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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Who We Are (book)

La Blouse Roumaine

Left, The Romanian Blouse by Nicolae Grigorescu (1838-1907). I understand better and better why almost no white advocate values Pierce’s book, which opened my eyes to the real history of the West. And I’m not just referring to this recent exchange with a commenter. I am also referring to what is said outside this site. […]

Conspiracy theories Racial right

Lunatic commenters at CC

I have only thoroughly studied one conspiracy theory, the so-called Satanic Ritual Abuse: a moral panic that swept through English-speaking countries in the early 1990s and put innocent people in jail for incredible crimes. When I used to comment on child abuse forums, I found it disturbing that one of my closest colleagues believed such […]

Racial right

Heimbach’s introjects

Or: Cute niglet nephews in your family? After the sordid affair two years ago with Matt Parrott’s wife, the racial community lost interest in Matt Heimbach. But yesterday a commenter called my attention to how Heimbach recently cucked, and quoted his recent words: To zoom out and see the suffering of every person, of any […]

Alice Miller Child abuse Racial right

Very important subject

I am perfectly aware that virtually all people of white nationalism, or even the alt-lite, are unaware of the psychic havoc caused by abusive parents. The exception, as I have said more than once, is Stefan Molyneux as we saw not long ago in his review of Joker. What bothers me is that Molyneux’s mother […]

Friedrich Nietzsche Tom Sunic


by Tom Sunic Note of the Editor: Of the intellectuals of contemporary white nationalism, I only have respect for Tom Sunic, who like me is aware of the Christian problem and how capitalism is poison for the fourteen words. The difference is that he speaks in a very polite manner and I in a very […]


Next month…

Romulus’ material kingdom favoring the mighty is transformed into a spiritual one favoring the humble. It certainly looks like the Christian passion narrative is an intentional transvaluation of the Roman Empire’s ceremony of their own founding savior’s incarnation, death and resurrection. —Richard Carrier Remember what we have been saying about the legendary founder and first […]

Exterminationism Welfare of animals

On serving two masters

The problem with white nationalists is their damn Christian ethics: a set of moral values shared by even those atheists who live under the illusion of having abandoned our parents’ religion. Christianity not only has a dogmatic facet but an axiological one as we have said so many times. Last week Ramzpaul said in one […]

Ancient Greece Indo-European heritage Quotable quotes

H.P. Lovecraft’s letters

‘I’d like to see that Delphic festival. Greece is the third in order of European nations which I would enjoy visiting—England and Italy being the other two. Greece contains some remarkable survivals of classic myth among the peasantry—I heard a highly illuminating lecture on the subject a year ago by Sir Rennell Rodd, a lifelong […]

Racial right

‘Pro’ white charlatans

Although I no longer read literature from webzines that grotesquely claim to defend the white race, I have a morning routine. I visit Goebbels Hub and see the headlines of three sites: American Renaissance, Counter-Currents, Occidental Dissent and sometimes The Occidental Observer. I generally don’t read the articles. I only do it to know if […]

Christianity and the West

by Robert Griffin Editor’s note: Below, part of ‘William Gayley Simpson on Christianity and the West’ by Robert S. Griffin, an article published last year on The Occidental Observer.   ______ 卐 ______   We are a physical organism, a part of nature, at a particular point in the evolutionary process, argues Simpson. Church dogma […]