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Martyr myths, 1

Editor’s Note:

I added on the sidebar an image of the boy Bran under the tree of his house in Winterfell because the central message of this site has not reached even several regular visitors: if the white man does not recover his story, the apocryphal story for us that the Jews invented will lead to white extinction. (In fact, I have just used that image for my laptop’s desktop, and I recommend you do the same.)

This is something so obvious that even hurts to repeat it, but it apparently does not fit into the little heads of the people of the alt-right because, as I said in my previous entries, many have not even read the story of their race that Pierce wrote.

Of course, Who We Are is just an introduction to a more scholarly study (which includes what we have been translating, step by step, from Deschner’s ten books). But the fact that white nationalists are not even able to read Pierce’s entertaining book cannot but mean that, unlike the Jews who weaponize their stories in their struggle against us, whites are unwilling to review the Jewish POV about their past. And only a historical review of the white man’s past can shed light on how it was that we arrived at the darkest hour in the West.

When writing these words I cannot help but remember the ubiquitous advertisements throughout London that I saw on my last visit: advertising visuals of black men with white English women!

Where is your fucking hate, English readers of Rudyard Kipling’s poem about the wrath of the awakened Saxon? Why can’t you become an exterminationist like me consumed by hatred? Why is there so much negation and abnegation in your hearts? Why is there so little fate in your looks?

Following what I said in my recent posts using the end of Game of Thrones, I must add that white nationalism will continue to be obvious quackery as long as they are unable to face the most basic facts of their own story.

Candida Moss is one of those English liberals unable to see that their liberalism is the most destructive ideology for their race that has appeared in history: a Night King whose objective is to wipe out the entire white race. But her book, The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom, sheds light on one of the myths that helped Judeo-Christianity conquer the Aryan soul so long ago. Following are some excerpts from the introduction to Candida’s book:

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The Myth of Christian Martyrdom

What if Christians weren’t continually persecuted by the Romans?

The evidence for Christian martyrdom is of three basic types: evidence for persecution from Roman sources and archaeology, stories about martyrs, and descriptions of Christian martyrdom in the writings of church historians. On the Roman side, there is very little historical or archaeological evidence for the widespread persecution of Christians. Where we do have evidence for persecution, in the middle of the third century, it is not clear that the Romans were specifically targeting Christians at all. Even the so-called Decian persecution in 250 CE was about political uniformity, not religious persecution. Nothing in our evidence for Decius’s legislation mentions targeting Christians. Before Decius, the prosecution of Christians was occasional and prompted by local officials, petty jealousies, and regional concerns. That Christians saw themselves as persecuted and interpreted prosecution in this way is understandable, but it does not mean that the Romans were persecuting them. This interpretation does not match up with the political and social realities: Christians were ridiculed and viewed with contempt, and they were even sometimes executed, but they weren’t the subjects of continual persecution.

Then there are the stories about early Christian martyrs, commonly known as “martyr acts” or martyrdom stories. Most of these stories have been handed down from generation to generation and accepted as authentic on the basis of tradition. The vast majority of these stories, however, were written long after the events they purport to describe. There are literally hundreds of stories describing the deaths of thousands of early Christian martyrs, but almost every one of these stories is legendary. There are many pious reasons why someone might choose to fabricate a story about a martyr, and there are plenty of examples of genuine errors, but for those interested in the history of martyrdom, fabrication causes a problem. In some of these cases, scholars are not sure that the people described in these stories even existed, much less that they were martyred.

The problem with forged martyr stories was so widespread that in the seventeenth century a Dutch Jesuit priest named Héribert Rosweyde began to sort through the European manuscripts that preserved the earliest stories of the martyrs. The size of the task of cataloging thousands of manuscripts proved to be too much for Rosweyde alone, and the project was eventually taken over by a group of scholars led by an ambitious priest named John Bolland. The Society of Bollandists, as they came to be known, spent the next three centuries culling the corpus of hagiographical literature (literature pertaining to the saints) into a huge sixty-eight volume collection of texts about the saints. Of these sixty-eight volumes of texts and commentary, they decided that only a handful of stories were historically reliable. The rest—the vast majority—had been thoroughly edited or had simply been made up.

Scholars of early Christianity agree that there is very little evidence for the persecution of Christians. Although there are references to the deaths of Christians in the writings of the early church, these are vague and often exaggerated. For the first two hundred and fifty years of the Christian era there are only six martyrdom accounts that can be treated as reliable. These stories describe the deaths of Christianity’s oldest and most beloved saints: the elderly bishop Polycarp, the young mothers Perpetua and Felicity, the teacher Ptolemy, the philosopher Justin Martyr, the martyrs of Scillium, and the brave members of the churches of Lyons and Vienne in ancient Gaul, modern-day France, who endured unspeakable tortures at the hands of the Romans. Even today some of these martyrs are mentioned in the religious services of the Catholic Church.

When we look closely at even these stories, however, it becomes clear that they have been significantly edited and changed. They refer to theological ideas that didn’t exist in the period described in the stories and contain elements borrowed from other ancient sources. Details like these suggest that even the earliest stories have been tampered with…

There’s almost no evidence from the period before Constantine, or the Age of the Martyrs, to support the idea that Christians were continually persecuted. Most of this information comes from later writers, especially from the anonymous hagiographers who edited, reworked, and even forged stories about martyrs during periods of peace. The stories of beloved martyrs like St. Valentine, St. Christopher, and St. George were written long after the time in which these people supposedly lived, by authors who were preserving folklore, not facts.


Morgan vs. Ryckaert et al

Art: …the idealistic mindset “that all men are created equal” is Christian.

Robert Morgan: It surely is, and the racial egalitarianism it spawned is proving the death of the white race. John Locke, the father of liberalism and a man quite influential among the Founding Fathers, was a Christian theologian who derived his arguments from the Bible.

Ababush: The fact that Jewish managed to infiltrate and corrupt Christianity with their OT among other things doesn’t mean that it is not by essence an efficient tool against them.

Robert Morgan: This infiltration gambit always struck me as a particularly lame excuse. The fact is Jesus was a Jew and all of the apostles were Jews. So any “infiltration” was at the very beginning.

Ababush: It was during at least 15 centuries, which is quite a strong result. The article is about if and how it could be enhanced, as it finally was beaten by Judaism.

Robert Morgan: Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a warped perspective on history which is very similar to yours. However, the American Civil War showed that even in the absence of Jews, white Christians still act in a racially self-destructive manner. This demonstrates that the problem is with Christianity itself, not “infiltration”.

Ploni almoni: To think that a break with Judaism is an infiltration of Judaism you have to be standing on your head.

Robert Morgan: To think that an organization initially founded and run by Jews isn’t already “infiltrated” by them is insane.

Franklin Ryckaert: The laws of the material world only pertain to the material world and don’t prove anything beyond it. Whether it is “infantile” to believe in the existence of a super-material world, is a matter of attitude, not of final judgment.

Robert Morgan: Which is more likely? To think that an imaginary friend is really there, or to realize that it’s only the manifestation of an infantile fear of being alone? Or put another way, a Jew walks around proclaiming himself to be God. Which is more likely? That he really is God, or that he’s just trying to gain power over you using the bogus concept of God, an imaginary friend for adults?

The laws of the material world in the form of human psychology indicate that the latter is far more likely. Religious belief of the Christian sort is entirely understandable in terms of human narcissism and wish fulfillment.

Art: There is no question, but that Jesus was religious person…

Robert Morgan: Jesus’ existence as an historical person is poorly attested, at best. Some scholars think he is most likely a fictional character; a composite of archetypes common to the era.

Try to keep in mind that all of the attributes you ascribe to this probably fictional character are equally fictional; it’s like talking about the personality of Santa Claus, or elves.

Art: Honest people must agree that Jesus unleashed something that was beneficial to humanity.

Robert Morgan: Thanks to Christianity, non-whites can regard the extinction of the white race with eager anticipation. That is what your crucified rabbi unleashed.

Art: Dr. Robert—You are becoming an ungrateful troll. Bye.

Robert Morgan: I accept your concession of defeat.

Abraham Lincoln

Robert Morgan’s comment

In order for white people to revolt as a race, they’d have to reject a century and a half of their own history. They’d have to abandon Christianity, and ruthlessly purge its cultural residue, since even atheists nowadays embrace its fantasy of a “brotherhood of man”.

People such as Lincoln, who is now a hero to most whites, would have to be seen as a villain. Likewise with MLK and FDR. They’d have to admit to themselves that they’ve been fools all along, and their ancestors crazy; that all the blood and sacrifice to stamp out white supremacy in the Civil War and in WWII was for nothing, or even less than nothing. The cognitive dissonance alone would probably kill them or drive them insane.

Frankly, I don’t see it happening.

Kenneth Clark Philosophy of history

European civilisation’s foe

Yesterday a blogger posted an article, ‘The burning of Notre Dame’ on his WordPress sitethat Counter-Currents republished today.I would like to take issue with its first paragraph:

As news spread of the fire consuming the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the first reaction of most people was shock and sadness. You don’t have to be Catholic or French to feel as if some part of you has been lost. That was not just an old building or a historically important place. It was a symbol of Western civilization. Stand inside a great church and you feel the awe and power that inspired the builders. That cathedral was the primal roar of a people celebrating their creator and the essence of who they were as a people. 

I am sorry, but Notre Dame was not‘a symbol of Western civilisation’, but of Western Christian civilisation. Big difference, as explained in one of the essays, excerpted on this site under the title ‘The Red Giant’, that moved me to start a blogging career.

In ‘The Red Giant’ the term ‘Western Christian civilization’ is repeated twenty-eight times, in contrast to ‘European civilization’. As the author put it:

It’s the Western Christian civilization that feeds all these processes (population explosion etc.). So the Western Christian civilization is in fact the worst enemy of what I call European civilization: another reason for wanting the Western Christian civilization to go away.

Even sophisticated intellectuals of the Alt-Right cannot see the difference between Western Christian civilisation and European civilisation, the latter so beautifully expressed in the sculpture of Apollo or in the immense temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders that I would call the Notre Dame of the Ancient World. In fact, not even Lord Clark himself, the author of the 1969 TV series Civilisation, could distinguish between the two.

Unz commenter, 10

‘Jews only get away with what whites raised in their masochistic Christian culture let them get away with; they only have as much power as whites give them’.

Unz commenter, 5

The question is, who is using whom?

Are whites using Jesus and the racelessness of Christianity to further their own ends, i.e., to build and sustain an empire in this world, or did Jesus (or more precisely, the Jew that wrote the first gospel and invented this probably fictional character) mean only to use them to make the world safe for Jews?

Both could be true. If so, it’s been an extraordinarily stable symbiosis.

A paradigm shift in pro-white forums

Today a friend in the UK sent me a link to yesterday’s article, ‘The Jewish Rape of Europa vs the Awakening Lion…’

What these guys don’t want to see is that Protestantism created the cultural milieu for accepting Jews again in the island after Edward the Great had expelled them centuries before. They also don’t get, as another overseas commenter said in a previous thread, that ‘The dominance of Christian ethics on the western mind is the real problem’.

There are even commenters using the term ‘psychopath’ or ‘sociopath’, one of which I did not let pass because I am fed up of their silly monocausalism (it was the thread quoting the Unz commenter’s thought-experiment about snipers on the border).

The article linked above, ‘The Jewish rape of Europe’ could easily be renamed as ‘Whites allowing the rape of Europe’ and precisely because of Christian ethics: which is why I am quoting the Unz commenter on a daily basis.

Commenting on the new subtitle of this site, ‘The JQ and Christianity are one and the same’, Joseph Walsh re-tweeted yesterday: ‘In order to solve the Jewish Problem Aryan males have to overcome Xtian ethics. To defeat the outer, biological Jew it is necessary to defeat the inner, mental/psychological Jew (Jesus)’.

But white nationalists are not doing that. They still obey the inner Jew. Just see how they have treated Brenton Tarrant in sharp contrast to how Jews love Benjamin Goldstein (pic left). Obviously, most white nationalists not only ignore that Jews are merely a secondary infection and that the primary one is Christianity. By obeying the inner Jew white nationalists are also traitors to the white race.

In other words, the point of view this site provides is a paradigm shift in pro-white forums. And as all paradigm shifts, the first stage means that most nationalists will simply ignore us. Just compare the zero comments in our latest post that substantiates that the JQ = Christianity with the hundreds of comments that sites such as The Unz Review get.

Feels lonely sometimes. But this is the price for breaking away from the current paradigm in white nationalism.

Unz commenter, 4

There was never a time, even in colonial days, when America was without at least a substantial undercurrent of white self-contempt. Abolitionists of the day, adhering to an egalitarianism inspired by their Christianity, regarded race-based slavery as an abomination. In fact, free blacks were legally equal to whites in several of the original colonies, and were extended the franchise in some. This undercurrent of white self-contempt ultimately resulted in the Civil War, at the end of which blacks were made the legal equals of whites nationwide; and this at a time when the country was virtually 100% white and Christian. This act of racial self-abnegation is still without parallel, even in modern times.

Having studied this issue, I’ve come to the conclusion that preserving their own race is very low on the list of white Americans’ priorities, if it registers at all. Mostly, the opposite is true. The common opinion among them is that any concern for preserving the white race is “racist”, akin to Nazism, and deeply Evil. Of course, without a conscious effort to preserve their race, it’s obviously not going to survive.

Consequently, American whites accept their own looming racial extinction with apparent equanimity. They have approved it directly through their own actions, and indirectly through laws passed by their representatives, for over a hundred and fifty years. They’ve had plenty of time to reverse course, and haven’t done so. Again and again, white dissidents have stepped forward to warn them, and they have been ignored or destroyed. All their efforts have done is underscore the fact that saving a race of people that doesn’t want to be saved is an exercise in futility. I must conclude that if there is hope, it won’t be found in politics.

Emigration / immigration

Unz commenter, 2

The wall is a good example of why the issue is cultural, not the result of a conspiracy. Endless excuses are given for not building it (too expensive, won’t work, will cause too much environmental damage, will interfere with local jurisdictions, etc.), which of course is part of its charm for those who, like Trump, really don’t want a wall anyway. But a moment’s thought shows that calling for a wall in itself proves the lack of seriousness with which American whites take the problem of illegal immigration.

The approximately 2000 mile long border with Mexico could be better protected by perhaps a hundred roving snipers who shoot to kill, and this at an infinitesimal fraction of the cost of a wall. Each sniper could be made responsible for a 20 mile stretch of border, upon which he could station himself at random, ever-changing locations. After only a few illegal crossers are shot and killed, it’s overwhelmingly likely that attempted infiltrations would drop to close to zero. After all, would you want to cross the border illegally if you knew for a fact that there was even a 1 in 100 chance it would be the last thing you ever did? Thus, instead of billions for a wall, the problem could be made to disappear essentially for the cost of a few bullets.

A simple solution like this is ruled out though by Christian ethics, which has so influenced Western culture that it’s considered outrageous; completely beyond the pale even by those who nominally are opposed to Christianity itself. When even non-Christians and anti-Christians subscribe to Christian ethics, then you know that Christianity’s cultural dominance is total.

Deranged altruism Kevin MacDonald Tom Sunic

Sunic responds to MacDonald

I am relocating my previous post today, ‘On pathological altruism’, with a new title because it seems that Tom Sunic read my mind in his reply to Kevin MacDonald:

Kevin: I am looking forward to the book. This is a subject of utmost importance for our survival. Now, I do hope you also delve in your manuscript into the origins of the Levantine- Christian inspired Original Sin that led to this secular self-flagellating self-hatred among Whites now. It needs to be covered. 

The following is what I had posted ten hours ago:

I still receive email notifications of the latest articles of The Occidental Observer. Yesterday Kevin MacDonald published ‘The Role of Empathy in Moral Communities: Altruism—and Pathological Altruism’. MacDonald’s abstract says: ‘This is an excerpt from a book to be titled Western Individualism and the Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. It is completed apart from proof-reading and deciding how to publish it now that Amazon has become part of the thought police’.

I don’t claim having read the manuscript of the book, but at least in yesterday’s excerpts the retired professor does not mention the role of Christian ethics in the aetiology of Western pathological altruism.

I wish that the forthcoming book mentions Christian ethics, as the subject has been missing in MacDonald’s previous work. For a critique of such omission see what Ferdinand Bardamu says (here) or what a commenter said on the Observer four years ago (here).