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William Pierce

Xtian cons

I would like to add a postscript to my Friday post, ‘The new subordinationists’.

It is amusing that the first comment on the most recent post on Occidental Dissent, a forum where many racialist Christians argue, vindicates what I said in my Friday post. The commenter said: ‘Not “bloodthirsty Boomer cons”, Hunter, but “bloodthirsty Christian Fundamentalist cons”—the types who say “He who blesses Israel is blessed, he who curses Israel is cursed!”’

One might think that The West’s Darkest Hour is in a fight to the death with the racial right forums because most of them believe that Jewry is the primary cause of white decline, whereas I believe it is the Aryan traitors who empower them. But on closer inspection, we are not that much at odds with the most lucid voices in that American movement.

Several years ago for example I linked a YouTube audio in which William Pierce expressed precisely the idea that we could see the JQ in novel ways, and he said that one of those ways is that our societies have been allowing Jewish subversion. It is a pity that YouTube has cancelled all the channels that uploaded Pierce’s old podcasts. However, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find that specific podcast as it was originally aired in 2002, the year Pierce died.

It is good to know that the most lucid mind that American white nationalism has ever produced, at least once in his life, expressed a view identical to the one on this site. (Too bad he died that same year…!)