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Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Roman Catholic popes

Christianity’s Criminal History, 139

– For the context of these translations click here –   Gregory I, work of the Danish sculptor Christian Carl Peters (1883-1884). Frederik’s Church, Copenhagen. We can thus consider Gregory as the founder of the temporal power of the papacy. Without yet existing a Church-State there was already a kind of State, or at least […]


Castilian intolerance

When in December I closed the comments of this site for a couple of months, I put a link to this notice: I am a very busy person and do not have a moderator who is approving or censoring comments. If the visitor is not someone whose personal religion is virtually identical to the ideology […]

Catholic religious orders Destruction of Germanic paganism Tree

Semitic tail in National Socialism

In this morning’s post we saw that Karlheinz Deschner used the word ‘Gentiles’ not to refer to the Jewish-Gentile dichotomy, but in the context that Pope Gregory despised unconverted whites, ‘Gentiles’. We also translated a phrase from Deschner’s book like this: ‘And in 598 he ordered Agnelo of Terracina to seek out the tree worshipers […]

Aryan beauty Civilisation (TV series) Kenneth Clark Racial right Who We Are (book)

Hitler verbatim

Yesterday I was struck by the wise words that, in his table talk of July 21, 1941, Hitler pronounced: Und dann unsere eigene Geschichte auf italischem Boden: Wer kein Organ für Geschichte hat, ist wie ein Mensch, der kein Gehör oder kein Gesicht hat: Leben kann er auch so, aber was ist das?! (There’s also […]

Racial right

Holmes quote

This recent discussion thread reminds me of something. The white nationalist’s methodology is contrary to that of Sherlock Holmes, who told Dr. Watson: ‘It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts’. I try to be like Holmes: […]

Racial right

AmRen’s BS

I recently quoted to Claudius the following sentence from Saturday’s article in American Renaissance: Violence or shrillness will never convince white people who may well have doubts about blacks but think it is immoral to be ‘racist’. Talking about ‘Jews’ as the source of the problem smacks of Nazism—another violent movement that did us great […]



two years ago the finale of Game of Thrones, ‘The Iron Throne’, was released. Below, a transcription of Yezenirl’s video ‘The Power of Stories: How Bran the Broken was Always the Ending’ which can be seen on YouTube:   ______ 卐 ______   ‘Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this […]

Destruction of Greco-Roman world

Cancel culture

Under Justinian—emperor from 527 to 565—cancel culture went after paganism no holds barred. One of his laws ended imperial toleration of all religions… If you were a pagan [Christian Newspeak for adept to Greco-Roman civilisation], you’d better get ready for the death penalty. Pagan teachers—especially philosophers—were banned. They lost their parrhesia: their license to teach. […]

Racial right Tom Sunic

O Christians!

The quantity of Christians in the racialist right still surprises me, and I’m not just talking about Americans. The last time I saw a video of Keith Woods, it seemed to me that this beardless boy was in the process of abandoning racialism in pursuit of his parents’ religion. Now he interviews an apologist of […]

Racial right

Der Movement

‘Every doctrine of modern political correctness can be traced back to a Christian, New Testament source’. —Robert Morgan Morgan’s response to MacDonald in my post yesterday reminds me of something vital. While I respect the studies of race realism that Jared Taylor has been publishing for decades, all of that is secondary. The primary thing […]