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Julian (novel)

Julian, 66



At Turin, as I received city officials in the law court, a messenger arrived from Florentius, the praetorian prefect of Gaul. The prefect thought that the Caesar should know that some weeks ago Cologne had fallen to the Germans, and the Rhine was theirs. The military situation was, Florentius wrote with what almost seemed satisfaction, grave. The German King Chnodomar had sworn to drive every Roman from Gaul within the year. This was the bad news Constantius had not told me.

While the reception continued, Oribasius and I withdrew to the prefect’s office to study the report. For some inexplicable reason the only bust to adorn the room was that of the Emperor Vitellius, a fat porker who reigned several months in the year of Nero’s death. Why Vitellius? Was the official a descendant? Did he admire the fat neck, the huge jowls of the man who was known as the greatest glutton of his day? To such irrelevances does the mind tend to fly in moments of panic. And I was panicky.

“Constantius sent me here to die. That’s why I was given no army.”

“But surely he doesn’t want to lose Gaul.”

“What does he care for Gaul? As long as he can have his court, his eunuchs, his bishops, what more does he need?” This was not accurate; in his way, Constantius was a patriot. But in my bitterness there was no stopping me. I denounced Constantius recklessly and furiously. I committed treason with every breath. When I had finished, Oribasius said, “The Emperor must have a plan. It can’t be that simple. What are those instructions he gave you?”

I had forgotten all about the packet I had been given on the road to Turin. It was still in my wallet. Eagerly, I undid the fastenings. I read quickly, with growing astonishment. “Etiquette!” I shouted finally, throwing the document across the room. “How to receive an ambassador. How to give a dinner party. There are even recipes!” Oribasius burst out laughing, but I was too far gone to find any humour in the situation.

“We’ll escape!” I said at last.

“Escape?” Oribasius looked at me as if I had gone mad.

“Yes, escape.” Curious… I never thought I would be able to write any of this. “We can desert together, you and I. It will be easy. Nothing but a piece of cloth to throw away.” I tugged at the purple that I wore. “Then we let our beards grow, and back to Athens. Philosophy for me, medicine for you.”

“No.” He said it flatly.

“Why not? Constantius will be glad to see the end of me.”

“But he won’t know it’s the end of you. He’ll think you have gone to plot against him, raise an army, become usurper.”

“But he won’t find me.”

Oribasius laughed. “How can you hide in Athens? Even with a new beard and student’s clothes, you are the same Julian everyone met a few months ago with Prohaeresius.”

“Then it won’t be Athens. I’ll find a city where I’m not known. Antioch. I can hide in Antioch. I’ll study with Libanius.”

“And do you think Libanius could hold his tongue? His vanity would betray you in a day.”


I shall say here that I never found Oribasius particularly sympathetic. Apparently, he felt the same about me. He is of course very famous nowadays (if he is still alive); but medical friends tell me that his seventy-volume encyclopedia of medicine is nothing but a vast plagiarism from Galen. After Julian’s death, he was exiled and went to the court of Persia, where I am told he is worshipped by the Persians as a god; he must have enjoyed this, for he was always vain. Also avaricious: he once charged me five gold solidi for a single treatment for gout. I could not walk for a month after.

Julian Augustus

“Then I shall find a city where no one has ever seen me or heard of me.”

“Farthest Thule. Wherever you go, officials will know who you are.”

Complete disguise? A new name?”

“You forget the secret agents. Besides, how will you live?”

“I can teach, become a tutor…”

“A slave.”

“If necessary, why not? In a proper household, a slave can be happy. I could teach the young men. I would have time to write, to lecture…”

“From the purple to a slave?” He said it with slow cold wonder.

“What do you think I am now?” I exploded. I raged. I lamented. When I finally stopped for lack of breath, Oribasius said, “You will continue into Gaul, Caesar. You will put down the German tribes, or die in the attempt.”


“Then be a slave, Julian.” It was the first time he had called me by my name since I had been raised to Caesar. Then he left me alone in the office, where I sat like a fool, mouth aiar, the hog-like face of Vitellius peering at me from above the doorway… even after three centuries in stone, he looked hungry.

I folded the letter into many squares, each smaller than the other. I thought hard. I prayed to Hermes. I went to the latticed windows and looked for the sun, my peculiar deity. I searched for a sign. At last it came. From the setting sun, light suddenly shone in my face. Yes, out of the west where Gaul was, Helios blazed darkgold in my eyes. I was to follow my god, and if death was what he required of me, then that would be my offering. If victory, then that would be our glory. Also, it was perfectly plain that I could not escape even if I wanted to. I had indeed been seized by purple death.

I returned to the citizens of Turin as though nothing had happened. As I received their homage, Oribasius looked at me questioningly. I winked. He was relieved.

Art Miscellany

Dear Cesar,

Listening to the Waves by Vig

Let me be clear, I don’t need any advertising or publishing in WDH of the image I sent you. I am a Dutch sculptor and painter and recently sold a number of my works to private people in Germany whom I consider to be part of the true Germans, the German resistance so to say.

But, if you like it you are free to use the image. When you think it useful and appropriate you may use the image with the only condition that you put my name under it.

The reason I sent it to you is that reading your before last post on WDH I understood that you were struggling to give a verbal title to your trilogy.

Having read your posts for a few years now and then, I perceive you as an exceptional clear and honest mind. Also you are very sensitive to Aryan art, all together making your WHD to an exceptional platform. Your consistent analysis of the whole issue of Christianity and Judaism in our history is so spot on that I have only praise for it.

But most essentially I recognize the depth of your perception by way of the openness that you have displayed about the story of your childhood. Just reading your last post with translations of your trilogy concerning your understanding of your parents behavior and their psychological wounds the phrases like “killing your inner father and mother” come as a liberating truth because that is exactly what I went through. Sorry I don’t read Spanish but your English is clear enough.

That is why I said that your path has led you to a recognition of true spiritual significance. I had to get rid of my parents’ minds by going to India and practice Tibetan tantric techniques to cleanse my whole being of the influence of their emotional wounds, which basically is a being stuck in adolescence (12 to 13 years of age when sexuality sets in). That is why your insights have vast extents of meaning. “The West is sexually diseased”. Humanity is a nice idea, it is time to really put it into practice.

At present there is not much of a recognition publicly, but to my perception there is at least in Europe gathering an undercurrent of resistance which should not be underestimated.

The reason I responded to you with an image is that I think we have to support each other when recognition happens. I my case I can do that better with images because I am a visual thinker. Another thing is that although I am academically trained I see verbal expressions as necessary but only superficially penetrating peoples’ minds. The reality is that half of the mind is rational and verbal and the other half is visual and intuitive. That means an unbalance in using those capacities is reducing the effectiveness of communication.

I often wonder why you have so much energy responding to comments while it is often the question what is really the effect of it. For example, it is clear that the “Christian cucks” are souls that are emotionally false, very false, to the core even. The smell of it is intolerable. They will bend every word into a meaning suitable for them. So changing to Gestalt is more effective. Art could do the job.

So the whole thing of humanity is altogether of a different dimension. This whole modern indignation about the crimes of Nazi Germany is so thoroughly false and hollow seeing the present day practices of military powers like USA and UK and Israel, that one wonders how far we have sunk spiritually.

Your mention of a whole fresh start for humanity is a recognition of our spiritual nature. As far as the details of that is concerned the wisest of us will admit that it will not be a path of roses.

Hail to you,


Child abuse

Pride and infantilism

(This is a translation from pages 192 to 196 of my last book, From Jesus to Hitler. Some explanatory brackets between unclear passages are added.)

Although my dad and I had more or less the same intelligence, the difference of honour—valour and honesty between father and son—was sidereal. In my soliloquies many times I have called my level of honesty liquid oxygen, in the sense of pure element that does not even want to mix with nitrogen so that the combination is more breathable. I think the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth without dilution or compromise. Perhaps my crude honesty is a flight to the antipodes of my father, so immersed in his placenta. He was the opposite: an extremely dishonest individual, and without any valour to face reality there when it denied his convictions in front of his nose.

Having analysed the family tragedy, with emphasis on my father, can provide the keys to understand the darkest hour of the West. If the white race perishes in the future, and if someone remains clever enough to speculate why it perished, he would get a clue in an unusual field: the first comprehensive analysis a son makes of his parents. My Leaves ended with the lapidary phrase ‘But my father chose evil’. My subsequent texts have been helping me to understand this evil: why dad never grew up.

In my soliloquies, I have sometimes imagined his attitude as having ‘mounted the horse of pride’, but in the end it was always a deep yearning not to grow. That is why he assembled his mind so well with my mother, who wanted to put ‘bricks on our heads’ so that we would not grow up either.

A paradigm of that pride one does not get off of would be, let’s say, what in the previous volume I called ‘the confrontation of drugs’ in which father simply inverted who was to blame [I refer to my mother, who wanted to control us by secretly pouring drugs in our meals]. Well, what Westerners do today is nothing but getting on the horse of pride, although, in their case, not for failing to recognise criminal behaviour in the family, but for refusing to question the narrative about the Second World War. In my blog in English I use a sticky post with links to the essay ‘Rome contra Judea; Judea contra Rome’ and a review of Hellstorm: the antithesis of the haughty horse. Why has the white man failed to see something so obvious?

The brutal response is that they are as childish as the father I referred to in the final words of my Leaves, or as proud as the father who inverted guilt when I confronted him with [my mother’s] drugs. My life was annihilated by my father’s childish pride. Unless they awaken, the white race will be annihilated by their own infantiloid pride. Just as my father must have come to talk with his son as in my dream of the leaves, whites must have approached those who told the truth about Christianity and the Second War. But they have chosen evil.

As we know, my father lived his whole life in self-deception. If there is a word that defines him, it is that: self-deception. Recall how he reversed reality through the aforementioned self-deceits. These were some of the most conspicuous:

• That Mexico had more cultural institutions than the United States.

• The inversion during ‘the confrontation of the crossed arms’ and that my sister, not mom, would cry tears of blood when thinking about her behaviour.

• The final chords of La Santa Furia that glorify miscegenation. Compare that with the Führer’s words in ‘Quoting the royal book’ of my previous volume. From the moral point of view, even more serious reversal of the facts in the plot of La Santa Furia was:

• To have inverted the faults on infanticide: something that the pre-Hispanic Amerindians did without any scruples as Sahagún saw. My father blamed the infanticide on the Spaniard with whom he started his last opus! Blaming the Spaniard for Amerind infanticide was the other side of the coin of blaming my sister and me instead of blaming himself and his wife, as my sister saw so well in ‘the confrontation of the crossed arms’. And finally:

• The cancerous tumour that he suffered, according to him, ‘already became small’ [with no medical proof whatsoever]. In other words, he claimed he was already healthy.

About my brother’s observation that our father was a small child there is something that I have been saying to myself that I had not captured: a postscript to my dream about ‘the little blue and white church’ that I had so much ago, recounted in my previous tome.

I do not want to project my current thoughts back to the times when I had the dream. But a delayed interpretation is that dad was becoming convinced to self-deceive himself in the dream. Convincing himself to do so was the Leitmotiv of his life; I suppose, from his youth. He gave reasons to himself to deceive himself, as what was most comfortable for him in such a modest little church (the placenta or ideological bubble he had gotten himself into).

Paradoxical as it may seem, the infantilism of the little blue church is the other side of the Horse of Pride. I think it’s worth saying that, of the movies I’ve seen, only in Spotlight I was able to see, in a very brief dialogue, a profile that portrays my father.

I refer to the words of the most learned scholar on the subject that the team interviewed, Richard Sipe, a former priest who worked to rehabilitate paedophile priests [incidentally, Sipe died last year]. When Sipe spoke by telephone of atrophy ‘at the level of a child of twelve or thirteen’, my mind immediately flew to my father’s character. It is true that, in the movie, Sipe spoke of such atrophy on a sexual level. But I only noticed it when, after buying the DVD, I saw the passage more calmly. My initial impression, when I saw the film for the first time, was that of a generic psychic atrophy: which is exactly what, less than a minute before the quote above, the reporter Sacha Pfeiffer discovers when interviewing Father Ronald Paquin, who had abused children [like Sipe, both are real persons]. Spotlight, winner of the Oscar for best film the same year my father died, hardly puts priests on the screen. One could imagine, from the journalistic notes, that they were monsters. But in Pfeiffer’s interview with Father Paquin, the exact opposite is seen: an extremely affable sixty-year-old man, with a benign face and gestures and very pleasant in personal dealings, but emotionally atrophied as a child or pubertal boy for the way he rationalised his paedophile behaviour before the reporter.

It has been the Roman Curia that climbs the Horse of Pride when they confront it: like promoting Cardinal Bernard Law after the Boston Globe scandal (who, both in real life and in the film, by orders of Rome had been protecting the priests who molested the children). But the candid infantilism of a Paquin is the other side of the coin of pride. Both facets of Jekyll and Hyde have the same purpose: to dissociate what happened.

I cannot say that my father was a victim of sexual abuse by priests in the institutions that my grand-parents put him into. But I guess he was because of the perversions recounted in my previous tome. If any of my readers keeps in mind the brief interview of the reporter with Father Paquin as dramatised by the film, he could look at my father’s affable character: atrophied at the level of a child of twelve or thirteen years of age.

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A comment for this site

As can be appreciated, this type of tough reflections can only be understood in the context of telling the whole family tragedy.

By the way, even though I use a movie to talk about my father’s character, I was never a victim of sexual abuse (but of something far more serious than sexual abuse!).

The reason why I translated the passage above is obvious to me, but not to my readers.

The white race is dying because the HIV mental virus with which it was infected two thousand years ago, only to this day metastasized into an AIDS that suppresses the racial defences in the psyche of the white man. This HIV, currently already in the phase of AIDS, is transmitted via parental introjects in each generation. That is, to re-develop defences in our immune system, we must break ‘the chain of the introject’ by killing the inner father.

I do not mean physical violence against our biological parents, but to unmask them before the public opinion through accusative writings.

In a previous thread I said that the task of doing this is long and painful, and I talked about the more than a thousand pages that it took me to write it over the decades. But since the ethics of Christian ethno-suicide is transmitted from father to son, a failure to kill the father internally results in a failure to kill the virus that is killing us.

I know that a short translation like the one above will hardly convey the message. To those who wish to read me but cannot do so in Spanish, I would suggest going to the nearest library to obtain a copy of Alice Miller’s Breaking Down the Wall of Silence or other of her books. The problem is that Miller, who was in the Warsaw Ghetto, had a Jewish mother. Alas, she is the only one that has profoundly dealt with the issue of debunking our parents to be able to heal.

For those unwilling to read Miller, they will have to wait for my daunting task of translating my twelve books so that the pro-white man who wishes to eliminate all HIV from his mind may approach the subject from the pen of a non-Jew…

Daybreak Publishing

From Jesus to Hitler (obsolete post)

Disclaimer of March 2020:

I recently changed my mind and used the title ‘From Jesus to Hitler’ to refer not only to this slim corollary, but to all my eleven books. The book below described is now titled The Grail (El Grial in Spanish).

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Finally, the third and last book of my trilogy is available for one hundred dollars. The reason for the high price is that in this final book I tell intimate things. If any fan reads Spanish and wants to read me for a more reasonable price, contact me by email (scroll down the page until you see ‘contact’ on the sidebar). The following is my translation of what appears on the back cover of the book:

From Jesus to Hitler is the continuation of Vol. I, Whispering Leaves, and Vol. II, Will You Help Me? (*)

From Jesus to Hitler is a collection of auto-biographical vignettes and hard reflections on what has already been written: questions that had remained in the inkwell of the previous volumes.

The author of this trilogy (a trilogy that together represents 1,600 pages) is the first autobiographer who, in all seriousness, elaborates a philosophy in which the very legitimacy of the human species is questioned. If mankind deserves to exist from the moral point of view, it will have to eliminate the most primitive version of humans in order to give birth to a new man whose empathy for children and animals is, indeed, upstanding.

In the empirical world, such a transvaluation of all values can only be reflected by replacing the archetype of the nonexistent Jesus of Nazareth with that of a man who did exist: Adolf Hitler.

Tomorrow I will translate into English a book passage for this site.


(*) Not sure if Whispering Leaves sounds well in English. Listening to the Wind Between the Leaves provides the idea, but it would be a long title. (Incidentally, about the other title, Will You Help Me?, it’s not me the one who a powerful reader of the future will have to help.)

William Pierce

When is time to revolt?

Four years ago I posted an article William Pierce had written in 1968, ‘The necessity of staying legal’ for National Socialist World. This piece reminds me a couple of issues: The extreme superiority of American pro-white ideology before the term ‘white nationalism’ was coined, and a frank discussion among American pro-whites about the thorny issue of a revolution: something that nowadays white nationalists are reluctant to discuss.

Both ultra-pacifists like Greg Johnson (listen to his latest pronouncements: here), or those desperate nationalists who recklessly charge on the enemy, should read the above-linked article that reflects the wisdom of Pierce and Hitler.

Game of Thrones

How ‘Game of Thrones’ can be used

Further to Robert Hampton’s ‘Woke Christianity’ which reminded me of my ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’.

After Game of Thrones (GoT) betrayed the fans’ expectations with a girl killing the Night King, as we saw on this site the last Sundays, tonight we watched the great spectacle of an irrelevant war of the two bitches, where the pyromaniac Queen Daenerys destroys the main city of Westeros after they had surrendered.

But if we keep in mind the message of the two articles linked above, after the absolute fiasco of these last episodes we still can use previous seasons of GoT to try to reach normies.

Remember the epigraphs of the second article linked above (‘Christian ethics was like a time bomb ticking away in Europe, a Trojan horse waiting for its season’ & ‘1945 was the year of the total inversion of Aryan values into Christian values’). Our historical season or climax of Christian values is similar to GoT’s ‘Sparrows’, the Faith Militant fanatics who believed in equality for all men (‘We’re all equal in the eyes of the Seven’, a rephrasing of the Christian ‘Every man is equal in God’s eyes’).

Also remember that George R.R. Martin obtained his inspiration from real events of Western history. In the Middle Ages, the Dulcinians were like the Sparrows. Inspired by Franciscan ideals, like today’s antifa they became thugs. As can be read in online encyclopaedias, the ideals of the Dulcinians were:

• The fall of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and return of the Church to its original ideals of humility and poverty

• The fall of the feudal system

• The creation of a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality.

Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) viewed the history of mankind as four epochs:

• The period of the Old Testament

• The period of Jesus Christ and his Apostles characterised by chastity and poverty

• The period of Constantine and the imperial Popes characterised by the decline of the Church due to excessive wealth

• The period of the Apostolics led by Dolcino. Like the ‘Sparrows’ in GoT, this is a period characterised by poverty, chastity and the absence of government.

It is true that for George R.R. Martin war is bad, feudalism and slavery are bad, feminism is good and religion is nuts. But as I have argued, Martin himself subscribes the nutty religion of ‘neo-Franciscanism’, something that is reflected in GoT. In Martin’s novels, after a couple of centuries of disbanding the Faith Militant, the military arm of the Faith of the Seven is restored, this time led by the Sparrows. The physical appearance of the Sparrows resembles, in real history, the violent or Dulcinite faction of the Franciscans.

Curiously, among GoT fans the High Sparrow was one of the most hated witches of the entire show. Hence we can use this character in our discussions with normies when trying to convey that Christian ethics was like a ticking bomb waiting for its season, and that after WW2 this inversion of values was fulfilled.

Just as today’s Woke Christians see Jesus in immigrants, refugees, people of colour, and demeaned women—and therefore the noblest thing, the White Male, must be degraded in order to equalise him with the downtrodden—, in GoT the Sparrows attacked the noblest houses of Westeros: House Tyrell and then Cersei herself, who apparently died in tonight’s show as Queen Cersei (one of the bitches).

Since in real life the Untermenschen cannot be equalised by decree, the only way to equalise them before the White Male is simply by degrading his status throughout the West: precisely what is happening. Westerners ignore that, after seven hundred years, our secular governments are implementing the core of the ideals of Fra Dolcino.

The difference between GoT’s Sparrows and the attempt to deconstruct the White Male in our times is that normies abhor the Sparrows while they accept the degradation of the White Male throughout the West.

The Roman Catholic Church destroyed Fra Dolcino and the Dulcinians in the 14th century when the Church felt threatened by them, just as Queen Cersei destroyed the High Sparrow and his Sparrows in Season 6 of GoT. But in today’s West the ‘Sparrows’ hold power in each Western government, media outlet and university. The only way to destroy them is through a revaluation of all values that not even white nationalists are willing to endorse, let alone enact if they reached power.

It is incredible the level of subjugation of the contemporary White Male before the core of the Gospel message, especially among secular, agnostic and atheist whites.

Morgan vs. Ryckaert et al

Art: …the idealistic mindset “that all men are created equal” is Christian.

Robert Morgan: It surely is, and the racial egalitarianism it spawned is proving the death of the white race. John Locke, the father of liberalism and a man quite influential among the Founding Fathers, was a Christian theologian who derived his arguments from the Bible.

Ababush: The fact that Jewish managed to infiltrate and corrupt Christianity with their OT among other things doesn’t mean that it is not by essence an efficient tool against them.

Robert Morgan: This infiltration gambit always struck me as a particularly lame excuse. The fact is Jesus was a Jew and all of the apostles were Jews. So any “infiltration” was at the very beginning.

Ababush: It was during at least 15 centuries, which is quite a strong result. The article is about if and how it could be enhanced, as it finally was beaten by Judaism.

Robert Morgan: Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a warped perspective on history which is very similar to yours. However, the American Civil War showed that even in the absence of Jews, white Christians still act in a racially self-destructive manner. This demonstrates that the problem is with Christianity itself, not “infiltration”.

Ploni almoni: To think that a break with Judaism is an infiltration of Judaism you have to be standing on your head.

Robert Morgan: To think that an organization initially founded and run by Jews isn’t already “infiltrated” by them is insane.

Franklin Ryckaert: The laws of the material world only pertain to the material world and don’t prove anything beyond it. Whether it is “infantile” to believe in the existence of a super-material world, is a matter of attitude, not of final judgment.

Robert Morgan: Which is more likely? To think that an imaginary friend is really there, or to realize that it’s only the manifestation of an infantile fear of being alone? Or put another way, a Jew walks around proclaiming himself to be God. Which is more likely? That he really is God, or that he’s just trying to gain power over you using the bogus concept of God, an imaginary friend for adults?

The laws of the material world in the form of human psychology indicate that the latter is far more likely. Religious belief of the Christian sort is entirely understandable in terms of human narcissism and wish fulfillment.

Art: There is no question, but that Jesus was religious person…

Robert Morgan: Jesus’ existence as an historical person is poorly attested, at best. Some scholars think he is most likely a fictional character; a composite of archetypes common to the era.

Try to keep in mind that all of the attributes you ascribe to this probably fictional character are equally fictional; it’s like talking about the personality of Santa Claus, or elves.

Art: Honest people must agree that Jesus unleashed something that was beneficial to humanity.

Robert Morgan: Thanks to Christianity, non-whites can regard the extinction of the white race with eager anticipation. That is what your crucified rabbi unleashed.

Art: Dr. Robert—You are becoming an ungrateful troll. Bye.

Robert Morgan: I accept your concession of defeat.


Christ and the rich young ruler

I have chosen Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hofmann, painted in the very year that Nietzsche went mad because nobody recognised his genius, as the illustration on the cover of my forthcoming De Jesús a Hitler (From Jesus to Hitler).

Deranged altruism

Woke Christianity (excerpts)

by Robert Hampton

“I think the problem is white evangelicals don’t see Jesus in immigrants, refugees, people of color, and demeaned women,” she once tweeted. She claimed the downtrodden of today would one day lead Christianity: “The folks you’re shutting out of the church today will be leading it tomorrow. That’s the way the Spirit works. The future’s in the margins.”

Polls show that young white evangelicals are far more likely to support gay marriage and mass immigration. White evangelicals as a whole are mostly opposed to LGBT causes and America’s demographic transformation. However, white evangelicals between the ages of 18 and 29 say they are more inclined to vote for candidates who advocate for LGBT causes, more immigration, and the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The New Yorker report also said that young evangelicals are skeptical of the nation and view nationalism as un-Christian.

Progressive Christians imagine the faith, and Jesus Christ, as embodiments of modern social justice. “This dude was breaking down gender roles and taking on racial issues that made people around him hate him,” one Hispanic evangelical told Griswold about Jesus… They also say Jesus was a refugee and black in order to support arguments in favor of America’s demographic transformation.

“When I think about where most of Scripture points me, it is toward defending the poor, and the immigrant, and the stranger, and the prisoner, and the outcast, and those who are left behind by the way society works.” His Christianity is not one that defends healthy values, the national community, or even the traditional family. It is opposed to all those things. The Other is the great purpose of Buttigieg’s Christianity, and it conforms to the technocratic neo-liberalism for which he advocates.

Fellow Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker also articulates this same vision of Christianity. Religion News described Senator Booker’s Christian approach as “multifaith, LGBTQ-inclusive, liberation theology-influenced and social-justice focused.”

Maybe the European New Right had a point when it argued that liberalism is just a secularized form of Christianity.

Woke Christianity could become a major theme of the 2020 Democratic primary. It’ll certainly come out when candidates need to virtue-signal about the utter immorality of nationalism.

Conservative evangelicals may remain the majority in their community, but they still show the woke influence. The conservative Southern Baptist Convention did issue an embarrassing condemnation of the Alt Right in 2017. Apparently, nationalists are a bigger threat than secular progressives.

The globalists need every institution to support their agenda. Woke Christianity helps advance that goal by subverting the churches that lag behind “progress.” Contrary to its marketing, woke Christianity does not challenge power—it reaffirms the prevailing order.

It only challenges white America.


Editor’s Note: Read it all on Counter-Currents. I am using again Giotto’s painting because of what I said in ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’, which reminds me very strongly the first paragraph above. It debunks the white nationalist claim that the Jews ‘did this to Christianity’. The fact is that the gospel message is the problem; the JP, merely its epiphenomenon in the US.

Catholic Church

Black Wolf Radio

Talking with Joseph Walsh in today’s episode of Black Wolf Radio, Chris White said after 4:26 that the Roman Catholic Church was the very last vestige of the Roman Empire. He even subscribes the doctrine of the priest who baptised me (*): that the present occupier of the Holy See is not a true pope.

I wonder if White has read the masthead of this site, because the historical fact is exactly the opposite: the Church murdered the Greco-Roman culture and destroyed ninety-nine percent of its literature in Latin (see also the quotations of Catherine Nixey’s book on this site).

(*) The photo of the priest that appears in this Wikipedia page, also reproduced above, was taken on 12 March 1966, during my First Communion. As I said, he was one of the founding fathers of ‘sedevacantism’, and put forward his ideas in The New Montinian Church (1971) and Sede Vacante (1973): books that I saw on the shelf of my father’s study in the 1970s. The very month I met White at London I also met the traditionalist community that Jez Turner used to visit, who praised Joaquín Sáenz (1899-1976) when I told them that he had been my family’s priest.