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Audios Free speech / association Liberalism Tom Sunic

Today’s West is a soft Gulag —Tom Sunic

“Totalitarianism is the worst when it is least perceptible, and this is the problem now with the so-called free West.”


The complete interview can be listened at YouTube.

Audios Civil war

1st Brandenburg Lecture

Listen to Uncle Harold’s first Brandenburg Lecture in today’s Radio Free Northwest podcast, starting in minute 44:46 (here).

Audios Civil war

How should white revolutionaries behave after the Breivik affaire?

Just listen to the first 10 ½ minutes, and then the last 8 ½ minutes of today’s podcast by Harold Covington (here).

Yes: we had read thousands of words on the Breivik affaire. But in his recent podcasts Covington is the first nationalist I actually listen on the subject. He offers sound advice to potential revolutionaries, and it is always good for our morale to listen to his Radio Free Northwest.

Audios Intelligence quotient (IQ) Neanderthalism Racial studies

The Bell Curve

The totalitarian system of political correctness in which we live has hidden from us the main reason why has crime grown so much in Mexico.

When Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, authors of The Bell Curve, published their study, with chapter 13 discussing the differences of intelligence quotient (IQ) between the various races, I was in Houston. Like thousands of other naïve westerners I swallowed the media claim that the science behind Herrnstein and Murray’s book was not solid. No, I didn’t read the book, even though by 1996 a Houstonian friend used to recommend it: the politically correct book-review at Scientific American had already brainwashed me.

Today, fifteen years after I believed the silly book-review of The Bell Curve that prevented me from reading it, I listened the YouTube clips on the actual content of the book, of which I will insert # 3, presently featured at The Occidental Observer:

[Note of February 21, 2014: the Thought Police has removed this instructive video from YouTube]

The information in clips #3 and #8 has been extended more recently by other authors who have written on the “Color of Crime,” or how people with lowest IQs are more prone to violence.

I do not agree with everything of the spoken introduction to The Bell Curve. In clips #6 and # 8 for example individualism is presented as the cornerstone upon which American culture must be built, and the book promotes a return to the egalitarian values of the founders of the United States as to how to stratify society.

However, even though if compared with white nationalists Herrnstein and Murray seem too cautious and even shy, their book has the merit of having brought a science spanning more than a century to the public eye. And if something can be inferred from IQ studies is that the explosion of crime at both sides of the Río Grande has to do with the type of people that the system has helped to breed geometrically: some blacks to the north and especially the slightly “mestized” Indians at the south.

Anyone willing to understand the crime rates in Mexico in recent decades, with all those ghastly beheadings and kidnappings, an unheard of phenomenon when I was a child, should become familiar with IQ studies. It is obvious that the calamity that many of us have suffered here down the South—I have been kidnapped twice in Mexico City—could have been avoided with a reverse social engineering policy of the very trendy currents of today.

Americanism Audios

“America must end” – Covington

Today’s podcast
by Harold Covington
has been described
with these words
by one of the radio listeners:
“Your best podcast ever, Harold.
The Jew Republic is dead.
Long live the coming
Aryan Republic. 14/88.”

Here there are a couple of excerpts transcripted from the podcast:

America must end. It is a disease: a leprous thing. There’s no health or goodness in it that has been for long time, and the ultimate interest of all humanity lies in this rotting and poisonous monster called the United States being removed from the Earth. All of us know in our souls what must be done [Revolution]…

The filth that is America will be purged from the world with fire and sword. The darkness that covers this land will be lifted. And a new generation of white children will be born and grow strong in the light.

Listen to it: here.


Covington on Hitler

Listen to Harold Covington’s podcast on Hitler and the ten principles of National Socialism that he recorded this April 20th.