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James Mason

Siege, 32

Later on we’ll conspire

A comrade sent me a pamphlet issued by a bunch of idiots who happen to be the proud owners of some professional printing equipment and who thereby imagine themselves qualified to speak on the subject of revolution. In this pamphlet they darkly talk in grave tones about “conspiratorial activity”. At that point my suspicions of them which I’d had since the mid-70’s were confirmed: they are children playing with matches!
The term conspiracy is not now, and never has been, part of my vocabulary. It is DANGEROUS! I should say UNNECESSARILY DANGEROUS! For conspiracy means TALK and talk is counter-revolutionary. Talk is what the System and its pimps LOVE most of all. In case you didn’t know it already, you can do big. Federal time for merely “conspiring” to do something. You need not take any action, only TALK about it to a circle of three or more (including yourself), and THAT constitutes conspiracy! (And one of the favorites of the System is to charge people with “conspiring to violate civil rights” which sometimes doesn’t even require the discussion of any action.)
But of course you figure that you are too careful for that, eh? You think you know and can trust the people you deal with, right? Let me quickly relate the story of how two brothers were framed by the Feds and who are now serving a six-year term for conspiracy. A hired pimp was sent into their group in Columbus, Ohio, in 1977 to first gather information and, later, to act as agent provocateur. He spent two years building his credibility before he began to get a little bold with his suggestions. It doesn’t matter how “tight” your imagined security is if it includes one professional pimp. This agent kept bucking for some kind of “action”, something “solid” as a strike against forced bussing in Columbus. Finally he got around to the idea of bombing a school. Then came the brothers’ big mistake: they did not at that moment say to the pimp, “Get thee behind me!” They listened, they discussed the pros and cons. And later, in the Federal courtroom after their arrests by an army of FBI agents, they saw and heard themselves on wide-screen motion picture “conspiring” with police agents to bomb a school building! The all-White jury didn’t take even thirty minutes to return a verdict of “Guilty”!
Rockwell in 1965 conjured up that exact scene of one day having to sit in a court of law and watch yourself on film. Well, gang, “1984” arrived a long time ago. This Big Brother System is held in power largely through pimps—both professional and amateur. Actually it is a pimp system, a whole society of loose-lipped blabbermouths! Law enforcement would nearly shut down without its pimps, who are in most cases not even “agents” in the true sense—just babbling idiots.
The professional, hired pimps are one thing. Loose talk and stupidity are another. But they both lead to the same, disastrous result. And they both are defeated the same way: don’t conspire; don’t talk! In effect it’s only illegal to get caught, only illegal to trip up. You don’t NEED to ever enter into a conspiracy! You don’t NEED to ever deal with persons who might later let loose with fatal talk! We must have acts of revolution, the sooner the better, the more the merrier. But these are all of a nature that they can and MUST be carried out by INDIVIDUALS and that removes all requirement for talk, the possibility of “conspiracy”, and the danger of a leak! The lone wolf cannot be detected, cannot be prevented, and seldom can be traced.
For his choice of targets he needs little more than the daily newspaper for suggestions and tips galore. But it is necessary that NSLF begin again its program of systematic infiltration of the Reds, the unions, local Democrat and Republican cells, etc. (even the local NAACP… you need not be colored to join). We do have need of privileged information and will have greater need in the future. For his training the lone wolf needs only the U.S. military or any one of a hundred good manuals readily available through radical booksellers. Equipment is still easily available (and I caution against possessing illegal weapons as they aren’t necessary) and even though the System may be expected to enact more anti-gun laws, this will only serve to stimulate and ever-growing black market for armaments (thus producing an ever greater pool of human resources for us to recruit from). His greatest concern must be to pick his target well so that his act may speak so clearly for itself that no member of White America can mistake its message.
If you can’t do it, leave it alone. Forget it! Don’t try and talk someone else into doing it and ESPECIALLY don’t hear of anyone else trying to talk YOU into anything. Don’t talk, period! However it can’t hurt to begin now to learn, to train, and to have materials ready.

Vol. IX, #5 – September, 1980

James Mason

Siege, 31

Longest sought after

A winning, successful course of action not dependent upon a central organization or a major leader figure. Between alpha and omega, not existing at extreme ends of the spectrum, will be found the answer. What does amount to suicide is going straight from doing nothing to taking on the entire System in direct, violent confrontation. There does not exist, and we cannot stand around and hope for, either the organization or the leader to “tell us what to do”.
That outfit or that man would be pounced upon and destroyed in an instant by the System. We have to think for ourselves first, and then we can go on to direct our own actions. The first step has got to be giving up all stupid and false notions. Those who are basic cowards or who are otherwise hopelessly inadequate to the task cannot and will not part with these notions, ever.
False ideas are any which stray from the ground zero reality that all evil springs from the System; the System will never correct itself; it will never permit anyone or anything to correct it; it will never tolerate or allow the development of any true, alternate system to compete legally against it; nothing of a positive or partial nature can be accomplished while the System stands; those who embark upon a course which runs contrary to that which the System has determined must understand that they embark on a life and death struggle. It is the one duty and one goal of the revolutionary to struggle for the death of the System.
So much is bound up in just realizing the totality of the situation that little else can be added to that except to say that once it has been comprehended, the person then at once begins to see everything, every situation, in a different light. Things are clearer. The course of action becomes obvious.
In the old revolutionary axiom, “Educate, Agitate, and Organize”, the term “education” is basic. Not the type of education as thought of by reactionaries, but the kind of information which provides years of revolutionary experience in a week or a month, without the necessity of having to live it over painful, dangerous, useless decades such as we have had to endure. To impart knowledge and expertise to our next wave, our next generation, in precisely the same manner and for precisely the same reasons as our former “institutes of higher learning” used to teach their students: to build upon a solid foundation, to increase the chances of and to hasten ever-greater achievements. It is a science, not a diversion or a money-making racket.
Next, to agitate. The problem becomes more complex as it leads out of the confines of home or hideaway and from the safety of the typewriter and the postal service. You are not out to sell a product, a gimmick, or a certain approach. You are not out to re-fight the Civil or the Second World War. You are not out to blow minds. Neither are you out to idly grumble or complain.
You are out to CLARIFY, to POLARIZE, and to INTENSIFY that which faces all of us, everyday. And it is to be directed, in every case, against the System itself, the ultimate culprit, never toward simply Blacks or Jews or liberals or anything else which skirts or evades the issue and which sounds like (and IS) reactionary and for which not even a fool nowadays will respond favorably or positively. A revolutionary comrade is one who leads. You lead by taking people over barriers of time and understanding toward ultimate confrontation with reality. And that reality is the best, most irritative source of agitation possible. Such is the rightness of our cause.
You do not “agitate” by placing yourself in the center of brawls. Lesser still by aiding the System in making people despise you. You do it anonymously, by making people know and hate the System.
Finally, to organize. That in which the Movement has consistently failed the worst. An organization does not exist for its own sake. Nothing ever starts out that way. The System, as have all such systems in the past, is ending up that way. To promote the “club”, the “leader”, the “name”, the “symbol” or the “approach” soon becomes everything.
In-fighting takes over. Petty competitions take care of the rest. Nothing is served. So it has always gone. To truly organize effectively means having someplace to hide on the other side of the country, anytime, for any reason. It means secrets being kept. It means material help when it is needed. It means a unified line and a unified response in the face of crises. It means respect and cooperation. It means loyalty. It means to multiply ourselves in a coordinated way to give the effect of a giant, a unit.
Organization—as opposed to “organizations”—does not give the effect of a lot of “duplicates” ignoring each other and getting into each other’s way. It means to effect hands and feet, arms and legs, eyes and ears everywhere, simultaneously. Acting in one common cause and one common interest, in iron discipline, ultimately to lead to one organism with a common intelligence, instinct, voice, and, above all, a common WILL!
How little does any of the above description resemble what has passed heretofore as these very things: Education, Agitation, and Organization.

Vol. XIV, #11 – November, 1985

James Mason

Siege, 30

The hell of it is

…that we ourselves aren’t at all immune from the horrific things that are in store for the future. If we were somehow isolated or insulated from it then none of what is today bringing it on would bother or concern us. If that was the case, I doubt whether we’d be in the struggle at all. But this is not a laboratory experiment that we can shelve, lockup, and walk away from. This is a fight for survival and we are not immune from the hell that we must strive to see gets broken loose. Any halfway “normal” person might be expected to come up with a rejoinder like this: “Why do we do it?”
We do it because one thing is clear: the current deadlock must be broken at all cost. It is frighteningly obvious that nothing positive can be expected to happen with the way things are now. Therefore a different atmosphere must be created in which some kind of positive change can be effected. Again, the “normal” person might say that there is already enough disorder, enough hell and chaos going on right now without adding more. What they don’t see is that we have in this country is an “ordered disorder” which was made-to-order by, and for Big Brother. Don’t you believe they could stop crime, subversion, and anarchy if they really wanted to?
All the hell and disorder of the past, and the general crime wave today is the greatest help to Big Brother, his System and his Establishment. The Black riots gave the insurance companies carte blanche to remove the gloves and start extorting small businessmen and all the rest of us. The “limited anarchy” and the “limited insurrection” of the Blacks and the Reds just gives Big Brother more alibi to tighten the lid of the Electronic Surveillance Society, to stampede legislation to disarm the populace. All the runaway non-White crime merely gives cover and justification for the erection of a police state, the reins of power firmly in the hands of the Jews. They don’t want it stamped out; they need it for the completion of their plans.
What they fear most is total disorder which they can’t control. That which they can’t monitor or control doesn’t serve their interests. It’s been said that we don’t want to rock the boat, we want to sink it. When we succeed in blowing the bottom right out, we’re going to have to hurry topside, over the rail, and swim for life, leaving the rats to drown with the ship.

Vol. X, #4 – April, 1981

James Mason

Siege, 29


There’s a special hatred and yes, fear, in my heart for the I.R.S. Their bloodsucking touched off a near-calamity here two years ago. Starting at that time and increasingly ever since, my wits in that area have pulled about even with the sharpness of theirs and so a red-hot confrontation with them is not in the offing. Stave the System off where possible, rip it off where possible, attack it where possible.
But this has not been the case with others—Gordon Kahl most notably. And, according to the news on television the other night, it was not the case with about eight hundred people last year alone. These were reported as violent attacks or assaults against agents of the I.R.S. As a result, the agents are now packing guns (that is if they weren’t before and as though they’d need an excuse now). “Self-defense” it was referred to as on television.
‘Robbers’ is a fitting term for them but not even ‘vampire’ approaches the depth of vileness and contemptibility they maintain. Eight hundred people defended themselves last year against what are now ARMED robbers and the System was surprised and maddened when they didn’t simply fork over their earnings without a mutter of protest.
What maddens me is why—to date—not more DEATHS on the side of the System?
The number eight hundred approximates the number of Movement hard-core members of about 15 years ago. And it takes a pretty hard-core customer to buck up against those vampires in three-piece suits! Who are these people? Where did these incidents take place? Are they all in federal prison now? They are unknown, unnamed, and most certainly unorganized.
Eight hundred is a number that can be seen as large in some respects but small in others. But these eight hundred skipped the preliminaries and came directly into conflict with the Enemy itself. That is purely revolutionary, whether even they realized it or not.
Anyway, it got on the news. Let their numbers increase a hundred-fold and the revolution will be won!

Vol. XIV, #7 – July, 1985

James Mason

Siege, 28

In the October-November issue of The National Sheriff Magazine there appears an article entitled, “Posse Comitatus: Threat of the County-Based Criminal Militarists”. The article is remarkable not only because the entire front cover of that issue is devoted to it, or because it is of exceptional length, or because it reads like something from out of the “good old days of the Radical Right”, but because it focuses attention on what has to be considered a genuine ray of light on an otherwise dark and dreary scene. It was written by one Phillip C. McGuire, who is the Assistant Director of Criminal Enforcement for the BATF (the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) and so we may accept this as top-of-the-run from the System point of view.
Given within the article is the genesis of the Posse Comitatus, including the names, dates, and places relevant to its birth and development. The blazing incident involving Gordon Kahl is given the space and attention it is due. An explanation of what Posse Comitatus means and stands for (which couldn’t fail to appeal to the right kind of person) is included. The Movement accusation against the Jews is given. Familiar Movement groups and publications are listed in connection. An outstanding and highly technical listing of armament recommended by the Posse Comitatus is recreated at length.
To properly appreciate the flavor of the article it is useful to quote the final two paragraphs in their entirety:

Based on the above information, it is apparent that certain members of the PC pose a clear and dangerous threat to society. Their reported philosophy of racism, antisemitism, and their total disrespect for non-elected law enforcement officers must be a major concern to all law enforcement agencies. Care must be taken when confronting these members to ensure that we do not look upon them as “just another tax protester”. They have proven that they will injure and kill law enforcement officers in the furtherance of their cause. Recall that between February 13, 1983, and June 3, 1983, Gordon W. Kahl and other members of the North Dakota PC killed three law enforcement officers and wounded an additional three officers.
If you have any questions concerning potential firearms and explosives violations in your area or if you need assistance in conducting firearms and explosives investigations against members of these types of groups, please contact your nearest ATF office for assistance.

Vol. XII, #11 – November, 1983

George Lincoln Rockwell James Mason

Siege, 27

Defining the radical extreme

The question of who, and which, is the farthest out? For what reasons and towards what purpose? Among these types would be included all of the pioneers, the ground-breakers, the innovators, the outrageous, the unpopular, the unprofitable, the dangerous, the controversial, the misunderstood, and those in advance of their times. It’s been said that the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom, that the only aberration is abstention. What all of this does on the practical side amounts to the elimination of the surprise element, minimizes the chance of disillusionment, builds confidence and self-reliance, and helps gain for one the mastery of almost any situation. It also rids us of the cowards and fakers, as well as opportunists, as they can’t use it or hide behind it.
We can tolerate being regarded as inhabiting the far reaches of the outer limits if it means never being caught dragging behind anyone else. It behooves us to smile at those who today disparage our message if by our so doing we are striking out on the course that they themselves must one day follow. We would be fools and cowards to shirk the task and take for granted that someone else might take it up in our stead. We have so little to lose at this point and so much to gain; our prime enemies being stagnation, dogma, and muddle. It requires some daring and imagination to become the vanguard of a movement, and to remain so takes constant reappraisal and re-evaluation.
Had not Commander Rockwell taken the bull by the horns and risked everything—his “good name” as a conservative—over twenty years ago, where today would the Racialist Movement in the United States be? What was in 1960 the most dynamic and futuristic thinking, today is shared by practically one and all. But it was only through the supreme sacrifice of one man who was able to see farther than the rest in his own time. And still the situation demands more, far more. We could easily have another twenty years of marching ahead of us but it cannot be direction-less marching and it cannot be marching in circles.
People like to stay with what’s comfortable, especially those with a broad conservative streak in them. People dislike the shit-disturbers. However, comfort and routine do not make revolution. Where once Gus Hall was a firebrand with the power to shock the pants off all of us, today he is an old fogy. Seems as though all our REAL National Socialist leaders die in battle before they get the chance to atrophy thus. Maybe we are blessed in that manner. What we want—and what we believe we have achieved—is to make NSLF synonymous with the radical extreme, and when you seek to define the radical extreme, you need only recite those four letters to have it completely summed up.

Vol. XI, #7 – July, 1982

James Mason Newspeak

Siege, 26

Terrorism redefined

Do we still happily accede to wearing just any favorite smear term the Jew System and its media chooses to hang on us (like the way Commander Rockwell did with adopting their term “Nazi”)? Or do we draw a line at how far we’ll allow these misnomers to go? Of course, to them, it doesn’t matter and neither does it matter to the sheepish masses of goyim what they call us or how we are thought of.
But it does matter to us the way we view ourselves and the nature of our struggle. We should not consider ourselves “terrorists” (anymore than we should consider ourselves “racists” even though we accept BOTH as facts of life), nor should we take it lightly when members of the Right—who should know better—refer to us as such.
We need to keep our definitions straight.
Who is a terrorist? When considering the hundreds of thousands of elderly Whites who are frightened to death inside and outside their homes on an unending basis because the System coddles and protects the criminal element officially, is that not terrorism? Brainwash and taste-making aside, when any individual knows clearly in his or her own mind that to buck the Jewish-liberal inspired consensus on everything from race to sex habits will lead to public ostracism and loss of employment, if not outright legal prosecution, is that not terrorism?
Kids brutalized and intimidated on a daily basis, year in and year out, because of savages they are forced into school buildings with because of government policy—is that not terrorism? Millions of White workers struggling against losing odds with taxes and inflation, facing loss of homes and all forms of security, oftentimes wondering where food is going to come from or where the winter heat will come from because of the official Jewish-Capitalist economy and the Mafia-style Internal Revenue Service—is this not terrorism? Yes, it most definitely IS terrorism and on a monumental scale! Worse than that, it is terrorism without the guts to present itself as such.
But just as Adolf Hitler pointed out regarding the Jewish use of the “Big Lie” technique, if you do it big enough, no one will recognize it for what it actually is. A case of the kettle calling the pot black. Because it is the System which owns and controls the media, none of the above-outlined horrors are described as what they in reality are. But let one individual or a small group of individuals dare to strike back! That, to the controlled media and softened brains of the masses, is terrorism! That gets the dirty name because it is small-scale and direct. It is a game and the game is a farce! We can expect no better from them but we must get it straight in our own minds if this struggle is to succeed.
Most of this country’s Founding Fathers believed that the rights of the White Men who built the country would be guaranteed by the “petition” and “redress” clauses written into the Constitution. But other men, like Thomas Jefferson, didn’t think so. Neither did Benjamin Franklin who accurately predicted just what shape this country would be in by the time of its Bi-Centennial with the Jews in the counting houses and the Whites toiling away like slaves. And with a sold-out government flying directly in the faces of the interests and the will of the majority, it is tyranny which rules this land today and nothing more or less. It is an alien tyranny and a Big Brother 1984-style tyranny because we don’t even enjoy the dubious pleasure of knowing or being able to SEE our tyrant.
But one thing is known: he is not White. It is a tyranny hiding under a cloak of “democracy”, a clever disguise which prevents any blame from being placed on and which allows the monster to perpetuate itself through chicanery referred to as the “two-party system”. It is true that the removal of one or a dozen goyish front men will not alter or remedy the situation. Only a TOTAL REVOLUTION can change it. But there must be a beginning, that first step in the thousand-mile journey. And the first steps are always the hardest.
When speaking of terrorism a line must be drawn between two types of terrorism: selective and indiscriminate. Some members of the Movement howl and complain over “System persecution”. True, this is an example of selective terrorism (because, I assure you, facing the System’s prisons can be a terrifying prospect) but as Hitler said, unless one picks up the daily Jewish press and sees himself slandered and vilified therein, he simply had wasted the previous day. Comrades you must expect that the System will attack but, when it does, for God’s sake, let it be FOR SOMETHING!!! No more damnable, pitiable frame-ups! Bring the attack to the Enemy!!
With regard to indiscriminate terrorism, the only difference between the prevailing conditions I outlined earlier in this segment and, for example, a Black massacre of a White settlement, is the degree of subtlety used and the time lapse. A Katanga savage with machete or an I.R.S. agent in a gray flannel suit, take your pick. Your money or your life. These methods are designed for three purposes: to cow a population; to fleece a population; or to annihilate a population. Not infrequently do all three happen, one after the other.
Terrorism is a two-way street for, as Hitler stated, the only answer to terrorism is stronger terrorism. We do face a naked tyranny here in the United States and it is employing terrorism to, first, wipe out the Whites as a majority force and, ultimately, to wipe them out as a race altogether. The System knows and we know that we are left no choice whatsoever. It is fight or die. We then are out to LIBERATE a nation from alien tyranny. It won’t be easy. When lightning is striking, blows are falling, history is turning and the stupid ones are groaning, “Oh, isn’t this violence awful?!”, we say: “To HELL with such lily-livers!! They haven’t seen anything yet.”

Vol. X, #11 – November 1981

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 25


At this stage of things, kidding ourselves would probably prove fatal, sooner or later. I urge against taking it on the chin or “leading with the chin”, as there are violent, revolutionary types out there aplenty to get things kicked off good and proper. Blacks, every shade of color in between, not to mention fanatic Reds, etc., plus nuts and more nuts. Add to this the slowly but steadily deteriorating conditions in the country, economic and otherwise, and you have a cake baking in the oven. You don’t want your cake to fall and you certainly don’t want to get yourself burnt. Instead, you want to be around for the ICING and most definitely the EATING of the cake! (Meaning the final seizure of power and exercising of same.)
Most communist outfits share so much in common with the Democratic Party platform that they’d be stupid to start any general disorder, and they know it. Only the extreme Left can be looked to for hope in this area. Black and colored nationalists as well. The cities, where these types reign supreme anyway, will always be the first to erupt when it’s time for things to jump off. As far as the “first wave” up against the System’s Pigs is concerned, I’d much rather it be them instead of us. They’re primed and “psyched up” for it already, armed to the very teeth, and suffer no shortage of expendable manpower. And any blame would be leveled towards them in the event of a miscarriage. Wish them well.
Recall the cornerstone of the U.S. Nazi Movement’s “grand strategy” of the Sixties? Rings crazy as hell today in light of developments over the past ten or fifteen years. It involved depending upon and even HELPING the Pigs against the urban revolutionaries!! We’d be absolute idiots to attack the Pigs ourselves in any attempt to initiate something of the nature of a general rebellion.
I cannot urge strongly enough: stay out of their way; deprive them completely of any excuse to come after you. This does not mean stay legal. It means stay sane and rational. And stay alive and at full liberty, because dead or locked up you’re no good to yourself or the revolution. Let the revolutionary mobs over whom we have no control and who would also kill us take the brunt of the first, strongest System counter-attacks, and let these same numberless mobs in the cities chew the hell out of the System’s hired elite. It couldn’t happen to a sweeter bunch.
There’ll probably be more than one revolution, back-to-back. The Reds and the Blacks, because this is what they’ve preached and prepared for all along, can be expected to lead the way. In the opening days and weeks of this phase, we can watch how the System is going to react, and how well it reacts. For us to attempt the same thing in the middle of an atmosphere of order would be outright suicide. Once there exists an air of disorder, the cards will be more in our favor. And we’ll be dealing in the smaller cities and towns, the countryside, where it might be possible to take things without the massive death and destruction that will occur in the major cities. Ultimatums, backed up by very real force, handed to local governments once they’ve learned what happens to their big city brethren, might just work wonders.
Only after the System is BROKEN and DISCREDITED will there come a hope of mobilizing the masses of Whites to tackle the job of winning what will soon enough assume the characteristics of a civil war.
Until then, for the present, give the Pigs nothing to do regarding ourselves but sit and get edgy. Once the shooting starts, keep out of the way of the mobs because they only perceive us as friends and allies of the Capitalists and the System. In the opening phases of any revolution, if the Red mobs don’t get you, the Pigs will. Let them instead kill one another. Developments will progress rapidly once all central power is gone and people realize they have nothing to lose anymore.

Vol. XIV, #9. September, 1985

Civil war James Mason

On Covington’s corner

Within the pro-white forums, would-be revolutionaries are starting to like Harold Covington’s plan of snatching off a northwest corner of land from Uncle Sam to create a Neonazi republic. These people are forgetting that Uncle Sam is to blame for two anti-white wars in 1861-1865 and 1942-1947. Remember that after 1945 Uncle Sam and the Russians perpetrated a holocaust of German people for a couple of years. There is no reason to assume that this time Uncle Sam will behave differently, allowing Covington’s corner to thrive in the northwest.
James Mason had it right in Siege: ‘The enemy today is the U.S. Government itself and it is, by every standard of measure, the most evil thing that has ever existed on earth. This, once it has sunk home, should be a good enough indicator of the sort of struggle we have ahead of us’.
In a nutshell, Covingtonistas are deluded.

James Mason

Siege, 24


Here’s another new word to add to your vocabulary: Linkage. It used to be something known primarily to mechanics but, as of earlier this year, it could also be in your future. This one may replace ‘entrapment’ as the latest dirty trick of the System designed to deflate any potential the Movement may have before it can get off the ground. It’s a quasi-legal take-off on “guilt by association” which, even ten years ago, would never have held water except that, now, the source from which the juries and grand juries are drawn is sufficiently conditioned that they’ll indict or convict on cue from the System.
This arose out of the serious scare given to the System by one splinter of the Movement calling itself The Order. The System—so surprised and enraged that there is fight left anywhere—sought to tie in (or “link”) as many other Movement facets as they thought they could in order to, if not wipe them out totally, at least pin them down in a defensive legal jungle wherein they either retain expensive counsel or lose by default. Some top Movement people were literally on the run and others were sweating blood a few months ago because of it.
So be reminded: the bastards WON’T QUIT! You must—if you ever run seriously afoul of the System to where they can lay a legalistic finger on you—either disappear totally or confront them totally. No use playing.
Around here we didn’t worry so much about it (the Sedition trial investigations). Though we had about as much to do with The Order as did those who were being officially harassed (that is, practically nothing at all), our sympathies and our support for The Order ran the same as the others as well (that is, one hundred percent—as witnessed by those issues of SIEGE released at that time). Help for members of The Order? We were also in a position to lend about as much tangible support for those men as were the rest: zero. Again, the main difference was, we felt (correctly as it turned out) we were in fact untouchable in the newest System craze of “Linkage”.
Until things take a very radical turn, I’ll stand firm on one thing I’ve always said regarding System persecution: I’ve never yet seen smoke where there has not been some actual fire. The System cannot yet INVENT its cases out of thin air. They can ORCHESTRATE them but that requires your willing participation. They must have something to go on—however shaky—and they can only get that through their own agents or through YOU. In the case involving The Order, their prime move was based upon one of the annual gatherings held by the Aryan Nations group of Idaho, from out of which came the majority (if not all) of the members of The Order. Those who attended that latest gathering before The Order took their course of action were wide open and subject to this latest “Linkage” ploy to shut us down. Simply, if you were there, you must be involved.
Long before any of this was ever dreamt of, I ceased attending Movement gatherings. In complete candor, I did so because I dislike re-runs, especially when they entail traveling long distances and shelling out cash, so drastically scarce. Frankly, I can’t afford the journey plus I doubt there’s anything I could add that they haven’t already heard and vice-versa. The only thing that might have come out of such an expensive trip would have been my own name on a federal subpoena. And that I can really well live without.
No. Those few men calling themselves The Order said more in a month of furious action than the rest of us have said in twenty years. And of what significance to them at that point in time were federal subpoenas and the like? I don’t mind paying the price but, by God, I demand the price be worth paying!
Even before I stopped traveling around to Movement functions, I had become disinterested in such measly and bothersome things as “memberships”, etc. This really caused much anxiety among the faker-figureheads I’ve acted as general secretary for in the past. As Commander Rockwell said in the Sixties, there is but ONE membership, known loosely as “the Movement”—which is bled white and thoroughly confused and dissipated by dozens and dozens of useless, crappy fronts. In order to squeeze a tiny portion of the general pool of money held by this common membership, one is required to INVEST comparatively huge sums in becoming a professional mail-order con artist and, in the case of “Nazi” types, to engage in silly looking and potentially disastrous stunts for the press (which are then fed back to the membership to jack-off their emotions and draw off a little more money).
That’s Right Wingism but it’s not revolution. And I got tired of it.

Vol. XIV, #7, July, 1985