A couple of days ago, in the comments section, I mentioned the documentary End of the Road, which I watched again yesterday. In 2014 Tim Delmastro, one of the documentary’s producers—an artist—kindly sent me the DVD as a gift when the documentary could only be seen by buyers.
Not long ago I said that Mein Kampf and the book by Bernal Díaz, one of the conquerors of the Aztec Empire, were marred by the prolixity of that pair of books and that ideally they should be abridged.
A fundamental part of literary art is to write as compactly, clearly and didactically as possible; and I believe that both Mein Kampf and The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, a first-person narrative written in 1568 should, under the supervision of an accomplished artist, be abridged.
Well: in less than an hour End of the Road presents the POV of the Austrian school economists in such a way that a layman can perfectly understand it! Economics is not an esoteric subject. It is a relatively simple subject that only becomes convoluted if one only has, as a source of information, conventional economists (i.e., those who fail to predict any currency crash).
The End of the Road interviewees are the economic equivalent of Jared Taylor’s race realism compared to the pseudoscientific anthropology taught in Western universities. In fact, in 2025 the ‘Big Boys’ of the financial world have already begun to buy tons of gold. Too bad I, in the Third World, lack the resources to get at least couple of coins but those who, like the racialists of the First World, are presumed to be dissidents of the system should start to do so.