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Joseph Goebbels Real men


“Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state,” said Goebbels. While our comrades at the other side of the Atlantic can be incarcerated for trying to conquer the street, at least in this continent they were allowed to do it last Saturday in Pikeville, Kentucky, USA.

“There were people in attendance from the National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, Iron March, Daily Stormer, The Right Stuff, The League of the South, White Lives Matter, America First Party, Vanguard America, and innumerable others,” wrote Benjamin Garland on The Stormer.

Now I can withdraw what I said in the past about “ethnosuicidal nationalists,” at least in the sense that they are—finally!—organizing themselves.

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Real men Sparta



My revised translation of the “minibook” Sparta and its Law will appear within the 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour .

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Feminism Hate Real men

The empire of the yin

The following is the introduction to the sixth part of the forthcoming 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

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Part VI:

Sparta vs. feminized western males


The empire of the yin

White nationalists are waking up. But they are cowards: they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort. They are still thinking like civilians, not as freedom fighters. As the creator of our fourteen words put it in the following article, “Unless we have an unseen army of total barbarians devoid of pity, of compassion, of compunctions, of restraining moralisms, we are doomed.”

In this section I have chosen the example of virile Sparta, another long text by Evropa Soberana, to shame nationalists a bit with the antithetical example of their pussy ways. Sparta is located at the farthest polarity of Yang that the white race has reached.

Like the rest of whites, the feminized nationalists I have interacted with are still living in the Empire of the yin. Whites have become so emasculated that they are no longer fighting for sex, preferring masturbation or porn instead. The feminization of western males comes hand with hand with feminism: the sinful masculinization of western women. Many white nationalists do not hate feminism, which should be hated with more vehemence than their hatred of the Jews.

After the essay on Sparta I excerpt texts from two disparate sources in still another long article. The first source are excerpts from John Sparks’ Battle of the Sexes in the Animal World (1999). Sparks, who uses very elegant language, studied animal behavior at the Zoological Society of London. After the fundamentals to understand the dialectics of animal yin-Yang I quote from a YouTube blogger, Turd Flinging Monkey whom I refer simply as “the blogger.” He is one of the most radical voices of the MGTOW movement (Men going their own way). The blogger uses profanities and I imitate his style in that section. Underlined words mean keywords for the scientific case against feminism, like dimorphism, gynocentrism, hypergamy, etc.

But first I must reproduce the letter of David Lane and the book on Sparta that I translated from Spanish.

Real men

Dylann in his own words

“I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet.

Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”

Currency crash George Lincoln Rockwell Mainstream media Real men Sponsor

Trump cucks—Our turn!

In my previous post I wrote: “Crossing the river from liberalism to the other side involves several stepping stones: Donald Trump’s Alt Light, the Alt-Right (not yet a direct approach to the Jewish question), white nationalism (or southern nationalism), neonazism… and reaching the other side, National Socialism.”

Yesterday, after being questioned in the edifice of the execrable Jew York Times at NY, Donald Trump condemned Richard Spencer’s sieg heil Alt-Right meeting.

In my view, this represents a huge opportunity for those of us who have already crossed the river. As long as Trump disavows the Alt-Right we can remove our masks of Alt Lite, Alt-Right and even white nationalism. How to do it? After Trump swears on the Bible the next January the time has come for us to march—in full Nazi uniform.

American Nazi party members, (aka German American Bund) march while carrying Nazi and American flags during a Bund outing from nearby Camp Sigfried.
American Nazi party members, (aka German American Bund) march while carrying Nazi and American flags during a Bund outing from nearby Camp Sigfried.

Imagine the media hysteria that we would be able to generate by going to the Federal Reserve with pickets telling that the Jewish Janet Yellen’s monetary policies will lead, this decade, to the fall of the dollar.

My dream is to even burn Yellen in effigy with a Star of David patched to her effigy in one of these marches. Although we will carry banners saying truths like that the Allies committed a greater genocide than that attributed to Hitler, the emphasis of our speeches in front of the Fed will be the policy of Yellen and her predecessor, the also Jewish Ben Bernanke. Both have taken the dollar to the edge of a precipice from where it will fall under the watch of Trump.

To carry out this idea I would have to travel to the United States to speak personally with Andrew Anglin to see if, through the very popular The Daily Stormer, he is willing to call for volunteers for the march. We would need funds not only to transport our boys and pay their buses and hotels, but to make the uniforms.

It does not matter that the media, and even the white nationalist forums, call us clowns. Forget also what President Trump will think a few blocks from our flashy and “fashy” marches and protests. Just imagine what the average Joe who had seen us ridiculed in the Jew media will say after the collapse of the dollar actually occurs: “The Nazis were right!” They will really pronounce these words, especially after blacks chimp out in America’s big cities.

And so it begins…

Remember, remember that Hitler became so popular precisely because the Deutsche Mark had crashed.

Please make this post go viral. It is time to leave the confinement in our houses. True, we need plenty of funds to revive the political actions of George Lincoln Rockwell. But where there is a will there is a way!

Feminism Mainstream media Manosphere Miscegenation Real men

War of the sexes, 29

Update: The following text is rough draft. The series has been substantially revised and abridged, and the section by the YouTube blogger Turd Flinging Monkey is available in a single PDF: here.

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One more brew ingredient

In his video “Regarding red pill rage” the blogger talks about the explosion that comes when a normie realizes that his most cherished ideals—home, family, children—have been subtracted in the very system where he lives.

But the blogger, his MGTOW pals and the guys of the manosphere in general overstate their case. As can be seen in the maps of the latest US elections many white women voted for both Romney and Trump. From the viewpoint of racial preservation the real shock comes not from women, but from the all-blue map that shows what would happen if only the coloreds voted.

mapsI have said that the white nationalist myopia bothers me. They have awakened to the colored and the Jewish question and that is great. But they are tone deaf about what I have been saying of the Mediterraneans. For example, they ignore that in Latin America the Iberian whites dislike so much the Nordish whites at the north of the Río Grande that in our media there is not even a single white who has defended Donald Trump—not even one, not even in the written press or intellectual magazines! [1]

I almost never watch TV in Spanish. But this month my hobby has been to see what the Spanish-speaking media is saying about the recent US election. Regarding their hate of Trump, it is mind-boggling that the mestizos and the Iberian whites throughout Latin America are exactly on the same page of the Mexican Jews! I don’t want to give some nasty examples about what I have been watching in this new hobby of mine. Let’s rephrase keeping in mind the hate the Jews feel for the Aryans: the Iberian white pundits that talk on TV or write articles share exactly the same hatred toward the embryonic white awakening at the North resulting from Trump’s successful campaign.

So the blogger and the manosphere movement in general have been focusing on a secondary issue. The primary issue is race, and not only the false Aryan/Jew dichotomy in the orthodox narrative of white nationalism.

Nevertheless, the blogger is right that the feminized western men must grow a pair. The white masses may be as feminine as Hitler saw, and it is good that an alpha male has grabbed the American electorate by the pussy. Trump may be implicitly pro-white but now an explicit work must begin.

Although it is secondary compared to race, I don’t want to dispatch the knowledge that the blogger and others are patiently gathering in this movement that they call Men Going Their Own Way. I will illustrate why they must be taken seriously in the next and final installment of this series, where I’ll review Harold Covington’s last novel of his quintet.

In conclusion, both MGTOWers and WNsts are purple pilled, not red pilled (jargon for those who are not fully awakened). The manosphere community needs to become acquainted with the hard facts of race realism, e.g. with the work of the granddaddy of the Altright, Jared Taylor. Similarly, those racists who like Covington et al believe that men are interchangeable with women need to become familiar with the research of the blogger and his comrades.

Finally, I must add an ingredient—see bold-type below—to our lab analysis of the lethal cocktail we have ingested. “A witches’ brew” is a page from the book that I edited, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. This is what I wrote:

William Pierce, in Who We Are, said in his concluding remarks: “It is difficult to analyze the witches’ brew and place exactly the proper amount of blame on each ingredient.”

It seems to me that from Pierce’s point of view the Jewish problem would be a very strong catalyst that has accelerated the process of Western malaise in the last centuries, but certainly not the active ingredient of the brew.

I for one believe that individualism, universalism, weak ethnocentrism (“hardwired” characteristics in the White psyche since prehistoric times) plus egalitarianism, liberalism, capitalism (cultural “software” after the Revolution which ironically strengthened Christian axiology) plus the empowerment of Jewry since the times of Napoleon and women since the 19th century (ingredient added!) has created a lethal brew for the White peoples, as we shall see in the next section.


[1] By “Iberian white” I mean those white Latin Americans who look like Spaniards. Some of them have Amerind blood in their veins but phenotypically look like Iberian whites; others only have a few drops of that blood, and others none of it. All of them, even those with zero Amerind blood, call themselves mexicanos and may be the product of several generations of whites living in this part of the continent. None of them has any objection whatsoever about further mestization with the darker mexicanos.

Feminism Manosphere Real men

War of the sexes, 18

Update: The following text is rough draft. The series has been substantially revised and abridged, and the section by the YouTube blogger Turd Flinging Monkey is available in a single PDF: here.

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Why civilized society hates men

Back in 2009, before my full racial awakening, the following comment by a Swede in a Counter-Jihad site attracted my attention:

Well, what sort of men does it take to put things right in a lawless Wild West town? There is a very good movie that I recommend, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Lawrence Auster (just to mention his positive sides) pointed out the important analysis of that movie: “It’s about the idea that civilization depends on men who use violence, but that civilization, once it is founded and secure and no longer needs violent men, ignores and derides the very men without whom it wouldn’t exist.” The bumbling city slicker (James Stewart) wasn’t up to the job, the town had to be saved by the violent, marginal brute (John Wayne).

Auster again: “The image is not of restrained, upright men who just use force when absolutely required and within the rules, but of tough men, violent men, men who have something primal about them, men who can subdue Indians, men who can blow away the Liberty Valance types and rescue the softer, civilized Jimmy Stewart types, men who are ready, able and willing to kill barbarians and save society, men like Nelson, who used apocalyptic levels of violence to kill thousands of men and destroy Napoleon’s navy and prevent the invasion of England.”

Whenever you find such men, hold on to them. You cannot afford to be picky when it comes to choosing here. Only princesses in fairy tales can afford that… So in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance James Stewart is the civilized city-dweller that can build civilization. But John Wayne is the brute who makes civilization possible in the first place!

Without the men like John Wayne, the James Stewarts are therefore useless. It’s pretty pointless then to lament the John Waynes’s lack of Jimmy Stewart properties, isn’t it?

In his video “Why civilized society hates men” the blogger says: “Society is not gynocentric because of the Jews or a conspiracy. Society is gynocentric. Period.” Remember what I said about gynocentric Sparta in my previous post, or even better read the whole mini-book about Sparta that I translated to English.

turd-flinging-monkeyThe blogger adds that gynocentrism only perishes during war. Perhaps the most extreme example of this was the burning of the Gaul villages by the Gaul Vercingetorix to prevent the Romans from gathering food supplies. Vercingetorix also expelled Gaul women and children from his fortress during the Roman siege. The lives of soldiers, and soldiers alone, had value in the war!

Back to our times. Presently only the Jimmy Stewart types are allowed to thrive. The blogger does not mention The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance but he says that because the West only wants feminized white males “this is why marriage laws punish men but don’t punish women.” Those are laws designed to castrate the alpha male. The blogger maintains it is no coincidence that right after the Cold War ended in the 1990s together with the threat of nuclear annihilation came the third feminist wave. America did not need the Waynes anymore, or speaking plainly: “Respect of masculinity is directly proportional to the threats that a society faces.” And also: “As soon as the threat passes, masculinity is demonized.”

Giving women or feminized males positions of authority shoots us on the foot. In another video the blogger said: “Ethical leadership is a male characteristic. Women make terrible leaders because they are inherently selfish and so incapable of ethical leadership.”

If Clinton wins in a couple of days Americans will learn it the hard way. Of course: a woman is running for president because virtually all westerners believe in equality. Even most white nationalists don’t rebel against feminism. Who among them forbids women in their conferences? The grim truth is that nationalists are only partially awakened. In another video the blogger said: “Equality is a lie: a myth to appease the masses” and still in another one he claimed that he has seen more men destroyed by women than by bullets, even after he served in the Iraq war.

Evil Feminism Manosphere Men Patriarchy Rape of the Sabine Women Real men Sexual "liberation" Women

War of the sexes, 17

Update: The following text is rough draft. The series has been substantially revised and abridged, and the section by the YouTube blogger Turd Flinging Monkey is available in a single PDF: here.

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Apropos the traditionalism cycle, in his fourth video about “solutions” the blogger says that the current feminist stage simply cannot get back to the stage of humane patriarchy, that he calls soft patriarchy. The pendulum has swung so far to the left that it will come swinging violently to the far right, towards brutal patriarchy. This is exactly what we have said in one of the most popular posts of this blog, “Lycanthropy,” and you can see it visually if you pay attention to the arrow at the bottom of the blogger’s triangle. He also predicts what I’ve been saying in my books about the rape of the Sabine women.

But brutal patriarchy is not the solution. It is a harsh stage not only for women but for most men. In polygamous societies women are monopolized by a few alpha males (matriarchy is bad for every single male). It is the Aristotelian golden mean what whites must strive for, the humane patriarchy of the Jane Austen world. It may still be a gynocentric society but males are in charge. It is the world that I knew as a small child: and is the same world that my parents, grandparents and great-grandfathers lived in.

In his video the blogger says that in this society there must be marriage because this institution avoids tournament mating by the alphas. The Austen world is a pair-bonding society. Soft patriarchy is the lesser of the three evils of the cycle as illustrated in the triangle. Women obey. The blogger disagrees with those vindictive fantasies in the manosphere to remain in the brutal stage so that women may be “sold like cattle.” This is a passage from the poem Goetterdaemmerung:

For England or Iceland,
Byzantium, Vinland,
Far land or ancient
And ripe for the plunder,
The burning of roof-trees,
The seizing of women,
The tooting of treasure,
The flowing of red blood,
And wine for the victors.

Presently, in our Empire of the yin, the mores are exactly the polar opposite from those times when white women were sold like cattle. In our times, the blogger says, the problem is not the unchanging female nature but the government, the laws and the liberal zeitgeist. I would add the influence of the Jews in the media, Hollywood and the universities.

In the Aryan ethnostate women won’t be treated as slaves but like a father treats his child. Never empower children to the point of enacting laws against toothbrushes or having free candy! “Feminism at its very core” says the blogger “is exactly the same as having a spoiled child.” Every time the child makes a tantrum we buy him or her a toy. “And the kid turns into a spoiled brat. That is what feminism is. Society has given women everything they wanted, and now they’re spoiled old brats.”

The blogger comments that he has seen videos in the manosphere claiming that women are evil. He counters that that is only true if we consider that spoiled children are evil. When women are under our control they behave reasonably well. By empowering them they become bad but neither they nor the children are intrinsically evil: they should simply be controlled. It’s only when women are left to their own devices that they do become bad. Our goal should be to treat our spouses as we treat children. However, it must be pointed out that even these patriarchal societies are gynocentric—even the super-Yang Sparta was gynocentric!

Gynocentrism has reigned but presently women are not only out of control. Many are indeed evil. Just see those pictures of spoiled European women with pickets welcoming migrants with skin of the color of shit saying, “Better rapists than racists!”

The blogger is concerned that a soft form of patriarchy could last only a hundred years. He fears that even with protections and education feminism will come back (again, see the arrows of the triangle). The new generations can fall again to the original sin, superbia. They will think they know better and will throw all accumulated wisdom out of the window, as it has happened before. (Remember the imposition of Christianity on all white peoples that destroyed the pagan temples, the statues of Aryan beauty and burnt the Greco-Roman libraries.) The blogger says that when this is about to happen again—when our wives start whining and complaining (e.g., in the ethnostate) that the storm is over and they want the right to vote, we must tell them angrily: “Fuck you! Go on your knees and suck my dick!”

We must convey a most emphatic “No!” as if they were brats making a tantrum. “Children and women are just incapable to understand these abstract concepts”. They don’t know what is good for them in the long run. The key for a functional ethnostate is to keep authority outside the reach not only of Jews, but of women alike.

Axiology Civil war Conservatism Free speech / association Michael O'Meara Real men Sword

Ex Gladio Libertas

My experiences have given me a far higher opinion of trade union militants and working class Bolsheviks than I’ll probably ever have of American conservative or racialist intellectuals. I also know if any fighting is ever to be done, I can count on one rather than the other.

Michael O’Meara

The chasm that separates us from white nationalism (WN) is our meta-ethical POV, more formally known as “axiology” or set of primordial values. For example, every time that one of our street fighters makes a scene (the latest, Anton Lundin Pettersson) the reaction of American conservatives and most racialist intellectuals verges on hysteria.

I tried to describe the chasm in some pages of the books linked at the sidebar, below the Spartan banner. But after Anton’s fifteen minutes of fame I reread all the comments gathered in this site that Jack Frost originally posted on The Occidental Observer webzine. To those who have no time to study carefully the sidebar’s books I’d recommend reading at least some of these comments:


They’ll give you a taste of the flavor of what we mean by transvaluating the bourgeois values in American WNsm, mostly the by-product of their parents’ Christianity of Calvinist extraction, back to the values of the wild blond beast. This includes revaluating the WN notion of thinking like civilians (“good Christians”) instead of freedom fighters, especially now that the enemy is planning to close our only outlet, the internet, in places like Britain.


Ex Gladio Libertas

Freedom comes from the sword

Real men Revilo Oliver

Political power

by Revilo Oliver


Political power is the essential criterion, not wishes or windbags; and to the goal of political power all else must be temporarily sacrificed. To say less is to insure defeat.