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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Enlightenment Individualism


In his 1978 Harvard Address Solzhenitsyn let academics know that the West and their America are, to put it succinctly, full of shit. More recently, the blogger Iranian for Aryans has gone further. He has pointed out that even pro-white advocates “are extreme individualists who don’t practice what they preach. Moreover, they are breathing the […]

American Revolutionary War Autobiography Music Racial studies

Mexico: The crypto and the mulatto

Here in Mexico, a couple of days ago, after my family celebrated the Day of Independence, I caught my Catholic father and sister speaking in high terms about Miguel Hidalgo, the Catholic priest that in 1810 started the war of independence; and José María Morelos, the mulatto that continued Hidalgo’s anti-white wars. While father and […]

New Testament Theology

David Friedrich Strauss, 2

The following is excerpted from Albert Schweitzer’s The Quest of the Historical Jesus, published in 1906: a scholarly yet readable introduction to the field of New Testament studies from a modern viewpoint. Schweitzer’s eight chapter is titled “Strauss’ first Life of Jesus”: The distinction between Strauss and those who had preceded him upon this path […]

New Testament Theology

David Friedrich Strauss, 1

The following is excerpted from Albert Schweitzer’s The Quest of the Historical Jesus, published in 1906: a scholarly yet readable introduction to the field of New Testament studies from a modern viewpoint. Schweitzer’s seventh chapter is titled “David Friedrich Strauss – The Man And His Fate”: In order to understand Strauss one must love him. […]

Ethnic cleansing Judaism Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Kriminalgeschichte, 1

Below, translated excerpts from the first chapter of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (“Criminal History of Christianity”):   VOLUME I THE EARLY PERIOD: FROM OLD TESTAMENT ORIGINS TO THE DEATH OF SAINT AUGUSTINE (430)   Israel The country in which Christianity arose, a narrow coastal strip east of the Mediterranean in the western reaches of […]

Alice Miller Christendom Friedrich Nietzsche Music Pedagogy

“Her little child”

Excerpted from Werner Ross’s Der ängstliche Adler – Friedrich Nietzsches Leben (1980): Carl Ludwig Nietzsche, Nietzsche’s father The boy does not remember the Röcken home dominated by women, but only the image of the father, idealized on par as it gradually fades out. The pious rural cleric remains completely safe from the uprising against Christianity, […]

Catholic Church Charlemagne Christendom Franks Inquisition Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Philosophy of history Protestantism


Below, translated excerpts from the first pages of Deschner’s 10-volume Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, published in German in 1986.   ______ 卐 ______   Introduction To begin, I will say what the reader should not expect. As in all of my criticisms of Christianity, here there will be missing many of the things that also belong […]

Alexandria Ancient Rome Christendom Emperor Julian

Gibbon on Julian – 15

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Chapter XXIII Reign of Julian Part V The zeal of the ministers of Julian was instantly checked by the frown of their sovereign; but when the father of his country declares himself the leader of a faction, the license of popular fury cannot easily […]

Ancient Rome Christendom Emperor Julian

Gibbon on Julian – 14

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Chapter XXIII Reign of Julian Part IV The restoration of the Jewish temple was secretly connected with the ruin of the Christian church. Julian still continued to maintain the freedom of religious worship, without distinguishing whether this universal toleration proceeded from his justice or […]

Constantine Hate Justice / revenge Turner Diaries (novel) William Pierce

Crucify them!

This is my response to J. Varlaan in yesterday’s thread: Oh man, I must be with you and others like us in the aftermaths of the days of the rope! This is why I believe that white nationalist Christians are obsolete animals. Unlike Pierce, Covington and Linder, white nationalist Christians don’t harbor this sort of […]