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Audios Hate Real men

John Tyndall (1934-2005)


Before the BNP betrayed itself

“The day that our followers lose their ability to hate will be the day that they lose their power and their will to achieve anything worthwhile at all.”

—John Tyndall

TyndallDon’t miss British Paul Hickman’s premier radio-podcast aired today in a show that has been baptized “Voice of Albion.” Hickman is a National Socialist, and it is refreshing to listen that he has chosen classical music at the beginning and the end of his first episode instead of the common rock “music” we have to endure in most white nationalist sites.

It is also refreshing to know that Tyndall’s recorded voice sounds like the voice of a man instead of the feminized voices one hears in the programs of most white nationalists.

Democracy Final solution Real men

Alex Linder on GD crackdown

GD symbol

He’s [Greg Johnson] going where the money is, and that will always be in safe, comfortable, respectable conservatism, rather than in radical nationalism.

Just look at the Golden Dawn types—they are burly. Not effete men of letters. Military hard men and such. That shows you what type is necessary to get ahead under conditions as they actually are today. Yes, you need writers and speakers and lawyers, and Golden Dawn has those, but you mainly need ass-kickers. Why? Because our enemy cheats. It lies, beats down, and murders. After all, if it played fair, it would lose. Because its views and interests belong only to a minority. The majority view is nationalist. Always and everywhere. It’s not even a racial thing, it’s a species thing. Not even a human thing. People prefer their own kind. This idea that it’s going to be better after we wipe out the white race, replacing white countries with a grabbag of third-worlders, is not merely not what the actual people want—you know, the democratic view, the view of the people—it is flat wrong. Demonstrably, obviously, measurably wrong. But the super-elite have accepted it, and are doing what they can to enforce.

Basically, the superelite need to be killed, down to the last man. I don’t see any way around that. And the jews need to be counter-exterminated en masse, as they are very deliberately, calculatedly and brazenly trying to wipe other nations off the globe.

For once and for all, we need to smash marxism and multiculturalism, and that means nothing more or less or different from destroying jews, right down the to the very last one.

You’ll note I alone have posited this as the only solution that can work. Yet idiots only judge what I say from a moral or respectability standpoint; not one person has ever yet put forward any reasoning that shows what I have said is analytically wrong, and that’s the only argument I’m interested in.

The jews are not going to stop doing what they do. They have to be stopped. That’s on us.

It is highly evident that jews are our main enemy, and christianity is the main reason we fear even to consider doing what we rationally ought to do to defend our kind.

Greg Johnson can hardly be interested in Golden Dawn when its daily doings amount to a refutation of his thesis about meta-politics. He’s going to effect a sea change in the culture that will save white people, all without any actually gritty engagement with the real world. He’ll do it all with the smoke and mirrors of clever essays about Batman XIV and private conferences.

Same with MacDonald—do you think he grasps that Golden Dawn’s experience directly belies everything he advises through A3P?

Heck, no. Smart people are just like dumb people. They don’t ever want to admit they’re wrong, not even to themselves.

Another little feller completely shown up by Golden Dawn’s experience is Hadding [Scott]. He is #1 among those embracing the illusion that white nationalists are responsible for their own failures, mainly because they haven’t stayed within the law.

Golden Dawn offers a perfect example of what happens when you stay within the law and use the democratic system precisely the way it was intended. Golden Dawn is being punished, attacked, lied about, sued, prosecuted because it is successful, in the true democratic sense of the word. What does democracy mean if not the people engaging in politics directly? Isn’t that exactly what Golden Dawn does when it, in every part of Greece, prints up and passes out newspapers, directly talks to the folks, helps them with whatever they need, getting physical protection the police are too busy to provide, food they need simply to stay alive? It doesn’t get any more democratic than what Golden Dawn does daily. In public. In the streets. With the people. And what happens? Why, the machine fails to function! Its operators say that Golden Dawn is outside the law when it passes out food to people! When it gives its literal blood for the people?

So tell me again, Hadding you mentally constipated idiot: how is working within the system working for Golden Dawn?


Gee, the System doesn’t seem to be very interesting in saying, gee, Golden Dawn really appeals to people. It’s getting an increasing share of the votes. Soon its man will be running Athens. We need to study what we’re doing so that we can capture some of that appeal. What are we doing wrong, that The People reject us and turn to GD? Is that how the System reacts? Hell, no. It moves, rather to outlaw this legal party. It moves to declare it a criminal organization. To arrest its leaders. Every article in the domestic and foreign media supports and backs up and reinforces this anti-democratic impulse. They all, as a one, System parties and System media, portray Golden Dawn and its leaders as evil incarnate.

Tell me again, little Hadding jackass, how staying legal is working for Golden Dawn? Tell me how it’s going to be any different anywhere else.

What do I have to say to get through to the high-IQ morons WN is beset with (apart from the dirt-eaters it is also beset with)?

Our enemy has a minority view. It cannot win by playing fair.

Please. Spend the ten or fifteen hours you need to ponder on that statement until you understand what I mean by it.

WN is just white normalcy. It is the default. Most people support it, without thinking. The alien elite hostile minority, led by jews, buys up the media because it has to. It buys politicians because it has to. It criminalizes ordinary human activity and speaking language because it has to.

It has to control every normal down to the last jot and tittle because the normal’s instincts are a hundred percent against the agenda the jews-led-abnormal coalition tries to impose. They are anti-democratic tyrants by necessity. They don’t have a choice. Calling what they do and their agenda democratic rather than tyrannical is of a piece with everything else they do: A sour lie. A cynically knowing deliberate reversal of reality. And a lie they mouth incessantly because they have to.

Do you really think you can get through an anti-white agenda without the help of a term like racism? Hell, no.

Do you really think you can get through a pro-homo agenda without the help of a term like homophobic? Of course not.

Everything they do is on this pattern.

They cannot do otherwise. Their views are too weird, twisted, abnormal and unthinkably undesirable to the normal majority.

Get it?

At long last, do you understand this, people?

We are not in a debate, a game, a contest that is overseen by any rule except one:

Whatever works, works. Whatever goes, goes.

This is the eternal stumbling block of the respectable right: they simply refuse to accept that their opponent cannot win an unfixed game, and, unlike them, he is not content to lose. He must and will win, and there is only one way he can do this: by lying, cheating, browbeating and murdering.

Now that you know that… what are you going to do about it?

If you’re a conservative, your answer is: nothing. You will listen to your favorites gasbags, pride yourself on how smart and moral you are, and how “stupid” the left is, and you will continue to lose.

If you want something better and different, then you need to swallow the reality pill and join the racialists. In Greece that party is Golden Dawn. They show what the normals do when they are truly seriously intent on not letting the jew-led abnormals control their country and decide their future.

Greece is the only place in the white west this is happening, and that is why it is worth microscopic attention I give it daily.


If we exterminate termites because they destroy the foundations of our houses, how much more lenient should we be in our treatment of jews, who destroy the foundations of our society? [Source: here]

Real men

An American Renaissance commenter

on Golden Dawn crackdown

GD symbol

“God I hope they ban Golden Dawn, so that war can finally start. I currently have some health problems I need to sort out (don’t worry, it’s nothing serious or life-threatening) but after I’m done with that, I’d love to just hop on a car and go to Greece to fight in an insurgency against the JWO.”



JWO = Jew World Order

For the context of this entry, see here.

Ancient Greece Athens Evropa Soberana (webzine) Indo-European heritage Julius Caesar Real men Schutzstaffel (SS) Sparta (Lacedaemon)

Sparta – IX

This specific chapter of Sparta and its Law has been moved: here.

If you want to read the book Sparta and its Law from the beginning, click: here.

Feminism Hegel Homosexuality Kali Yuga Real men

Against the empire of Yin

“The only way to restore vitality
to Western Civilization is to
recalibrate its yin-yang balance.”

Presently, almost all white males are thoroughly and grotesquely feminized (even quite a few white nationalists), most beyond repair. Now that I am reproducing translations of a book on the toughest empire of Yang in western history—Sparta—, I would like to quote what Takuan Seiyo says about the empire of Yin that is destroying our civilization.

What we need is a Hegelian synthesis between yang Sparta and yin Athens: a sort of modern Rome, i.e., national socialism (what half-Jew Seiyo so much fears). Like Rome, the Third Reich incorporated and eliminated—the Hegelian aufheben—the contradictions in both extremes: it was highly cultured as well as a tough military state.

Seiyo wrote (excerpted):


We will examine in later installments in more depth what’s on the scales in the balance that has gone awry. For now it suffices to say that according to Oriental cosmology, the forces in the eternal cosmic play are the hot, male, condensing element, or yang, and the cold and wet, female and expansive element, or yin. Arnold Toynbee, who posited that all democracies die from suicide, applied the ideas of yin and yang to discern patterns in history. For Toynbee, history is like a current alternating between the yin pole, which he equated with a quiescent civilization, and the yang pole, which he equated with turmoil, barbarian conquest and drastic change.

In his 1939 magnum opus, Study of History, Toynbee explained the rise and fall of empires according to this yin–yang paradigm, but a deeper scrutiny of applied Oriental cosmology might find that it was oversimplified. For what is most salient about the force of yin is not its quietism but its expansive femaleness.

The West has careened dangerously out of balance, and its political and philosophical concepts have not been able to identify correctly what it is that’s out of balance. The forces of the West’s postmodern decay are vested disproportionately in such disparate groups as city dwellers, lawyers, teachers, actors, artists, public sector employees, people with graduate degrees and academics; Jews, Swedes, Norwegians, diaspora Irish; blacks; Muslims and Mexican and Central American mestizos (but not in their original countries); women; adolescents; homosexuals.

The entropic motors that seem to be preponderant in these groups may be, singly or in combination, a drive for power or money; identity politics stemming from racial, ethnic, or gender pride wounded in the past but pretending as the present; utopian proclivities combined with naiveté; compassionate feelings overriding empirical analysis; displacement of personal feelings of inferiority—what Nietzsche called ressentiment, or ideological hatred.

People of good faith ought to diagnose and combat in their personal lives the decline that feminism has wrought on them and on the West. Men are at fault here for having caved in completely, instead of employing a reverse Lysistrata tactic, or anything else that might have worked in this dire predicament. At least a varied group of courageous women has begun beating back this particular fungus. The cultural left’s reaction to Sarah Palin shows how effective that can be.

The vast heterosexual majority may want to consider that it’s time to protest the outsize din raised by the homosexual and the comically self-labeled GLBTA minorities. We will not ask if you will not tell; frankly, we don’t want to hear or see too much either. Don’t rub our faces in your orifices.

Maybe it’s time to say to the churches, if this be your retail markup, I am buying directly from the wholesaler. Because, as Chesterton has noted, some humanitarians care only for pity, but their pity is often untruthful.

However mortified by the Holocaust and appreciative of the inestimable contribution that the Jewish minority has made to the West, people of good faith and sound mind may have to start putting public Jewish figures on the spot, as Jews, for the destructive currents they propagate. Because if the establishment club of “racism” “fascism,” “antisemitism” “homophobia” and “sexism” keeps the West’s hundreds of millions of reasonable indigenous people cowering in their diminishing corners, soon the West will have decayed so much that tens of millions of newly-unreasonable people will be rising, and their numbers will be growing at an astonishing rate.

Ancient Greece Archeology Evropa Soberana (webzine) Friedrich Nietzsche Homer Iliad (epic book) Indo-European heritage Racial studies Real men Sparta (Lacedaemon)

Sparta – II

This specific chapter of Sparta and its Law has been moved: here.

If you want to read the book Sparta and its Law from the beginning, click: here.

Real men

Bimbo queen

bimbo!I have now watched the thirty episodes of the three seasons of Game of Thrones and really loved the visuals of the series (with the exception of the botched desert scenes with that dumb blonde).

With racially-conscious directors such beautiful art, in a series filmed in the ethnostate based on fantasy dramas of writers that presently might only be children, will certainly inspire and bring much good to the white psyche and morals.

However, I must rephrase what I said yesterday. Among other problems, the fatal flaw in Game of Thrones is that the bimbo Daenerys Targaryen looks like she will be destined to conquer and rule the kingdoms of earth. Just compare the bimbo with the manly Tywin Lannister. How I would love to dress like him!


Quite a few female characters of Game of Thrones behave like men. In my humble opinion this is Jewish propaganda destined to debilitate our self-image and self-esteem in the real world. Remember my quotable quote of the last week? “If a woman has only manly virtues, we run away…”

Thanks Herr Nietzsche. It is a pity that quite a few feminized western males in the pro-white movement believe otherwise.

Real men

On the need of cultured thugs

Now that I reread William Ventvogel’s “On Cities, Women, and White Survival,” linked in my previous post, “Sanskrit saying,” it struck me to see the gulf between Ventvogel’s approach to white preservation and Greg Johnson’s latest article, “The Nigger Word,” where Johnson writes: “We do not use the nigger word and other crude racial slurs… We don’t have to be hateful. We don’t have to be strident. We don’t have to be crude.”

Compare this with the cited Ventvogel 2003 article, that incidentally mentioned the word nigger eighteen times, and especially with Ventvogel’s revolutionary sentiments:

There is too much enemy energy in the cities, too many Jews, too many questionable White women. And a healthy White man wants to clean it out, hunt them down and kill them, kill them all. And if he can’t or won’t, the stress eventually turns him passive—then apathetic—then cowardly—then materialistic. He is caught in the Jew vortex.

No need to be hateful? Really? Now that the dollar will crash and that the large American cities will become killing zones, you can guess who has better chances to survive, the Johnsons armed with “porcelain guns” (Greg’s own words—search for the word porcelain: here) or the Ventvogels…

Snake said (below, in the comment section):

The real problem has been combining righteous hatred with calm rationality. We’re effectively stuck with craven intellectuals and idiots whose sole contribution to our race is screaming “kike-nigger-spic!” As Jonathan Bowden would say, we need cultured thugs.

Friedrich Nietzsche Real men

The diamond speaks

“Why so hard!”—said to the diamond one day the charcoal; “are we then not near relatives?”—

Why so soft? O my brethren; thus do I ask you: are ye then not—my brethren?

Why so soft, so submissive and yielding? Why is there so much negation and abnegation in your hearts? Why is there so little fate in your looks?

And if ye will not be fates and inexorable ones, how can ye one day—conquer with me?

And if your hardness will not glance and cut and chip to pieces, how can ye one day—create with me?

For the creators are hard. And blessedness must it seem to you to press your hand upon millenniums as upon wax,—

—Blessedness to write upon the will of millenniums as upon brass,—harder than brass, nobler than brass. Entirely hard is only the noblest.

This new table, O my brethren, put I up over you: Become hard!—

2nd World War Real men Rudolf Hess

Golden Dawn

I have been watching a few videos on the George Zimmerman verdict and the thought arrived to my mind that Alex Linder is absolutely right: as to organizing in the real world and preparing ourselves for fight, the Greeks are light-years ahead from their American counterparts—both the meta-politicians and the naïve Christian nationalists.

The following is a curiously harmonic collage of paragraphs on the Golden Dawn I stole from Metapedia and its nemesis Wikipedia, which I edited slightly:


Chrysi Avyi (Greek: Χρυσή Αυγή, English: Golden Dawn) is the national liberation movement of the Greek people, strongly opposed to communism, plutocracy and the demographic genocide of the people through third-world invasion. Hrisi Avgi is also the name of a newspaper and a magazine published by that movement. The leader of the party is Nikolaos Michaloliakos.

The party is nationalist and socialistic, evoking Ancient Hellas, and in particular the militant society of Sparta. The movement’s symbol is a white meander in a black coat, also appeared in a red flag bearing pattern with white and golden trim. The party has a more revolutionary character than the likes of the Hellenic Front and the Popular Orthodox Rally.

Golden Dawn has made use of National Socialist (NS) symbolism, and its members have praised figures of NS Germany in the past. It has participated in Hellenic national elections and while they have received thousands of votes, clashes with anarcho-communists plot to destroy the movement.


Golden Dawn described itself as a “Popular Nationalist Movement” and “uncompromising Nationalists.” Party leader Michaloliakos described Golden Dawn as opposing the “so-called Enlightenment” and the Industrial Revolution, while supporting National Socialism. According to the party’s charter, “only Aryans in blood and Greeks in descent can be candidate members of Golden Dawn.” The charter also puts the leader in dictatorial control of the party, and formalizes the use of the Roman salute for party members. At first, the party embraced neo-Pagan beliefs, believing them to be intermingled with National Socialism in accordance to NS esotericism, describing Marxism and liberalism as “the ideological carriers of Judeo-Christianity.” Later, however, the party underwent ideological changes, accepting Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Unlike Americans, the Greeks are on the right track

The party is regularly described as Neo-Nazi by news media and academic sources, and members are allegedly responsible for so-called “anti-Semitic” graffiti.

Ilias Kasidiaris, a spokesman for Golden Dawn, wrote an article that was published in the movement’s magazine on 20 April 2011, in which he said:

What would the future of Europe and the whole modern world be like if World War II (which the democracies, or in fact the Jews—according to general Ioannis Metaxas—declared on Germany) hadn’t stopped the renewing route of National Socialism? Certainly, fundamental values which mainly derive from ancient Greek culture, would be dominant in every state and would define the fate of peoples. Romanticism as a spiritual movement and classicism would prevail against the decadent subculture that corroded the white man. Extreme materialism would have been discarded, giving its place to spiritual exaltation.

In the same article, Adolf Hitler is characterized as a great social reformer and military genius.

In an article published in 1987 in the Golden Dawn magazine titled “Hitler for 1000 years” its editor Michaloliakos showed his support for National Socialism and white interests. He wrote:

We are the faithful soldiers of the National Socialist idea and nothing else … We exist, and continue the battle, the battle for the final victory of our race.

He ends the article by writing:

1987, forty-two years later, with our thought and soul given to the last great battle, with our thought and soul given to the black and red banners, with our thought and soul given to the memory of our great Leader, we raise our right hand up, we salute the Sun and with the courage, that is compelled by our military honor and our National Socialist duty we shout full of passion, faith to the future and our visions: HEIL HITLER!

Furthermore he uses capital letters for pronouns referring to Hitler (“by Himself”, “His people”).

On 17 August 1987, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy in the NS Party, who was given a life sentence at the Nuremberg Trials, committed suicide. The following day, on 18 August 1987, Golden Dawn members distributed proclamations in the center of Athens with the phrase “RUDOLF HESS IMMORTAL.”

In pictures taken during the first congress of Golden Dawn in February 1990, the congress hall is decorated with the Swastika and the Wolfsangel.

There are many cases in which Golden Dawn members have appeared to give a NS salute. The founder of the party, Michaloliakos, appeared to give a NS salute in the Athens city council. He claims that it was merely “the salute of the national youth organization of Ioannis Metaxas.” The party states its logo is a traditional Greek meander, not a NS symbol.

In May 2012, Golden Dawn ran in Greek elections under the slogan “So we can rid this land of filth.” On his post-election statement, Michaloliakos had placed a marble eagle on an obvious position on his desk, which according to media reports bears similarity to the eagle of the Third Reich. After the elections, Eleni Zaroulia, a Golden Dawn MP, wore an iron cross ring during her inauguration, a symbol which has been associated with National Socialism. As depicted in a picture taken on 14 September 2012, Panagiotis Iliopoulos, another Golden Dawn MP, has a tattoo reading the greeting “Sieg Heil.”

Ilias Kasidiaris quoted The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a speech to parliament on 23 October 2012. Defending himself in a discussion on whether to lift his parliamentary immunity over his assault of Kanelli, he quoted Protocol 19: “In order to destroy the prestige of heroism we shall send them for trial in the category of theft, murder and every kind of abominable and filthy crime.”

On 6 June 2013, the Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris implied during a stormy debate in the Greek Parliament that he is a Holocaust denier.

Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens has criticized Golden Dawn, stating that “The church loves all people, whether they are black, white or non-Christians.”


My 2 cents:

Judeo-Christianity is the enemy. Both “white nationalists” and “Southern nationalists” who still cling to Christianity are deluded. No puritanical version of Judeo-Christianity in NorthAm, no Hellstorm. No Hellstorm, no anti-white genocide throughout the West in our century. Who do you think will make a difference: the GD fanatics or the American AltRighters who still subscribe the Judaic narrative of defaming Hitler and his movement?