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Autobiography Parapsychology Turin Shroud


I have used the word ‘introject ’ (see e.g., here) and would like to explain it using a little isolated piece of my biography, as when writing a profound autobiography I had to come across this word. In common dictionaries introjection is ‘the unconscious adaptation of the ideas or attitudes of others’. But I emphasise […]

Homer Richard Carrier

That tiny mustard seed…

‘Traditional Christianity is mature viper venom that has settled, whereas liberal, enlightened Christianity is recycled and of equal effect’. —Albus Neochristianity, or following Jesus through secular self-immolation—e.g., white fans of BLM—is today’s religion. But how did such florid psychosis originate? How did the tiny mustard seed grow into such a huge weed that it’s now […]

Darkening Age (book)

Elemental psychology

This is a postscript to my entry yesterday, ‘The Aetiology of Psychosis’. This recent thread of discussion, on this same site, shows an elemental ignorance about how Christianity seized the soul of whites. First of all, it is necessary to understand that, as Schopenhauer says, ‘people learn religions as they learn languages’: what some psychologists […]

Deranged altruism Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Amalric de Droevig on Christianity

‘The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity’. —Hitler. I barely had finished my previous post and found out that Kevin MacDonald had just published, today, a critical article on Christianity, Amalric de Droevig’s ‘The Way Forward: A New Christianity, Partition, and a General Operational Plan’ of which I’ll quote most […]

Constantine Pederasty Rape of the Sabine Women Real men

The transvaluation explained

Stefan Molyneux was recently expelled from YouTube and his thousands of videos, deleted. Yesterday, they also kicked him out of Twitter. For one thing, that’s fine, as Moly, whose mother was Jewish, was always a gate-keeper on the Jewish question. And it is impossible to understand what happens to the West unless someone expands the […]

American civil war Blacks

Desperate idiots

J. Hart: Slaves were still held in several Northern states as late as 1865, so your point falls apart. Robert Morgan: See? These idiots are desperate. What’s the point of this objection? It’s just a lame attempt to cloud the issue. I think we can assume that the Christian fanatics who instigated and conducted the […]

Conservatism Destruction of Greco-Roman world Evil Racial right

Absolute ignorance of racialists

Left, old painting of Judeo-Christians pulling down the beautiful Aryan statues of the Greco-Roman world. Paleo-conservative Americans are complaining that Portland’s statue of George Washington was desecrated and pulled down. Also, a statue of Thomas Jefferson that stood at the entrance of a high school was torn down. In New York, city council members demanded […]

Christian art Deranged altruism Richard Wagner St Francis

Jesus’ message reaches its climax

St. Francis kissing the feet of Christ, from a painting of a crucifix in Arezzo, Italy. In Negrolatry the Negro is now the new Jesus, and the zeitgeist is trying to immanentize the eschaton in 2020. The last will be the first, and the first the last because the kingdom of heaven is like a […]

Exterminationism Film

On Barton Fink fans

There is something I want to say about the recent discussion thread of Savitri Devi’s article. Some things can be told rhetorically on a blog and other things cannot be said rhetorically. Exterminationism, ‘the religion of the 4 words’, is one of the things that cannot be said rhetorically. It is a subject that requires […]

Racial right

Raising the enemy flag

It is true that, due to what I said yesterday, I no longer want to visit the forums of the racialists. But when I got out of bed this morning a thought came to me that deserves a place here. Some time ago I saw that in an interview Jared Taylor openly said that the […]