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Contra C-C commenters

by Benjamin Power

It’s very enervating [emphasis by Editor!] to read Counter-Currents comments. They’re so very confident. Bad enough that they consider their “Russians” (for it is easy for them to incorrectly render race and country synonymous) ‘white’, more honorary Slavs all in a line, or Russia considered even predominantly Slavic, but, with an appalling irony, I now see from a few commenters (and with no pushback against this, and indeed some upvotes) that:

Connor McDowell: Everyone’s favorite uncle only scored 71% when I just uploaded his mugshot.

Hamburger Today: This actually makes sense. The features of most of the very tippy-top of the NSDAP hierarchy are not very ‘Aryan’ in appearance. Heidrich is really the only one that looks like the ‘Aryan ideal’. Just goes to show that ‘Aryan’ isn’t everything.

Scott: Anyway, “Aryan” is very obsolete and almost meaningless terminology anyway, derived from the linguistics of Indo-European, which is basically all European languages and some non-European languages like Farsi. “Aryan,” therefore does not include Whites from Hungary, Estonia, and Finland, who speak the Finno-Ugric languages.

Kok Bori: Anybody who today still uses the word Aryan as a racial term is an idiot. There is not and there was no such thing as the Aryan race, there are only Aryan languages, because Aryan is a linguistical term meaning the same as Indoeuropean aka Indogermanic languages, and in a narrower sense even not all of them, but only their Eastern branch, i.e. the so-called Isoglosse Setum, do not ask me what is this, I do not know. But I know that with such criterium the Iranians, Tadshiks, Afghanis and Indians, incl. Roma-Gipsies, all are Aryans, but the Germans, Swedes, English and French are not, because they belong to the Western branch of Indoeuropean languages, or to the Isoglosse Kentum. The using of the word Aryan as a racial term today is more than obsolete, it is anti-scientifical, propagandistic, and simply wrong. [bad syntax corrected by Ed.]

Hamburger Today: The term ‘Aryan’ may be obsolete in many ways, but it is still very common. Feelings don’t care about facts.

Kok Bori: Anytime when you see some brown Bengalis, you should know they are Aryans. [Source: here]

You get the idea. I couldn’t believe their ignorance. As you know, or may have noticed on my personal library list, unlike the all-inclusive populist propaganda of these imbecilic race traitors, I try to maintain a genuine understanding of our own race.

I take it they just haven’t read anything of classic racial anthropology or true National Socialist material. That first comment by HT was particularly oafish, as if Hitler had not considered that point clearly enough. I think they do more damage to our own people than the postmodern art AI gimmick they’re criticising. I’m not sure if that echo chamber could be broken. Given the $1000s they receive in regular donations [compared to other white nationalist sites, Greggy’s C-C is a money-making machine!—Ed.], you’d think they could at least pick up a few of the late Victorian and early 20th Century authors, or indeed re-release them.

I’m not even sure so clearly who “our people” are anymore, so many let me down. Whatever these empty, feral minds are, at least they’re correct in some sense. No, somehow, they’re not Aryan. They’ve forfeited their ancestral heritage, and are indeed direct enemies. I just see more brown words. Kok Bori insults them with mockery, and they chat idly to him, mingling in accord, all very rational, these soulless intellectual linguists.

As long as Counter-Currents is here, and is popular, I regret to think it, but my feeling is that your own site—the correct viewpoint—will languish in obscurity, or, at most, criticism and disagreement and all those terrible two-cents know-it-alls. I wish there were more good, loyal, genuine, soulful people online across these sites. I suppose there aren’t. At least they’ve marked themselves in public forever as traitors. An army’s worth of traitors; it’s a worrying thought. I couldn’t live in whatever society they really thought they could bring about.

I’m glad they can’t really succeed at that, given the incoming collapse.

It’s always on my mind, knowing how many of these creatures there are, always in the way. They’re certainly not Aryan. Merely a growing faction of overt subhuman beasts, and I have nothing but cold contempt for the entire lot of them. Schoolchildren; teen bullies, the rich, cool lads of pubs and transatlantic coffeehouses, with dark minds. It annoys me so very much. They will betray innocents. My own Norman Celtic phenotype is worthless, and my grandfather’s cyan-blue eyes have all but left our family.

But I am not a traitor.

Democracy Nordicism Racial right



Why is ‘white nationalism’ doomed to failure?

Simply put, it is a slippery slope that leads to miscegenation.

I’ve been searching the major American racial right sites these days for an article on Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Putin and, as far as feature articles go, I only found one by David Zsutty in Counter-Currents, ‘In Tucker vs. Putin, Nationalism Wins’. I confess I liked this passage from Zsutty’s article:

Tucker Carlson’s interview of Vladimir Putin illustrates a number of points. Its first approximately 30 minutes consisted of an extensive history lesson going back to Novgorod, up through the Second World War and ending in the present day… Putin spoke articulately, at great length, and in depth about history. This highlights how we in the West are almost exclusively ruled by uncultured imbeciles. This is because democracy, and especially liberal democracy, tends to select for bad leaders.

However, in the comments section of that article, I discovered that the commenters consider Russians to be pure whites. Contrast that not only with Mauricio’s recent quote but with what I say in our featured post:

He who has transvalued his values endorses the Generalplan Ost or General Plan East: a secret Nazi plan of ethnic cleansing, the aim of which was to deport more than thirty million Untermenschen from the western parts of the Soviet Union to Siberia.

Such an exterminationist ideology, which cannot contrast more with the neo-Christian racialism of our day, is based, as can be read in the last words of our featured post, on principles that were taken for granted in the Germany of former times:

Lebensraum is a German concept of expansionism and Völkisch nationalism, whose philosophy and policies were common to German politics from the 1890s to the 1940s (see On Exterminationism, pages 117-129).

What emerges from the echo chamber that is the comments section of Zsutty’s article is that these typical white nationalists have granted racial amnesty to many Slavs who shouldn’t be considered Aryans. In Putin’s own face in his interview with Tucker, one can see Asian features due to the intermarriage that occurred centuries earlier with the Mongol and Tatar invasions (cf. William Pierce’s Who We Are; what I say about the girl Dúrochka of the Russian film Andrei Rublev, and Arthur Kemp’s March of the Titans).

But all this, which was common knowledge to American and European eugenicists before the Second World War, vanished like dew with the tale the Establishment has been telling us since 1945, a tale to which the so-called nationalists subscribe: the rejection of Nordicism.

So-called white nationalism is a slippery slope not only because it betrays the legacy of the American eugenicists of yesteryear like Madison Grant, but Hitlerism itself. Once one starts sliding down the slope by calling pure whites a large part of the Slavs, who as Putin conceded coexist with many other peoples and ethnicities within Russia, the ideological foundations are laid for the eventual extinction of the Aryan (compare Putin’s ideology with Pierce’s ‘Extermination or Expulsion’).

But we have already discussed this countless times on this site: the ethno-traitor phobia that white nationalists feel for Nordicism, a Nordicism that includes not only National Socialism but Grant’s legacy. With this post, I am reiterating for the umpteenth time what has already been said.

I find it hard to devote myself one hundred per cent to the Führer’s memory, say reviewing Brendan Simms’ book and awaiting the material I will soon receive from David Irving, when I come across nonsense like what I read today in one of the most prestigious white nationalist webzines.

In the near future I will have to discipline myself not to visit such sites, but to confine myself to trying to better understand the Germany of other times through the programmed bibliography I still have to read…

Racial right Savitri Devi

Against my time

Speaking of this site and the comparatively little traffic I get, Tyrone, who I spoke of last month when referring to his imprisonment in the UK for thoughtcrime, once said that Jared Taylor was a man ‘of his time’, and I, a man ‘against his time’ (Taylor gets a lot of visitors as can be seen from the amount of commenters on American Renaissance).

You have to read the early chapters of Savitri’s book to understand the concept of a man against his time. It was also Tyrone who drew my attention to the apocalypse with which the West will be punished in Savitri’s philosophy, and indeed I began to read her because of him.

When I met Tyrone in London, we didn’t take a picture. We might as well have taken it when we went with Chris, his friend also imprisoned for thoughtcrime. In this post, I could now show the photo of Tyrone, Chris and me when we went to the pub with BNP protesters. But we didn’t take one (out of caution before the State, it is not very common for European racialists to take photos of themselves).

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms)

Hitler, 24

Moreover, in Hitler’s view the war was by no means over. Germany was still the victim of international capitalism, whose continuing power he repeatedly attacked. He spoke of ‘international stock exchange and loan capital’ as the main ‘beneficiaries’ of the peace treaty. Ever since the ‘collapse of the Reich’, Hitler claimed, the country had fallen under ‘the rule of international, fatherlandless capital, independent of person, place and Nation’. [emphasis by Ed.]

Left, portrait of Adam Smith by John Kay. Considered by some as ‘The Father of Economics’ or ‘The Father of Capitalism’, Smith, who popularised the idea that capital has no flag, wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776 (look at the year of publication of his magnus opus!).

Except for the European Tom Sunic and the American Michael O’Meara, it strikes me that the bulk of white nationalist pundits have been blinded to see something so obvious: that, without a flag, sooner or later the Anglo-Saxon economic system was going to betray their ethnicity.

This is compounded in the American myth of those who emigrated fantasising about a city on a hill, self-understanding themselves as the new Israelites to the extent of admiring the real Jews and rolling out the red carpet to them in subsequent centuries. Why, unlike O’Meara and Sunic, can the racial right not see that they, along with the rest of the Anglo-Americans, have been empowering the enemy through this fatherlandless, flagless capitalist ideology? Hitler did get it:

International conferences—such as Genoa in April 1922—were simply condemned as ‘stock exchange conferences’. Hitler saw Jewish international capitalism and western democracy as linked. ‘International Jewish stock exchange capital, ‘he believed, ‘was the driving force of these western-democratic states.’ He set up the ‘equation’ of ‘democracy-capitalism-Jew’. For all these reasons, he argued, National Socialism was a ‘new force whose aim could always only be anti-capitalist’.

Hitler was not completely opposed to all forms of capitalism, though he sometimes gave that impression. He contrasted the blanket hostility of Social Democrats and Marxists to capitalism in general with his own distinction between allegedly pernicious and largely Jewish ‘international loan capitalism’ and nationally oriented ‘productive industrial capitalism’.

‘Factories and industrial capital,’ he told an audience of SA, ‘is national’ and ‘the capital of every country remains national’. For clarity, he stressed that National Socialism ‘struggled against every form of big capital, irrespective of whether it is German or Jewish, if it is grounded not in productive work, but in the principle of interest, of income without work or toil’.

Moreover, Hitler added, the NSDAP ‘battled the Jew not only as the sole bearer of this [form of ] capital’, but also because he ‘prevented ‘ the ‘systematic struggle’ against it. In Hitler’s view it was the determination of international capitalism to subjugate independent national economies which had led to the world war and the brutal peace settlement. This was the context in which he interpreted Allied attempts to control the Reichsbahn, the German national railways. Hitler accused the Jews of trying to ‘grab’ them, as part of a policy whose ‘final aim was the destruction of our national economy and the enslavement of our workforce’.

The Allied determination to annihilate Germany, Hitler believed, was demonstrated by their continuation of the blockade after the end of hostilities. ‘One wants to destroy us completely,’ he claimed, ‘one wants to make our children sick and to allow them to waste away’…

‘The Entente,’ he lamented, ‘advises us to emigrate in order to feed ourselves, and to make way for the Eastern Jews.’ Hitler, in other words, feared that Germany would become the victim of what is today called ‘population replacement’.

He frequently urged his audience to think of the ‘thousands of German emigrants’. This was the great trauma underlying Hitler’s whole world view: the continued haemorrhaging of the best elements of the Reich who had left the Fatherland in order to enlarge the population of Germany’s rivals, with the fatal results that had been seen in the Great War. Worse still, he argued, these best elements were being replaced by the Jewish dregs of central and eastern Europe in a kind of negative selection, designed to further undermine the racial coherence of the German people.

Americanism Literature

Dusting off books

I’ve been boxing up the library my father left behind to send to the cellar of the school he founded decades ago. Incidentally, the short article I wrote last week about John Milton was written thanks to the book I took out from that library (remembering that I had read it, I appropriated it and it will no longer go to the cellar).

Today I was going to post a new entry quoting from Simms’ book. But as I went for a walk to warm up my body this winter morning I decided I’d better talk a bit about a new decision I’ve made: to read old books. Looking through the splendid hardback edition of the book on Milton published in Madrid in 1971, I felt it was a crime to alienate myself so much on the internet instead of using more traditional avenues of information.

For example, in the Tucker interview with Putin that I was talking about yesterday, I omitted that the American’s interruptions, when Putin was telling him the history of his people from the 9th century to the present day, were interruptions caused by someone living in the superficiality of the moment. To have a profound knowledge of something, Aristotle said, it is necessary to know the past. And the same can be said of a person’s biography. The symbol of pop culture that I appropriated in the featured post is precisely that of a fictional character who spends his time looking at the historical and biographical past of Westeros to understand his own culture better and better.

This, of course, is of necessity lost in forums where writers merely comment on the news of the present without proper historical background. Even as much as Andrew Anglin admires Putin, he didn’t understand why he summarised Russian history in less than half an hour (see the repost of Anglin’s article in The Unz Review). As far as my site is concerned, blaming Christianity for the anti-white psychosis of our day implies a deep knowledge of Western history. I don’t mean a normie reading of history, but a reading that could be gleaned from William Pierce’s historical book that I linked yesterday in the comments section (a POV which could also be gleaned from some of Hitler’s after-dinner talks).

In other words, it is a crime to become addicted to the internet when the thing to do is to dust off our parents’ and grandparents’ old books and read (or re-read) them. On Saturday last week, we hired two workers to help me dust off, one by one, the books from my father’s library. The depth of understanding the Aryan decline of someone who knows the past from books, by which I mean not just history books but the literature of the people—literature is the soul of a people!—is so fundamental that even Tucker, after the interview, confessed from his hotel room that it would take him a year to assimilate the historical information Putin tried to convey to him.

An American who lives in the epidermis of the psyche won’t understand the soul of either the Russian people or his own. And here I am not so much referring to Putin as to the interview Mike Wallace did with Solzhenitsyn for 60 Minutes a long time ago (Wallace misunderstood the Russian). In 2020 I mentioned on this site a meeting between American writers and a Russian in which the Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz, a white Mexican, took part. The latter commented that ‘Bentham’s children’ were on completely different wavelengths from the Russian poet. As I see it, the gap cannot be closed unless Americans follow in William Pierce’s footsteps: that their history didn’t begin as recently as the founding of the US, but in the last millennia of white history.

Mauricio (commenter) Vladimir Putin

Purifying Slavs


The perfect response to Putin’s POV

‘A true Ukrainian Hitlerist would venerate the Aryan race as superior, and recognise that a great opportunity to cleanse their blood of gook sludge was lost when the Russians killed the conquering Germans in WW2. There had never been such an attempt to purify the Slav peoples, who were content to live debased under Boyar rule’. —Mauricio

Vladimir Putin


I just watched the interview Tucker did with Putin, who gave a great Russian history lesson to the American (as our visitors know, history and biography are the most important subjects for my POV). The media will suffer a hysterical meltdown after this interview. We can already imagine Biden talking in the same depth, half an hour, about American history to a naïve Russian interviewer!

But there is one thing Putin got it wrong: Ukrainian neo-Nazis were, are and apparently will remain, pseudo-Nazis (and the same goes for neo-Nazis in other countries).

On this site we already know who is a real Hitlerist. Those Ukrainians who hold up as heroes other Ukrainians who fought on the side of Germany in WW2 have little, if anything, to do with real Hitlerism. These so-called neo-Nazis in Ukraine even subscribe to feminism, listen to degenerate music imported from the more Western countries, have a Jew as their president, etc.

Correspondence David Irving

Supporting David Irving

by David Irving’s family

Last October, after arriving in Florida, David Irving fell ill and has been in declining health ever since. He is now back at his home in the UK and requires round-the-clock care, a demand we’ve had to arrange privately due to constraints with the National Health Service. He was hospitalised for nearly two months, enduring the kind of challenges we never anticipated he would face.

It is with sadness that we must accept that David is now unable to engage in his life’s work. His unwavering dedication to unveiling Real History has not only defined his career but also enriched the minds of readers worldwide. David’s situation, however, has placed us at a crossroads where the path forward demands collective support.

This is an appeal to safeguard the essence of a man whose life’s work has been to bring us closer to the nuanced truths of our past. Your donations will be pivotal in two primary areas:

Medical Care and Support: Your contributions will ensure that David receives exemplary care to manage his condition and uphold the highest quality of life.

Preservation and Continuation of His Work: Financial support is also imperative to safeguard David’s extensive body of work.

To participate in this crucial effort, please donate. Here, you’ll find all the necessary information to make your contribution.

Regardless of size, every contribution is a step towards sustaining David’s impact on historical literature. Your support and solidarity in this challenging time are invaluable. We will keep you informed of his health and well-being as he faces this stage of his life with dignity. He is in good hands.

Warm regards,

David Irving’s family

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms)

Hitler, 23

What linked all these explanations in Hitler’s mind was the power and the malevolence of the Jews, the main controllers of an ‘international capitalism’ that needed ‘ever more objects of exploitation’. It was they who under their Jewish ringleader Lord Northcliffe (who was in fact not only not Jewish but a fervent anti­-Semite) had whipped up the British press into a frenzy against Germany before 1914. It was the ‘international Jewish newspaper corporations’, Hitler claimed, who had prevented a Russo-German rapprochement. It was they who owned the large American companies supplying the Allied war effort and who tricked the ‘peaceful’ American people into war with Germany against their better natures and best interests. It was the Jews who tried to manipulate Germany’s food supply and who ‘precipitated the revolution through hunger’. All this happened because the ‘New York Stock Exchange’—the ‘Headquarters of World Jewry’—was determined to crush Germany, the last remaining Nationalstaat which was ‘not yet completely ruled by stock exchanges’. In short, Hitler remained firmly wedded to the idea of a deadly synthesis between world Jewry, international capitalism and Anglo-America as Germany’s nemesis.

In the last sentence, you can see three enemies of Germany from Hitler’s POV, which contrasts with what we sometimes see in the discussion threads of white nationalist forums, where they basically talk about a single enemy: Jewry. And we are still talking about exoteric Hitlerism, aimed at the masses.

In the case of the esoteric Hitlerism led especially by Himmler, a mere ten-page pamphlet aimed at the SS, which by the way can be read on pages 501-510 of The Fair Race, already puts the Christian churches, too, in the dock.

What I like about Simms’ book is that the profile he portrays of the German chancellor is more complex than the simplistic view we see in some racialist forums in vogue today.

Film Jane Austen Pride & Prejudice

What a relief!

I would like to add something to what I said two months ago in ‘The Remaining 42’ about the films that, after my awakening, lost meaning for my new point of view.

Since the most important thing for the 14 words is the reproduction of the Aryan, currently the films I like the most, which could even have been filmed if Hitler had won the war, are three films based on Jane Austen’s novels. One of them is a TV series about P&P, which I’ve been re-watching these days (clips: here) and I find super-therapeutic compared to the Gomorrahite cinema now flooding the West.

Those who want to feel completely relieved, if only momentarily, by imagining what the Western world would be like if the good guys had won the war, must watch this series. If the picture is worth a thousand words, the image in the form of cinema—the art of creating and projecting footage—is worth a million!