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On Game of Thrones finale

by Andrew Anglin

The series finale of Game of Thrones, the most popular television show in all of history, was severely based and severely redpilled.

After leading a horde of violent nonwhites into the land of white people, Daenerys, the white feminist queen, went insane and committed a genocide in last week’s episode.

In this week’s episode, which aired Sunday night, the heroic Aryan Jon Snow murdered the stupid feminist bitch. However, even though the throne was rightfully his, the chad manlet Jon Snow decided to give the throne over to an autistic incel, Bran Stark.

This is the most based and redpilled show I’ve seen yet.

Of course, the final season was extremely problematic in terms of basic storytelling. The plot issues were so large that it is impossible to even try to address them. But, you know—whatever.

The bottom line is that the feminist nigger-loving queen is dead and the autistic incel rules the land. This is true justice of the highest possible sort.

Furthermore, Daenerys’ nigger army was expelled to the Isle of Naath, where they will all die of a disease that makes the flesh fall off the bones.

It is extremely satisfying to see these sluts and soyboys having mental breakdowns over this expectation-subverting plot twist that twisted itself into a full redpill. They told us we were evil racists and sexists when they destroyed all our video games—but the shoe is on the other foot now, ain’t it?

Game of Thrones is a Jewish show, so I’m not really sure why it is that they decided to go the route of trying to redpill the goyim on how white women are flooding our countries with niggers and our only solution is oust them and install autistic incels as our rulers. I suspect that these expectation-subverters were so subversive that they decided to subvert their own Jewish agenda.

The Game of Thrones Jews are on steroids and decided to redpill the goyim.
Whatever their reasoning, this shit is funny as hell.

There are over a million signatures on a petition for HBO to remake the final season as a total bluepill.

But that’s not happening.

The ultimate redpill that is the final season of Game of Thrones will forever stand, mocking the sluts and their soyboys for trying to destroy Western civilization with a horde of niggers—and letting them know that in the end, the autistic incels will reign triumphant.


Why pay attention to Game of Thrones?

Normies don’t read The Occidental Observer or Counter-Currents. I remember so well Andrew Hamilton complaining in the latter webzine that comparatively so few read his articles.

After the finale of Game of Thrones Alt-Right folks are complaining that only classic books or films prior to the 1960s are valid forms of escapism. They completely fail to notice that Ivanhoe, a historical novel remarkable because its sympathetic portrayal of Jewish characters, was published by Sir Walter Scott in 1819. The novel, authored by the non-Jew Scott (raised a Presbyterian but adhered to the Scottish Episcopal Church) started to idealise the subversive tribe in the popular mind.

Remember the point of view of this site: Christianity and the Jewish Problem are one and the same. At the other side on the Atlantic über-cuck Lew Wallace published in 1880 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. It is considered the most influential Christian book of the 19th century and became a bestseller surpassing another über-cuck author in sales (Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin). Ben-Hur remained at the top of the US all-time bestseller list until the publication of Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind the next century.

Debunking pop culture is more important than debunking Das Kapital.


Game of Thrones: a golden opportunity to educate normies about the JQ!

– sticky post –


Because of the leaks I wrote the below section before watching the episode. But now that I’ve watched the finale I must quote what The Dwarf said:

What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags?


There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has the best story than Bran the Broken?

Yes. Jews win because they have a story. Whites lose because nowadays they’ve lost their story.

But stories can be recovered again with the bold-typed link below plus what really happened in WW2, so well dramatized in Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm.

Soberana and Goodrich are the greenseers that every pro-white should know. This is what I posted yesterday Sunday:

______ 卐 ______

Most character arcs have been trashed by this last season of Game of Thrones, even in the finale that millions just watched tonight! These millions of normies are bewildered about what happened because the typical normie ignores that there is such a thing as a Jewish Question (JQ).

The simple fact is that the pair of screenwriters of Game of Thronesare Jews. In previous seasons this pair more or less had followed the novels of George R.R. Martin. But Martin has yet to write the outcome of his saga. Martin may be fairly liberal, but he is white. The pair of Jews who wrote the final season, no longer based on Martin, simply trolled the audience by subverting the expectations of millions of fans. This happens when gentiles commit the blunder of delegating some members of a subversive tribe to write our stories. (For an intro on why Jews love to takeover the mainstream media and Hollywood see: here.)

The most germane content of The West’s Darkest Houris akin to the retrocognitive visionsof one of the characters in Game of ThronesBran Stark(pic left), the ‘greenseer’, who used his ‘greensight’to retrocognitively see how, long ago, the Children of the Forest created the Night King.

Because most of Western history has been written by normies, it could be argued that the Spaniard that we have been promoting, Evropa Soberana, provides a retrocognitivewindow to the most relevant past. I have in mind the most important interaction between Whites and Jews in the Ancient World. Soberana’s essay is the best introduction to the Jewish Question because it recounts how Judeo-Christianity—a Night King of real life who doesn’t want to spare the life of a single white—was created.

Knowledge is power. This site provides primordial knowledge that only a greenseer can see. That whites dare to look through the retrocognitive visions of this king of Westeros in the surprising finale tonight, is the last chance to save them from extinction. This week, for example, Daily Stormercommenterreferred to this site as follows:

I found an awesomesite and info resources with extensive, in-depth invaluable paradigm shifting information / history about the Jews in the Roman Empire from a woke on JQ perspective. 

There is a short book about it that is absolutely mind-blowing. It utterly annihilates the notion of “Christianity” having been anything other than the Jewish psyop which apparently backfired against them, kinda…[1] but which itself destroyed Greco-Roman civilization and has led us (((here))), where we are today.

Yes: normies unaware of the greensight that this site provides—a short book—can see now how the Night King who wants to exterminate all whites was created. This information is extremely hard to gather from other forums of white nationalism or the alt-right. Use this linkand preach the green-sighting meta-vision of this site in other pro-white forums. Or even better: in forums of disenchanted normies clueless about why their beloved Game of Throneswas betrayed in the very finale tonight.


[1] Just as the Children of the Forest’s magic apparently backfired against them with the creation of the Night King.


Grand finale

 Tonight, right after I watch the finale
of Game of Thrones
I’ll post something.

Stay tuned…


How ‘Game of Thrones’ can be used

Further to Robert Hampton’s ‘Woke Christianity’ which reminded me of my ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’.

After Game of Thrones (GoT) betrayed the fans’ expectations with a girl killing the Night King, as we saw on this site the last Sundays, tonight we watched the great spectacle of an irrelevant war of the two bitches, where the pyromaniac Queen Daenerys destroys the main city of Westeros after they had surrendered.

But if we keep in mind the message of the two articles linked above, after the absolute fiasco of these last episodes we still can use previous seasons of GoT to try to reach normies.

Remember the epigraphs of the second article linked above (‘Christian ethics was like a time bomb ticking away in Europe, a Trojan horse waiting for its season’ & ‘1945 was the year of the total inversion of Aryan values into Christian values’). Our historical season or climax of Christian values is similar to GoT’s ‘Sparrows’, the Faith Militant fanatics who believed in equality for all men (‘We’re all equal in the eyes of the Seven’, a rephrasing of the Christian ‘Every man is equal in God’s eyes’).

Also remember that George R.R. Martin obtained his inspiration from real events of Western history. In the Middle Ages, the Dulcinians were like the Sparrows. Inspired by Franciscan ideals, like today’s antifa they became thugs. As can be read in online encyclopaedias, the ideals of the Dulcinians were:

• The fall of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and return of the Church to its original ideals of humility and poverty

• The fall of the feudal system

• The creation of a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality.

Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) viewed the history of mankind as four epochs:

• The period of the Old Testament

• The period of Jesus Christ and his Apostles characterised by chastity and poverty

• The period of Constantine and the imperial Popes characterised by the decline of the Church due to excessive wealth

• The period of the Apostolics led by Dolcino. Like the ‘Sparrows’ in GoT, this is a period characterised by poverty, chastity and the absence of government.

It is true that for George R.R. Martin war is bad, feudalism and slavery are bad, feminism is good and religion is nuts. But as I have argued, Martin himself subscribes the nutty religion of ‘neo-Franciscanism’, something that is reflected in GoT. In Martin’s novels, after a couple of centuries of disbanding the Faith Militant, the military arm of the Faith of the Seven is restored, this time led by the Sparrows. The physical appearance of the Sparrows resembles, in real history, the violent or Dulcinite faction of the Franciscans.

Curiously, among GoT fans the High Sparrow was one of the most hated witches of the entire show. Hence we can use this character in our discussions with normies when trying to convey that Christian ethics was like a ticking bomb waiting for its season, and that after WW2 this inversion of values was fulfilled.

Just as today’s Woke Christians see Jesus in immigrants, refugees, people of colour, and demeaned women—and therefore the noblest thing, the White Male, must be degraded in order to equalise him with the downtrodden—, in GoT the Sparrows attacked the noblest houses of Westeros: House Tyrell and then Cersei herself, who apparently died in tonight’s show as Queen Cersei (one of the bitches).

Since in real life the Untermenschen cannot be equalised by decree, the only way to equalise them before the White Male is simply by degrading his status throughout the West: precisely what is happening. Westerners ignore that, after seven hundred years, our secular governments are implementing the core of the ideals of Fra Dolcino.

The difference between GoT’s Sparrows and the attempt to deconstruct the White Male in our times is that normies abhor the Sparrows while they accept the degradation of the White Male throughout the West.

The Roman Catholic Church destroyed Fra Dolcino and the Dulcinians in the 14th century when the Church felt threatened by them, just as Queen Cersei destroyed the High Sparrow and his Sparrows in Season 6 of GoT. But in today’s West the ‘Sparrows’ hold power in each Western government, media outlet and university. The only way to destroy them is through a revaluation of all values that not even white nationalists are willing to endorse, let alone enact if they reached power.

It is incredible the level of subjugation of the contemporary White Male before the core of the Gospel message, especially among secular, agnostic and atheist whites.


Game of Thrones reaches its nadir

With the fourth episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, the show has reached its absolute nadir: the worst crap I’ve seen of the entire series. From the previous episode, by killing the Night King the producers wanted a ‘game of thrones’ show (palatial intrigues), not a song of ice and fire (a show with a deeper meaning). But with the script of this fourth episode the writers made a cretinous anticlimax that will even bother the fans.

That happens when mean people, like Jewish writers, invent a script for lack of a book that George R.R. Martin has not written yet. But even the gentile Martin is a liberal who has advocated for allowing Syrian refugees into the US and supported Hillary Clinton.

If I had the freedom to come up with my own ending, away from the ethno-traitor Martin and the Jewish scriptwriters, the Night King would still live in this fourth episode. Following the philosophy of Martin that there are no ultimate bad and good guys in a dance between ice and fire, these last episodes would reveal the deep motivation of the Night King.

Remember that Martin was inspired by the medieval stories in which Christian fanatics destroyed the sacred trees of pagans. In the television series, the children of the forest defended themselves with rock magic creating the Night King with the purpose of fighting the invaders: human beings. Thus, the Night King of my script would want to exterminate humanity as a noble goal from the point of view of the forest’s children.

In an epic war of minds, and with the help of the greenseer Bran Stark who fights on behalf of the human side, the final plot would revolve around negotiating with the Night King the extermination not of the hundred percent of humanity, but of ninety-nine percent.(*) The reason for this would not only be to respect Martin’s central axiom, that there is no absolute villain, but to introduce the religion of the four words to eliminate all unnecessary suffering.

Thus, from the dialectical synthesis between the Night King and the Greenseer Bran there would remain, of the pure whites, only the most compassionate with Nature including trees and animals. The rest of mankind would be exterminated by the Night King’s White Walkers and their army of the death. That’s how my final episode would end.

Of course: that is my song of ice and fire, not Martin’s and much less that of the Jewish scriptwriters. But an eight-season saga that began in 2011 would have deserved a more profound message instead of the botched anticlimax we saw tonight.

Those who wish to familiarise themselves with my philosophy of marriage between the 4 and 14 words can read my books that appear almost to the bottom of this page, although I need to finish reviewing the syntax of the last one, De Jesús a Hitler (From Jesus to Hitler).

(*) In the Manichaean HBO show the Night King didn’t want to spare the life of a single human.


Girl power

The ending [of Game of Thrones] was just a ‘girl power’ scene. That’s the direction this show took for a couple of seasons already, and now we see it some more.

Of course, they won’t let Jon Snow kill the Night King. Toxic masculinity is evil. We need a woman to take out the Night King and show some girl power.

Fuck the story, fuck everything, we need girl power all over this shit. All rulers are women, or the smartest, wise and best fighters are women. And if you don’t like it, you are a racist sexist bigot.

a commenter of this YouTube audio.


Ethnosuicidal GoT fans

Further to my Monday post ‘Feminism in Game of Thrones’.

For those who believe that Jewish subversion is the primary cause of white decline and poor little whites their blameless victims, see what one of the main webzines of white nationalism, Counter-Currents, just published: ‘Guide to Kulchur, Episode 17: Game of Thrones Seen from the Right [sic!]. The Return of Good & Evil to Westeros’.

From the right? Really?

I stopped listening to the first audio right after minute seven when Fróði Midjord and John Morgan agreed they weren’t bothered with the (Jewish script) placing the girl Arya as the New Frodo. This tolerance of feminism reminds me very strongly what I said about Harold Covington in my ‘Feminism in Game of Thrones’.

With these brilliant commentators from the right, who needs the Jews? Haven’t they heard that feminism has been a weapon of mass destruction directed against whites? Are we living in parallel universes?


Bad messages in Game of Thrones

In past years I have talked about the bad messages in previous seasons of Game of Thrones. In the first episode of the last season we see, once again, the masculine and aggressive female Yara Greyjoy that even hits his brother, the castrated Theon, when he rescues her. In the history of the West the norm has not been astute warrior women like Yara and silly and timid brothers like Theon, but on TV the goal is to invert the values. (Cersei Lannister, pic above, is another queen instead of her brother Jaime Lannister who is no king at all.)

I have said that white nationalism errs by calling this subversion ‘cultural Marxism’, a rather superficial term. Instead, I have been referring to subversion as ‘neo-Christianity’, in the sense that Christianity is an extension of the Jewish problem into the minds of whites. But even my term is inaccurate inasmuch as, throughout Christendom, men and women were not represented as in Game of Thrones, nor in modern times until the last decades. (I remember as if yesterday the first movie that reversed the roles of man-woman: Alien, which I saw on the big screen in 1979.)

Thus, more accurate than the term neo-Christianity is ‘neo-Franciscanism’, as St. Francis (1181–1226) was the saint who tried most to take the message of the gospel in all its purity into the real world.

Today this neo-Franciscanism is largely a secular phenomenon—think of Sweden for example—, although Pope Francis also wants to follow St. Francis’ steps, as explained in my last post about the humble man of Assisi.

Amerindians Film

Toxic Oscar

Alfonso Cuarón won best director for his semi-autobiographical Roma. Yalitza Aparicio (pic) is the first indigenous Mexican woman to be nominated for best actress at the Oscars.

The movie, filmed not so far from my own district when I was a child and teenager, is plagued with toxic messages. This was expected, as Cuarón is openly anti-racist, as I informed last year.