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Deranged altruism St Paul Tom Sunic

The origins of white guilt

In order to tentatively elicit a convincing answer regarding the pathology of White guilt one needs to raise some rhetorical questions about Christian teachings. Why are White Christian peoples, in contrast to other peoples of other races and other religions on Earth, more prone to excessive altruism toward non-White out-groups? Why are guilt feelings practically […]

Catholic Church Charlemagne Christian art Constantinople Destruction of Greco-Roman world Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Friedrich Nietzsche Goths Individualism Judea v. Rome Karlheinz Deschner Kevin MacDonald Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Martin Luther Miscegenation Old Testament Painting Portugal Racial right Reconquista Reformation Richard Carrier Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics

Update of September 16, 2020: This essay has been edited for inclusion in my book Daybreak. I would suggest reading the much-corrected text instead of the text below (see ‘Two essential books’, which contains a link to the Daybreak PDF).   ______ 卐 ______   Kevin MacDonald’s Preface to Giles Corey’s The Sword of Christ […]

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Racial right

Con Swede, Johnson and Bardamu

In 2009 I started to wake up to the real world thanks to the Internet. It was precisely thanks to Conservative Swede that I started to grasp the Christian Question (CQ), as we see in the article ‘The Dismiss of Christianity’ that here appears in The Fair Race. I titled that article ‘The Red Giant’ […]

Blindness in TOO

Kevin MacDonald’s blindness about the root cause of white decline has already been discussed on this site. Yesterday The Occidental Observer (TOO) published Giles Corey’s ‘American Roulette: Imagining a Dark Future and How to Deal with It’, which contains these words: …every single institution that was taken from us by the century-long Jewish coup that […]

2nd World War Albert Speer Americanism Ancient Rome Architecture Berlin Charlemagne Conspiracy theories Destruction of Greco-Roman world Hate Judea v. Rome Racial right Third Reich Tom Sunic William Pierce

Love Germania. Hate the US. – I

Five years ago, trying to communicate with the commenters of The Occidental Observer, Jack Frost said: ‘Although it might be possible to develop a racist interpretation of Christianity (e.g., what the Nazis tried), I’ve never seen a convincing theological justification of it. The fact that all major churches and 99%+ of all who today call […]


A forum comment

Europeans have begun setting the intellectual basis for the final rejection and collapse of Christianity. I, however, project that no intellectual argument will defeat Christianity. Reality will. It will collapse under the sheer force and relentless evolutionary pathway of the universe. Already in terms of real spiritual substance and vitality, Christianity is dead. It’s just […]

Feminism Manosphere Sexual "liberation"

Turd Flinging Monkey

Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM) is a YouTuber who creates content for the community known as Men Going Their Own Way that advocates for the revoking of women’s ‘rights’. His unusual penname has to do with a clip in which a zoo chimpanzee throws a piece of his stool at humans. In one of his videos […]

Deranged altruism Kevin MacDonald Tom Sunic

Sunic responds to MacDonald

I am relocating my previous post today, ‘On pathological altruism’, with a new title because it seems that Tom Sunic read my mind in his reply to Kevin MacDonald: Kevin: I am looking forward to the book. This is a subject of utmost importance for our survival. Now, I do hope you also delve in your […]

Heinrich Himmler

Himmler vs. Spencer

Yesterday, on The Public Space show Richard Spencer told the audience after 1:23: ‘I also have taken pains not to be a shrill anti-Christian as well. I think that’s also a wrong road. The fact is that this religion has resonated with our people for some time. It is part of our history. It has […]

Axiology Cicero Deranged altruism Destruction of Greco-Roman world Eschatology Friedrich Nietzsche Hegel Philosophy

The Story of Philosophy, 2

On the uses of philosophy There is a pleasure in philosophy, and a lure even in the mirages of metaphysics, which every student feels until the coarse necessities of physical existence drag him from the heights of thought into the mart of economic strife and gain. Some ungentle reader will check us here by informing […]