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Currency crash

When will it hit the fan?

Watch Mike Maloney’s latest video. He has just left the Rebel Capitalist Conference in Orlando, Florida. In the video Maloney recommends that we read Chris Martenson’s book. Those who don’t want to read it can watch a summary of the contents of that book on YouTube (this, for example, is ‘Crash Course 2.0: Chapter 2’, uploaded this week).

Currency crash Videos

How this crisis could play out

Watch Mike Maloney here.

Currency crash Peter Schiff

Schiff tonight

‘Massive inflation is going to be created to pay these bailouts’ (minute 17:07), and because of the coming inflation ‘The worst thing you could do is to leave your money in the bank’.

I do not recommend anyone without a basic knowledge of economics to listen to Peter Schiff’s monologues. But even if you don’t have that economic knowledge, you can understand the above quote. It’s time to take your money out of the bank, which later this decade could turn into confetti—i.e. hyperinflation, watch Peter right after the 46th minute—, and put your silver coins in safety deposit boxes in banks (as I have done with my very meagre savings).

Currency crash Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

Yet another proofreading…

Yesterday The Occidental Observer published an article in which the author says that the results of the recent midterm elections are due to the fact that Americans are still in a comfort zone, and that they won’t change their paradigm until the dollar collapses (just as the Germans of the degenerate Weimar period didn’t change until their mark hyperinflated).

However, there is a phrase of the author with which I disagree: ‘I don’t want to see anyone suffer.’

Only suffering saves! For example, only the enormous suffering, inflicted by my father’s Catholic beliefs, led me to apostatise from Christianity. If my teenage life hadn’t been completely shattered, as my foreword to the forthcoming edition of Deschner’s book begins, I wouldn’t now have such a negative image of our parents’ religion.

So I hope that the times ahead with the collapse of the dollar will drag the desperate to awaken. (It is time to think about buying silver coins: the recent FTX disaster is deeper than you think: huge losses are coming for all cryptocurrencies).

Changing the subject, the backbone of this site is its books, which after the printer that published them for me refused to reprint them, are now only available as PDFs. Before I post a link to the PDF of the enlarged edition of Christianity’s Criminal History which incorporates blog posts 101-172 of that series, I will do a review reading.

That means that I will not add new entries here until I finish reading all 441 pages of the book. However, visitors can entertain themselves in the meantime. As our friend Ørdnung said yesterday on Twitter, ‘[C.T.] just released an excellent compendium of exterminationist thought. Read it here [link].’

Please note that, as I have no printing press at the moment, I am not earning a single penny from these books which I am offering free to visitors to The West’s Darkest Hour. A donation, however modest, is always appreciated. Although I still maintain my Bitcoin and Monero accounts, my PayPal account is still working.

Currency crash

The situation in the Ukraine is an historical event of immense magnitude

by Andrew Anglin

Recently, some readers have complained to me that we are covering the Ukraine situation too closely, saying they are bored with the topic.

Mitch McConnell was right when he said the most important thing happening in the world is the Ukraine conflict. He was right for the wrong reasons, but he was right.

Someone is going to win this conflict, and someone is going to lose. The stakes could not be any higher. The future of the entire world now hinges on the outcome of this conflict. This is the single most consequential military conflict in all of human history.

If Russia loses, the Putin government will collapse, and the US will be able to steamroll the country, break it apart into several pieces. From there, the US will have China isolated, and then eventually break them. This will result in the final establishment of a singular world order run by the Jewish power centers in the United States, Europe, and Israel.

If the US loses the war, we are looking at a freefall collapse of the Western economic and military order, a rising China, and a reshuffling of the entire order of power on the planet earth.

The reason I support Russia is that I want the US empire to collapse.

If the dollar goes down and the US can no longer export debt to the world through the dollar reserve system, the US government will no longer have the ability to micromanage the lives of American citizens. They will not have the resources (you have to have a lot of excess money to inflict your will on the entire population, which is one reason why people are so much freer in third world countries). We will be free, and we will then be able to return to the natural order in our society, without Jews controlling everything, without trannies, without deadly fake vaccines, without mass immigration, without feminism.

Those are the stakes.

I would support Russia fighting against the NATO machine even if I did not like Russia’s politics. In the end, I don’t really care about Russia or China—I care about myself, my own friends and family, my own country. I view the world in terms of what is best for me, as is the natural way for anyone to view world events.

It is a self-evident fact that a collapse of the US as the dominant military power in the world will lead to a severe decline in the ability of the US government to inflict its will on the domestic population.


Read it all: here.

Currency crash Hate Miscegenation

The big question

This is a response to Mauricio’s comment about the supposed representative of the English roses who died recently:

Miscegenation, the sin against the holy spirit of life is not to be forgiven, and the son of the late queen committed it.

But what is most worrying is that English males don’t seem to care about the propaganda to miscegenate they see on street advertisements, and I don’t even see hatred on the forums of so-called white nationalism on this side of the Atlantic.

The only hope for salvation, and I confess it is the thought that comforts me when I wake up at night, is that the crash of fiat currencies will cause such chaos as to initiate the collapse of the System.

Only infinite hatred can save us, but it must come from at least two per cent of the Aryan males of each nation. The big question is whether, after the dollar tanks and we enter an era of ethnic chaos in the West, the Aryan males will finally wake up…

Currency crash Justice / revenge

The end of the American Century

Editor’s note: Since 2011 we have been predicting on this blog that the dollar is going to collapse. Ten years ago, as far as I remember, only another racialist blog used to mention the subject regularly (Mindweapons in Ragnarok). Now we see it everywhere, even on racialist forums where semi-normies comment. In the closing paragraphs of ‘The War in Ukraine Marks the End of the American Century’ published in The Unz Review, Mike Whitney tells us the following:

______ 卐 ______

Did you catch that part about ‘Russia winning the economic war’? What do you think that means in practical terms?

Does it mean that Washington’s failed attempt to maintain its global hegemony by ‘weakening’ Russia is actually putting enormous strains on the Transatlantic Alliance and NATO that will trigger a re-calibration of relations leading to a defiant rejection of the ‘rules-based system’?

Is that what it means? Is Europe going to split with Washington and leave America to sink beneath its $30 trillion ocean of red ink?

Yes, that’s exactly what it means.

Uncle Sam’s 30 Year Bender.

Proponents of Washington’s proxy-war have no idea of the magnitude of their mistake or how much damage they are inflicting on their own country. The Ukraine debacle is the culmination of 30 years of bloody interventions that have brought us to a tipping point where the nation’s fortunes are about to take a dramatic turn-for-the-worse. As the dollar-zone shrinks, standards of living will plunge, unemployment will soar, and the economy will go into a downward-death spiral.

Washington has greatly underestimated its vulnerability to catastrophic geopolitical blowback that is about to bring the New American Century to a swift and excruciating end.

Currency crash

Crypto crash

‘Luna’ just crashed and its value evaporated.

At midnight, my next post will advertise Andrew Anglin once more. But on cryptos he’s so wrong… Bitcoin may Luna after all! If you still own crypto currencies, it’s time to sell them and buy gold or silver.

Postscript of May 13:

If you don’t want to buy precious metals, fans of this site who have savings in Bitcoin or Monero can make a donation to The West’s Darkest Hour (click: here). I’ll do something productive with crypto-currencies while they still have value…!

Christian art Currency crash

Anglin celebrates Easter

‘The Jews murdered God’, writes Andrew Anglin in The Daily Stormer, ‘but He rose again’.

Fortunately, Christian Anglin has all his savings in Bitcoin. That means that when crypto-currencies crash, he and other white nationalists who believe in cryptos, and who suffer from schizophrenia (such as that a gospel written by Jews is good news for Jew-wise Aryans), will be fleeced. This will happen once the longed-for day comes that we have been prophesying on this site since 2011: the collapse of the American dollar.

Currency crash Peter Schiff

The Megyn Kelly Show

Perhaps few Americans believe the words of the Canadian I quoted yesterday: ‘Murka is done, it is finished…’ Perhaps it is worth mentioning yesterday’s exchange on Megyn Kelly’s Show with Peter Schiff about what will happen to the economy when inflation skyrockets in the US (what Americans are suffering now is inflation, not hyperinflation).

Peter Schiff: But when the dollar loses its status, then the rest of the world isn’t going to want dollars anymore… So, what would have to happen if the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, is: American spending would implode, consumption would collapse because we will have nothing to buy, and so our entire GDP would implode. We’ll have a massive recession because Americans wouldn’t be buying anything because we couldn’t afford anything and all the shelves would be empty because foreigners wouldn’t be sending us the stuff that they produce and we don’t have the capacity to produce it for ourselves.

Megyn Kelly: What is the likelihood that that will happen?

Peter Schiff: Oh, a hundred percent.

Biden’s recent sanctions only prompted Russia and other countries to dump the dollar and start trading in gold, or fiat currencies such as the rouble, the Chinese yuan or the Indian rupee. If you are rich, brace yourself by buying gold. If you are poor, buy silver (Bitcoin will collapse even before the dollar crashes).