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The narrow door

Sometimes it is good to let a fundamentalist Christian’s comment pass to reply, as I did yesterday and today. However, I would like to clarify a few things that I haven’t made clear on this site. I discovered the racial right forums very late in life, after my fiftieth birthday. Previously, my intellect was absorbed […]

Roger Penrose

AI and NS

Interacting with a computer with a voice doesn’t mean that we are looking at a generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is taking steps towards becoming a conscious entity, say, like HAL 9000 from Kubrick’s film (I recently saw again 2001: A Space Odyssey on Blu-ray). I recently said that Alfredo Jalife is the only […]

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Judaism


In his commentary today, Gaedhal tells us: I do feel that Christianity is not at home in this 3rd millennium of our Common Era. As this millennium waxes on, Christianity just appears more and more anachronistic. However, Judaism might survive a bit longer, because, as I said before, the leaders of Judaism, even religious Judaism […]

Axiology Theology

‘Residual Christianity’

That Western atheists remain, at heart, Christians is evident from the realisation that Christianity is not only the dogmas of the Nicene Creed (Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, Factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium, etc.), which atheists reject. Christianity is also the scale of values that took over the soul of the […]

Israel / Palestine Liberalism


On this site I have several times embedded videos of Derek Lambert interviewing New Testament critics such as Richard Carrier and Richard Miller, but I have also criticised Lambert for his Neo-Christian anti-racism. There is something very striking about apostates from Christianity. They almost universally embrace a liberal and egalitarian faith even more extreme than […]

Axiology Exterminationism Racial right

Troll ’em all!

I’m not finished with Counter-Currents because I find that webzine a real tidbit to show the principle of this site: that the value scale of white nationalists, who mistakenly perceive themselves as Jew-wise, isn’t wise at all in that it drags the tail of morality bequeathed to us by Judeo-Christianity. Earlier I had quoted some […]


On atheism

In his correspondence our friend Gaedhal tells a group of correspondents: Clarification on my theistic status (a critique of right-wing atheism) As I said before, I am very clear as to which gods I disbelieve in. I disbelieve in the gods of Classical Theism. I disbelieve in the gods of revealed religion: Yahweh, Zeus, Krishna […]


Final chapter

Since the core of my trilogy is autobiographical, after my mother’s death I decided to add a final chapter to The Grail. But I think the final pages, which I have not yet finished, will make me decide to change the title of that book to The End of Love. Also, I think I will […]

Correspondence Real men Women

In this sign…

the wolf shall conquer! by Vlad Petre Greetings once more Mr. Tort. Much time has passed since I sent you that email titled ‘Vlad Țepeș and the Aryan Woman’. Before tackling the subject of this new email, first and foremost I would like to say that I am deeply sorry for the loss of your […]

Autobiography Martin Kerr Real men


I would like to offer my comments on the Kerr article I reproduced this morning, ‘The National Socialist lifestyle’: But to be a true National Socialist in a profound sense means living an NS lifestyle, not just to agree with NS ideas in an abstract manner, or to admire historical National Socialism from a distance. […]