationalists

The Suicide of Thomas Chatterton~ 1856Oil painting on canvas, by the Pre-Raphaelite Henry Wallis Since this is an updated version of my January 1, 2016 post, old visitors may only read my new, bold-typed phrases: Liberals, conservatives and white nationalists are heading for the abyss. A friend whom I talked in London told me that even […]

Carl Gustav Jung James Mason Kali Yuga Name of the Rose (novel) Oracle of Delphi Psychology

Dark night of the soul

I’m looking forward to Richard Spencer and James Edwards running for president and vice president this year to let white nationalists know that, legally, they’re not going anywhere (cf. Charlottesville). The time has come to speak about a revolution within the limits allowed by the law of the United States. As today the book Siege is the most […]

Ancient Rome Christendom Jerusalem St Paul

Commissary to the Gentiles, 4

by (((Marcus Eli Ravage))) Perhaps the bitterest foe of the sectaries was one Saul, a maker of tents. A native of Tarsus and thus a man of some education in Greek culture, he despised the new teachings for their unworldliness and their remoteness from life. A patriotic Jew, he dreaded their effect on the national […]

Christendom Darkening Age (book) Destruction of Greco-Roman world Hypatia of Alexandria Literature

Darkening Age, 20

In chapter 10 of The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, Catherine Nixey wrote: In Alexandria, Cyril conducted house searches to hunt out works by the loather pagan emperor Julian ‘the Apostate’… This was a new literary world and a newly serious one. ‘The extent to which this new Christian story both displaced […]

Civil war

A post without comments

Iron March, Rope Culture, National Action, Atomwaffen Division, Siege Culture, System Resistance Network, Sonnenkrieg etc. Who are these guys? Many of their sites are down. Metapedia, which does not promote violence (but which articles might be sympathetic to them), still is down. Conversely, RationalWiki and VICE are biased against them. They probably lie, but if […]

Julian (novel) Literature

Julian, 50

Julian presiding at a conference of Sectarians (Edward Armitage, 1875)   I was placed in the chair of honour beside the fountain, as Prohaeresius presented his wife Amphiclea to me. She is a sad woman who has never got over the deaths of two daughters. She spoke seldom. Obviously philosophy has been no consolation to […]