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Quotable quote

‘In the old America, every citizen was considered equal under the law, as well as in the eyes of God’. —Tucker Carlson tonight

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Note of the Editor: And white nationalists only blame Jewry for our woes (‘Old America’ means the US before the Jews took over their media)…

Architecture Degenerate art Film Psychiatry

Breaking Bad

As visitors to this site know, unlike what Kevin MacDonald says in The Culture of Critique (Frankfurt School, etc.), I believe that it is art for mass consumption that is central to making an x-ray of what’s wrong with the Aryan psyche. From this angle, as I have so often said, literary landmarks of the past such as Ivanhoe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Ben-Hur serve as x-rays for us to see the 19th-century soul of the white man. In our century as in the last century, it is the movies, and degenerate art, that can serve as X-rays.

Breaking Bad is an American drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan, apparently a non-Jew. It tells the story of Walter White, a chemist. To pay for his cancer treatment and secure his family’s financial future, he begins cooking and selling methamphetamine, along with Jesse Pinkman, a former student of his. The series, set and produced in Albuquerque (New Mexico), is characterised by its desert settings and has been described as a sort of contemporary Western. The series premiered on 2008 and ended in 2013. Breaking Bad has been enthusiastically acclaimed by many critics and audiences, and is considered one of the best television series of all time. In 2013 it was one of the most watched cable television shows in the US, behind Game of Thrones.

Unlike those for whom Breaking Bad has become almost a cult series, to the extent that Vince Gilligan filmed a sequel movie with the actor who portrayed Jesse Pinkman, I am repulsed by the series and want to expose it. (Remember I’m currently doing something similar with HBO’s House of the Dragon.) So here we go…

What disgusted me the most is that in several episodes Jesse inordinately loves a ‘Hispanic’ mother and her son, another mestizo. Walter and Jesse are capable of killing to survive in the underworld of drug trafficking, and yet they set Walt up as a good family man and Jesse as a good Samaritan to these ‘Hispanics’. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about the plot: this kind of thing wouldn’t be happening in the seventh art if Hitler, not Uncle Sam, had had access to the atomic bomb.

Jesse’s love for the spic family was what bothered me most about Breaking Bad, but there are other bad messages. Remember what Kenneth Clark says, that to understand a culture you have to look at its architecture? I have never been to New Mexico, but the total absence of inspiring monuments in the New Mexico filmed in Breaking Bad, and other US states, is striking to me. Aryan aesthetics are only seen in the interiors of the homes of middle- and upper-class people in Breaking Bad. But the visual message for someone used to contemplating what we’ve been seeing in our ‘European Beauty’ series is that of an empty American culture: the ideal platform for betraying one’s ethnicity and becoming a junkie.

Another thing that irritated me greatly about the series is that the roles of husband and wife are egalitarian. And I don’t just mean Walter and his wife but the latter’s sister and Walter’s brother-in-law, DEA agent Hank Schrader. An egalitarian marriage lends itself to inconceivable surrealisms and incongruities because of what Jamie, one of the commenters on this site, said and I picked up in On Beth’s Cute Tits:

I still remember my uncle mentioning something like this when I asked him for advice once: ‘If you are going to talk about serious matters, like killing someone or a coup, don’t ever let the women know about it’.

And I realised he is dam right, and so are you César.

Women will go hysterical at such things as planning a murder or a coup. They will most likely betray you and warn the authorities or government, which they believe is the strongest (expect this behaviour from very feminised men and homosexuals as well).

Dr. William Pierce once mentioned in one of his American Dissident Voices broadcasts that women, as a whole, do not understand abstract concepts such as honour and self-denial. It is not in their nature to understand. Security and comfort are their priorities, and so submission their way of getting it.

And the older I get, the more I realise how true that is. The empowering of women is truly a weapon of mass destruction.

Indeed. The wives in Breaking Bad don’t understand honour or self-denial (Walter, on the other hand, is the paradigm of the selfless man who seeks the good of his family). Another irritating thing is that Walter’s son is a hetero, albeit feminised handicapped man, to the extent that he betrays his father when the authorities realised that Walter was involved in illicit business. A true Aryan male doesn’t behave that way.

Another issue that irritated me is that the culture in which the characters move seems to have material comfort as its sole focus. One of the most abominable things I read in one of Isaac Asimov’s books, and it pains me but it is true, is that nowadays everyone in the West is working simply to live in more material comfort. (The true Aryan puts his race as the motive of his faith, his action and his wars, and the material aspect becomes secondary.)

Finally, this whole DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) thing is aberrant. Walter’s illegal business only affected teenagers and adults, who voluntarily consumed methamphetamine. I’m not saying it’s right to sell drugs on the streets, but that’s infinitely less wrong than what psychiatry does legally. When abusive parents want to finish destroying one of their children, they turn to a third party: the psychiatrist. The first thing the psychiatrist does is hang an insulting label on the child (a pseudo-medical diagnosis) prior to involuntarily drugging him with drugs that induce a physical torment called akathisia (see my post on the subject here).

I have written a lot about psychiatry (see this summary). My point is that it is an act of astronomical hypocrisy to prosecute traffickers of illegal narcotics for adults and, at the same time, ignore the legal drugs that are used to torment defenceless children. Keep in mind that consuming illicit drugs is voluntary, and the drugging of the child with licit drugs is involuntary (insofar as the child doesn’t want to be tormented with akathisia). From this angle, all series like Breaking Bad do is reinforce the astronomically hypocritical narrative of the System. That’s why one of the few things I did like about the series is that Hank Schrader, the DEA agent, ends up with a bullet in his forehead.

In short, for a normie Breaking Bad is akin to taking methamphetamine, or rather, the soma drug from Brave New World. It is pop art that pulls us to the dark side, to continue to see ourselves through the prism of a System that wants to destroy us. The masses don’t read what the subversive Jews of the Frankfurt School write. The masses are being drugged with what Orwell called prole feed. The attitude a true Aryan should have is the opposite of the attitude of Counter-Currents, a supposed pro-white webzine that idealises Hollywood’s prolefeed.

American civil war Correspondence Evil Neanderthalism Welfare of animals

Comments by Gaedhal & Adûnâi


The perfect, impregnable fortress, with oceans for moats. Colonised by the Anglo-Saxon stock at the peak of the European culture, during the Enlightenment era. Bestowed upon a century of peaceful expansion, of acquiring its own boundless Lebensraum in the West. Its tragedy, however, was in the total triumph of the Christian moral system in its midst, with not a single competing ideology in sight.

The first bell of impending doom was the American Civil War. No matter how modern racists may cope, it was neither a war about state rights, nor did any Jews give any recognisable impetus to the conflict. No, as Dr. Robert Morgan points out beautifully on the Unz Review, it was the first tangible sign of Christian dominance in the American cultural life. If the martial, pagan Romans had to wage a civil war not to grant citizenship rights to their traditional allies in war (the Social War, 91-87 BCE), the American Christians went on to bloody civil struggle in order to equalise the most debased foreigners with themselves—precisely the heart of the Christian message of love (‘the last shall become the first’, earthly strength is evil, Galatians 3:28, etc.).

My next bullet point will be about the conduct of the Americans in their colonies. In my view, an attentive observer would have been able to see already in the 1930s the ephemeral nature of the Western-style empires. Let’s take the Philippines, conquered by the Americans in 1898, and Poland, vanquished by the Germans in 1939.

• Philippine population (1903-1939) = 7.6 mil. > 16 mil. (+8.4 mil.)

• Polish population (1938-1946) = 34.8 mil. > 23.7 mil. (-11.1 mil.).

Thus, using this undisputed statistic, we can deduce that all the Christian American Empire has ever done is increase the population of foreign nations wherever it went. This same pattern would continue in Japan, in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Sure, the initial conquest may employ excessive violence—after all, American military might is astronomically supreme. But during peace-time, the Christian mercy of the American culture will do its work, undoing all the visible successes of their material capability.

This, in a nutshell, is my view of the world and my response to anyone talking about ‘American interests’. Geopolitics is moot if a given subject of history does not act in its own self-interest—not merely making honest mistakes without a perfect knowledge of future outcomes, but with an outright sabotage of its place under the sun. Again, an intellectual experiment—would Adolf Hitler als Führer Amerikas have ever been able to lose world supremacy as America enjoyed it in 1945? Would America have allowed China to industrialise in the 1980s, at America’s cost? Hell, would America have allowed the Japanese to live on their archipelago, instead of colonising it for itself?

And so comes the end of the American Empire, the most illustrious one, quelled by its own hand.

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Read Adûnâi’s entire article: here.
Gaedhal’s text was sent by email:


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One thing that you might develop when contemplating the problem of evil is survivor’s guilt. Think of hens in battery cages. Think of donkeys in third world countries who are forced to carry heavy loads, even though maimed. This planet is a colossal engine of horrendous suffering. It is a pyramid scheme where only the organisms at the very top have a halfway decent time. I could have come into being as one of those hens! I could have come into being as one of those donkeys! I could have come into being as one of those billion people who are starving, but not to the extent that it kills them.

I find myself, somehow, as a white man in a first-world country, and I am extremely glad about this. I am having an extremely pleasant time. However, I do kinda feel guilty. I have survived this Hell Planet when most organisms do not. Man is a virus with shoes, as atheist comedian Bill Hicks once correctly said, and we make this planet intolerable for wild animals. We hunt them. We leave nets lying about. We send hounds after them. We shoot them. We eat octopuses alive. We starve tigers to death in Chinese tiger farms. We clutter up the oceans with plastic.

I know that my good pal, Cesar Tort, thinks a lot about stuff like this, as well. Cesar, although an atheist, (or ‘panentheist’ as he styles himself, these days, which is simply to say that reality itself is necessary, uncreated and self-existent, or, to put it a little more romantically: ‘numinous and transcendent’ as Christopher Hitchens might have it) says that the devils are real, and we, humans are they. Hell is real and this planet is it. We devilish humans torture the poor defenceless animals for sport.

Even though I am not a vegan, I kinda wish I was. Vegans, to their credit, are bravely attempting not to add to animal suffering.

Whenever the imago-dei delusion from Christianity dies out, and we realise that so far from being made in the image and likeness of God, humanity is, instead, a virus with shoes, ‘consuming and destroying everything in sight’[1], then we might attempt to make this planet a little more tolerable for the animals.


[1] Atheist activist, Aron Ra.

David Lane

David Lane’s final address to the jury

Western civilization has sprung from the creative genius of one kindred people. In the vast panorama of time this period was but a fleeting moment and a glorious dream. The near future will show what manner of civilization will follow the passing of the White man. How sad and ironic that the American republic, which was formed exclusively for the preservation and promotion of Western man, became the vehicle through which he was destroyed both here and in his European homeland.

For many years I have struggled in whatever ways were available to a single powerless person to crack the iron media curtain and show my people that those very things which are protected, promoted, and forced upon us by those who today control the affairs of the Western world have destroyed every civilization we have ever built. I refer to such things as infanticide through abortion, a practice which has led to the murder of fifteen million babies of my kith and kin, and which is protected by the government and the Federal courts; homosexuality, whose adherents are forced upon us as role models and even teachers of our children by the government and Federal courts; and worst of all, the deliberate destruction of our very racial existence.

Those who have set out to mix and destroy the last remnant of Western man know full well that no people can continue in existence without a nation of their own in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind. They also know that a people who are not convinced of their own uniqueness and value will perish, and that is why I am slandered and destroyed when I show that nearly every improvement in the human condition has come from the fertile mind of Western man.

The White man is now a tiny minority in the world, yet he is denied not only a nation of his own but the integrity of the territorial imperative necessary to his survival. The guilt of those who partake in the destruction of this Race of men cannot be adequately described in the vocabulary of mortals.

That this trial even occurred is a violation of every Constitutional protection against double jeopardy. The legalistic machinations and chicanery involved in jeopardizing a man for potentially unlimited times for the same offense, by changing the legal description of that offense, by changing jurisdictions and so on are utterly repugnant to the sense of Anglo-Saxon justice as well as totally contrary both to the spirit and the intent of the Constitution. The mad frenzy of those who now control the Federal government of the United States to punish and destroy any White man who resists the deliberate admixture and murder of his rapidly disappearing Race is evident.

History predicts unspeakable horror for the last generation of White children, if I and others who shall come after me are not more successful in awakening our people from their sleep of death. Our task is as simple as it is overwhelmingly important: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. In the face of that overriding historical imperative, what you do to me does not matter. I am not a brave man; I die the thousand deaths of the philosopher instead of the single death of the soldier. But I willingly sought this destiny, and I will not shrink from it.

Soon you will hear from another who will undoubtedly speak of his religious beliefs. Perhaps even at this late date, the power of a religious creed can save Western man, or perhaps Divine Providence will indeed lend a hand. If not, then those who rebel against tyranny must still accept the consequences with a shrug, or they are neither patriots nor men.

I say no more…

Currency crash Justice / revenge

The end of the American Century

Editor’s note: Since 2011 we have been predicting on this blog that the dollar is going to collapse. Ten years ago, as far as I remember, only another racialist blog used to mention the subject regularly (Mindweapons in Ragnarok). Now we see it everywhere, even on racialist forums where semi-normies comment. In the closing paragraphs of ‘The War in Ukraine Marks the End of the American Century’ published in The Unz Review, Mike Whitney tells us the following:

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Did you catch that part about ‘Russia winning the economic war’? What do you think that means in practical terms?

Does it mean that Washington’s failed attempt to maintain its global hegemony by ‘weakening’ Russia is actually putting enormous strains on the Transatlantic Alliance and NATO that will trigger a re-calibration of relations leading to a defiant rejection of the ‘rules-based system’?

Is that what it means? Is Europe going to split with Washington and leave America to sink beneath its $30 trillion ocean of red ink?

Yes, that’s exactly what it means.

Uncle Sam’s 30 Year Bender.

Proponents of Washington’s proxy-war have no idea of the magnitude of their mistake or how much damage they are inflicting on their own country. The Ukraine debacle is the culmination of 30 years of bloody interventions that have brought us to a tipping point where the nation’s fortunes are about to take a dramatic turn-for-the-worse. As the dollar-zone shrinks, standards of living will plunge, unemployment will soar, and the economy will go into a downward-death spiral.

Washington has greatly underestimated its vulnerability to catastrophic geopolitical blowback that is about to bring the New American Century to a swift and excruciating end.

Americanism Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

On ‘the pursuit of happiness’

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: these are among the unalienable rights of all people, according the American Declaration of Independence. This historic document goes on to state, that to ensure these rights, governments are instituted among men. In the Americanised West, this sacred ‘pursuit of happiness’ has been pretty much left to the economic marketplace.

On Sundays I will be going through revising the syntax of the translation of some chapters of Savitri Devi’s book for the print version, and today I came across this passage in the first one:

Any society, any ‘civilisation’ that proceeds from the same aspiration for human well-being above all else, for ‘happiness’ at any price, is marked by the seal of the Powers Below, enemies of the cosmic order in the endless play of forces. It is a civilisation of the Dark Age. If you are obliged to suffer it, suffer it by unceasingly opposing it, denouncing it, and combating it every minute of your life. Make it your glory in hastening its end—at least to cooperate with all your might in the natural action of the forces leading to its end. For it is accursed. It is organised ugliness and meanness.

Pace Richard Spencer, America delenda est.

Protestantism Racial right

TOO, OD and CC on Xtianity

Regarding what I was saying a couple of days ago about an exchange of mine in The Occidental Observer, it is curious that when I criticise Christianity, some racialists resort to smearing me rather than answering my arguments.

On another racialist forum, Occidental Dissent, a commenter who some time ago said I was right about Christianity (though he added I was pretty severe) commented yesterday: ‘­­I am not a Believer but I wouldn’t mind living in a strict Christian theocracy if that form of government knew how to deal with the jews, coloreds, communists and queers’. That hypothetical is a pipe dream: history shows us that Christian theocracies have never implemented Aryan preservation in the West. Then the editor of that webzine intervened in that comments section:

Feel free to show me the data where White identity is correlated with secularism or paganism. If there is a sizeable audience for this, I have never seen any evidence of it. There is no such thing as a White pagan ethnostate or a White secular ethnostate because there is no support for it. BTW, White identity has always been associated with Protestantism here. There was never a point when that was not the case. The very idea of racial purity comes from Protestant settlers who didn’t want to mix with the natives.

First of all, there was indeed a pagan state exclusively for Nordid whites. The Nazi government was quasi-pagan (my next line of research will be precisely Hitler’s anti-Christian POV and Himmler’s paganism). Secondly, if the Americans had been as purists as the Nazi leadership, they wouldn’t have allowed that anti-racist, anti-slavery propaganda flourish in the US, something that OD’s editor knows very well. (In 1688 some Quakers signed an antislavery petition in Pennsylvania: a little mustard seed that, over the centuries, grew into the huge tree of today.) Third, even without having developed an explicitly racial ideology, Sparta and Republican Rome were de facto ethnostates for the Nordid types. Finally, white identity has always been associated with Protestantism in the US because Catholics have been mixing since Constantine, but Protestant churches now admit even blacks to the white altar!

The Occidental Dissent article is a response to yesterday’s article in Counter-Currents ‘What Christian Nationalism Looks Like in Current-Year America’ by Robert Hampton. What Hampton says about Christian nationalists is worth a look. In addition to considering the stance of these Christian nationalists as ‘Israelite LARPing’, Hampton said:

In reality, Christian nationalism is an evangelical, multiracial, philo-Semitic circus… Some figures associated with the movement will highlight the dangers of illegal immigration or Critical Race Theory, but it’s not their central focus. They’re in a spiritual struggle to make America Christian again. This is not a euphemism for making America white again. The central identity they want for Americans is the Christian faith, not the racial identity of the men who built this country. What unites us is religion, not race. This identity can include all people, regardless of color. All that matters is that one professes a fundamentalist version of Christianity.

However, there is one phrase I disagree with Hampton:

Christianity is still the faith of the vast majority of white people, and it would be stupid to wage war against it.

This seems to me like telling the loved one of a heavy smoker that it is stupid to wage a war against smoking; that he has to find another way to prevent cancer instead of lecturing him about giving up his bad habits. So bad are Xtian habits that Hampton writes: ‘A lot of what fundamentalist Christians believe doesn’t align with our struggle, for example their worship of the state of Israel and their strange fixation on adopting non-white kids’.

As old visitors know, this thing, raising coloured kids, is the real sin against the holy ghost. What I don’t quite understand is why anti-Christian racialists like Kevin Alfred Strom keep saying things like: ‘The primary enemy we face as a people, beyond any question, is the Jewish power structure’. Is it because they are stuck in William Pierce’s school and haven’t yet crossed the Rubicon?

The inversion of values brought about by Christianity from the 4th century c.e. onwards is the root of our fall. We wouldn’t have these problems (now even influential Jews) in a modern society that had emerged not from the Christian Middle Ages, but from a parallel quantum world in which the descendants of Spartans or Republican Romans had discovered science, modern technology and eventually National Socialism.

Conspiracy theories

The psychology

behind conspiracy theories

by Sam Francis

Whatever… conspiracy theories prove, their prevalence at certain periods of history invariably shows the impending collapse of public trust in the way things are, a readiness to ascribe to the occupants of a society’s most visible and respected positions of leadership the most villainous purposes and the most ruthless means of attaining them…

Once Middle Americans begin to grasp the truth that it is the power structure rather than a man, a woman, or a small gang of swindlers and sex fiends that lies behind the dispossession of their country and their cultural and economic destruction, then they will begin to understand that what really goes on behind the scenes.


Read it all on American Renaissance (here).

Currency crash Peter Schiff

The Megyn Kelly Show

Perhaps few Americans believe the words of the Canadian I quoted yesterday: ‘Murka is done, it is finished…’ Perhaps it is worth mentioning yesterday’s exchange on Megyn Kelly’s Show with Peter Schiff about what will happen to the economy when inflation skyrockets in the US (what Americans are suffering now is inflation, not hyperinflation).

Peter Schiff: But when the dollar loses its status, then the rest of the world isn’t going to want dollars anymore… So, what would have to happen if the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, is: American spending would implode, consumption would collapse because we will have nothing to buy, and so our entire GDP would implode. We’ll have a massive recession because Americans wouldn’t be buying anything because we couldn’t afford anything and all the shelves would be empty because foreigners wouldn’t be sending us the stuff that they produce and we don’t have the capacity to produce it for ourselves.

Megyn Kelly: What is the likelihood that that will happen?

Peter Schiff: Oh, a hundred percent.

Biden’s recent sanctions only prompted Russia and other countries to dump the dollar and start trading in gold, or fiat currencies such as the rouble, the Chinese yuan or the Indian rupee. If you are rich, brace yourself by buying gold. If you are poor, buy silver (Bitcoin will collapse even before the dollar crashes).

Americanism Dwight D. Eisenhower Hellstorm Holocaust

Canadian vs. American

John Mearsheimer’s latest interviews can be watched here and here. Having the American Empire in mind, says Mearsheimer after minute 27 of the latter link: ‘The liberal international order was only possible in a unipolar world’. If Mearsheimer is correct, in the recently inaugurated New World Order runaway liberalism is no longer possible! But Mearsheimer is an American and he cannot speak with brutal honesty. A Canadian, on the other hand, can do so:

Murka is done, it is finished. It is a thermodynamic, spiritual, and cultural wasteland. Except for its obedient pooch, Israel, it does not have a friend in the world. It spirals towards its Puritanical, Evangelical-New Zionist, preordained destiny. It has been hot-wired for ontological decadence since 1776. No amount of too-little-too-late, feel-good leg humping, pretending to be European, can alter this trajectory. Murka has pursued its loud, obnoxious, boisterous, murderous, ugly, and imperialistic exceptionalism without regard for any nation or culture except its own. And now ‘The House on the Hill’ gets to eat the bitter consequences of its chosen Manifest Destiny; it gets to sleep in the poisonous bed that it has made.

Empty of spirit and culture, undergone a lobotomy of racial memory by the scalpel of popular culture, the Jewnited States of Murka is a done deal. ‘Amerika’ has not been a ‘nation’ since at least 1865. There is no ‘America’. There is only the ethno-racial Melting Pot of its chosen destiny. Puritanical Anti-Europe/New Zion has become exactly what it set out to become: New Zion.

A lie can also be represented by omission. A prime example is the murder by starvation of 750,000 German POWs by the victorious Allied general, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Nowhere is it evident that ‘da Jooz’ held his toes to the fire. Always remember: the vanquished do not write history.

I recently quoted the above words in my Twitter response to Richard Spencer, who, together with Greg Johnson, has been on the wrong side of this international shift from unipolarity to multipolarity (China, protected by the nuclear umbrella of the Russians, is now a peer competitor of Uncle Sam).

Although Mearsheimer believes in the American project, I will continue to recommend his interviews. His realism in international relations complements Yockey’s observations from my last post, and makes me understand better than ever why the American government committed the greatest crime in history, so well explained by Tom Goodrich, of which the Canadian only mentioned the 750,000 German POWs killed by starvation by Eisenhower.