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Evropa Soberana (webzine) God Jesus Karlheinz Deschner

On Christian nationalists

Because Amazon is already printing my books, and in another account The Fair Race will even be available, I removed the ads from my books that I had on the addendum to this site. I had titled it Daybreak Press but recently I modified it to, in my mother tongue, criticise Eschatology: a cult derived from Christian Science in which I was alienated throughout my twenties.
The founder of that sect, one William Walter, had crossed by a great agony in his youth to expurgate from his mind the idea of a personal god. Even during my perdition in Walter’s sect, I had already abandoned theism, as the idea of ‘God’ for the eschatologists is similar to that of the New Age in which each individual, not only Jesus, is Vere homo, vere Deus.
Although on the Addenda I now criticise Walter’s cult, his new vision of divinity is a clear advance compared to the idea of the volcanic demon worshiped by the ancient Hebrews: an idea that whites internalized with extraordinary ferocity since Constantine and his successors, except Julian, destroyed the classical world. Thus, the beautiful gods of the Hellenes were replaced by an exceedingly proud and primitive god, in whose Talmud it is said that the best among the Goyim must be exterminated.
But the idea of the providence of the ignorant Walter was not really new. It resembles, in a way, the new understanding of God of German philosophers such as Schelling and Hegel. Thanks to their philosophers, when Hitler created National Socialism, some Germans already had not only an idea of the divinity much more mature than the tribal god of the Hebrews (and of traditionalist Americans). The Germans also had a long history of exegetes who had subjected the New Testament to the highest possible scrutiny that one could imagine.
(Reimarus, who restarted the criticism on the historicity in the gospel narratives since the subject had been suppressed when the Christians burned Porphyry’s books.)
On this site I have criticized Albert Schweitzer for having migrated, as a good neo-Christian, to Africa to help blacks after abandoning traditional Christianity. However, his book, in which he reviews the long history of German exegetes who studied the gospels, is a classic. Many, like Schweitzer himself, had no choice but to abandon traditional dogma after such an undertaking.
Culturally but not geographically, I am closer to Europe and National Socialism than to the United States. For the same reason, every time I approach the new posts of pro-white sites in America, I am astonished to see how backward they are compared, say, to Hitler’s anti-Christian table talks (whose excerpts I find myself moving to Ex Libris). Hunter Wallace of Alabama, for example, concludes his entry today with these words ‘The solution to all this is found in Jesus the Christ’.
Compare his words with what I recently said in Pilate or Jesus?: ‘You do not realise that, with that admiration [of Jesus], you, like so many white nationalists who are still clinging to their parents’ religion, are doing something harmful to the white race’. It was in that same post where I added: ‘It is this kind of thing that produces a tectonic earthquake, it opens a grand canyon so to speak, between me and the [American] nationalists’.
Years ago, it seems to me that on Radio Free Mississippi, Wallace discussed with Alex Linder the theme of Christianity throughout the podcast. But Linder is monolingual: he did not know, at least when he argued with Wallace, the Spanish texts of Evropa Soberana and Karlheinz Deschner in German that we have been translating for this site. As I have said elsewhere, the masthead of this site is Soberana’s essay; what the ten volumes of Deschner provide is a huge bibliography that validates Soberana’s claims.
I do not harbour any illusions. I know that pro-white Americans will die addicted to the Judeo-Christian drug until their race finishes dying. But perhaps my work may be of some use to those who, as Walter and I suffered while repudiating the volcanic demon, are in the process of apostasy.

Happy birthday!

‘He imagined an alliance that could crush Judeo-Bolshevism forever, and never could understand why the closest kin to the Germans fought so viciously to protect what should have been a common enemy’.

James Mason

Syria – Trump: a puppet president

Yes: it is not out of the realm of possibilities that the Russians could retaliate for Trump’s incredibly ZOGish attack, but perhaps WW3 is exactly what we need. After all, business as usual means continuing on the road of white extinction. If James Mason is right that ‘The enemy today is the U.S. Government itself and it is, by every standard of measure, the most evil thing that has ever existed on earth’, then we must welcome a total war even if we may perish in the process.
I’ll remove my previous post on philosophy and will only re-post it if things cool down tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can follow recent Alt-Right articles on this unbelievable stupid attack on Syria through Shitlord Hub.

George Washington Judeo-reductionism Liberalism

Hunter hunts Ben

“Racism” became stigmatized in the United States between 1938 and 1945. American racial attitudes, particularly in the Northern states, softened during this period. It became dogma that blacks were equal to Whites.
Benjamin Garland blames it all on the Jews. Why were millions of Jews let into the United States in the first place though? Why were they allowed to hijack our institutions? Why were they allowed to become so culturally, politically and economically powerful? Why were they praised by George Washington who said that the United States “gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance”?
The answer to all of the questions and more is one that Benjamin Garland refuses to entertain: it is because American Nationalism is civic nationalism. That’s why slavery was abolished. That’s why blacks were given citizenship. That’s why women were given the right to vote. That’s why universal manhood suffrage triumphed. That’s why husbands lost authority over their wives and children. That’s why Jews were accepted and treated as equal citizens from the beginning. That’s why traditional morality and religion has collapsed into this orgy of nihilism and consumerism.
We’ve simply taken the axioms and logic of American Nationalism to greater and greater extremes and we are living with the consequences.
(Read the full article on Ben Garland: here.)

Parkland massacre

‘In a society that has lactating trannies breastfeeding adopted niglettes it’s no surprise that you have mass shootings in schools’.

—OD commenter.

Lord of the Rings

Liaucius revisited


The ‘Ring Wraiths’

Further to my previous post, ‘Pseudo anti-Christians’. Occidental Dissent, in Wallace’s words, is not even a white nationalist site. He and the commenters prefer the term ‘Southern Nationalism’. They worship a wraith: the Confederacy slain by the evil yanks.
They remind me the silly Creole nationalists I’ve spoken to in Mexico who worship another wraith: New Spain when only the peninsular Spaniards ruled the region that now is called ‘Mexico’. Compare the two flags: the one that appears above with that of New Spain (here).
What these guys ignore, the Mexican Creoles and the American Southern Nationalists, is that their projects failed because their respective foundations were not only Christian (Reformation and Counter-Reformation): both flourished under the spell of The One Ring. Making you rich was prioritised, but with time you become Sauron’s (Mammon) obedient marionettes or ‘ring wraiths’. New Spain and the Confederacy, Christian and capitalistic, lacked a solid meta-political foundation for racial preservation. Both were ‘client kingdoms’ so to speak: they wielded the rings of ‘power’.
For a non-metaphorical approach to the Old South, revisiting the writings of Hajo Liaucius, originals in this site, may be helpful. He said:

The ideology promoted by the Klan and like-minded groups since the Reconstruction Era is extremely similar to the ideology promoted by the mainstream of American racialist groups such as Stormfront, American Renaissance, Liberty Lobby, VDARE, the Council of Conservative Citizens, various Klan factions, and several other organizations as well.

Liaucius is not an American. Maybe that helps to understand the US. His main article can be read: here.

Dow Jones decline

A couple of days ago, I wrote elsewhere on the comments section of this site:

And talking about the eschaton, yesterday I watched a clip of an Austrian economist who fears a dow jones crash next Monday. (Hope he’s wrong as I still have to publish a couple of books this year…).

Alas, it happened this Monday.

Americanism Civilisation (TV series) Evropa Soberana (webzine) Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Francis Parker Yockey Kenneth Clark New Testament

Against the City upon a Hill

After Lulu Press deplatformed me last month, I became tempted to open an account in Amazon’s Create Space so that my Day of Wrath and the other volume I complied, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, may be easily available as softcover books.
If Amazon doesn’t deplatform me, in the 2018 edition of the latter I’ll remove my introductory remarks for each chapter (remarks that still can be seen as a PDF here) and also thirteen essays (PDF here). This does not mean that the removed essays from several authors are unimportant. It means that only the texts that caused a huge impact on my worldview will remain.
However, since the 2018 edition will include the long essay that I’m presently translating the weekdays, ‘Apocalypse for whites’, I won’t be able to assemble it until I finish the translation:

CONTENTS [revised February 2018]:

Our 14 words 3
Preface: The ultimate conclusion 5
The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour
Part I Basics 9

Worst generation ever! – B.P.S. 10
The depth of evil – Andrew Hamilton 14

Part II The Judeo-Christian problem 16

Seeing the forest – William Pierce 17
Rome contra Judaea; Judaea
contra Rome – Evropa Soberana 26
Arrows and comments – Jack Frost 115
Burn them all! – Albus 134

Part III On the need to undemonize Hitler 135

Hellstorm – J. A. Sexton 136
Manu Rodríguez’s first letter 146

Part IV The Aryan problem: Gold over blood 149

Heroic materialism – Kenneth Clark 150
History of the white race – William Pierce 153

Part V Nordicism 261

March of the titans – Arthur Kemp 271
The black man’s gift to Portugal – Ray Smith 273
What race were the Greeks and Romans? – J. H. Sims 279

Part VI Translated texts of Evropa Soberana 289

Were the Greeks and Romans blond
and blue-eyed? 290
The new racial classification 310
Sparta and its law 371

Part VII Our New religion: Hitlerism 469

For the Hitler Youth – Helmut Stellrecht 470
National Socialist worldview – SS pamphlet 471
Rockwell – William Pierce 481
Faith of the future – Matt Koehl 514

Part VIII Transvaluation of values 525

Polarities – Francis Parker Yockey 527
Manu Rodríguez’s second letter 529
New tablets of stone 531

You will notice that the table of contents includes the text of Civilisation’s chapter, ‘Heroic materialism’ by Lord Kenneth Clark. Yesterday I said that, culturally, the US has been inferior to Germany (at least before the Germans betrayed themselves). I’ll illustrate it with today’s article at Occidental Dissent, ‘Techno-Traditionalism is Feasible’. The author argues that traditionalism is compatible with modern technology because some very modern cities thrive even under Sharia.
This is the wrong paradigm. The right paradigm would be to compare—and here’s why I include Lord Clark’s text on New York—an unhealthy Aryan city with a healthy Aryan city. Francis Parker Yockey summarised this view with crystal-clear prose in his essay about the enemy of Europe (Americanism).
I won’t elaborate much in a single post except saying that in the 1990s I worked in Houston downtown, which reminds me the picture that the author chose for the Occidental Dissent article. We only have to contrast the soulless edifices we see when going to work with Raphael’s town square and see how anti-Aryan, and Judaized, our large cities have become. This is what the Spanish blogger says in my previous post:

All these quotes point to a stubborn ideological as well as military confrontation, in which both Rome and Judea were going to think a lot for a final solution: a conflict that would influence History in a huge way and, therefore, cannot be ignored under any pretext. This article tries to give an idea of what the old clash of the East against the West meant.

Today’s Americans are clueless that they lost the cultural war since the pilgrims considered themselves Israelites that would found a City upon a Hill: a phrase from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:14.
Hopefully, my translations of Evropa Soberana in the next weeks will throw some light into the subject of why we must reject any sort of Judaization of the West, especially the religion of our parents.

Veteran quote

‘America was poisoned from the beginning. The founders were smugglers who were pissed they couldn’t bribe customs officials anymore. America was founded on egalitarianism, which is completely contrary to nature. It has to go and go soon’.

—Nat Soc Veteran

Friedrich Nietzsche

Killing innocents and sinners

Writing about the Sutherland Springs church shooting, on The Daily Stormer Andrew Anglin said today: ‘I hate aggressive edgy atheists as much as anyone…’
Apparently Anglin hates those whites who reject the existence of the Jewish god—a volcanic demon that Jews claim appeared to Moses, the very same god that Aryans were compelled to worship after Constantine took over the Roman Empire.
Anglin’s words exemplify beautifully the gulf between me and most American racists. But it’s not only a matter of worshiping the god of our enemy: it’s also about the universalist ethics imposed on whites after Constantine. (Every sandnigger or black could be a citizen of Constantinople as long as he was Christian.)
Another recent example: In his blog for southern nationalists, Hunter Wallace started his article with the words: ‘Devin Patrick Kelley, the EVIL bastard who murdered 26 people at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX this morning…’
One of Kelley’s victims, the 14-year-old daughter of church pastor Frank Pomeroy, was black. A pre-Christian Aryan would never mourn the killing of a black adoptee, and the rest of the adult victims in Texas were complicit of tolerating such sin against the holy ghost: adopting a subhuman as if she was human.
I would only mourn the white children killed: the only really innocent victims inside the church.
The others were sinners. But Anglin, Wallace and many American racists still have the Bible as their sacred book instead of Hitler’s Table Talk, right? ‘Almost two thousand years—and not a single new god!’ said Nietzsche.
This is the sort of thing that moves me mightily to continue the translation of Deschner’s book, who in this pic is shown long before he started to write his magnum opus…