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Autobiography Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Michelangelo New Testament St Paul

Christianity’s Criminal History, 90

Editor’s Note: The following section comes from the second volume of Deschner’s work (pic left). In the previous instances I had been using the third one but the order I have chosen for this site tries to follow, more or less, the order of what I hope will be the first volume in English of […]

Catholic Church Christendom Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Literature New Testament Theology

Christianity’s Criminal History, 89

Below, an abridged translation from the third volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.   Interpolations in the New Testament Christians were very fond of interpolations. They have constantly modified, reduced and expanded the New Testament writings and, for that, they had the most diverse motives. They used interpolations, for example, to reinforce the historicity […]

Art Aryan beauty Athens Christendom Constantine Constantinople Darkening Age (book) Destruction of Greco-Roman world Evil Old Testament

Darkening Age, 10

In chapter seven of The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, Catherine Nixey wrote: Constantine… demanded that the statues be taken from the temples. Christian officials, so it was said, travelled the empire, ordering the priests of the old religion to bring their statues out of the temples. From the 330s onwards […]

Catholic Church Christendom Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Literature New Testament Painting St Paul

Christianity’s Criminal History, 86

Saint John the Evangelist, a painting by the Italian Baroque painter Domenichino. The problem with the splendid Christian art is that the painters have Nordicized the Semites of the 1st century. Had photography existed in the 1st century of our era, the Aryans would never have projected their beautiful physiques on the ugly rabble of […]

Bible Catholic Church Christendom Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Literature New Testament Theology

Christianity’s Criminal History, 83

Below, an abridged translation from the third volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.   God as the author? The New Testament is the most printed and (perhaps) most read book of modern times. It has been translated into more languages than any other book. It has been interpreted, says the Catholic Schelkle, with an […]

Carl Gustav Jung Carthage Child abuse Day of Wrath (book) Human sacrifice Infanticide Israel / Palestine Judaism Moses (fictional Hebrew lawgiver) Old Testament

Day of Wrath, 20

Nine percent? At the beginning of our century some Amazonian tribes continue the practice as horribly as described above. With the advances in technology we can even watch videos on YouTube about such practices, like children being buried alive. Let us remember the exclamation of Sahagún. The humble friar would have found it rather difficult […]

Christendom Joseph Goebbels Martin Bormann Quotable quotes

Rosenberg, Heydrich et al

What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe […]

Amerindians Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Bible Carthage Celts Child abuse Christendom Day of Wrath (book) Egypt Human sacrifice Infanticide Islam Prehistory Romulus Videos Wikipedia

Day of Wrath, 19

The infanticidal psychoclass: references Wikipedia has the problem that many of its editors and administrators are either white traitors to the West or Jews like those of deMause’s journal. Although some scholars contribute to editing it, there is always an anti-westerner who censures the passages opposing the anti-white zeitgeist. For example, regarding the articles on […]

Christendom Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Literature

Christianity’s Criminal History, 80

Editor’s note: This section is pivotal to understand the milieu where the New Testament was concocted by Jews to fight a hostile Rome toward the Semitic peoples.   Counterfeits in Diaspora Judaism Not a few of the literary falsifications of the Jews are due to the effort to reincorporate a considerable part of the Greek […]

Catholic Church Christendom Judaism Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Old Testament

Christianity’s Criminal History, 78

Below, an abridged translation from the third volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.   Portrayals of the biblical female world Among the singularities of the Old Testament lies the more or less strong opposition, that it always found a place in Christianity, about this section of the ‘Word of the Lord’: the most extensive. […]