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3-eyed crow Feminism Tree

Dark wings, dark words

‘Dark Wings, Dark Words’ is the second episode of the third season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 22nd episode of the series. In King’s Landing the messages that put men as silly continue. In the castle gardens we hear this conversation:

Olenna Tyrell: ‘Do you know my son, the Lord of Highgarden?’

Sansa: ‘I haven’t had the pleasure’.

Olenna Tyrell laughs: ‘No great pleasure, believe me: a ponderous oaf. His father was an oaf as well, my husband, the late Lord Luthor’.

But in the Riverlands, Rickard Karstark tells King Robb a great truth: ‘I think you lost the war the day you married her’, referring to non-white buttocks.

In the North, while heading to the Wall, Bran Stark has a dream, where he tries to kill the three-eyed raven, but a boy tells him that this is impossible because the raven is Bran himself. When he wakes up and they continue with the march, Osha suspects that someone is following them and goes out to investigate. At this moment the boy from Bran’s dream arrives and reveals that his name is Jojen Reed. Another message in which the male-female roles are reversed is seen when Jojen, who is accompanied by his sister Meera, tells Bran’s caregiver Osha: ‘I’m unarmed. My sister carries the weapons’.

But the writers were still unsatisfied with those two scenes and included one more scene that reverses the male-female roles. Travelling North, Arya, Gendry, and a fat boy nicknamed Hot Pie are discovered by a small group called The Brotherhood Without Banners led by Thoros of Myr, who suspect the three of them have escaped from Harrenhall. Arya draws her sword to face alone the group that has found them while her two friends, Gendry and Hot Pie, hide behind the rocks. We can already imagine in the real medieval period a girl doing that, in the context of crossing a dangerous forest where there could be highway robbers!

Back at King’s Landing, the erotic scene between Tyrion and Shae is disgusting. Those scenes, and many other erotic scenes of Game of Thrones would never have been shot in a healthy West.

En route to the Wall, Bran receives from Jojen the first revelation about what has been happening to him since Jaime threw him from the tower of his home. Jojen says that, like Bran, he is also a greenseer: as those gifted with clairvoyant powers (out-of-body experiences, also known as astral projection) were called in the ancient religion. Greenseers also have retrocognitive powers (seeing the past paranormally) and precognitive powers (glimpses of the future). Jojen explains that the three-eyed raven that appears in Bran’s dreams means someone who ‘brings the sight’.

Bran still ignores it but the old man in a hiding cave under a huge weirwood tree on the other side of the Wall, who has been sending him those dreams under the image of the raven, is the most powerful man in Westeros even though he can no longer move (in Martin’s novels Bloodraven’s power in Westeros affairs is more conspicuous than in the HBO series). Jojen, another gifted psychic who tries to guide Bran, tells him that he too has had the same dream and that he has followed Bran believing that the boy will play an important role in the future. But even during that conversation between two gifted thanks to the old religion, the reversals of roles arise between the women who follow Hodor, Bran and Jojen from behind:

Osha: Isn’t he [Jojen] ashamed, your brother, needing you to protect him?

Meera: Where’s the shame in that?

Osha: Any boy his age who needs his sister to protect him is gonna find himself needing lots of protection.

2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) 3-eyed crow

The pointy end

Almost two years ago I wrote:

‘The Pointy End’ is the eighth episode of the first season of Game of Thrones. It is the eighth episode of the series overall among the 73 episodes aired over eight seasons from 2011 to 2019. This episode premiered on June 5, 2011 when I didn’t even know that Game of Thrones existed. It was written by George R.R. Martin and directed by Daniel Minahan, who is not classified as ‘Jew’ at least in his Wikipedia article (the series has changed directors several times).

Bran the Broken, still a boy, prays by the heart tree when he is approached by Osha, a woman of the Free Folk or ‘Wildlings’ (in this pic, Osha is barely visible because she’s laying on the ground). Osha tells Bran about hearing the Old Gods of the Forest and that the Wildlings also worship the Old Gods. She laments that the South has lost touch with the past, and that the southern weirwood trees were cut down long ago and, therefore, the Southerners have no idea about what’s awakening in the north.

I have just watched again the scene in ‘The Pointy End’ when the above photograph was taken and must add something to what I said four days ago in the article ‘New subtitle’. In the scene, a couple of times Osha calls the attention of Bran about the hidden message that could be heard from the gods by listening to the whispering leaves of the heart tree.

When four days ago I wrote ‘I will leave the image of Bran in the sticky post unless I can think of a better one that symbolises this site’ I hadn’t re-watched the scene with due attention. Now I see that it resonates not only with my editorial note in my previous article today, but with the heart of my own life (cf. my book Whispering Leaves). This day I make official the above pic as the ‘logo’ of this site.

As some readers may have observed, I have been using Game of Thrones not as fans see it, but as a sort of Rorschach test to project things that I have in mind.

From when I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey as a child I projected my most cherished ideals on that film. Decades later I realised that there was a problem: the transformations of 2001 involve extraterrestrial agency, without which the transformation of the Australopithecus Moonwatcher and his descendant Dave Bowman wouldn’t have been possible at the end of the film. But something tells me that there is no intelligent life in the Milky Way, and instead of an ‘eschatology from above’ I began to forge an ‘eschatology from below’, in the sense that some of us have to transform ourselves into mutants if we are to save the planet from the most primitive version of humans that currently swarms it.

As there is something very specific that I project onto Game of Thrones I won’t talk about what happened in this episode in the Mountains, the Eyrie, the Riverlands, at the Wall, the non-white lands of Lhazar, and King’s Landing. The only thing that has interested me in the episode is how the arc of the boy Bran Stark unfolds, specifically this scene, as only he will undergo a psychic metamorphosis in subsequent seasons.

The difference between David Bowman and Bran Stark is, as I already implied, that the latter doesn’t require extraterrestrial agency to metamorphose into a new man. If there is anything to save us from the Neanderthals he won’t be a personal god (let alone a Semitic god!) or benevolent aliens. That’s human fantasy ‘from above’. On the contrary: the symbols of the forest and the sacred trees of the ancient religion behind the Wall are exclusively terrestrial. By ‘eschatology from below’ I mean that only with the resources that we already have on Earth, and with the mind that Nature has provided us, we, a kind of feathered serpents, aspire to the wings of the caduceus.

That’s why if Martin were to publish his next novel in the saga soon, as speculation among fans of A Song of Ice and Fire has already begun, I’d only read Bran’s arc to see how it differs from the HBO series. If, like Bran’s mentor, one lives in a cave entangled in the roots of a weirwood, he won’t devote himself to talking about the inane events of the immediate present as is done in the forums of white nationalism. Rather he will ponder the past and the archetypes that have taken over the white man’s psyche trying to figure out the deeper roots of Westeros’ darkest hour.

3-eyed crow I.N. (commenter) Trolls

Dear Mr. Cesar,

Excuse me for the lengthy text.

I understand how crucial it is for you to move towards this direction [basically close the comments section] given how much you have pondered about it for years now and I applaud you for it. The fact that you tolerated this insufferable situation for so long is a testament to your patience. However, by doing so you remove an indispensable aspect that should define discourse between us National Socialists so as to exchange viewpoints and answer questions.

This has been an integral feature of your site as apart from your entries, the comments too did aid me in acquiring a perfected exterminationist worldview. You must cultivate a climate for dialogue and encourage your viewers to engage in conversation among them. If you shun it your page might lose much needed traction and visitors and we need to assist you in amassing a wider audience of Whites willing to arrive at the truth.

If you wish to attract a larger audience and maybe even ‘steal’ followers from ‘mainstream’ WN sites like Counter Currents and American Renaissance you might want to think again about resorting to such strict censorship. That way you can redirect their focus to your revolutionary site and maybe witness a steady shift in their mentality as they begin to reject their old digital hangouts and dedicate their attention to you if your teachings take hold. Additionally, this radical approach of yours might make it impossible for people living on the other side of the Atlantic to opine on your entries.

Indeed, most commenters were unable to cross the psychological Rubicon to gain a higher understanding of the root causes that have culminated in the West’s ongoing downfall and it started to become frustrating but you can’t let this indignation get the better of you. Let them stagnate in the middle of the river and drown.

It will be a pity to have the rest of us who are of sound judgement and servants of the 14 words be lumped in with impudent buffoons like Adunaii or depressed defectives like Simon Elliot / Autisticus Spasticus. I admit that some of their comments may seem smart and sophisticated from a purely neutral standpoint, and I am not neutral but intrinsically bound to the ground of the radiant bucolic landscape that enchants and permanently captivates everyone who disembarks on the riverfront lying on the opposite side of the Rubicon. (It appears the journey across happens amidst intense fog/Christian ethics, that’s why most lose track of the destination and end up at the riverbed, never managing to even glance at the promised Utopia achievable only through the axiology of National Socialism.)

Said process of ‘conversion’ happened pretty much instantaneously thanks to stumbling upon your work and due to my own life experiences, research and conclusions. But commie sympathisers like Adunaii and abject, puerile defeatists like Elliot have to be expelled for reasons of adamant ideological consistency and devotion to the sacred cause summed up in the 4 and 14 Words.

Only through the Religion of Hate will we be able to exact holy racial vengeance and purify the flora and fauna of this planet by disposing of the sadistic vermin (dimwitted, dark skinned and two-legged mostly) that stains and defiles it once and for all and thus establishing a truly just, fair and beautiful Earth encompassing New Order in the biological sense. A world filled with staggeringly gorgeous Aryan nymphets and youths to roam it gracefully with kindness, respect, modesty and empathy and meant only for those worthy of living.

Anyway, I digress. Though this tactic relieves you from the burden of putting up with the absurdly preposterous (as in not sharing your justified hatred yet) content in the posts of some annoying slowpokes, some commenters could provide very informative insights and it would be a loss to miss out on that.

Some (extremely few in fact) deserve to be granted permission to keep commenting on this site. At least allow a very select number of them like Mauricio, Joseph Walsh (I have been keeping up with your site since April 2019 and I haven’t seen his profile in the comments for a while and I cannot remember if he has made an appearance in the last two years so I don’t know if he is still active), [Anti]natalist44 (thankfully he changed his idiotic surname, he might be a bit pessimistic but he is also necessarily cynical which can enlighten the Aryan about how hypocritical they are) or Apollokult among others like him who surprisingly fully align with your principles which, in all honesty, should be common knowledge and even maxims embedded into our culture.

Or at least slightly alter this policy you have adopted. You could enable the option to post comments that are sent exclusively by e-mail instead. The absence of a comment thread will automatically dissuade dummies, normies and white nationalists from bothering to leave their undesirable opinions on this gem of a site. Or efilists for that matter.

Could you not appoint some voluntary admins to filter the comment section and dispatch the outcasts that would dare trespass on your webpage? I am not cognizant of the intricacies involved in operating a site or the terms of use/service of WordPress by the way. I do not disagree with you per se, I actually partially welcome this initiative. I still I urge you to reconsider though.

Your site encapsulates the very essence of what the White Man must do in order to survive which is admittedly to ‘think more ruthlessly than Himmler’. That is quite a demanding task to undertake and assuming the only stimuli they receive that leads them down this path is your site then you can be sure it is going to take a while before they cross over to Level 9. Though as betrayed by your disappointment, few people appreciate the effort you put into awakening them.

At best it happens instantly (like with me) and at worst it needs an incessant bombardment of Nordicist literature for a couple of years. Let us be confident that the continuous reading of all that your site has to offer will be the catalyst that drives them to shatter their flawed and indulgent worldview which derives from the allegiance to a false, self-abasing and ultimately suicidal morality.

The prerequisite is to shake off the persistent indoctrination that has been passed down from generation to generation and has become so ingrained into our psyche (not mine, I have always been an atheist and a staunch critic of the afterlife paranoia) that it has developed such resilient antibodies to ensure its firm grip over the Aryans’ responses and actions. Tough job but something as unlikely as this can transpire. You remember what Tikhar said earlier this month.

Anyway, I have never seen a Priest of the 14 Words (you coined this term) devote his life so holistically to the materialisation of Aryan resurgence and domination despite being tainted by foreign blood. You are truly much more Aryan than the overwhelming majority of Aryans. You are a prophet and a benefactor to our run down race. Frankly, pretty much no one else articulates the harsh truth in such a precise, crystal clear and no holds barred manner.

Keep struggling and sending out three-eyed ravens to educate prospective broken Brans by imbuing them with retrocognition so that they endeavour to uplift the ever dissipating Whites from their demoralising and self-destructive state.

I merely wanted to leave my contribution for the second and last time apparently (unless another e-mail of mine impresses you so as to warrant its own entry). I think of you as an underrated and obscure (not recognised enough) hero of these end times (unless the White Revolution takes place and is successful), Mr. C. T.

Thank you for changing my life. Heil to you! I hope the Whites of the future that emerge victorious from this ordeal build a statue in dedication to your memory. I will keep being a faithful follower of yours.

Again, sorry for my brazenly long testimony. Happy New Year with loads of success in adequately conveying your ‘heretic’ message.

By the way, I am eagerly anticipating the day the subtitle of this site will finally read something along the lines of: ‘The Time For Armed Revolution Is Here! Nietzschean Transvaluation for a Hitlerian Civilisation!’


3-eyed crow Hellstorm Holocaust Judea v. Rome Racial right Real men

Men’s club

Today I read two other articles from Siege, ‘The Numbers Game’ and ‘Twilight of the Idiots’. In the first Mason mentions the four phases that Rockwell envisioned to seize power in the United States, as well as Tommasi’s secret: that all talk, all discussion, was counter-revolutionary; the situation has been talked to death and racialists still go on talking! In other words, what matters is action.

So true, but after Charlottesville it has become increasingly clear that the System won’t allow the slightest action, even if it is perfectly legal, on the part of whites (although it does allow illegal actions as long as they come from BLM or Antifa).

Even so, if there is something that is breathed in these Siege articles it is that a few decades ago the American movement was a club for men, unlike what today we call white nationalism: a club for women. However, upon reviewing the history of the men’s club in Siege, with the benefit of hindsight the three-eyed raven sees things quite differently.

Today I received the second edition of Hellstorm, published this year by Money Tree Publishing and accompanied by Kyle Hunt’s DVD documentary based on Goodrich’s book. Incidentally, I will soon begin to reproduce the translated chapters of a book by a German author who touches on the same subject: Bleeding Germany Dry.

I confess that before the elections I had fantasised about reducing this site to its bare minimum, posting only two articles per month: one from Bleeding Germany Dry and the other from Christianity’s Criminal History.

Seeing the past of ‘Westeros’, the hidden past that most Aryans are unaware of, is what provides the cognitive power to change the paradigm. What happened with the hostile takeover of Europe by a Semitic-inspired cult, as well as the greatest crime in history (the Hellstorm Holocaust), should awaken the Aryan male. Rockwell, Tommasi and Mason never had this retrocognitive vision. None of them knew, especially, what happened in the first centuries of Christendom. None had the ‘third eye’ to see the past or lived entwined with the weirwood.

But it’s not just the past. One of the things I liked about the television adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire is that, the one who inherited the title and powers of the three-eyed crow, couldn’t see the future with the clarity that he could see the past, though even with this limitation isolated glimpses of the future came to him: like the shadow of the dragon that briefly flew over King’s Landing. Similarly, some prophets have glimpsed what is going to happen to the US—Westeros’ King’s Landing!—dollar, as we saw in the video that I embedded at the end of my previous post.

What I want to get to is that those who belonged to the men’s club lacked the powers to see the past and the future (of course: those who now belong to the women’s club also lack such power). They weren’t able, for example, to realise that to change the paradigm it was first necessary to see how the Night King was formed, who now only wants the extinction of the white race. Being aware of this implies an accurate knowledge of the history of Christianity told from the racial point of view. In the English-speaking world, this was not attempted until almost three years ago. On December 4, 2017 I began to translate into English an essay by a Spaniard entitled ‘Roma contra Judea; Judea contra Roma’, which is now the central essay of The West’s Darkest Hour.

Seeing the past is absolutely essential, as well as having at least some fleeting glimpses of the future. It is true that the women’s club that is white nationalism isn’t going anywhere. But the men’s club neither got anywhere! They lacked the insight of the crow who authored that essay. This is why the subtitle of this site now reads ‘metapolitics: not time for armed struggle yet!’

Before killing the Night King we must know what exactly we are dealing with. He is not Jewry but Christianity and its bastard son, secularised Christian ethics. Remember what I said yesterday in the comments section, that I rephrase today:

By the ‘Judeo-Christian’ problem I mean that there is white agency, not only Jewish subversion. For example, Brad Griffin of Occidental Dissent willingly gives himself up to evil by subscribing to Lutheranism. You can choose: apostasy from the Jewish infection but he chooses evil. Likewise, Greg Johnson indulges in evil by subscribing to secularised Christian ethics. (See, for example, his manifesto and his neochristian distinction between ‘Old Right’—men’s club—and ‘New Right’—his women’s club.) Johnson is perfectly aware of the Jewish Question but still obeys, in secularised form, the commands of the New Testament: the Night King.

The fact that Griffin, Johnson, and many, many others in our movement are still entangled in the Semitic tail, shows, in my view, that whites are not helpless victims of Jewry, but active agents in their own destruction. Just see my last essay in Daybreak about Kevin MacDonald (free PDF linked on the sidebar).

In other words: If even the racialist right, which is perfectly aware of the Jewish Problem, maintains ethno-suicidal vestiges, that can only mean that there is something beyond Jewish Question: what I call the Christian Question, the Night King.

3-eyed crow Hojas Susurrantes (book) Racial right

Why I don’t talk about the news

Talking about the news is a matter for commoners, not the crow.

These days I rarely read entire articles that come from the pen of white nationalists. And indeed, today I didn’t read the entire article that MacDonald published yesterday, ‘Why It’s Important for Trump to Win’. If we imagine that there is such a thing as the three-eyed raven, with all that wealth of knowledge about the human past, then the fact that the most powerful nation spearheads the suicidal passion of whites is seen from the crow’s meta-perspective of all history and its general meaning. Commenting on the news, on the other hand, is myopia.

Unlike the raven MacDonald doesn’t live beneath the weirwood tree; he’s unaware of the history of Christianity (soon I’ll continue with instalment 130 of my Deschner excerpts). He’s clueless about how the religion that instilled the doctrine of eternal torture in whites and forced them to worship Yahweh has been transmuted into runaway self-hatred once it became secular.

Similarly, my visitors are unaware of why debunking psychiatry or understanding the trauma model that I have been promoting on this site is important. Just think of the second paradigmatic case of girls in Colin Ross’s class to understand the self-harming attitudes of today’s white man. That chapter appears less than thirty pages after Paulina’s missive in the original Whispering Leaves book.

If we understand how there are adult women who self-injure—the case of the second girl when she grows up—, we will understand why virtually all whites self-injure today through an ethno-suicidal ideology originated in the Levant. It is this psychohistorical meta-perspective, the third eye of the raven’s vision to use George R.R. Martin’s character, that distinguishes this site from other racialist sites.

And by the way, America delenda est.

3-eyed crow Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archipelago (book) Neanderthalism Racial right

Explaining my midnight post

Today I woke up shortly after five in the morning because the topic addressed by an Unz Review columnist made me anxious and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I mean ‘Pro-BLM Demonstrations Sweep Across Europe: We’re all living in Amerikwa’ by Guillaume Durocher.

Such collective hysteria (the crucified nigger by evil whites is the New Jesus!), though secular in Europe, is clearly a spawn of Christian ethics that the spiritual children of the French Revolution inherited. Contrary to what conventional historians say, the gospel message has reached its peak in our time, not in the 13th century, even though this climax has occurred in the form of secular values.

No one has grasped the reason for my obsession with the figure of the fisher king looming in the Game of Thrones finale, about which I added something else at midnight. As I have tried to explain in The Fair Race, if the white man reclaims his story he would be cured of the neo-Christianity that is killing him axiologically. I am referring as much to the distant past that almost nobody knows (the real history of Christianity from Caligula to Charlemagne) to the Holocaust of 20th century’s gentiles that nobody talks about because the media hides it from us.

In other words: only a Bran capable of seeing real history has developed the necessary empathy to save the kingdoms of Westeros, and I don’t think that many of the racialists know their true story. From what they say in their forums, it is more than clear that the history books they have read were written by people who sleep in the matrix that controls them.

So I recommend Solzhenitsyn’s book to normies who have never read stories of the victims of the Russian Holocaust, perpetrated by Lenin and Stalin’s willing executioners. A banned commenter who describes himself as ‘a little Russian’ and a Stalin admirer, for example, wanted to post a comment today. He will continue to be banned as long as he continues to admire Stalin or maintain that it was good to ritually sacrifice children, as was done in the historical past (the psychoclass of this banned commenter is exactly the opposite of the psychoclass of Bran).

People who want to comment on this blog must develop the empathy of the fisher king. And that can only be done through actual suffering in the coming decades, and from that suffering finally seeing the tragic past of mankind. Only by looking at our tragic pasts—the actual stories I insist: not what can be read in the history books authored by normies—do we develop proper empathy to save Westeros.

But I’m going to be frank: I don’t think most of the visitors to this site will read the literature to see the past that I recommend up in the sidebar. So sometimes it makes me want to close the comments section and only have contact with the tree of the past with which I am fused.

3-eyed crow

The most famous crow

I have recently used the 3-eyed raven symbol when speaking of those who clairvoyantly or retrocognitively portrayed what is happening, or what happened in the historical past. Following the metaphor, what better than to listen to the most famous crow in Westeros even though, due to almost a century of Judeo-Anglo-Saxon defamation, his image has yet to be vindicated in today’s world.

‘With what clairvoyance the authors of the 18th, and especially those of the past, century criticised Christianity and passed judgment on the evolution of the Churches!’ —Hitler’s Table Talk, page 88.

‘When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity’. —Hitler’s Table Talk, page 59.

‘The fact that the Japanese have retained their political philosophy, which is one of the essential reasons for their successes, is due to their having been saved in time from the views of Christianity’. —Hitler’s Table Talk, page 393.

‘This terrorism in religion is the product, to put it briefly, of a Jewish dogma, which Christianity has universalised and whose effect is to sow trouble and confusion in men’s minds’. —Hitler’s Table Talk, page 393.
‘It may be asked whether concluding a concordat with the churches wouldn’t facilitate our exercise of power… I’m convinced that any pact with the Church can offer only a provisional benefit, for sooner or later the scientific spirit will disclose the harmful character of such a compromise. Thus the State will have based its existence on a foundation that one day will collapse’. —Hitler’s Table Talk, pages 58-59.

‘It is to these private customs that peoples owe their present characters. Christianity, of course, has reached the peak of absurdity in this respect. And that’s why one day its structure will collapse. Science has already impregnated humanity. Consequently, the more Christianity clings to its dogmas, the quicker it will decline’. —Hitler’s Table Talk, page 60.

3-eyed crow

Fused teacher, and pupil

3-eyed crow George Orwell Racial right Tree

The subtitle of this site

In these times of pandemic it is easy to forget the basic premise of this site: Christianity, and the set of values that Christianity generated, are the cause of ethnosuicide by whites throughout the West. Even at the origins of the pandemic in Italy, it can be seen how the axiological system that spawned Christianity is responsible for all the ills that afflict us. We can already imagine the ancient Romans embracing the Chinese on the streets with loving hugs, as was done in Italy right at the start of the pandemic.

Love of neighbour, or rather: universal love for all humans imposed by the state and civil society, is the cause of white suicide. Now it comes to my mind the words of Octavio Paz who mocked the neo-Christians who, during the French Revolution, tried to decree mandatory fraternity as if that were possible by law. The Jacobins never gave up the whole of Christianity, only the dogmatic part of it.

Something that I have observed in virtually all intellectuals and commenters of the dissident right, including the racialists, is that they don’t try to reinvent the history of the white race as the Nazis tried and, as far as English speakers are concerned, as Pierce and Kemp tried. They do the opposite: They rely on Christian authors or neo-Christian secularists, the heirs to the ideals of the French Revolution. They don’t seem to realise that, to understand what is happening, it is necessary to make a tabula rasa of everything that is taught in the universities about the humanities, and to start rewriting history from the beginning. That is why I chose the symbol of the three-eyed crow’s weirwood tree as the subtitle of this site. Such an odd symbol reflects that what we should focus on is the historical past of the white race—the true past I mean (cf. The Fair Race), not what is said even in slightly racialised forums for the dissident right.

The difference between my point of view and that of the racialists is that we start from completely different ways of seeing history. Except for the Third Reich, all the nations that emerged after Constantine are not to be taken seriously. George Orwell said: ‘All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force’. The entire Christendom has been ruled through fraud and force, but only until recently has the veil been lifted over the nonexistence of Jesus and the super-barbaric way in which the Christians eliminated the Aryan culture from the ancient world. To the extent that Christianity is being exposed, they are relying exclusively on force. The Jews are secondary from this point of view, as it is Christian and neo-Christian whites who have been empowering them. Even the Russian revolution that empowered the genocidal Jews would have been impossible without the help of the Russians themselves.

Unlike the Middle Ages and pre-revolutionary times, modern Western society allows the white man to disbelieve the dogmatic part of Judeo-Christianity, the ‘fraud’ to use Orwell’s quote. But under no circumstances does it allow the white man to abandon the axiological part of the religion of our parents. Hitler attempted complete apostasy, including axiological apostasy, and we see how they genocided their people and blamed the Germans for the holocausts that the Allies themselves had committed. We must never forget that both the American and the Soviet experiments of the last century were branches of the same trunk that emerged from the egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution. Real dissent had not occurred since Julian the Apostate tried to transvalue the values that Constantine, Constantius and their powerful bishops had inverted.

It has to be said once again: as long as white nationalists don’t want to see Christian ideals at the core of their disgrace, their movement will remain in the cradle. Fortunately, the looming monetary apocalypse, the bubble that covid-19 just burst, has the potential to awaken, at least, the children of those nationalists who refuse to finally wake up.


Note of September 2020: I posted this entry when the subtitle said: ‘The site of a man fused to a weirwood tree’.

3-eyed crow Miscellany

One of the problems…

with ‘sticky posts’ is that they are useful to new visitors, but for old visitors to see the same thing above a blog can tire them. For that reason I changed the image yesterday.

The problem is that in several articles I mentioned ‘the mummified character that appears in the sticky post’, and visitors could get confused if instead they see the crow that appears today.

In the novels of George RR Martin, the old man tangled up in the tree and the three-eyed raven are the same entity.