‘If that diagnosis is correct then the racialist movement will never get its act together and organize an effective resistance that kills enemies of the white race. It is like a drunk trying to act sober. They can’t get their act together and are a joke. The movement is just the last pathetic cringeworthy gasps of the somewhat healthier elements of a dying species attempting to survive’.
Category: Quotable quotes
SIEGE quote
‘Best of all is the fact that Franklin supposedly has been killing mixed couples… the rotten Whites right along with the Blacks. Bravo!’
—SIEGE, page 275
‘The cross is dead, now the symbol
of Aryan salvation is the swastika’.
—James Mason,
‘One Verse Charlies’
Jefferson on Paul
‘Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus’.
—Thomas Jefferson
Walsh quote
‘The White ethno-state will have to be at war perpetually against practically the whole earth in order to achieve the 14 Words’.
Walsh quote
‘Even the pro-white “movement” seem beholden to this irresistible death-wish. No matter what we do, maybe all we can do is commit racial suicide’.
—Joseph Walsh
Akins quote
“The problem with Christianity (and the reason why the Jews are able to use Christians to their advantage to further their agenda of promoting the extinction of the White race) is that Christianity is founded upon the principle of altruism.”
Ryckaert quote
‘The slogan “all men are unequal” should be written in gold in all our public institutions’.
—Franklin Ryckaert