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Lightning and the Sun (book)

The Lightning

and the Sun, 9

Their real enemies and their only enemies. Adolf Hitler has pointed out no others. (And that is precisely the reason why the whole world—this doomed Dark Age world, stricken with madness, which exalts its foes and kills its friends,—has risen against him like one man). The fact is too important not to deserve a thorough explanation.

Nothing is more unfair to National Socialism than the all-too-easy description of its inherent ‘Anti-Semitism’ as ‘a means intended to turn the German people’s attention away from their actual exploiters’ (meaning: the German capitalists), or, as a modern expression of the age-old ‘envy’ of the Goyim—of any Goyim—at the sight of the Jews’ undeniable success in business. The first assumption, brought forth ad nauseam by the Communists and their sympathisers,—reveals either a complete absence of good faith or a complete misunderstanding of the Jewish question as such and therefore of all serious, vital ‘Anti-Semitism.’ The latter may well be applied to Armenian ‘Anti-Semitism’ (or to that of any commercially clever Levantines, whose trickery the Jews alone are able to outdo). It has nothing whatsoever in common with the profound, biological and therefore irreducible hostility which opposes National Socialists and Jews.

No doubt, that hostility first burst out in a popular uproar in answer to all the tangible harm wrought by Jews against the German people during a few decades (and many a German whose family Jews had reduced to misery at the time of the inflation, after the first World War, welcomed the boisterous Anti-Semitism of the young Movement for personal no less than for national reasons); no doubt, the first thing that made Adolf Hitler himself a definitive enemy of the Jews was his knowledge of the anti-German part played by the latter, both politically and socially, in Austria and in Germany, already before 1914, in particular, his knowledge of the Jewish spirit and Jewish leadership of Marxism, and his awareness of the presence of Jews in the press, in the theatre, etc., behind all propaganda directly or indirectly aiming at the destruction of every healthy national instinct among people of German blood. In other words, National Socialist Anti-Semitism is—first—racial self-defence of the Aryan; a vigorous reaction against the mischief the Jews did (and are, by the way, since 1945, again doing) in an Aryan land.

But there is more—and much more—to be said. What the Jews did and do (and cannot but do) is a consequence of what they are—and of what they remain even when they turn their backs to Jewish tradition (or pretend to do so) and become Christians, Theosophists, Buddhists or just ‘rationalists,’ or Communists. And they are, fundamentally, irreducibly—already in the invisible Realm of which this world of shapes and colours and sounds is but a projection,—the polar opposite of the natural Aryan élite; the dark counterpart of the youngest Children of the Sun. As racially conscious as they, if not—alas!—often more so; as tightly bound as they to one another through the most compelling solidarity; through total solidarity (in practical—financial and political—no less than religious or so-called religious affairs) such as one can, in history, if at all, seldom come across; nay, as devoted as they to a merciless collective purpose. Only theirs is not the legitimate consciousness of true superiority and the blood-solidarity of Nature’s best ones; nay, it is not the healthy racial pride and patriotism of a real people in their place within the scheme of Life. Nor is their collective purpose by any means, like that of Adolf Hitler’s followers, ‘in harmony with the original meaning of things.’ On the contrary! For the Jews are, in the first place, not a race in the true sense of the ward,—let alone ‘God’s chosen one.’ They are neither an homogeneous variety of Semites nor a brotherhood of kindred Semitic types bearing to one another such a relation as that which binds together Aryans of ‘Nordic,’ ‘Dinaric’ and other types within the German nation. One needs but to look at them, in order to be convinced of this; nay, to look at them in the country where they have been gathering for the last thirty or forty years from all the ghettos of the world in the name of their common past and common nationhood: Palestine. One meets there, apart from the ‘classical’ Jew, Jews of all physical types, including the Slav, including the ‘Nordic’—rare,, no doubt, yet present and not necessarily marred by the well-known visible signs of Jewish descent. And some of the members of the strange pseudo-ethnical, pseudo-religious world-community—such as, for instance, the so-called ‘black Jews’ of Cochin, on the Malabar coast,—have no Jewish blood, in fact, no Semitic blood at all in their veins[1] which does not prevent them from feeling themselves ‘Jews.’

The Jewish world-community is—has been, more and more, for centuries already—not a Semitic, nation but a raceless brotherhood gathered around a Semitic nucleus; a raceless brotherhood, however, as racially-conscious as any people can be; increasingly numerous cosmopolitan elements who put the usual characteristics of the raceless—faithlessness; unscrupulousness; disregard of order; soul-poisoning scepticism,—to the service of the racial idea that they have partly inherited partly adopted from their full-blooded brothers in faith and brothers in interests, and Semites—a very definite, inferior section of the broad Semitic race—in whom masterfulness in subtlety and intrigue outways by far all warrior-like qualities.

And its collective aim, pursued throughout history with relentless consistency, is nothing less than the prosperity and power of the Jew, everywhere in the world, at the expense of all non-Jews. The consciousness of being (more or less) ‘children of Abraham’ and the common ‘Law’ under which, (nominally at least) its members live, may well keep the community together. Yet they are but means to an end. And the end—the common collective purpose: actual Jewish rule—is what really matters.

It is an unholy purpose, the fulfilment of which would imply the dissolution of all races and of all genuine nationalities; of all natural communities, i.e., of all those that have a solid racial background (first the dissolution of the most gifted and most conscious one; of the most fit to rule—the Aryan—and then, gradually, of all others, including, ultimately, the Semitic nucleus of the Jewish community itself) and the ever-tightening grip of a soulless money power—the power of the raceless, gifted with destructive intelligence—over increasingly bastardised and numberless masses of Menschenmaterial, possessing neither thought nor will of their own, nor the innocence and nobility of real animals. It is the purpose of the Forces of darkness, whose influence grows, whose free play becomes more and more free and shameless, and whose rule asserts itself as a more and more obvious reality, as history run; its fated downward course. It is the purpose of Time itself, as Destroyer of all creation; as Leveller and Denier. And it is the purpose of the community, ‘in Time’ par excellence; of the community who, like the privileged Aryan élite gathered around Adolf Hitler, talks passionately of its ‘mission’ and calls itself ‘chosen’—and rightly so; but who omits to state that, contrarily to the pure-blooded disciples of the Man ‘against Time,’ it has been chosen not by ‘God,’ not by the everlasting Forces of Light and Life, to serve Life’s constructive goal, but by the Powers of Death, to bring about, through ever-increasing unfaithfulness to the original divine life-pattern, i.e., through increasing untruth, the end of this Time-cycle. The end, without a new beginning—for that is the intention, the tendency of the Death-forces. While the purpose of the National Socialist Movement—its real, deep purpose, far beyond all ‘politics’—was and remains the glorious new Beginning—the new victory of uncreated Light over the dark Powers; the new victory of Life in its original earthly perfection, of Order, in its true meaning, in spite of the temporary, unavoidable reign of Chaos; the Golden Age of the next Time-cycle.

In one word, the sharp hostility between National Socialists and Jews means infinitely more than that which the detractors of the Hitler faith so lightly take it to be. It reveals not the usual tension between any two rival ‘racialisms,’ but the unique opposition between the two poles of thinking Life at the very end of the present Dark Age. That is the hidden but real reason why it is absolute—and why its tangible expressions have been, and will, at the first opportunity, again be, so deadly.

Adolf Hitler knew it. The wisest among his true disciples knew it, and know it. The all-powerful leaders of world Jewry knew it, and know it.



[1] Those so-called ‘black Jews’ are just low caste Indians whose fore-fathers have once accepted the Jewish faith. To this day, they marry among themselves only.

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The Lightning & the Sun by Savitri Devi (Counter-Currents Publishing, 2014, unabridged edition) can be ordered here.

Mein Kampf (book) Philosophy


Jaime Lannister pushes Bran Stark.

‘Every flight begins with a fall’, said the three-eyed raven to Bran the Broken.

Given that this blog’s subtitle has been ‘National Socialism post-1945’ since yesterday, I would like to offer my humble comments on the previous post. Below I quote a few paragraphs from The Lightning and the Sun, considered by some to be the magnum opus of Savitri Devi, Hitler’s priestess after the fateful 1945.

All everlasting things are born in silence and away from the lime-light of publicity; in faith and in truth.

Following the metaphor of my featured post, this reminds me of the words of the three-eyed raven to Bran the Broken: ‘Darkness shall be your cloak, your shield, your mother´s milk. Darkness will make you strong.’ The raven is talking about the power of magic, specifically, the kind he himself practices: invisible, omniscient (or at least the wisest mind), working subtly behind the scenes. Bran wanted to be a knight to make a difference in the world. The raven is telling him that it won’t happen the way he originally imagined because Jaime broke his spine, but it could still happen differently.

At present, the National Socialist is as handicapped as Bran. But precisely because of this handicap he can potentially become wise if he stays in the cave long enough: something the knights who now triumph in the world cannot do.

And whatever is not born in such a manner, does not last. However noisy and widespread be its success, it will not stand the test of time and that of persecution, let alone the terrible impact of the storm in which a Time-cycle comes to its end.

Those conservative knights who feel their time has come with Trump’s victory will not last long, since their egalitarian and mongrel ideology (cf. what Morgan recently said at the end of this post) also leads to Aryan extinction. Savitri quotes Mein Kampf:

We have to fight to secure the existence and expansion of our race and of our people; to enable them to nourish their children and to preserve the purity of their blood; to secure the freedom of our Fatherland...

So it was not David Lane who first uttered the sacred words, but Uncle Adolf. Therefore, I would like to clarify something about the other indented quotes in the previous post, which are also taken from Mein Kampf.

I have said that I don’t like Hitler’s best-known book because it isn’t a sufficiently lyric work. I would like to clarify that statement.

Two books that have revolutionised my mind are Bernal Díaz del Castillo’s The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (i.e., Mexico) and Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. However, both books are flawed because of the inordinate length of the texts. People I know are advised to read Bernal’s until the conquest of Tenochtitlan. A good editor would have cut the book in half to make it read like a novel. But Spanish-speaking editors haven’t been as clever as Edward E. Ericson Jr. was in abridging the Archipelago in such a way as to make it readable and highly entertaining for the common reader.

The same must be said of Mein Kampf: it needs someone like Ericson to abbreviate it. Once abridged, Mein Kampf would be as entertaining as Bernal’s or Alexandr’s. It could even be read by alienated whites with the same entertainment as it is now possible to read Hitler’s Table Talk. Savitri continues:

And aware of the primary cause of downfall: racial mixture, the result of forgetfulness of Nature’s truth. And aware of that truth, expressed in the oldest Book of Aryan Wisdom, the Bhagavad-Gita: ‘Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; out of the confusion of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding; and out of this, all evil.’

If we recall the recent photo I posted about the Indian woman the US vice-president-elect married (an Indian woman who could be the first lady in 2029), it will be more than clear that the trumpets of victory being blown by the racial right lack the depth of darkness that is the mantle and milk that Bran the Broken is fed.

…his [Hitler’s] ultimate aim remained to raise her [Germany] to that organised power which, in the light of traditional Wisdom, can only be termed as a ‘State against Time’—nay, the ‘State against Time.’

The triumphant knights ignore that it is not their country but Germania the state that rebelled against the Christian zeitgeist, and that only by adopting National Socialism could the Aryans save themselves on this side of the Atlantic (something Rockwell saw clearly but Pierce and his epigones have utterly failed to see).

They beheld in him the Leader, the Avenger, the Saviour—the living embodiment of their unvanquished collective Self, which indeed he was. And they followed him blindly. Their love carried him to power; their love, and their hatred for those whom he rightly pointed out to them as the promoters of the humiliation of 1918 and of all the subsequent misery: the Jews, and the servants of Jewry, agents of the Dark Forces by nature or by choice, Germany’s—and the world’s—real enemies.

My emphasis in bold. It should come as no surprise that a nation that began with the myth of founding a Zionist citadel atop a hill is as it is today. By destroying Germania this nation became the enemy of Europe. If National Socialism can no longer resurface on the continent where I live, it should resurface in the Old World.

Lightning and the Sun (book)

The Lightning

and the Sun, 8

There are, in the records of mankind, few things as beautiful as the early history of the National Socialist Movement.

The tremendous will-power, kindled through despair, out of which the latter had sprung, was, as I just said, nothing less than the divine Will to Perfection in its last (or one before last) effort to lead the best up-stream against the fated current of Time and to save through them whatever is yet worth saving in this doomed Creation. The material and moral condition under which the Movement took shape—the miserable, smoky room[1] in which six unknown German workmen sat and discussed with the superman who was soon to guide them, and millions of others, to the reconquest of national greatness these men’s utter poverty, their utter insignificance in the eye of the wide world and specially of those well-spoken of, comfortable politicians and party-leaders whom they were, within few years, to thrust into oblivion; their burning faith and which is more, the fact that their Leader—Adolf Hitler—was in possession of cosmic truth—are highly symbolical. All life begins in darkness. All everlasting things are born in silence and away from the lime-light of publicity; in faith and in truth. And whatever is not born in such a manner, does not last. However noisy and wide-spread be its success, it will not stand the test of time and that of persecution, let alone the terrible impact of the storm in which a Time-cycle comes to its end.

The very early growth of National Socialism as an active, incarnate Idea, was like the growth of a corn-seed within the snow-bound earth; it was like the slow rise of molten rock within the depth of a slumbering volcano: unnoticed and irresistible. It was the outcome of a natural Force, in fact, of the oldest and mightiest of all natural Forces: of Life’s inherent instinct of self-preservation in presence of the Powers of death—the Force that links every Time-cycle to the following one, over almost total destruction. Started in 1919, officially founded in early 1920, it owes that divine Force its impulse which nothing,—not even the disaster of 1945—was able to break.

Throughout the wide world, governments representing sheer finance interests looked with satisfaction upon their latest handiwork: the Versailles peace-treaty, up till then the most infamous official document in history, intended to enslave Germany for all times. And the sheep followed their shepherds. And the parrots repeated the nonsense—and lies—which they had been taught: ‘This Treaty seals the victory of those who fought this war in order to put an end to all wars!’—while frenzied crowds demonstrated in the streets of the French towns howling ‘Germany must pay!’ Never had there been so many speeches, so many sermons, so many articles and books—such a ‘hullabaloo’—about ‘peace.’ And never had victors yet behaved with such calculated barbarity.

In the inconspicuous little room at the back of a café in Munich, however, Adolf Hitler—the Man ‘against Time,’—spoke to the tiny group of German workmen; to the rough men of pure blood and solid virtues, sons of the people among which he—He, the One Who comes back,—had chosen (this time) to be born. And his words were—and his whole life was—the answer to the lies of this advanced Dark Age. They cannot have been much different from those one reads in Mein Kampf although these were written five years later. He said:

For me, as for every true National Socialist, there is only one doctrine: people and fatherland.

We have to fight to secure the existence and expansion of our race and of our people; to enable them to nourish their children and to preserve the purity of their blood; to secure the freedom of our Fatherland, so that our people may be in the position to fulfil the mission appointed to them by the Creator of the Universe.[2]

He said:

Whoever speaks of a mission of the German people on this earth must know that such a mission can only lie in the formation of a State which holds it to be its highest task to preserve and to promote the noblest of all elements which have, in our people, nay, in the whole of mankind, remained unspoilt.[3]

He said:

The German Reich should, as a State, comprise all Germans, and set itself the task not merely to gather and preserve the most valuable original racial elements in that people, but to raise them slowly and surely to a ruling position.[4]

He said:

Men do not go to ruin through lost wars, but through the loss of that power of resistance that lies in pure blood alone.[5]

He was aware of the downfall of the whole of mankind—including Germany—in the present Age. ‘Unfortunately,’ said he, ‘our German people are no longer racially homogeneous.’[6] And aware of the primary cause of downfall: racial mixture, the result of forgetfulness of Nature’s truth. And aware of that truth, expressed in the oldest Book of Aryan Wisdom, the Bhagavad-Gita: ‘Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; out of the confusion of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding; and out of this, all evil.’[7] He was aware of it, not because he had read the Book, (it is doubtful whether he had, at least as early as 1919) but because the impersonal Wisdom of the most ancient Aryans lived in him; because he was He Who has spoken in the Book—the One Who comes back. And he knew that the Wisdom which he preached as the key to earthly salvation ‘corresponds entirely to the original meaning of things’;[8] and that the way he preached—return to that primaeval, cosmic Wisdom in individual and in collective life, in thought and in deed,—was—is—the only way through which the chosen few can survive the last impact of the forces of disintegration and become the founders of the new Age of Truth. And that those chosen few are the best elements of the youngest great Race of our Time-cycle: the Aryan. He knew that too. And while he stressed in his speeches the necessity of freeing Germany, at once, from the immediate consequences of the Versailles Treaty—inflation; unemployment; growing misery,—his ultimate aim remained to raise her to that organised power which, in the light of traditional Wisdom, can only be termed as a ‘State against Time’—nay, the ‘State against Time,’ enabling the best to carry both their privileged biological substance and their unmarred Golden Age ideal through and beyond the last storms of this Dark Age.

He spoke with the compelling eloquence of faith, knowing that he was right—that the endless future of the Universe (not merely of Germany and Europe) would glaringly prove how right he was. He spoke with the wild eloquence of emergency, knowing also that the struggle he was about to start had to take place then or never; that there was not an hour to waste.

And the sombre faces of the hungry, embittered men, who had fought and suffered, and yet lost, gazed at him with that unconditional admiration and confidence that is the essence of worship—the faces of the six, and, soon, of many more; of; hundreds, in ever broader meeting-halls, always too small to contain them; of hundreds of thousands under the open sky.

‘Men do not go to ruin through lost wars…’ The magic words—these, and others, meaning the same,—rang throughout defeated Germany. And the hundreds of thousands no longer felt defeated. They now knew they had been betrayed. And they roared against the traitors and against the dark powers at the back of them—the dark powers that they (the German people) would one day crush. They felt strong; they felt young;—invincible and immortal. They felt what the best among them really were—had been, from the beginning of Aryan history, appointed to become—the masters of an unheard-of future; the proud founders of a new world (Only they did not—yet—know through what a terrible Via dolorosa they actually were to fulfil that staggering destiny). They gathered, more and more numerous, round the Man whose inspired speech quickened in them the highest possibilities of joyous heroism—and made them see old forgotten truths in a glaring new light; whose magic radiance filled them with self-assurance: whose love for them was limitless and gratuitous, like the love of a God. They beheld in him the Leader, the Avenger, the Saviour—the living embodiment of their unvanquished collective Self, which indeed he was. And they followed him blindly. Their love carried him to power; their love, and their hatred for those whom he rightly pointed out to them as the promoters of the humiliation of 1918 and of all the subsequent misery: the Jews, and the servants of Jewry, agents of the Dark Forces by nature or by choice, Germany’s—and the world’s—real enemies.


[1] Mein Kampf, p. 240 and following.

[2] Ibid., p. 234.

[3] Ibid., p. 439.

[4] Ibid., p. 439.

[5] Ibid., p. 324.

[6] Ibid., pp. 436-437.

[7] The Bhagavad-Gita, I, verse 41 and following.

[8] Mein Kampf, p. 440.

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The Lightning & the Sun by Savitri Devi (Counter-Currents Publishing, 2014, unabridged edition) can be ordered here.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Kalki

Hitler, 49

While Hitler tried to reduce his exposure to petty party disputes in prison, it is striking that he tried to maintain engagement with the wider world, especially potential ideological sympathizers and funders in Italy and the United States. Despite the fact that he allowed Göring to find sanctuary in Italy after the Putsch, Mussolini was careful to keep the Nazis at arm’s length.

That left America. In early January 1924, not long after the start of his incarceration at Landsberg, Hitler penned a letter of accreditation for his envoy Kurt Lüdecke. He asked Lüdecke ‘to promote the interests of the German freedom movement in the United States and especially to collect money for them’.

At the end of January, Lüdecke set off with Winifred and Siegfried Wagner to Detroit. Despite Lüdecke’s invocation of the ‘solidarity of white men’, and his offer to promote the kind of international anti-Semitism demanded by the Dearborn Independent, he was unable to persuade Ford at their meetings to provide any funding for the movement. Lüdecke repeatedly visited Hitler in Landsberg in May and June 1924. In 1924, a National Socialist Ortsgruppe was founded in the German quarter of Chicago, and there also appears to have been some sort of presence in New York City; a year later, Hitler personally thanked one of his activists in America for sending back money for the movement. In general, however, the attempt to reach out to the United States was a failure.

Hitler was under no illusions about the timescale for the national and racial regeneration of Germany. The failure of the coup had cured him of any vanguardism. He was now thinking in terms not of years, or even decades, but of centuries. In late June 1924, he made a public announcement that ‘the re-establishment of the German people is by no means a matter of the acquisition of technical weapons, but rather a question of the regeneration of our character’.

‘Spiritual renewals,’ Hitler continued, ‘require, if they are to be more than just a passing phenomenon, many centuries [emphasis in the original]’ to be ‘successful’. Five months later, Hess recorded that Hitler ‘is under no illusions about the extent to which the “idea” can be implemented by him’. ‘The ripening of ideas, the adapting of reality to the idea and the idea to reality,’ he continued, ‘will probably require many generations.’

Hitler, Hess went on, saw his own role as merely ‘setting up a new marker in the distance’, ‘loosening the soil’ around the existing pole, which ‘represented a major era in the development of mankind’. The task of ‘ripping out’ the pole and advancing it some way towards the goal, by contrast, would be the task ‘of another, a greater man yet to come’. In other words, after the certainty of 1923, Hitler was once again unsure whether he was the messiah himself rather than just John the Baptist, the ‘drummer’ of 19 19-20.

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Editor’s 2 ¢

According to Vaishnava cosmology, Kalki is destined to appear at the end of the Kali Yuga, the last of the four ages. His arrival will mark the end of the Kali Yuga and herald the beginning of the most virtuous age.

This is most interesting. Post-1945 European National Socialism is best represented by the philosophy of Savitri Devi, who by the end of her books used to invoke the Hindu archetype of Kalki in the sense—translated into Christian metaphors—that Hitler had been a sort of John the Baptist and that the Aryan leader who would really vindicate his people in the darkest hour would use many more ‘lightnings’ than Uncle Adolf had used; that is, he would be an exterminationist (something we could visualise with William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries).

Psychiatry Racial right Welfare of animals

Dear César,

Good evening. I’m about to go to bed. I have a few few minutes after finishing a painting though, and not much else to get on with so I went over to The Unz Review. It’s been months since I’ve been able to stomach any of the articles on there. I open it up and shut it in seconds each time.

I see Jared Taylor has a piece on a liberal genetics scientist from Harvard called David Reich. I won’t get into the article, as genetics-themed white nationalist articles bore me, and never ever approach with a broad enough knowledge to discern nature from nurture. I’m far more interested in physical/racial anthropology anyway. Jared’s quoted a paper showing (among many other things) gene patterns associated with bipolar and schizophrenia.

I felt so weary at that point, just “oh no, this shit again?”. Someone should tell him/the lot of them that they are no genes for mental illness. He could try anything by Jay Joseph (I have the three books on the twins studies debacle) or Madness and Genetic Determinism by Patrick D. Hahn. I read the comments, and was surprised that not one person noticed this or brought him up about it—as you know, it’s a big comments section. The comments were mainly meat eaters making veganism jibes, with their dietary dogma scientism. So David Reich uses idiot science, and Taylor just repeats him non-controversially. I don’t comment there, and I can’t be bothered to put it to them. You’d have to teach 99% from square one on the topic, and naturally, being American, they’d assume they knew better, and just bat you off.

That’s definitely the last time I browse there. I can’t browse anything but your website these days. I even find YouTube a struggle. Apart from WDH, the net’s just a shopping market for me, to pick up as many supplies as I can before time runs out.

Then there’s Patriotic Alternative (PA) advertising their latest conference, a key detail being their complimentary “delicious evening meal of various meats, including minted lamb, chicken and pork”.

I shudder having to share a planet with these people. They’re scum. Literal Hobbit-minds. I suppose I just can’t cope with morons. The worst is that they don’t/can’t/will never realise that they are morons. The entire international ‘movement’ sphere annoys me, far too much. I don’t care if they call themselves white advocates or the wombles (British children’s television puppet animal) in their wretched little normie socialite club. The labels and monikers and self-aggrandizements are transparent. They don’t speak for me in any fashion. I wish these PA/white nationalist would come round to my door for their activist vote campaigning so I could tell them as much face to face. I think I actually wish the net would fail and be shut down at times also, driving people into the real-world (and them silenced and in disarray, stripped of publicity opportunities).

I was thinking of what we discussed last night on animals. The worst thing for me is knowing it goes on live-time and 24/7, and as I’m sat up here typing, many millions are being slaughtered painfully. And then they brag about it, as if they were discussing Bitcoin, or lead, or a piece of coal; “meat”.

It’s odd, but I think I dislike the Right more than the left. I find neochristians/liberals/modern statists intolerable if they have any form of official authority, but the everyday people’s idealistic left just seem like people I can walk up to in a coffee shop—I miss going out to chat—and not immediately hear something retardedly smug and Neanderthal out of, considering I have no interest in talking on politics with people (that docile quality doesn’t so much apply to the American ones).

Conservatives are the type who sneered and bullied me at public school, and I know that demographic well. I’ve noticed over the years that friends-wise I only seem to get on with people who’ve had a harsh life. Nigel and Mick had that same ‘underground’, lines-on-the-face quality to them. Ideally, I’d only talk to National Socialists though.

Oh well, ha. Just idle yearning.

Best regards for the night,


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Editor’s 2¢:

It’s curious. I visit The Unz Review once a day—it’s the only site I visit every day—but I don’t stay more than a few seconds before leaving! The titles of the new articles alone are enough for me to realise that we are dealing with neo-normies, not with National Socialists who want to seize State power in a future revolution.

But the last time I visited the site I was struck by the photo Jared Taylor chose: a guy hugging an Australian Aborigine who looks like a perfect Neanderthal (they have an even lower IQ than sub-Saharan blacks). So, before I received Benjamin’s email, I had seen Taylor’s video in full.

Curious, I said above. And it’s that when Jared talked about schizophrenia as genetic my mind immediately flew to thoughts very similar to Benjamin’s. For example, when I spent years researching psychiatry in-depth, I even corresponded with Jay Joseph, mentioned by Benjamin (as well as having read some of his academic papers).

Why does the racial right ignore the scientific critique of biological psychiatry?

A dozen years ago I made an editorial mistake. Greg Johnson had already accepted a paper I wrote for publication in Counter-Currents, ‘Why Psychiatry is False Science’. Since I had noticed at the time that Johnson was publishing articles that Tanstaafl had previously published in Age of Treason, it seemed natural to publish my paper here. Johnson replied that having published it here first, he would no longer publish it in his webzine.

Had it been published there, racialists would at least have a sense that there is a formal critique of psychiatry. (For those interested in getting started on the subject, in addition to my article linked above, you might want to check out Robert Whitaker’s YouTube lectures on psychiatry.)

Regarding the second part of Benjamin’s email, I have already spoken at length on this site on the subject. We must always remember that the bourgeois conservative type was, for the Führer, an even worse kind of person than the radical leftist. However misguided he may be, the radical at least wants to change society, sometimes by force. The bourgeois conservative, on the other hand, prioritises his money and status in society. With these people we aren’t going to get anywhere, even when they come close to racialism.

Like Benjamin, I no longer tolerate visiting white nationalist sites because they have fallen to a kind of improved conservatism, not the only thing that can save us: an improved National Socialism (see my featured post, ‘The Wall’).

A word about what Benjamin says about animal abuse.

A young American neo-Nazi, who fell from grace a few years ago, once commented how he had gone to a friend’s farm raising rabbits and helped to kill them, that it had been ‘a primal experience’.

One of the reasons I have called today’s neonazis pretenders is precisely because of anecdotes like the above. Every connoisseur of Hitler knows that he wanted to abolish the slaughterhouses after winning the war and, in the meantime, he was a vegetarian. In other words, American neonazis have been behaving like typical white nationalists but using NS paraphernalia.

As I have said a lot of times, it is high time that a new generation emerges that leaves the pretenders’ movement behind and tries to understand real National Socialism, so my next post will quote once again from Savitri Devi’s book.

Free speech / association

Fuck Spain!

Pedro Varela, a Spaniard who published books sympathetic to Uncle Adolf, was sentenced the day before yesterday in Spain to a year and a half in prison. This is how the System of ‘freedom and pluralism’ works in a Europe that must die already.

At The West’s Darkest Hour we support Pedro Varela and vehemently condemn this unjust sentence. Publishing books shouldn’t be a crime!

The sentence includes the destruction of the books that Varela published. Although in the past I lived in Spain for more than a year, I won’t visit it again. What a difference from Franco’s time when my father found copies of Mein Kampf in Spanish hotels instead of the Bibles that can now be read on the nightstands next to the beds in those hotels!

New Testament Racial right

So fundamental…

Uncle Adolf and his ilk thought that Jesus had been a non-divine Aryan who fought against the Jews in the Temple in Jerusalem—see this recent video interview with Hitler scholar Richard Weikart.

But now, in the darkest hour for the fair race, the only thing that can save them from the extinction facing them is a sort of improved National Socialism: a NS in which, unlike the top Nazis of the Third Reich, those of the 21st century no longer believe in the existence of Jesus.

And as Benjamin said yesterday, the biggest problem we 14-word priests (i.e., ‘improved Nazis’) have is the fact that American white nationalists are acting as gatekeepers to keep any Aryan racialists from moving into the NS camp (and let’s not talk about the improved NS).

Although very brief, on Saturday I posted the entry ‘Literary Theft’ which links to a video demonstrating that the writers of the New Testament plagiarised a story from Homer’s Odyssey. Now I would like to add something. Anyone who has read Gospel Fictions by Randel Helms will find that that was the method the Jews used in many other New Testament stories!

So the conversation between Dennis MacDonald and Richard Miller is so fundamental to understanding the POV of this site, that I can’t resist the temptation to copy and paste some of the first comments of that YouTube video:

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Commenter 1 said: Great to have these two scholars converse and share not only an application of mimetic analysis, but also to reflect on the way the study of religion is conducted in academia. Many thanks for these episodes!

Commenter 2 said: Blasphemy law and tradition against blasphemy is what kept people from saying and talking about the parallels. People are afraid of hell.

Commenter 3 said: And… you’ve unlocked the key to ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’. To say the gospels and Acts were patterned after Greek mythological stories, the tragedians, etc., is to say that they were written by evil plagiarists… instead of by holy and devout men who wrote down the truth as guided by the Holy Ghost.

Commenter 4 said: This is traditionally what happens when New Testament scholars aren’t versed in ancient languages and cultures. Once a biblical and ancient Near Eastern scholar understands these aspects, their entire worldview of the New Testament as well as Homer changes them in a way they can’t unsee.

Free speech / association


In March 1959, when I wasn’t yet one year old, George Lincoln Rockwell founded a National Socialist organisation in the US (see William Pierce’s splendid article on Rockwell).

Rockwell was assassinated when I was already nine years old. Tomorrow is the anniversary of his assassination, 25 August 1967.

Matt Koehl (right) at a commemoration in Arlington, Virginia, in 1997 for the 30th anniversary of Rockwell’s assassination.

Matt Koehl (1935-2014), Rockwell’s successor, moved the NS party to Wisconsin and subsequently founded the New Order.

Today I received the following statement from the current headperson of New Order:

Comrades –

I have just received word from our webmaster that our website has been deplatformed. As of 7:30 pm (Eastern time) August 22, 2024 it has been offline.

Specifically, the company that registers domain names has suspended our address. They gave a vague reason why, basically accusing us of extremism.

We are working to get the site back up. We do not know why our enemies have chosen this moment to attack us. All other NEW ORDER operations are unaffected.

More details to follow.

The System doesn’t tolerate Uncle Adolf’s followers, even in the First Amendment country! What the System does tolerate is a couple of normies, say Peter Boghossian and David Rubin, criticising the Woke Monster, as in this audio-visual interview I watched today.

When a European commenter visited me this month, we were planning what those of us who still carry the torch that Uncle Adolf left could do. I told him that the ideal would be to have an audiovisual show (say like Rubin’s) where two NS men comment on current affairs.

The problem, as always, is that such an enterprise requires huge funding, as well as emigrating to the third world (we saw what recently happened to the Englishmen who protested on the internet—Big Brother simply jailed them!). We would have to have a generous sponsor as we couldn’t have a job in Europe and at the same time be Nazis let’s say, on an Odysee channel. Otherwise… just consider Europe’s thoughtpolice or the egregious First Amendment violations in the US, like what happened to New Order yesterday!

Since we don’t have that funding, my dream of having a show hosted in the Third World (where the thoughtpolice cannot molest us) in the format of Rubin’s but with two Nazis talking about a thousand subjects will remain a dream. In an ideal world young Aryans, who are so demoralised by the System, should see that when two Nazis talk to each other what they say is reasonable.

The propaganda against Nazism is so ubiquitous that a normie couldn’t believe that this is possible: that hearing two Nazis talking to each other would be like listening to two normal guys.

For visitors who haven’t heard it, I invite you to listen to no more and no less than what Hitler’s normal voice sounded like, talking to other Nazis, in a covert recording made of them which was subtitled on YouTube here.

Lightning and the Sun (book)

The Lightning

and the Sun, 2



Whether alive or dead in the flesh, the predestined Child of Braunau — Adolf Hitler, — lives forever in National Socialism, his creation and integral expression. To understand the latter is to understand him: to see him in the proper light and to place him — whether one be, personally, attracted to him or not, — on the proper level and in the proper class among the galaxy of exceptionally great men. And that is precisely what most National Socialists, even those who remained after 1945, irreproachable in their profession of faith — even ‘fanatical’ ones — (let alone our enemies, and the world at large, which lies for the last ten years under their influence), apparently fail to do, out of lack off, feeling for cosmic realities and, in particular, out of lack of awareness of the rhythm of Time which explains all laws of history, when not also all great happenings.

One should carefully distinguish the ephemeral N.S.D.A.P., — the National Socialist German Workers Party;[1] an organisation in view of precise aims, which have their place in German and European history, — from the everlasting National Socialist Idea.

The Party came (officially) into existence on the 24th of February 1920; in fact, already in 1919. It was a revolutionary body determined to win power for its Leader — and for its members, — to rid Germany of the enslavement and shame resulting from the Versailles Treaty, and — for the first time in the history of the West, — to apply, on a broad scale, solid — eternal — biological principles to social and to political life. It had, however, the characteristics of even the very best organisations of our Dark Age: their inherent clumsiness; their all-too-human short-comings. There were all sorts of people — fearless idealists and time-servers; heroes, nay, demi-gods, and an immense majority of irresponsible, sheep-like creatures, and a few influential traitors — among the thirteen million members it had at the height of its glory. It achieved a lot, and yet it failed. It has, since 1945, ceased to exist as a body, and even if it be, one day, destined to rise again under its old name and everlasting Sign, will never be restored exactly as before. Cannot be; for it belongs to Time, and in Time nothing is ever restored. Should not be; for restoration would mean stagnation, whence incapacity to face new circumstances and overcome new dangers.

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Editor’s interpolated note: We shouldn’t take texts like Mein Kamp or Alfred Rosenberg’s The Myth of the Twentieth Century as an infallible New Testament as fundamentalists take the Bible; rather, NS is continually developing and refining its basic and fundamental principles (for example, what we say in ‘The Wall’ about the historical non-existence of Jesus of Nazareth).

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The National Socialist Idea is not the Party. Not only was it in existence — ‘in the air’ — more or less in its present-day garb, before the Party (the Proclamation of Friedrich Lange’s ‘Deutsches Bund,’ in Heidelberg, on the 9th of May 1894 — when Adolf Hitler was five years old — has all the traits of a National Socialist Manifesto; and so have Hans Krebs’ declarations in 1904), but it is, in its essence, as old as the oldest contact and first clash between the Germanic race and the outer world. Fundamentally, it is nothing else but the expression of the collective will of the race to survive and to rule; of its readiness to combat and eradicate all that which, from without or from within, stands in the way of its survival and expansion; of its healthy consciousness of itself — of its strength; of its youth; — and of Godhead within itself: a biological reality stressed in political and in social life, rather than a ‘political’ idea. One could say that Theodoric the Great acted in the true National Socialist spirit when, fourteen hundred years before the famous ‘Nüremberg Laws,’ he did all he possibly could to prevent marriages between his Goths and the racially less pure — less Aryan — people of conquered Italy, let alone people of altogether non-Aryan stock.

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Editor’s interpolated note: Old time Nordicism! Those who haven’t read William Pierce’s book Who We Are should read it now.

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And I have many times and in different writings pointed out that there is no difference in purpose and in standpoint between the National Socialist attitude to life and that of the ancient, warrior-like Aryans, worshippers of Light, who were conquering North-West India, setting the caste-system, conceived on a racial basis, between themselves and the conquered people, and praying the Vedic Gods for ‘many sons,’ prosperous flocks, and ‘victory over the dark-skinned Dasyus’ — for Lebensraum — several thousands of years before 1919, 1933, or 1935.

One could go a step further and state that, in its essence, the National Socialist Idea exceeds not only Germany and our times, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; that it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing Wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal Wisdom of the primaeval forest and of the ocean-depth, and of the spheres in the dark fields of Space; and that it is Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine Wisdom, — stigmatising man’s silly infatuation for ‘intellect,’ his childish pride in ‘progress’ and his criminal attempt to enslave Nature, — but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration-policy of world-wide scope, precisely now, in our over-crowded, over-civilised, and technically over-evolved world, at the very end of the Dark Age.

In other words, it is impossible to understand National Socialism unless one integrates it into the cyclic conception of history as suggested by Tradition, i.e., unless one sees in it not a political system among many others, — not an ephemeral ‘ism,’ product of ephemeral circumstances, — but the last, (or, as we shall see, the one before the last) effort of the permanent and more-than-human Forces of Life within this Time-cycle, against the accelerated current of degeneracy characteristic of any advanced development in Time, or, in one sentence, unless one sees in it the effort ‘against Time’ at the very end of the last Age of our present Cycle.

Seen in this light, the whole well-known struggle to free Germany from the enslavement to which the Versailles Treaty had reduced her, — the National Socialist struggle for ‘freedom and bread’ (and far space); for the German people’s right to thrive in healthy creative activity, — is the last (or, rather, as we shall see, the one before the last) phase of the perennial Struggle for Truth within the present Time-cycle the form which that perennial Struggle was bound to take at our epoch, i.e., at the end of the Dark Age. And Adolf Hitler is the most heroic of the heroes who, in the course of history, stood in the way of the world’s fated downward rush towards its doom; the One Who comes back, in His last desperate attempt to save that which is still worth saving, before it is too late, — the typical Man ‘against Time.’ He embodies that eternal Nature-wisdom to which I have alluded in the former paragraph — the only wisdom that deserves the name of divine, and opposed it, — not human arguments, — to the false science, and false religion and false morality and, of course, also false political conceptions of our decadent Age, and made Germany’s struggle for freedom the occasion of a broader systematic struggle for the liberation of higher mankind from the chains of the Dark Age. And made the Sign of the Sun — the Sign of Health[2] — the Symbol of both German and Aryan regeneration, and Germany, the holy Land of the West — the Stronghold of regenerate Aryandom.

Considered as the twentieth century expression of the age-old yearning of Aryan mankind to free itself, here and at once, from the appalling determinism of decay, National Socialism begins before Adolf Hitler’s political career. Its unrecorded but real evolution as an incarnate Idea, — its true history — starts with the future German Führer’s gradual awakening to the consciousness of his own scale of values, of his fundamental aspirations and repulsions, and of his mission: the awakening of the Man ‘against Time,’ as such.


[1] Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei.

[2] The Swastika, ‘Swasthi,’ Sanskrit, meaning: ‘health,’ ‘well-being.’

Hans F. K. Günther


Some passages and quotes from Hans F.K. Günther in his book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans reminded me of what we said on March 21 about the impossibility of ‘denazifying the Gods’: what today’s crazy Westerners want most, their new religion:

Si fractus illabatur orbis,
impavidum ferient ruinae.


If the world were broken,
fearless fall will strike.

What will happen to the West in the coming years reminds me of the Tarot card The Tower which symbolizes punishment for the proud. Günther adds a passage from Geibel’s Brünhilde:

If there’s anything more powerful than fate,
Then it’s courage, which bears fate unshaken.

And this reminds me, naturally, of the first chapter of Savitri’s Memoirs: ‘The Religion of the Strong’, that is, National Socialism.

The trick for us priests is knowing how to wait for the lightning bolt to strike the Tower of Pride so that we can be the providers of the story of the next Era.