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John Mearsheimer


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The Ukraine conflict

As I have said in other posts, which I don’t even want to link to, Gonzalo is a normie. In this video, for example, he mentions a certain German Chancellor’s moustaches in passing and errs terribly in claiming that the radical wings of the Ukrainians fighting the Russians are ‘real neo-Nazis’. As we shall see in Savitri’s book, which I am still editing, a true National Socialist is nothing like Zelenski’s militia groups. So ignore what Gonzalo says about so-called Ukrainian ‘neo-Nazis’.

Those errors aside, Gonzalo’s analysis of the Ukrainian war is quite accurate and contrasts radically not only with what you hear in the American media (Fox News included) but with the crazy things that Johnson and Spencer have said in racialist circles.

I prefer Gonzalo’s voice to those of Colonel Douglas Macgregor and John Mearsheimer for the simple fact that Gonzalo is living in Ukraine. He can see the situation more directly than them even when their approach differs radically from the story that the Western media have been telling us about the Ukraine conflict.

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Translation of the footnote to above photo in the article ‘The fate of the world according to the Indo-Aryans’:

In the times when life was pure and human beings followed the evolutionary programme that God designed for them, the human mind was like an intermediary between the world of spirit (will) and the world of darkness (instincts), and the true mysteries of existence were more accessible to them than they are now. Compare this with any ‘modern’ and ‘sophisticated’ everyday scene today, or any poor man collapsing on the sofa in front of the TV screen after a sedentary day’s work within four walls, devitalised and with a lousy semen.

European beauty

Latvia woman

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Translation of a couple of the concluding remarks:

I think few people doubt anymore that civilisation, the modern urban lifestyle fostered by the System, tends to destroy our body, our mind, our spirit and our health, as well as to degenerate our genetic code more and more, generation after generation, sabotaging our fertility and ruining often the lives of many people by mysterious bad moods, stress, tension, discomforts of unknown origin, psychological imbalances, dissatisfactions, etc., which in most cases come from the poison and rubbish around us, and which completely alter the biochemical balance of our body, transforming us into people we are not.

It is an act of extreme vileness to pass on to our children a genetic code that is more degenerate than the one we have been given. In a way it serves us right for adopting an aberrant scale of values…

My emphasis.

European beauty

Ulm, Germany

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Below is the translation of just a footnote to one of the images in the article. This is an important diagram. Save it on your hard drives. Anyone wishing to read our abridged translation of this long article can do so in the appendix of The Fair Race (see sticky post).

This diagram shows and summarises the new racial classification from a phylogenetic point of view – in this case, from the evolution of the paternal lineages. It may be disseminated in any medium. It is forbidden to modify its content. It will be noted that in some branches we doubt which races to assign to them; Valg hopes to dispel a large part of these doubts through the anthropological-physical and genetic study of certain ethnic groups, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. Many important aspects of the early stages of evolution will be dealt with in the second part of the classification, devoted to the rest of the human races. Images of pure specimens belonging to the Khoisanid, Pygmy, Congid and Mongolid races have yet to be found. Some branches remain to be defined, for example C2 could correspond to an Australid race. This diagram will be updated as we make progress; the date of the last update is in the lower left corner.


The West has lost