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Egalitarianism Friedrich Nietzsche Quotable quotes Twilight of the idols (book)



“The doctrine of equality! There is
no more poisonous poison anywhere…”


Quotable quotes


“Whites are waking up but they are cowards: they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort.” —Anonymous

Justice / revenge Quotable quotes

A little payback

“What if whites were to start destroying black monuments? What if whites were to start destroying holocost propaganda in classrooms and libraries?”

Alex Linder

Axiology Quotable quotes

The Weltanschauung’s core

by Jack Frost

dali-last-supper[Christianity] hasn’t vanished, and that’s the hell of it. In two thousand years, its doctrines have sunk in to form the core of the worldview of Western man. Christian universalism and egalitarianism are stronger than ever, only now people desperately try to justify them scientifically.

Quotable quotes


“Separating from Jews made England and Spain.”

—Celtic Patriot

Kali Yuga Quotable quotes

Will to power

“A people or a civilization that abandons its will to power inevitably perishes.”

Guillaume Faye

Kali Yuga Quotable quotes



“Western civilization is like the ourobouros, the snake that swallows its own tail. It is eating itself.”

Jack Frost

Quotable quotes

Stupid generation

How could the post World War II generations have been so stupid and naïve as to allow Jewish nationalism to run amok in America? There can be no more irresponsible and criminally negligent country-destroying mistake than that.

Chris Moore

Quotable quotes

Quotable question


Since Christianity is premised upon the belief that a certain Jew is God, why should it be at all surprising that America, with its deeply Christian heritage, adores the Jews?

Jack Frost

Axiology Quotable quotes

On previous posts

by Jack Frost

19th-century cartoon depicting Jack Frost
In prior posts I’ve covered how even non-believers and anti-religious people see things with Christian eyes. They accept without questioning that universal brotherhood is good, the triviality of race, that who they really are has nothing to do with their bodies (i.e., Christian dualism), free will, etc.

All of this is pre-scientific thinking that has to go if we are ever to make any headway.