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Ancient Greece Beauty

European beauty

Francisco Franco Real men Sexual degeneracy

Franco, 1

I have been watching documentaries interviewing Spanish academics about Francisco Franco and Franco’s Spain that have given me pause for thought.

The first surprise I got was that the Second Spanish Republic ‘liberated’ women, a Newspeak term meaning that it altered sexual roles in the 1930s through a ‘feminism’ that was reversed during Franco’s regime, when women resumed their role as procreators. Homosexuality was also considered degenerating with the return to family values.

I was also unaware that the Spanish Civil War had been so bloody and that the battles from town to town, village to village had been so prolonged because the Republicans really believed in their ideology and fought, together with the foreigners who came to Spain to fight for the ‘freedom’ of Spain, with extraordinary persistence and faith.

In the mature phase of the war, the huge posters that lined the streets of Madrid with Stalin’s face really surprised me, as did the level of power enjoyed by the Soviets who had come to Spain to advise the Republican government. A picture is worth a thousand words, and those huge faces of Stalin and Lenin in Madrid leave no doubt as to who were the good guys in that war.

The memory of Franco should be revalued. If Hitler and the Germans had not been crushed by the bad guys in our film, the sexual decency that reigned under Franco would still reign in the West today. I recently said in the comments section that if I were to make a political career I would, like Hitler, have to compromise with Christians. And indeed: it is Christians like Matt Walsh in North America, and Agustín Laje in Latin America, who are doing a stupendous battle against the continent’s most florid psychoses when it comes to sexuality.

Today’s Woke monster is the final spawn of a process of inversion of values that began, in its secular phase, with the French Revolution but has only now reached its culmination in the United States whose hegemony influences the entire West, including that projection of the West, ‘Latin America’.

Another thing that has been striking me in the documentaries I watch is the tremendous support from civil society that the generalissimo received throughout his dictatorship. If Americans were to transvalue their values to the sexual decency of the past, they would have to repudiate democracy and consider having their first dictator although, unlike the first dictator in the UK—Cromwell—, without inviting Jews into the nation. (Recall that Protestantism has been more friendly to Jews than old-fashioned Catholicism.)

It is impossible to begin to familiarise oneself with Franco’s dictatorship without feeling that democracy must be repudiated as a body-snatched pod, including freedom of expression. The ceremonies in the big Spanish cities commemorating the historic milestones, so similar to the street ceremonies in Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Italy, with tens of thousands of civilians cheering the Caudillo, are very inspiring about how we should proceed if we were to seize power. What I liked most, when the Nationalists won the war, were the tens of thousands (50,000?) of Reds executed. As long as the white nationalists of America don’t become men—real men kill the enemy—they deserve the System they have. In any case, 50,000 is nothing compared to the 50 million, or more, killed by the Communists in the century in which I was born.

That said, Franco’s Spain cannot be the model of the transvalued racists. Most of its military was rather monarchist, and they disliked the Nazi model because they considered it atheistic and idolatrous. Franco’s Spain never reached the level of Italian fascism. Although the Falange wanted to imitate Mussolini, it was opposed by the army, the monarchists and the Catholic Church hierarchy. Franco’s regime had the air of a fascist state, but in reality it never was. If Hitler had won, the Falange would have had its chance (see what Hitler thought of Franco’s Spain by clicking on the ‘Francisco Franco’ category below this article).

At the end of World War II, the Falange had a million members. We must consider that the Spanish Civil War was a prelude to WW2, as Soviet, German and Italian forces were involved in the form of direct aid to the two Spanish sides. But with the Allied victory over the Axis, Franco’s Spain began to be punished in an isolationist purgatory. It was then that Falangism was defeated in favour of a ‘Christian democracy’, which was fashionable in post-war Europe.

Spain was isolated, and to satisfy international pressure, the fascist salute was abolished. Thus the entry of Catholics into the post-war government in Spain made it clear to the Falangists that their influence would wane. (Only George Lincoln Rockwell would, on the other side of the Atlantic, pick up the torch: an isolated individual.) Only in this way, by proclaiming that the ideology of post-war Spain would be a ‘national Catholicism’, could Spain be more or less tolerated, though not admitted with open arms by the international powers.

An almost medieval clericalism pervaded the mores of Franco’s Spain, along with the exaltation of the national. But therein lay the problem. As we have seen, Christianity had been the ideology that weakened the Visigoths in Hispania by mixing their blood. After the dictator’s death, Spain would be at the mercy of the liberal, deranged West.

Aryan beauty

European beauty

Racial right

Enemy of whites

A couple of days ago an article by Tobias Langdon was published in The Occidental Observer, ‘The Cuckoo Cult: Mainstream Christianity Is Now an Implacable Enemy of the White West’.

Langdon’s article is typical of white nationalist (WN) webzines, who see the speck in someone else’s eye (Judaism) but never the log in their own (Christianity). It is an article that, as is typical of the movement, is all framed as JQ, as if whites are innocent that a Semitic cult took over the Roman Empire and continue to worship the god of the Jews to this day, including many contributors and commenters to Kevin MacDonald’s webzine.

Langdon’s article informs us, for example, that it was at Jewish instigation that the Second Vatican Council changed its stance towards the Jews. This denotes, as is so often the case in WN, complete ignorance of historical fact. The Roman Catholic Church began not only by murdering the Aryan religion of whites, but by legalising, from the 5th century onwards, Judaism and Christianity as the only religions tolerated by the Empire: a situation that persisted until the late 18th century. Many times I have quoted the culmination of the masthead of this site, but as WNsts have not responded to us I have to link it again.

Another fallacy is what Langdon tells us about Protestantism: ‘Jews have tamed and corrupted American Protestantism too’. Why is the American racial right unable to assimilate what American William Pierce said about Luther? I’ll go ahead and answer: because they are Christians or sympathisers of Christianity, and Pierce wasn’t.

Fortunately, as of today several commenters rebutted what Langdon said, and the moderator allowed the following comments from

Stan Wood:

This article ends, without explanation, with the same pretzel logic it condemns. Why should a nihilistic Semitic cult be vital to the salvation of ‘the West?’ Christianity is the original Marxism and the foundation of Political Correctness. Is ‘the West’ a euphemism for the species of hominin commonly referred to as ‘Whites?’ If so, it isn’t logical that a Middle Eastern god or cult of mixed-raced desert dwellers should be vital to ending our extermination; an ongoing genocide engineered by this same tribe of destroyers.

And speaking of genocidal engineering, it’s evident in many ways that Christianty is designed to weaken and destroy the White race for the benefit of the unholy self-proclaimed Chosen of the Judean God of Genocide; a projection of Judean psychopathy.

The only way out of the ongoing racial holocaust is for our species to regain our identity. Identifying with Middle Eastern beggars, their racist folklore, and their Semitic Buddhism, is exactly what has brought us under their power.

Our people need a racial religion or philosophy that meets the higher, purer standards of a race noted for being ‘white’. We do not need a fictionalized mixed-race Marxist hippie of questionable reputation and harmful dogma, and the scion of our mortal enemies and their God of Genocide, as our idol.

From its European beginnings in Rome, to today, Christianity is a Marxist, Antifa (anti-nationalist), anarchist death cult. In its Roman Catholic permutation, it created Hell on Earth for millions of White Europeans, for centuries, and works diligently today for the genocide of Whites by ethnic replacement.

We need to practice our own unique spirituality for healing and repairing our identity. We need to draw from our past mythologies, folklore, and traditions; and from our White collective unconscious. This is the foundation from which we will build something new and better. Semitic religion? Never again!


‘Christianity is central to the sickness, but will also be central to the cure’.

I hear this same oxymoronic view being parroted by far too many on the pro-White alternative right, and I keep waiting for anyone who seriously believes this to explain how it is even remotely possible to un-brainwash the millions of White Christians who have allowed the jews to switch off their racial survival instincts and to fall in love with the very same race who works 24/7, 365 to do everything possible to destroy and genocide White Europeans off the face of the Earth.

I’ve tried to gently bring up the topic of jews and their… hatred for White Europeans and point out their leading role in the Great White Race Replacement agenda with a few marginally ‘Christian’ people I know… and these self-hating, self-loathing, white guilt ridden idiots will immediately start foaming at the mouth and blurting out every memorized bible passage that they can remember.

Fourth Horseman:

I appreciate Langdon’s writings here, but he completely misses the boat on this one. To claim that ‘Christian’ is not ‘Judeo’ is to totally overlook the history: Jesus, Joseph, Mary, the Twelve Apostles, the Gospel writers, and ‘Saint’ Paul—all ethnic Jews. The Bible, OT and NT, is a Jewish construction intended strictly for the benefit of Jews. The ‘Jesus miracles’ are nonsense—obvious fiction intended to sway gullible Gentiles. Paul’s constructed theology, based (perhaps) on a tiny core of historical truth, works directly against Roman rule and simultaneously corrupts its Gentile believers. Langdon needs to read Nietzsche’s The Antichrist.


Do Christians value their religion more than their race? Yes. Can any member of any race be a Christian? Yes. Do Christians believe everyone is a child of God? Yes. Does Christianity have irrevocable ties to Judaism? Yes… What more do we really need to know? Of course, it’s pointless to debate Christians on this subject as they have deep psychological needs that transcend rationality. But I hope non-Christian White racial activists understand the threat Christianity poses not only to our race, but to the entire planet itself.

Frederick Ford:

Christianity (& conversion religions), in general, is a multiracial, multicultural cult that preceded the eventually downfall of the White race through its message of universal human unity through morality—which is still used for international law and universal human rights. [Note of the Editor: what we call secular Christianity or neochristianity.]

Thaddeus Noble:

Christianity is, and was from inception, a Jewish plan to groom Gentiles into supporting Jews agendas. Starting literally from birth (baptism), gentile children are force fed pro-Jew propaganda starting with the Old Testament fiction on into the New Testament fiction. Bible schools, weekly Sunday schools, church services, church youth groups, summer bible camps, etc. The pro-Jew propaganda never ends.

The strange thing is that none of these commenters cites any of our featured essays or books that demonstrate, in a more learned way, what they have said informally. It’s weird that no one mentions, or links, The West’s Darkest Hour in WN forums.

This is why: unlike Langdon, this site demonstrates that mainstream Christianity has always been an enemy of the white West.

European beauty

David Irving Heinrich Himmler True Himmler (book)

True Himmler, chapter 2

Editor’s Note: Below are excerpts from the second chapter, ‘Flawed’, of David Irving’s book on Heinrich Himmler (available through Irving’s bookstore here).

Like water splashes, the relics of Himmler’s life lie splattered around the globe. His household papers and some diaries are in Russia, his childhood epistles to his parents are stolen property in Israel, and his photo albums in Stanford, California – taken illegally by American Red Cross girls billeted in his lakeside villa in Gmund; the scores of letters to his mistress ‘Hedwig’ are owned by a soldier’s son who lived in Chestnut Street, Chicago, where we read them. Each tells us something about Himmler’s character: The Nordic runes he used to sign those letters… the manner in which he wrote a neat caption for each photo in ink using a Gothic script that is all but illegible now to his countrymen…

His interests were manifold. In early years he set aside time to immerse himself in archeology, in the occult, and the religions of the Far East. For Christmas 1938, he sent over to Hitler a book entitled Death and Immortality in the World View of Indo-Germanic Thinkers. He hoped it would mark a high point in the festivities, and signed it personally for his ‘Fuhrer’… In May 1938 Himmler despatched a year-long expedition to Tibet, headed by German zoologist Ernst Schäfer, to explore the story of a primaeval Germanic race which had inhabited the region.

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Editor’s Note: With the benefit of hindsight, and taking into account what I said yesterday about Robert Morgan’s interpretation of the American Civil War, it seems clear to me that the German expedition shouldn’t have been directed at distant Tibet, but at the United States of America, home of the Jewish golden calf in NY, Hollywood and media that would so influence the war, and of the Anglo-Saxon traitors who, led by Lincoln, had already waged a fierce anti-white war on the other side of the Atlantic.

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The British lies about Himmler, and his unseemly end, would outlast many who believed them. We shall find a different picture of Himmler emerging from the pages which follow…

SS Standartenführer (Colonel) Hans Lingner, commander of the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division was heard to remark months before the end in 1945: ‘It is generally said that Himmler is hated by the people. But that isn’t the case at all.’ He had heard of a speech Himmler once made with great applause to armament workers. ‘Afterwards even the most plain-spoken fellows went up and asked him to shake hands with them, it really came straight from their hearts. He’d be the right man for post-war. I believe, too, that he’d be able to make the change­ over. He would be able to see that everything has gone to the devil anyway, that our first duty now is to maintain the bare existence of the people…’

Carl Jacob Burckhardt remarked at the League of Nations to Roger Makins, Britain’s man in Geneva, a few weeks later that Himmler was ‘disgusted by the anti-Semitic outrages.’ Makins learned that Hitler too was ‘not pleased’ by the Kristallnacht… Himmler’s chief of staff Karl Wolff would say years later that he had become harder only as the Second World War progressed. He was an amiable human being who became what he was only as a result of the war’s rising climate of barbarism and brutality, said Wolff. His concern for his men was genuine, but carefully calculated. He knew how to ingratiate by a display of compassion and understanding…

There was one aspect on which all the sources agree. Himmler acquired no personal wealth. Even army officers admitted that he was incorruptible, and stood out from others in that respect. ‘He is the only man about whom you don’t hear anything bad,’ Major-General Bock von Wülfingen was heard admitting, to nods of approval from his fellow generals late in 1944. ‘He has neither lived in luxury, nor in great style.’ Himmler regarded financial wrong-doers as the worst, and punished them ‘mercilessly’ (as his bodyguard Josef Kiermaier put it). ‘Money spoils the character,’ he was heard to scoff. It was a paradox that Himmler, whose Operation Reinhardt from 1942 to 1943 would involve robbery on an unparalleled scale, should display anger at the petty thieving of others…

Himmler had bought a small lakeside villa at Gmund after the National Socialists came to power, on the shores of the Tegernsee lake in Bavaria; it cost around 65,000 Reichsmarks, not an impossibly large sum, but his income was only modest and it took him six years to clear the debt. Visiting him in 1938, his Ordonnanzoffizier Diether Lönholdt found the villa set some way back from the road, on the southern exit from Gmund; it was a two-storey building, with Himmler’s office on the ground floor. Josef Kiermaier, the police bodyguard who joined his staff in June 1934, often saw him there – usually in the summer or at Christmas. ‘Staying down at Gmund the Reichsführer lived with his wife and daughter, whom he adored,’ recalled Kiermaier. The Himmlers were popular with their neighbours: ‘His modesty and simplicity in dealing with the locals helped him gain their respect’…

In peacetime Berlin, Himmler’s routine had hardened. He was at his desk at ten, and his adjutant began showing in visitors – a late visitor would find his appointment cancelled – not just postponed. At two p.m. he and his circle ate in the canteen, a simple repast after which he worked on until eight p.m.; after supper he carried on until one or two in the morning. He recorded his punishing routine remorselessly in his diary, and once even repeated it to his mistress. ‘He’s a glutton for work,’ grumbled an army major, ‘and expects the same from others. They don’t have any private life.’ Asked where Himmler lived, the major revealed: ‘In Berlin, only he’s always rushing around elsewhere, he is totally driven, he works almost more than the Fuhrer.’ (The awed almost is to be remarked upon)…

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Editor’s Note: A true ‘priest of the fourteen words’!


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‘Foreign countries,’ said Meyer, with a trace of pride in his voice, ‘have realised that Himmler is top dog in the Reich. Goring is just a child.’ Kurt Meyer is now seen as one of the finest division commanders that Germany produced; when he died in 1961 fifteen thousand people attended his funeral in Hagen.

Barely noticed amongst his major sins, Himmler had a minor flaw. He displayed not even a passing interest in the arts. Risking disfavour at the highest level, he made no secret of his view that two hours could be spent more profitably than in the concert hall or theatre. This did not escape Hitler’s notice, and in 1945 he dismissed Himmler’s ambitions with one crushing remark: He is totally unmusikalisch – unmusical (or perhaps, ‘tone-deaf’). Albert Speer shared this judgment, saying, ‘He was unable to appreciate art.’

As a full-grown man, Himmler did have some friends – they came to visit, went hunting with him, or succumbed to his passion for fishing. His family albums have pictures of punting parties on their local lake – Himmler clad in felt hat and Lederhosen; Himmler seated on a flower-decked meadow at a picnic surrounded by family and friends, days before the ruinous attack on the Soviet Union. Shown the caricatures appearing in enemy propaganda, of Himmler the hangman, he just chuckled.

In fact he was not devoid of a certain grim sense of humour. At the end of November 1940, he joined a shooting Party in the Sudetenland, including Alexis Aminoff of the Swedish foreign ministry. On the first day, as they set out from Berlin in the customary large limousines, he stressed to Aminoff, seated next to him, the common Nordic bonds linking Germans and Swedes, and the many successful intermarriages including that of Goring for example. Unaware of Himmler’s identity, Aminoff countered that the Swedish press was free, and not in the grip of a secret police, whereupon Himmler identified himself with that jovial grin. The Swede weaseled his way out – he found this hard to believe, surely the real Himmler was always attended by a large bodyguard? ‘Inside Germany,’ the Reichsführer assured him, ‘I have no need of any bodyguard.’

The Party proceeded to wreak due slaughter on some three hundred cock pheasants on an estate formerly belonging to Archduke Frederick of Austria, and then at a shoot near Magdeburg, where one hundred boar(s) and sixty deer were no less sportingly put to death.

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Editor’s Note: Hitler was astonished to learn of these hunting escapades of Himmler and others. The Reichsführer may have been a priest of the 14 words, but Hitler was the priest of the 4 words as well (‘Eliminate all unnecessary suffering’).

European beauty

American civil war Conservatism

The American Civil War

Yesterday I was leafing through For Cause and Comrades by James M. McPherson and Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of War by Charles B. Dew. But it was not what I was looking for, even though McPherson begins his book with the splendid phrase, ‘Harriet Beecher Stowe insisted that she did not write Uncle Tom’s Cabin; God did’. What I was looking for was a book that dealt with the Yankee mentality, like the Lincoln quotes that Robert Morgan has been digging up and which we have collected here. Obviously, it is easier for me to try to capture the zeitgeist of the 1930s in Spain than to capture the zeitgeist of the 1860s in the US. Nevertheless, I think Morgan is right that both Jared Taylor and Gregory Hood have misled American racialists into believing that Lincoln or the founding fathers were racists.

Among the American racial right, the one who has read the most about US history is Hunter Wallace from whom I got the data to show that Taylor, to provide a rosy picture of American racial history, had cherry-picked his cherries like the pretty girl I reproduced in this article. But that’s just a blog entry. Is there a book out there that sets out, in a more scholarly way, what Morgan has been saying, for years, in the comments section of racialist forums? Ignorant as I am on this subject, I don’t know what the exact bibliography is. Nevertheless, as an introduction to the subject I feel like reading the novel Gore Vidal wrote about Lincoln. As long-time visitors to this site will recall, I had been collecting a huge number of passages from Vidal’s novel about Emperor Julian: the most important historical novel I have ever read.

These are novels where it would be an outrage to read them on screen (PDFs of the books by the normies McPherson and Dew can be accessed on the internet). It is essential to have Vidal’s novels on paper in order to enjoy them. I must be honest on this point: the chapter on Julian in Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire bored me to tears and I couldn’t grasp any of the zeitgeister of the 4th-century c.e. Only Vidal was able to transport me to that world.

Yesterday I was saying that, despite General Franco’s victory, Spain today has subscribed to Wokism. In the totalitarian world we live in, it is impossible to find a recent novel or film that portrays historical events from our point of view. Yesterday, for example, I watched a large part of the Spanish film Mientras Dure la Guerra. I stopped it as soon as Miguel de Unamuno was shown speaking out against Día de la Raza (literally, Day of Race) and Nazi anti-Semitism.

Spaniards aren’t ready to repudiate Wokism because, as I said yesterday, totalitarian egalitarianism has its remote roots in universalist Catholicism since Constantine. And something similar could be said about Americans, who aren’t ready to see the ultimate truth about the American Civil War because they cling to a Protestantism that is also universalist and egalitarian (the aforementioned Dew, for example, ends Apostles of Disunion with an enthusiastic chapter on Obama because he was delighted that a black man had become president). Nor could Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent make an honest reading of the Yankee mentality because that would lead him to the apostasy of his Lutheranism.

In short, neither conservative Spaniards nor conservative Americans will ever understand why the European and American right always loses (and will lose, unless they get to the religious root of the matter). Although the title of this post is about the American war of secession, I would like to end it with the words that a commenter posted last year on this site about the Spanish party Vox: a party branded as fascist in both Spain and Latin America:

Vox is absolute garbage. They are anti-racist and extremely pro-Jew and Israel (it’s the holy land of the Christians). The first black man in the Spanish parliament was put there by Vox! The same is true in neighbouring Portugal, where so-called far-right parties are always trying to “prove” they’re not racists by pushing non-Whites as political candidates. They’re cuckolds (or traitors), all of them! Christians cannot be trusted as they are still infected by the inversion of values promoted by that Jewish weapon against Aryans called Christianity. “Wokeness” is just the latest mutation of Christianity. It’s just that now it doesn’t have Yahweh or Jesus: every single one of the believers is a Jesus! Everything is so fucked up now that it’s getting really hard to distinguish between enemies and retards everywhere in the West.

Syntax has been corrected. The original comment can be read here.


European beauty

Civil war Deranged altruism Egalitarianism Francisco Franco Goths

The Spanish Civil War

A few years ago, a troll who used to troll this site made the observation that I, despite my origins, hardly talked about Francisco Franco.

First of all, as I recently recalled on this site, the history of Spain ceased to hold my attention ever since a 7th-century Visigoth king allowed their people to be infected by Christianity to the extent of overturning the old Gothic prohibition against mixing their blood with those from the Iberian peninsula who didn’t come from Germanic tribes. (The first emigrant Goths set out from some territory in present-day Sweden for what is now Poland and the mouth of the Vistula river, and ethnically replaced the inhabitants there.) Precisely because of such old miscegenation, ancient Hispania became Spain, about which Kenneth Clark told us in his famous TV series: ‘Some of the most offensive omissions were dictated by my title [Civilisation]. If I had been talking about the history of art, it would not have been possible to leave out Spain; but when one asks what Spain has done to enlarge the human mind and pull mankind a few steps up the hill, the answer is less clear. Don Quixote, the Great Saints, the Jesuits in South America? Otherwise she has simply remained Spain, and since I wanted each programme to be concerned with the new developments of the European mind, I could not change my ground and talk about a single country’. That happens when the Aryan mixes his blood, and the same can be said of the Portuguese.

Secondly, the Spanish Civil War was a war between Christians and neochristians. The influence of hardcore Stalinism, especially in the last years of the war, was considerable. Many secular neochristians, the famous international brigade of forty thousand volunteers, went to fight for the Republican side. None of them knew what had happened, and was happening, in the concentration and extermination camps of the Soviet Union, nor did they have any idea of the holocaust in the 1930s that was to be called Holodomor.

A Spaniard of that time wouldn’t have understood my position. Christianity was practically abolished during the Republic and I would have supported, for tactical reasons, Franco’s Catholic nationalists. How is it that someone who wants to see Christianity disappear sides with the enemies of the Republican cause? Because it was necessary to fight against the Red Front, which was then still influenced by the exterminationist Jews of the Soviet Union, and because atheistic neochristians are far worse, for our holy words, than ordinary Christians.

It is as simple as that.

And this is true even today. The Woke monster (already since the Spanish Civil War, which was also a feminist war on the Republican side, the word ‘progress’ was used) is even worse than the old-fashioned Christians not only on the American continent where I live, but in other parts of the West. As we have said many times on this site, the problem with atheistic neochristianity is that the universalist, egalitarian ethics not only remains but grows, like cancer, once traditional Christianity is abandoned.

The Christian ethics of equalising what is unequal—from Paul’s verse in Galatians, a mustard seed, to the great tree where birds nest, passing through the egalitarian ideals of the founders of the US, and the French Revolution—has been the archetype that has infected the white man’s soul since Constantine and the following emperors murdered the classical world. But, ironically, Christian ethics enter a state of final metastasis once the Christ archetype is removed from the equation, as in traditional Christianity Christians sublimated their need for sacrifice with the image of the crucified god of the Jews (now they simply sacrifice themselves, specifically, the fair race).

What is extremely striking about the thousands of volunteers who went to fight for Republican Spain in pursuit of the egalitarian archetype is that some of them were English, Swedish, Swiss and even German when Hitler was in power! How was it that they didn’t go to fight for Hitler to defend their race? The basic and fundamental reason that Germany lost the war is that this archetype, implanted in the Aryan psyche since Constantine, still possesses our soul. That’s why Nietzsche said that his philosophy would only be understood after the next great European war. And it is only until our century, when the triumph of the egalitarian archetype seems absolute in the West, that some old-fashioned Christians have begun to perceive how mad this final phase of metastasis is, e.g., in the political attempt to equalise trans people, who obviously suffer from acute psychosis, with normal people.

The fair race could only be saved by rebelling against the archetype that has been killing them for seventeen hundred years. Traditional Christianity can no more save us than it saved Spain, now a Woke country, after Franco’s death.