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Daybreak Publishing Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)


…the PDF of Savitri Devi’s book is ready and can be accessed here.

An Englishman who has been generous with his donations told me something very true. Such books shouldn’t be read on screen! It is almost a desecration. And in our cancellation culture, I agree with an editor’s advice to me: find a local printer to avoid future cancellations. (After Lulu, Inc., cancelled me, I would be cancelled again if I ever dare to use another print-on-demand service of any company, as they are all notorious for cancelling dissenters’ accounts.)

The editor’s advice is sound. But since I don’t have the funds to print, say, twenty copies of most of ‘Our books’, I have no choice but to bind them myself. A book like Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman (original in French: Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne) deserves a truly artistic binding, like this one:

For the same reason, I have asked a traditional bookbinder to give me lessons. Except for the machine to make the gilt lettering of the title on the front cover, the binding equipment is not so expensive. Although I have not yet taken my first class, I will be taking them as visitors to this site start asking me for traditionally bound books of Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman or any other of our ‘Daybreak Press’ books. He who will be teaching me will be binding them while I learn the craft and buy, bit by bit, the binding apparatus.

For the moment the books will not be as artistic as the one in the embedded video above. I will only be able to do that when my binding technique has matured. But they will look like these that I already have in my home library.

If anyone has a better idea to solve the dilemma that literary gems like Savitri’s book deserve a beautifully printed edition (instead of a bare PDF saved on our hard drives that very few will read), let me know in the comments section.

Those wishing to order a traditionally-bound copy of any of our books, including Savitri’s, please contact me by email (that appears in the middle of this comment).

Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Winston Churchill

Savitri quotes

I have been forbidden to visit England since my participation in the Hitler camp at Costwolds in August 1962. The situation created nine years ago or more by the presence on British soil of almost two million Africans, Jamaicans and Pakistanis, not to mention the Jews who had arrived as early as 1933, was already alarming if not tragic. And according to the echoes that I have been able to hear, it has only worsened since then as no measures have been taken to expel all these non-native elements. […].

Eventually, they will be a hundred thousand, fifty thousand, twenty thousand [whites] scattered over the whole surface of the British Isles, then overpopulated with half-breeds of different shades. The English will be drowned among some hundred or two hundred million robots, generally dark-skinned, with the most varied features. They will be the only creatures in this termite mound worthy of the name ‘man’ in the sense we would use it. But the world of that time will have no use for such creatures.

Perhaps they will cultivate in themselves a belatedly awakened Aryan consciousness. Perhaps they will manage, despite the distances, to meet from time to time in small groups, and talk nostalgically about ‘old England,’ now deader than the Athens of Pericles. Perhaps, at some pitiful meeting on some historic anniversary, some man of knowledge and insight will arise and tell his brethren of the race the remote and deep causes of their downfall.

Behold, he will tell them, we are paying the price of the folly of our ancestors. They are the ones who, in what was once our Empire, encouraged the propaganda of the Christian missionaries, compulsory vaccination and the adherence of the ‘literates’ to democratic principles. They stubbornly refused the hand sincerely extended to them by the greatest of all Europeans: Adolf Hitler. In response to his repeated offer of alliance and his promise to leave us the domination of the seas, they unleashed the Second World War against him, drowned his country in a deluge of phosphorus and fire, and burned alive nearly five million of his compatriots, women and children, under the burning rubble or in the shelters where the liquefied asphalt of the streets penetrated in fiery streams.[1]

We are paying the price for the crimes of Mr Churchill and all those who believed in them and fought against National Socialist Germany, our sister, the defender of our common race. These men, you may say, were bona fide but short-sighted. That may be so. But that doesn’t excuse them before History. Stupidity is itself a crime when the interest of the nation, and especially of the Race, is at stake. We cannot do what our fathers did and escape punishment!

The punishment will be to have some woolly-haired, simian-faced Christian as Prime Minister of Great Britain: a descendant of equatorial African immigrants and perhaps named Winston after the gravedigger of the former British Empire. The punishment will be to live amid a brownish, camel-headed England—also, at least in large part, woolly-haired—whose former inhabitants, the legitimate inhabitants, the Aryans, whether Normans, Saxons or Celts, will number as few as the native Americans on the reservations do today in the US.

Then, perhaps, groups of true Englishmen, more obstinate than the others in their resentment, more combative if not less desperate, will burn, every 8th of May, some effigy of Churchill purposely grotesque: his big puffy, plump face, furnished with the legendary cigar and smeared like that of a clown; his big belly stuffed with gunpowder. May 8 will, indeed, at last be recognised as the anniversary of the shame of England as much as of the misfortune of the sister nation; once hated, now adored with all the passion that accompanies remorse that we know is useless.

Perhaps these same Englishmen, and others, will publicly worship Adolf Hitler, the Saviour whom their ancestors of yesterday rejected and whom their ancestors of today—our contemporaries—still insult. Perhaps there will be, among the dwindling number of Aryans throughout the world, a militant minority, serene, almost happy in its unshakeable loyalty, who will worship him while waiting to become (they or their descendants) the bodyguard of the Avenger he hinted at but wasn’t: Kalki. But all late repentance and retrospective devotions will remain ineffective, both in Europe and among the Aryan minorities in other countries, especially in an increasingly Jewified and negrified America. Nothing can save the youngest of humanity’s noble races from the fate that must befall as a consequence of the crimes committed or tolerated by too many of its representatives under the influence of anthropocentrism of the wrong sort.


[1] Editor’s note: read Tom Goodrich’s 2010 book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany.

Democracy Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

What I am saying here about the decline of the Aryan isn’t confined to India. It is a fact observable in any country with a multiracial population, in which the State opposes the promotion of superior ethnic elements instead of encouraging it at all costs and by all means. This is particularly evident in any country with a multiracial population in which the state clings to democratic rule, where power rests with the majority.[1]


[1] Editor’s note: Democracy is the worst of political systems, as Plato saw in his Republic. Already in modern times, John Stuart Mill came to discover that when it is society itself that is the tyrant—society collectively—it exercises a more formidable social tyranny because it leaves fewer means of escape from it. And Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America that the kind of oppression that democratic nations use is altogether different from anything that has ever existed in the world. The French aristocrat added that his contemporaries will find no prototype of this in recorded history.

In vain did Tocqueville search for an expression that would adequately convey the idea he had of this new socio-political animal, and said that the old words ‘despotism’ and ‘tyranny’ were inappropriate. We are dealing with a new form of social control. Tocqueville’s observations left a deep imprint on the thinking that Mill would express a little later in On Liberty. Mill observed that despite claims of the contrary democracy doesn’t protect the interests of all but simply for the interests of the majority (‘two legged mammals’ is Savitri’s pejorative term of what I simply call ‘Neanderthals’).

Exterminationism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quotes

So what is left for those who now live, devoted body and soul, to our ideal of visible (and invisible) perfection on all levels? On a global scale, or even a national scale, absolutely nothing. It is too late. The twenty-fifth hour has come and gone, too long ago. On an individual scale, or at least on a restricted scale, we must preserve, insofar as it is still within our power, the beauty of the world: human, animal, vegetable, inanimate; all beauty. The elite minorities must be defended at all costs: all the noble minorities, whether they be the Aryans of Europe, Asia or America, conscious of the excellence of their common race, or the noble trees threatened with the atrocious uprooting by bulldozers for multitudes of two-legged mammals, less beautiful and less innocent than them.

It remains to watch and resist, and to help any beautiful minority attacked by the agents of chaos; to resist, even if it only delays by a few decades the disappearance of the last aristocrats. There is nothing else one can do, except, perhaps, to curse in one’s heart, day and night, today’s humanity (with very rare exceptions) and to work with all one’s might for their annihilation. There is nothing to do but to make oneself responsible for the end of this cycle, at least by wishing it ceaselessly, knowing that thought—and especially directed thought—is also a force, and that the invisible governs the visible.

[…] The passage of the poem quoted above reminds me of the title of a book published in France a few years ago: a cry of alarm at the idea that what will be, in a generation or two, the amplitude of human expansion on the surface of our unhappy planet: Six milliards d’insectes, i.e. six billion two-legged mammals with the habits and mentality of the termite mound.[1]

Forests are mercilessly uprooted by bulldozers so that a human settlement, certainly less beautiful than it, disappears to make way for ‘laughter, vile noises, cries of despair.’[2]

[…] The action which suppresses it for the benefit of man, that insatiable parasite, is a crime against the universal mother whose respect should be the first duty of a so-called thinking being. And it is almost consoling, for those who think and aren’t particularly enamoured of the two-legged mammal, to see that Mother Nature sometimes reacts to this outrage by manifesting herself in her terrible aspect.


[1] Editor’s note: At the time of editing this book the world population has exceeded 8 billion: double compared to the time when Savitri was writing her book.

[2] Leconte de Lisle, ‘Là Forêt Vierge’ (Poèmes Barbares).

Exterminationism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

There is no worse enemy of the beauty of the world than the unlimited proliferation of man. There is no worse enemy of the quality of man himself than this proliferation: it cannot be repeated too often that a choice must be made between ‘quantity’ and ‘quality.’

The history of our cycle is, like that of any cycle, the history of an indefinitely prolonged struggle between quality and quantity, until the victory of the latter: a complete victory, but a very short one since it necessarily coincides with the end of the cycle and the coming of the Avenger, whom I have called by his Sanskrit name: Kalki.

If I say that the heroic but practically useless attempt at recovery represented by Hitlerism is the last, it is because I know of no force in the present world able to stop universal decadence. Despite all the power and prestige at his disposal, Adolf Hitler was unable to create—recreate—the conditions that were and remain essential for the blossoming of a Golden Age. He could neither suppress technology nor reduce the number of people in the world to anything like one-thousandth of what it is today; that is, practically to what it was during the centuries before our Dark Age.

It is possible and even probable that, victorious, he would have tried to do so, gradually. But his victory would have had to be complete and not only on a European but on a world scale, and there would have been no power on earth to rival his and to thwart his work. But then he would have been Kalki Himself, and we would now be living at the dawn of a new cycle. He needed technology, and at least a growing German population, to carry out his fight against the tide of time under the present conditions.

The next time it won’t be giants or demigods but miserable dwarfs who will suffer the inevitable destruction: billions of dwarves, banal in their ugliness, without character, who will disappear before the Avenger: like an anthill destroyed by a lava flow.

In any case, whether or not we survive the painful childbirth of the new cycle, we won’t be among these dwarfs. The ordeal of 1945 and especially of the post-war years—seductive prosperity—will have made us, the few, what we are and what we remain. And in the roar of unleashed power that will mark the end of all that we so cordially despise, we shall greet with a shiver of ecstasy the Voice of divine revenge, whose triumph will be ours even if we must perish.

Kalki Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

The leaders who have led, or will lead, some phase of the eternal struggle ‘against Time’ after the limit point where a last great recovery would still have been possible—after what Virgil Ghéorghiou calls ‘the twenty-fifth hour’—haven’t been able and won’t be able to leave behind them anything in this visible and tangible world, except a handful of clandestine disciples. And these have, and will have, nothing to look forward to—except the coming of Kalki… He who returns for the last time in our cycle has many names. But He is the same under all of them. Now He is known by His action, that is, by His victory over all followed by the dazzling dawn of the next cycle: the new Satya Yuga or Age of Truth. The defeat in this world of a Leader who fought against universal decadence, and therefore against the arrow of Time, is enough to prove that this Leader, however great he may have been, wasn’t Him. He may well have been Him in essence: the eternal Saviour not of man but of Life who returns innumerable times. But he was certainly not Him in the ultimate form in which He must reappear at the end of every cycle.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t Kalki although he was, essentially speaking, the same as the ancient Rama Chandra, Krishna or Siegfried: the Leader of a true ‘holy war’, of a ceaseless struggle against the forces of disintegration, the forces of the abyss. He was, like every great fighter against the current of Time, a forerunner of Kalki.

I think that the grandiose parades to the rhythm of the Horst-Wessel-Lied (the anthem of the NSDAP from 1930 to 1945), under the folds of the red, white and black swastika standard and all that glory that was the Third German Reich, are as irrevocably past as the splendours of prestigious Troy: as past and as immortal because one day Legend will recreate them when epic poetry is again a collective need. He who returns from age to age, both destroyer and preserver, will appear again at the very end of your cycle to initiate the Golden Age of the next cycle. As I have recalled in these pages, Adolf Hitler was waiting for him. He said to Hans Grimm in 1928: ‘I know that I am not the One who is to come,’ that is, the last and only fully victorious Man against Time of our cycle. ‘I only take on the most urgent task of preparation (die dringlichste Vorarbeit) for there is no one to do it.’

One incommensurably harder than he will accomplish the final task—the task of rectification—on the ruins of a humanity that believed all was permitted because it is endowed with a brain capable of calculations: a humanity that largely deserved its fall and loss.

Kalki Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

As I have tried to show in another study,[1] all religious or political leaders whose action is directed against decadence, against the false values inseparable from the childish overestimation of ‘man,’ fail in the long run even when they appear to succeed. This is so because decadence is the true direction of Time against which no one should expect, during that cycle, to remain victorious forever. Despite this, some manage to establish a civilisation that is linked, in its basic principles, to some particular form of Tradition. They do this at the cost of certain necessary compromises on the exoteric level which ensure the permanent enthusiasm of the crowd to them, the consequence of spectacular success. Legislation based on their teaching still governs States, if not continents, centuries after their death. And although their work is crumbling and disintegrating all the more rapidly they have left something visible, something pitifully sclerotic—sometimes even degenerate—but at least historically significant. But there are others whose creation against the guiding trends of their time ends with them. This happens when inspired leaders refuse those compromises which are the indispensable conditions of success in this world. It also happens whenever such leaders live and act in a doomed age, when no rectification of any scope is possible any longer, no matter how worthy and skilful the initiator may be.

Only Kalki, the last of the avatars of Vishnu, can be successful in a battle against the tide of Time. And this success will then be total, consisting of nothing less than that absolute transvaluation of values that characterises the end of one world and the birth of an unknown and unthinkable world. Accompanied by unprecedented destruction, it will signify the end of the present cycle: the end of the Dark Age, from which nothing good could come; the end of this cursed humanity and the appearance of conditions of life and means of expression similar to those of every Golden Age.


[1] The Lightning and the Sun, published in 1958.

Hinduism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quotes

I have always, however, been pleasantly struck by the understanding I have encountered, as a Hitlerite, among orthodox Hindus of all castes. I have related the episode of the young Shudra, with the beautiful historical name of Khudiram, who showed more sense of true values—and a more accurate appreciation of Adolf Hitler’s role—than all the democrats of Europe and America put together. I have quoted Satyananda Swami, the founder of the Hindu Mission, for whom the creation of a common Hindu front against the clutches of Islam, Christian missionaries, and Communism counted even more than strict observance of orthodoxy.

The latter held our Führer to be the ‘incarnation of Vishnu: the only one in the West.’ I could multiply my recollections and recall the admirable Brahmin of Poona, Pandit Rajwadé, so versed in the work of Nietzsche as in the sacred texts. He professed the deepest admiration for the ‘Chakravarti king (universal ruler) of Europe’ who had come to ‘re-establish the true order’ in a world adrift.

I could relate the words of another unusual man—less literate perhaps, but gifted with a strange power of clairvoyance—whom I met at the beginning of the war in a friendly family of which he was the guru or spiritual master. This wise man said to me: ‘Your Führer can only be victorious because the gods themselves dictate his strategy. Every night he divides himself into two and comes here to the Himalayas to receive instructions.’ I wondered what Adolf Hitler would have thought of this unexpected explanation of the German army’s victories. I then said to the holy man:

‘It is, in this case, unquestionable that he will win the war.’

‘No’ he replied, ‘for there will come a time when his generals will reject his divine inspiration and disobey him—will betray him!’

And he added:

‘It cannot be otherwise; if he is an Incarnation, he isn’t the supreme Incarnation—the last of this cycle—Alas!’ [1]


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How could I forget the general joy in Calcutta—and no doubt in the rest of the peninsula—at the news of Adolf Hitler’s troops entering Paris or, some twenty months later, at the announcement of the lightning advance of our allies, the Japanese, to the Assam border and beyond?

The kids themselves, newspaper sellers, their faces radiant, triumphantly threw to the public the names of the captured cities—Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Rangoon, Mandalay, Akyab, Imphal in Indian territory—one after the other. The colonial government had banned listening to German radio. People who could hear German were listening to it illegally. I know Hindus who listened to it without understanding a word just to hear the voice of the Führer. They felt that the One who spoke to the Aryan world in an ‘Indo-European’ language unknown to them was also speaking to them—at least to the racial elite of their continent.[2]

But that is still nothing. What is most extraordinary is that this cult of the Führer survived, in this country, the collapse of the Third Reich. I found it alive during my stay in India from 1957 to 1960 and I found it again, to my joy, and despite intensified Communist propaganda, in 1971: and this, I repeat, especially in the circles most faithful to Tradition.

The only justification for the praise of an Aryan leader, a stranger to India, lies not in the fact that the Hindu easily transcends moral dualism but in the reason for this fact. This is to be found in the Hindu’s attachment to Tradition, not elsewhere; in his acceptance of sacred knowledge with full confidence even if he hasn’t acquired it himself. It is in the name of this more-than-human science that he finds it natural that, under certain conditions, what on the average human scale would seem ‘evil,’ isn’t.

This worship of the Führer, surviving in India despite so much enemy propaganda well beyond the disaster of 1945 is, moreover, proof—if one needed one—that Hitlerism, stripped of its contingent German expression, is attached to the primordial or Hyperborean tradition of which Brahminism seems to be the most ancient living form. It is related to it by what has, despite the imposition of Christianity, survived in Germany in a very old and properly Germanic traditional form, deriving from a common source of the holy Arctic Fatherland of the Vedas and the Edda.


[1] Editor’s note: The ‘last incarnation’ according to tradition is Kalki.

[2] Editor’s note: Compare this holy euphoria with the way the Americans and the British reacted to Hitler’s divine voice! It needs to be iterated until it is understood: Christianity fried the brains of the Aryan man to the extent that, after the Second World War, he handed over their Abendland to the Jews! To save the white race from the anti-white war of extermination that the entire Abendland is suffering it is imperative to repudiate the religion of our imbecilic parents. If whites of modern times weren’t the greatest scum of all time, they would have been as euphoric about the German advance in Europe and beyond as these children untainted by the lethal Semitic-Christian poison.

Kalki Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

The Führer had, says André Erissaud, ‘the feeling’—I would say, the certainty—that the Christian religion in particular had little to do with truly transcendent values.[1]

However, the whole of Western civilisation is at the same time ‘recent’ and ‘Christian.’ We must never forget this. That didn’t, however, prevent Hitler from admiring Charlemagne: the Sachsenschlüchter or ‘terminator of the Saxons’ as Alfred Rosenberg, Johann von Leers, Heinrich Himmler and a good number of other great dignitaries saw him.

Instead, Hitler saw in him the conqueror with the immense will to power, and above all the first unifier of the German people: the one who, alone at that time, had the idea of the Reich even if he had used the artificial unity of ‘faith’ to impose it, even if this faith was the Christian faith, a foreign faith. It will be remembered that Adolf Hitler insisted on the dissolving action of Christianity in the Greco-Roman world, and that he called it ‘pre-Bolshevism.’ But it doesn’t matter what this faith was (and still is) if it was the cement of a conquering Germanic Empire and, later, the occasion for the whole flowering of art that we know. Insofar as this art is beautiful it presupposes, in any case, a certain knowledge of what is eternal. The Führer thus accepted with respect, as a German heirloom, a replica of the sword of the Emperor of West.[2]


[1] Brissaud: Hitler et l’Ordre Noir, page 111.

[2] Editor’s note: I have been very critical of American white nationalism on my website, but hardly of German National Socialism. It is time to realise that Hitler and his followers weren’t perfect. To win the war you must know what you are fighting against. Both the most populist National Socialists like Goebbels, and today’s white nationalists, emphasised Jewry. But since the Semitic hydra also includes Christianity, Islam and even what happened to the Romans during the Punic Wars, Nietzsche’s ‘Law against Christianity’ alluded to in footnote #187 must be implemented in what we might start calling Kalki’s Reich.

Rosenberg, von Leers and Himmler were closer to the truth on this point than the Führer himself! But their movement failed because, like Savitri, they didn’t fully understand how infinitely toxic everything related to Judeo-Christianity has been, including its secular offshoots. If they had been genuinely wise they would have seen that the Christians on the other side of the Atlantic were their main foe. This means that all these esoteric and archaeological raids looking for the Aryan Grail, where it was not to be found, were a fool’s errand. The Grail is anti-Christianity or, to put it in more positive terms, the transvaluation of all Judeo-Christian values back to Greco-Roman values.

Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

The gulf which, in the mind of the Führer, separates the Aryan worthy of the name from the sub-humans is reminiscent of the gulf which, in the Sanskrit Scriptures, separates and opposes the Arya from the Dasyu. According to Rauschning, the Führer goes so far as to speak of a ‘new variety of man,’ the result of a real ‘mutation’ in the scientific and natural sense of the word[1] that would ‘far surpass present-day man’ and would move further and further away from ‘the man of the herd’ who has entered ‘the stage of decay.’ [2]

It seems that he saw this mutation—like the initiation of the ‘twice-born’ of ancient India or the freemen of pagan Greece into the mysteries—as the culmination of a hard series of tests. He felt that it was too late to impose such asceticism on the mature generation. It was the youth, the ‘splendid youth’ that Adolf Hitler loved so much, the youth whose destiny he was still trying to guide ‘in the centuries to come’ by writing his political testament under the thunder of the Russian guns, who had to undergo it and emerge transformed, hardened, embellished, elevated to a higher level of being: a level that an elite within the elite had yet to exceed.

It was in the fortresses (Burgs) of the warlike and mystical Order of the SS—those veritable nurseries of Western Kshatriyas—that the masters-at-arms and spiritual masters of the new aristocracy were to educate the young candidates for superhumanity. ‘My pedagogy is hard,’ declared the inspired Lawgiver of the new Aryan world. ‘I work with a hammer and loosen everything that is dumb or worm-eaten. In my Burgs of Order we shall grow a youth before whom the world will tremble; a violent, imperious, fearless youth that will know how to bear pain. I want nothing weak or tender in them. I want it to have the strength and beauty of the young beasts—the innocence and nobility of Nature.’ [3]

He knew that his death—as well as the death of the whole universe of truth which he was recreating by iron and fire—would be indispensable to the ultimate accomplishment of his mission.


[1] Rauschning: Hitler m’a dit (op. cit.), page 272.

[2] Ibid., pages 272-273.

[3] Ibid., page 278.