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Pride & Prejudice

Mr Darcy


‘My good opinion once is lost, it’s lost forever’

I feel I should add something to what I said on Tuesday in the post ‘Empathy’, which must be read to understand the present entry. Studying a case, as in my diaries I did with the former chess friend who suffers from such extreme narcissism that he became friendless, and studying the mad West that wants to ethno-suicide itself, are two sides of the same coin: biography and history.

Given that the spirit of Europe in general and Germany in particular was crushed by the Anglo-Americans after World War II, and that because of these Anglo-Americans the Jews were astronomically empowered, it irritates me that the most lucid minds on the trauma model of mental disorders that I have come across are Jewish. For example, in my books, I mention a lot Swiss Alice Miller and the Italian-American Silvano Arieti. If Hitler had won the war, the psychologists who would have made the findings that Arieti and Miller eventually did would have been Aryans.

This morning I watched this interview of a woman with an Israeli émigré to Europe, Sam Vaknin, and I was struck that what the Israeli says is almost a carbon copy of what, in my copious diaries, I have written about the chess player who, after decades of not dealing with him, I visited only once at his home. From that video and many others that can be seen on YouTube, one can guess that narcissism is a pattern of behaviour that is beginning to be analysed in social media, although Vaknin wrote an academic book on the subject.

Despite being a Jew, for those interested in how a mother without ‘psychological childbirth’ can spoil her child in such a way as to prevent the normal process of individuation as a grown-up, so that the ‘narcissist’ is emotionally left with the mind of a two-year-old, the above-linked interview is worth watching. But I reiterate that I would have loved for the good guys to have won WW2 so that all these findings would have been popularised from Aryan, not Jewish, research.

The findings of Arieti, Miller and now this guy, Vaknin, are valid regardless of the ethnic group they belong to, just as John von Neumann was an outstanding scientist in another area, computer science. It was because of Neumann, by the way, that many years ago I learned that chess was not a game, but a special form of computation.

What’s this all about?

In the past, a banned commenter kept posting comments that went right to the spam filter and even kept sending me emails. I didn’t even read them. As Mr Darcy said in Pride & Prejudice, once a person lets him down, that person will let him down forever as Mr Darcy never gave a second chance.

I don’t give a second chance either because life is short, and The West’s Darkest Hour is not a forum for people like the former chess friend or others like him. If, unlike Vaknin, they don’t want to do psychological healing work, that’s their problem. And I don’t mean going to a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist (they’ll never help you!), but to do some soul-searching; to remember how the devouring mother didn’t let us grow up, and to write down every painful anecdote of our childhood, puberty and adolescence.

Generally, people damaged by their parents don’t do this work, so once such a person disappoints me, like Mr Darcy I walk away from him or her forever. I did that not only with the former chess friend I cut off last month but also with people I have met through the internet.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) New Testament

Hitler, 20

Recently, five people who tweet at X liked a tweet in which a visitor to this site, Ørdnung, quoted some words of mine: ‘It could even be argued, as I do in the featured post, that Hitler and Rosenberg themselves could be bridges to an even more refined NS than the one they promoted’ (I originally said this in ‘Bridges’). The following passage from Simms’ biography of Hitler illustrates it perfectly:

In other ways, Hitler and the NSDAP sat uneasily in the Munich mainstream, which was dominated by Catholicism and the Bavarian People’s Party (BVP). The BVP had complete command of the local parliamentary political scene. All of the sixty-five BVP Landtag deputies were Catholic, six of them clerics; all but one of its twenty Reichstag members were Catholic, two of them clerics. While the party was confessionally homogeneous, it was socially diverse, representing Bavarians from all classes, and was determined not to break away from the Reich but also to resist the Weimar Republic’s vision of a more centralized state. Despite his Austrian—essentially south German—roots Hitler found it very difficult to break into this constituency. It was for this reason he attempted to reach out to the churches through his concept of ‘positive Christianity’. Hitler claimed that Jesus had been ‘slandered’ by the same people who were scourging Germany today—the Jews. ‘We should follow the example of this man,’ Hitler argued on another occasion, ‘who was born poor in a cabin, who pursued high ideals and whom for this reason the Jews later crucified.’ ‘The Christian religion is the only possible ethical basis of the German people,’ he said soon after, adding that it was important to avoid any tension between the confessions, because ‘religious divisions’ had been one of ‘the worst things to happen to the German people’. Though Hitler made some headway with Bavarian Catholics in the early 1920s, it was a demographic with which he struggled to connect until the end of his life.

Emphasis added! Hitler and his people stayed close to the Wall, to follow the metaphor of my featured post. What we now need to do is go much further north; study the New Testament in depth from the POV of scholars like Richard Carrier and Richard Miller, and realise that the ‘positive Christianity’ of the Nazis was a hallucination (as hallucination is the Christianity of today’s White Nationalists).

Once we know that it was the Jews themselves who wrote it and that the figure of Jesus is mythical (here I am closer to Carrier than to Miller), we are finally in a position to reject the Bible in toto. No ‘positive’ Christianity. That’s an impossible chimera.

Salvation for the Aryan is found in the cave of the three-eyed raven, the greenseer who, patiently scanning the career of Pontius Pilate in Judea, realised that not even a very human Jesus existed. It had all been a Jewish invention to invert Roman values. And if the Third Reich failed, it was because, in a West flooded with Christian ethics, the Germans didn’t realise something so elemental. In the same featured post is the link to my short post ‘Old Town’, which explains why once Hitler reached power in Germany it was time for metapolitics rather than politics (invasions, wars, provoking the Anglo-American Christians, etc.).

A more enlightened National Socialism than that of the last century is what we certainly need…

Judea v. Rome


What I just said to Jamie about Eduardo Velasco’s essay on Judea and Rome—an essay I used to call the masthead of this site—, I think is important for new visitors. And by the way, I’ve just corrected the syntax of Gaedhal’s post ‘The Bible’ which I hadn’t corrected since Wednesday!

Bible Holocaust New Testament

The Bible

by Gaedhal

Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jew himself, points this out in A Real Case Against the Jews. Why, he asks, do you Antisemitic Christians accuse us, the Jews, of writing The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion—most likely written by an Orthodox monk in collaboration with the Russian Secret police, the Okhrana—when it is provably true that we wrote the Bible!

And what sort of world does the Bible envisage? Well Yeshangyahu—or Anglicised to “Isaiah”—tells us. The goyim shall bow down to the Jew and lick the dust off the soles of his feet. The leaders of the Goyim shall keep the feast of Booths in Jerusalem. Incidentally, when we see our leaders cringing at Yad Vashem and Auschwitz, and when we see our leaders visiting the Wailing Wall, this, in my view, is the beginning of the self-fulfilment of Isaiah’s “prophecy”. In my view, the Holocaust is simply another holiday, like Purim or Channukah, that was added to the religious calendar. The leaders of the Goyim are already keeping Jewish holidays by observing “Holocaust Remembrance Day” and visiting the Wailing Wall. Indeed, the term Holocaust comes from the Greek Old Testament, and means: ‘A whole burnt offering to Yahweh’.

As the Psalms say: ‘Why do the Goyim rage and imagine a vain thing?’ The ‘vain thing’ referred to here is the temerity to imagine a life free from Jewish domination. As the acolytes of Karl Marx would put it: Revolution is inevitable. Or as Star Trek puts it: “Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated”.

The New Testament is no better. Rabbi Jesus shall be the “Messiah” or anointed king ruling a worldwide empire from Jerusalem. Any resistance to His rule shall be met with lethal force. Jesus treads the winepresses—filled to the brim with goyim blood. The Protestants in Northern Ireland, sing of being knee-deep in Fenian—i.e. Catholic—blood. Well, the Jewish soldiers and Jewish horses in Revelation shall be bridle-deep in Goyim’s blood. Jesus wears a tunic dipped in Goyim blood. Jesus kills the children of Heretical sects of Judaism, after first subjecting their founders to a gangbang.

‘Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.’ (Revelation 2:20-23)

The Bukkake being concluded, Jesus will strike the children spawned by such a coupling with death. Revilo P. Oliver called Revelation ‘a hymn of hate’, whereas Steve Wells, of The Skeptics’ Annotated Bible calls it the worst book in the Bible. John, in his fever dream, dreams up more and more inventive ways to murder his religious and ethnic enemies.

Ravage was amazed that Christians would accuse Jews of writing the Protocols, when it is provably true that they wrote the Bible, and that the Bible has much the same ends. I never read the Protocols, myself, so I don’t know.

However, accusing Jews of writing the Protocols requires no epistemic humility. However, admitting that you and all of your ancestors for more than a thousand years have been duped by the Jewish long-con of Christianity does require epistemic humility.

Some people are congenital atheists. Aron Ra, Alex, and Christopher Hitchens never bought the Christian swindle, even though they were brought up Christian. With me, it was not so. I was well and thoroughly duped and gulled by Christianity for about 30 years. However, I have the epistemic humility to admit this.

As Mark Twain put it: it is far easier to dupe people than to get them to admit that they have been duped.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Racial right Sturmabteilung (SA)

Hitler, 19

In August 1921, Hitler established a formal party paramilitary formation, which was named the SA or Sturmabteilung on 5 October 1921, with headquarters in 39 Schellingstrasse, Munich. The first commander was Emil Maurice, who had already distinguished himself in brawling at Hitler’s side, or on his behalf. The main task of this new force was to protect NSDAP meetings and disrupt those of the other side. Cyclist, motorized and mounted sections were established, with weapons and training being provided by the Reichswehr. The latter hoped to draw on the SA, as on other right-wing groupings, in the event of civil unrest or a French invasion. The initial growth of the Sturmabteilung was modest, reaching about 700-800 men in twelve months, and about 1,000 at the beginning of the following year…

As far as modern Western nations are concerned, all patriotardism is grotesque. Compare this tolerance of Weimar Germany with what happened not long ago in Charlottesville! People like Gregory Hood and Jared Taylor have been patriotards incapable of seeing something so elementary as far as the US is concerned. And let’s not talk about the UK, where the three racialists who had forums and whom I met on my last trip were jailed for thoughtcrime! (In addition to the two mentioned in my previous posts, Jez Turner, who served a thirteen-month sentence for ‘anti-Semitic’ pronouncements, has apparently been released although he hasn’t replied to my latest emails.)

In some ways, Bavaria was a congenial habitat. It considered itself a ‘centre of order’ in the Weimar chaos, an arcadia of conservative and patriotic values. Hitler was protected and supported by the Bavarian Reichswehr, which only loosely acknowledged the precedence of the national authority at this time, and whose loyalties lay firmly in Munich rather than Berlin. The president of the Munich Police, Ernst Pohner, and the Chief of the Political Police, Wilhelm Frick, were NSDAP supporters…

This was George Lincoln Rockwell’s big mistake: believing that American politicians, like the FBI director, were on his side. The US is not Weimar Germany! I must admit that on this issue Gregory Hood was right, as we saw in ‘Hitler, 12’.

Incidentally, the only post in this series that is not linked to the category ‘Hitler (book by Brendan Simms)’ is precisely Hitler, 12: where I quote Hood’s article on Commander Rockwell in full. I didn’t put the category for the simple reason that I don’t quote Simms’ book there. But I thought it was important to include Hood’s article in this series about Hitler’s biography because it is vital to understand why NS failed on this side of the Atlantic. Simms continues:

Gregor Strasser joined the party in October 1922. That same month, Hitler first met Hermann Goring, a charismatic and well-connected fighter ace, who opened many doors to business and high society.

Hitler and Gregor Strasser.

Quotable quotes

Quotable quote

‘Twenty centuries of Christian teaching have so poisoned the conceptual well on the topic of so-called human “rights” that almost nobody denies their existence’. —Robert Morgan

Alice Miller


I think tomorrow I will continue the series on Simms’ book on Hitler, but I wanted to talk about something else tonight.

Not long ago I visited a former friend with whom I used to play chess several decades ago and saw him so deteriorated that I wrote many pages in my journal about him. These days I’ve been watching YouTube videos about malignant narcissism that, in addition to profiling former friends like this guy, portrayed my late mother’s personality.

Since I am adding a final chapter to the third book of my trilogy, related to her death and its family consequences, I will not continue the translation of the previous two volumes before that third book is completed in my native language: something that doesn’t depend on me, but on how the random situation in which I find myself unfolds. (I may soon travel to the south of the country looking for some cheaper housing than the high prices of the capital.)

I consider intuitive psychology, something not taught in universities, to be my forte. So in this post I’d like to talk about something related to both the aforementioned former friend and my late mother.

Empathy is not the same as sympathy or even compassion. We can empathize even with someone who wants to kill us, in the sense of picking up on his vibes, reading his mind and warning us. What I see as serious with the people mentioned above is that they are practically devoid of empathy. They treat us as ‘egoic’ objects in the sense that they cannot perceive us as entities with a will of their own, but rather project their psychological structures onto us.

The big flaw I see in the YouTube videos on malignant narcissism is that it isn’t the same thing to stop seeing, say, that guy from the chess club with whom I played decades ago after a new encounter, as it is for the child to leave his narcissistic mother or father who is undermining his soul. They are entirely different things, in that on one, as adults, we have the power to make a clean break and on the other, the child has no power to walk away from the toxic parent.

In a way I envy Tyrone, who now rots in jail in an Orwellian UK, because his formerly abusive mother at least tried to apologise to him, even telling him to read Alice Miller: the intuitive psychologist who saved me in 2002, as I recount in the first volume of my trilogy.

Someone who hasn’t processed his grief with a schizogenic mother, as the chess friend, is doomed to a perennial depression in which he wants to drag others into his maelstrom. And I don’t think anyone who has had extremely toxic parents who omits to write his most painful memories, even if that enterprise takes decades (as in my case), can heal his soul.

Unless I die first—I would like to live another thirty years!—the time will come when I will use this site not only to announce my autobiographical books that I will be translating into English, but to discuss their content and even detail issues that don’t appear in the trilogy. It is a thousand times easier to save the Aryans from extinction if one knows oneself because the psychological traps into which the racialists fall, for example what I was saying yesterday in ‘The Gatekeepers’, can be overcome by pure autobiographical insight.

Racial right

The Gatekeepers

—White Nationalists—

‘The refusal to talk about violence, ever,
and not even ironically, metaphorically, or
theoretically is White Nationalism 101…’
—Travis LeBlanc (Counter-Currents author)

‘Nearly every White Nationalist info source
is cleverly scripted towards re-pacifying Whites
into the Christian, pro “justice system” fold.’
—An old tweet by Young White Family.

Thinking about the metaphor of ‘The Wall’, the current featured post on this site, a revelation came to me today.

All Aryans south of the Wall are committing ethnic suicide, including white nationalists, whose role has been to act as gatekeepers to keep whites from crossing to the other side. These kinds of radical revelations I only developed over the years.

Tyrone Patten-Walsh is one of two Englishmen who this month were jailed in the UK for thoughtcrime, as we alluded to in my other post this day.

It had been right in his flat in London when Tyrone told me things I had never read on American racial right forums. For example, I was flabbergasted when Tyrone told me that virtually all whites have an unconscious ethnosuicidal wish. I didn’t know what to say back then, but back in my home country, I kept thinking for years about those words, especially since what I saw on racialist forums seemed too degenerate compared to Hitlerism.

I was in Tyrone’s flat almost ten years ago: the same flat that the UK thoughtpolice stormed, breaking down the door, the day they arrested him.

Let’s follow the metaphor of my featured post about white nationalists not having transvalued their values but being stuck south of the Wall. Following Tyrone, no matter how close they are to the Wall, they are still committing ethnic suicide. Failure to cross it to the ideals of National Socialism is tantamount to a mortal sin since such behaviour leads to their extinction. A single example will suffice for me to illustrate this.

Jared Taylor, whom Greg Johnson once called ‘the granddaddy of the Alt-Right’, was raised by parents so fanatical that they emigrated to Japan to convert the heathen to the gospel written by Jews, the New Testament. Taylor has repeatedly said that every race deserves its nation, its homeland and its culture; its human rights—not just whites (David Duke, a white nationalist Christian, used to say the same thing). That cannot contrast more with what William Pierce, who unlike Taylor repudiated Christian morality, tells us in Who We Are: that for the conquest of a territory to work there must be either extermination or expulsion of non-whites.

Pierce came to these conclusions because he made a good reading of the history of his race, and how it failed in India; failed with the Asian conquests of Alexander the Great, and failed after the catastrophic Peloponnesian War and the Punic Wars as the Greeks and Romans consented, after those wars, to interbreeding. And it failed again with the Spanish and Portuguese because they did the same but this time throughout the newly discovered continent. In the case of blacks imported to Lisbon when Christianity hadn’t yet been ‘subverted by Jewry’—the myth of the white nationalists!—, Portugal suffered miscegenation with blacks (see ‘The black man’s gift to Portugal’ in The Fair Race).

If we compare the love for all featherless bipeds that Jared Taylor professes, a love that in Hitlerism should be exclusive to Aryans, we will understand what the metaphor of stagnating on the south side of the Wall means. As I have already said—and visitors who haven’t read the articles on Greece and Rome in The Fair Race should now read them—, whites in the Ancient World didn’t give a damn that Titus and Hadrian were perpetrating real holocausts of Semites during Rome’s wars against Judea. It was only after the New Testament transvalued classical values to the values the Jews wanted to inculcate in us that these genocides were viewed with moralizing scruples.

English historian Tom Holland is right: all whites, whether Christian or neo-Christian, find themselves worshipping the Cross. Christians worship it with the image of the crucified rabbi (Jesus). Atheist neo-Christians worship it with the outcast Coloured or the outcast Transsexual—that which is equivalent to the crucified Jews of other times! Taylor may have abandoned his parental worship of the crucified rabbi. Alas, by axiological inertia, he still loves non-whites to the degree that he doesn’t long to expel them in terrible wars of ethnic cleansing—or even exterminate them in new Auschwitz concentration camps on this side of the Atlantic. And the rest of the white nationalists think like him. Or am I wrong?

Who thinks in terms of The Turner Diaries? In no nationalist forum do I see a prominent author openly talking about Pierce’s prescription in Who We Are: either extermination or expulsion.

Tyrone, now serving a seven-year sentence for thoughtcrime (and I think it’s more since he didn’t respond to my last emails of 2023—would he have already been imprisoned even before hearing the sentence?), was right. All whites, racialists included, suffer from an unconscious death wish. Otherwise, and here comes my metaphor, they would try to cross the fucking Wall: to think as the Greeks, Romans and Vikings thought before the greatest catastrophe of all time: the imposition of the Cross on the Aryan psyche.

The West’s Darkest Hour invites those who have reached the foot of the Wall to cross it. Only those who cross it will have a chance of saving their little race from extinction. Incredible as it may seem, the gatekeepers, the white nationalists, are now my enemies in that, because of their Judaeo-Christian programming, they are now preventing the Aryan adventurer who has reached the Wall from crossing it.

Following one of the first paragraphs of my featured post, one might think that I should be grateful to the racialists who, a dozen years ago, found my own way to the North and I was able to reach the Wall. But it’s just that years after I ventured across it I realised that they weren’t going to make it. Now I see that by their reluctance to abandon Christian morality these racialists have become a liability, not an asset, to the fourteen words.

Free speech / association


by Benjamin Power

I’m sad to read about Cristopher and Tyrone. I hope they survive their prison time in one piece, in what must be a very disappointing and stressful situation.

I’ve gathered the idea that, in the UK at least, prisoners arrested for [purported] TACT offences are in general shunned and ignored, if not subject to disapproval and shaming by those of the main body of Nationalists and Dissents [emphasis by Ed.].

Their cases are briefly mentioned, as any voyeuristic titbit of current affairs is briefly mentioned, but I get the idea there is limited support and concern afterwards, and most are quickly forgotten and left to their fate. I’d imagine any smaller groups of National Socialists would be more compassionate and loyal towards them, but they remain fiercely overshadowed (even) by the political optics and moral crusades of these image-conscious personality cultists.

I note that The Independent carries an article from the 12th of October 2023 stating that a senior England and Wales judge has ordered judges not to jail rapists due to overcrowded prisons, including the early release of some inmates. Also, on the 29th of October 2023, BBC News reported that the Sentencing Court for England and Wales is telling judges to impose more community sentences, again due to prison overcrowding. The Council has written a document suggesting that “judges need to take extra care in assessing the lives of offenders from specific backgrounds including young adults, women, people with dependants, people who are transgender, ethnic minorities or people with addictions, learning disabilities or mental disorders.”

Following these two recent UK newspaper articles, I wonder if soon British prison inmates will be disproportionately those native citizens convicted on thoughtcrime and political prisoner charges. The establishment’s anti-white regime certainly seems to be preoccupied with the notion of far-right terrorism, at the expense of all genuine dangers to the British people. The authorities are simply cracking down on their political enemies in tandem with their general long-term population-replacement drives, much as the unpopular Police have a professional necessity to meet their targets, cynical as much as they are anti-white, perhaps keen as an organisation to redeem themselves of the media’s judgement that they are institutionally racist.

As you know, I’m facing a similar situation myself, come September 2024. Despite my own charges being for the possession and sharing of hard libertarian survivalist manuals, the Police were very keen indeed to highlight (and confiscate) the 6-inch National Socialist pennant hanging beside the oil paintings on my wall, totally private from the public, and indeed the small, discreet Swastika necklace under my clothes, much as they have taken great care to diligently catalogue and photograph the various air-rifles, air-pistols and rifle crossbows I kept in my collection, all legal under British Law, and obtained above board, and which I was accustomed to target-shoot with on my friend’s private country estate.

In a better world, I’d suggest to them that my National Socialist perspectives, or indeed any ideological perspectives, were none of their business. The rest seems to be equivalent to the US anti-gun hysteria, and excessive despite the relative innocuousness of these sporting weapons.

Also, I tried putting to my lawyer that to this day Wikipedia’s pages on Ragnar Benson and Kurt Saxon contain active PDF links to a great many of these survivalism manuals, and indeed Amazon’s UK servers quite happily stocked their catalogue at the time of the arrest in 2021 but he says it’ll make no difference. I think I agree with him. Having disregarded all due process thus far, I can’t see these cold fanatics changing their minds no matter what is presented to them. The ‘social stigma’ of their allegation among State care professionals and within my family and the bystander assumptions based on their equivocation between sharing controversial documents and genuine acts of violent terrorism has been my steady undoing the entire way.

I can only hope that eventually some solidarity forms among the natives of this country. I wish the two commenters well.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archipelago (book) Videos


Video below by Gonzalo Lira!

Solzhenitsyn was given eight years in prison: the same years that the English System recently gave to Chris Gibbons, whom I mentioned in my other posts this week, also for thoughtcrime.

This is the best presentation of Solzhenitsyn I have ever heard. Unfortunately, Gonzalo himself died in a sort of Gulag, but this time, not a Russian but a Ukrainian Gulag.

The moralistic passion with which Gonzalo speaks is the same with which I speak! It is amazing how the character is similar among the few Spanish speakers who still believe in patriarchy. I haven’t seen anyone like that for years, at least not speaking my mother tongue, as Gonzalo used to speak it, although in the video above he speaks in English.

‘To live now and not to know this work [The Gulag Archipelago] is to be a kind of historical fool missing a crucial part of the consciousness of the age’. —W.L. Webb.