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James Mason

Syria – Trump: a puppet president

Yes: it is not out of the realm of possibilities that the Russians could retaliate for Trump’s incredibly ZOGish attack, but perhaps WW3 is exactly what we need. After all, business as usual means continuing on the road of white extinction. If James Mason is right that ‘The enemy today is the U.S. Government itself and it is, by every standard of measure, the most evil thing that has ever existed on earth’, then we must welcome a total war even if we may perish in the process.
I’ll remove my previous post on philosophy and will only re-post it if things cool down tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can follow recent Alt-Right articles on this unbelievable stupid attack on Syria through Shitlord Hub.

James Mason Judeo-reductionism

On James Mason

by Jack Halliday

In response to Mason’s opinion about Trump in this article and a previous one: The idea that Trump is some victim of the Jewish media is utter nonsense. He willingly appointed Jews into his cabinet. In fact, he had more Jews during his path to Presidency supporting him than any other candidate during the election.
Why is it that when the System seemingly does something “good” (a subjective term), people attribute it to Trump personally, but when the System does something bad, it is attributed to “Jewish influence”, something that is supposedly being done behind Donald’s back. The Daily Stormer does this dumb shit all the time. And now Mason is doing it.
The fact that he is a “reformer” who wants to build a wall is obviously a tactical move to make White Americans think somebody gives a shit about them. He is doing nothing whatsoever to advance White interests. He is still a Zionist and a Mammon worshipper who is sending Americans to their deaths for the sake of our racial enemies. He is as much an ally as Clinton, Obama and Reagan.
As for James Mason’s Christian Identity (CI) conversion: I am extremely disappointed and bereaved about this. I have never met the man, but I feel like I have lost a good friend. Probably the way people felt when GLR was murdered. Every time he says anything regarding CI and British Israelism, like in the article above, I simply feel a tinge of pessimism and disappointment wash over me. How could a man who wrote SIEGE and who spread the truth on Charles Manson suddenly become a schizophrenic lunatic?
I know nothing about his personal life, but what emotional void does his cranky belief system fill? I am not trying to sound rude here, I have the utmost respect for him, but this is slowly dwindling. The whole affair is really quite depressing to me.

James Mason Quotable quotes


‘The cross is dead, now the symbol
of Aryan salvation is the swastika’.

—James Mason,
‘One Verse Charlies’

Americanism Axiology James Mason Kevin MacDonald Stefan Zweig

Kindergarten racists

American white advocates are now discussing what they call ‘optics’ as PR for the movement (two of the most recent pieces by Hunter Wallace and Andrew Anglin: here and here).
Incredibly, Wallace who a few years ago sided mainstreamers against Greg Johnson, is now tolerant of fashy optics in the rallies while Anglin, whose site with acid sarcasm on Jews often uses Nazi imaginary, is now claiming that the movement needs electoral politics and Americanism!
Just compare this with what James Mason said in Siege (this morning I just added one more of the chapters of Siege as a post for this site). But Mason himself has his own problems. He was stuck in the religion of our parents and abandoned revolutionary politics: a religion I’m now debunking with my translations of Deschner’s Criminal History of Christianity.
Wallace seems to have a better grasp of reality than Anglin, but generally speaking their movement is a failure. And it is a failure because all of them are unable to give up Christian ethics. Apropos of the fact that Kevin MacDonald is now accepting Jewish contributors for The Occidental Observer, I responded to Franklin Ryckaert today:

The real issue here is my claim that whites do indeed have a loose screw. Our central intellectual figure in understanding the JQ cannot fathom à la Hitler that no Jew ought to be platformed, especially in a Jew-wise forum.
You can imagine an ‘Anti-Semites Watch’ periodical run by Jews admitting a Nazi contributor! Recently someone said that many white nationalists support Israel because they believe that Jews should have a home of their own, but that Jews don’t reciprocate the favour: they don’t support a home nation for whites anywhere in the world. That was an excellent point!
Christian-problem The Aryan problem does encompass the Jewish Problem. If even secular white nationalists subscribe the Christian commandment to love our enemies, we have a huge problem at home.
I will continue to promote MacDonald’s trilogy as fundamental reading to understand the JP but not only I’ve now removed The Occidental Observer from my blogroll list: I’m more confident than ever that NS should replace WN/Alt-Right (cf. my comment on Strauss/Zweig below), and that the ongoing discussion among them on optics is for Kindergarten racists who have no clue about the history of Christianity.

I was referring to this comment on mine about Richard Strauss and Stefan Zweig in Nazi Germany.

James Mason

Siege, 23

State of Emergency

Are you among the conventional survivalists with a few guns, a few rounds of ammunition, some medical supplies, maybe a C.B. radio, and enough food and water for anywhere from two days to two years stored away? Are you one of the ruggedly individualistic types who, as long as he owns his firearms, swears by God that this is a free land and he is a free man? Or are you one of those intrepid ones who says he’ll “shoot the first nigger” that comes rampaging up onto his front porch? In other words, do you count yourself among those rednecks who are smug in their sense of Right Wing-style “readiness”? If so, you can stop reading right here.
Years ago I wrote, after headlines appeared about the discovery of Wesley Swift’s hideout and arsenal (that included everything from automatic weapons to armored vehicles), that if Swift—who died in the late Sixties—could have foreseen the day when, after his death, all his extensive preparations were unearthed and captured by the System, without a fight, that surely he would have viewed it as the end of all hope of resistance. He had expected a full-blown invasion of the United States by Russian and Chinese troops and I know of no group or individual who was as well-prepared for the worst of emergencies as was Dr. Wesley Swift. The “emergency” never came. Swift died a natural death, and the government scooped up his vast arsenal.
Even Commander Rockwell was POSITIVE that the Blacks were going to go on an all-out rampage before the decade of the Sixties was out, and touch off the race war that so many talked about in those days. (In 1967, the year of his death, he had begun to organize what he called the “White Guard” on a quicker, more informal basis than the Storm Troopers, so sure was he that hell would break loose that very year.) But a massive welfare pay-off, a general caving-in of White resistance, and perhaps even a shift in Enemy strategy kept the conflict from coming out into the open.
It was just about two years ago that a number of otherwise respectable and credible Right Wing groups were issuing super-serious, straight-faced accounts of how, in the summer of 1983, Ronald Reagan would die in office, the economy would fall right through the bottom, and coloreds everywhere would go berserk. This was the prediction from the “experts” who were, thereby, unfortunately placing their reputations on the line.
I recall at about the same time one particularly provocative and sensational sheet released—not by what I would want to call “kooks” but by major Movement standard bearers—to the effect that in the upcoming weeks the Anti-Christ himself would seize all television networks (and automatically turn on all TV sets that might be off at that time) and mesmerize any and all whose glance was caught! Thank God the Movement has a shorter-than-hell memory span! Otherwise, that one would be impossible to live down.
Through no fault of his own. Commander Rockwell’s “The Jews Are Through in ’72” never materialized and 1972 came and went uneventfully. Black riots slowed and practically ceased. The economy certainly worsened but did not collapse. The government, the society, and the country itself is becoming more and more like one big, giant, pulsating blob of a stinking, noxious Jew. The next major landmark in time—1984—is behind us. And I’m betting strong that one of the favorites of the fakers—1988—will come and go likewise and hardly even be noticed. I wasn’t long in figuring out that it really meant sticking your neck way out to venture to put a date on practically anything of a social of historic nature. It’s gambling of the worst sort unless you yourself have the means at hand to force the issue according to your own timetable.
It is simply that there has never before existed a more CONTROLLED environment than the one in which we exist today. Things don’t just “happen” anymore. If they don’t come off Big Brother’s drawing board, then they’re not “sanctioned” and most of the time don’t take place at all or, if they do, they’re of a nature hardly worthy of note. Big Brother is in CONTROL. This plus the fact that the population DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN. Things are slipping constantly, gradually, but no significant upsets are being allowed that might either alarm the populace or provide the revolutionists an opening to take advantage of. I don’t expect it to change unless SOMEONE CHANGES IT!
In fact as well as in theory, we are in the period of “Beyond Nineteen Eighty-Four”! From here on out we can forget about even George Orwell. Of course, the astute have been aware all along that “1984” had come into effect long before if ever arrived on the calendar. And I, for one, about a decade ago abandoned the “emergency” school of thought. That is, betting in favor of and preparing for something of a very sudden and fixed nature to occur to transform the situation; something which has to be braced for, weathered in a comparatively short—if harsh—period, and then to be emerged from on the “dawn of a new day”. (I do favor full preparation for a “lights out” type emergency, but that would probably be of a rather long duration and, again, short-term thinking is useless.)
The whole thought was false all along but, up until perhaps this decade, the majority could have claimed ignorance. I began to sense the true nature of the situation, as I said, about ten years ago mainly because of experience born of intense involvement in revolutionary activity and thought. But for the rest, the object lessons are all there now.
Many can’t grasp it, no one really wants to realize such a fact, but there are also plenty who refuse to be parted from their fun and games (like children, they expect and want it all now). What we face is not an emergency, nothing of a romantic or extraordinary nature but, rather, an indefinite period of what Warren G. Harding would term “normalcy”. (I know that taken individually or collectively the manifestations of contemporary “society” are anything but “normal” to us but, as far as great numbers and great periods of time are concerned, they are quite normal indeed.)
Therefore WE are the abnormal and the out-of-place. We have always been such, except that until now most have figured that “Der Tag” was just around the corner which would turn things topsy-turvy in our favor.
That is not about to happen. What it means for each of us is this: as long as there was a hope, real or imagined, of a sudden change in the basic course of things, then we could almost afford to hide behind our “unreal” attitude and approach to the situation with a “You’ll see!” thought guiding us. Presently it has to be clear to all that nothing of the sort is going to be ALLOWED to happen and events are going to maintain a strictly business-as-usual complexion for the foreseeable future. And it is impossible to hide behind an abnormal strategy for very long in a stolidly normal environment, where nothing out of the ordinary is PERMITTED to happen.
It should be added right away that those who do continue to go on in the manner of the past do so as utter and complete fools.
Are you going to go on kidding yourself? Telling yourself that you’ll be ready for it when “it” comes? If you’re a reactionary and a Right Wing type, then it may well require a sudden emergency to get you off your ass. But if you are a revolutionary, then, for you, “it” is here right now, and always has been here, right around you. You were born into it and, unless you kill it, it is going to kill you.
Having nothing initially to do with the name of this publication, what we have to adapt to is not a sudden emergency and then back to normal but, instead, a state of SIEGE. The system WILL fall one day. But when? Certainly no time soon? I’ve said often in the past that the winner of this race, this “Deathwatch 2000”, will be the one who finishes LAST. So it is up to each of us, individually, to see to it that we outlast the System. And you don’t accomplish this by merely stockpiling anything (unless you are prepared to become a hermit for the next 50 years or so). You military buffs should already know that a static defense went out with the Nineteenth Century, and that now it is all up to the fast and the resourceful.
What must our definition of victory now become? To have survived another day, another year. To exist in and amongst the System… but not as a consumer, not as a statistic or as a victim. To exist decently and, to be sure, to “keep the wolves away from the door”. If you’re living smart, as you should be, you’ve already eliminated coloreds and criminals from your uppermost list and have gotten down to the very basics of defending against the real Enemy: the capitalist foreclosers. The old Right Wing types will know how to deal with a violent, one-on-one situation, but how about the ever-encroaching System? Here is where you have to become SMART!
Commander Rockwell said that the purpose of life was to struggle as hard as you can for what you believe in and to enjoy the fight. You cannot fight to your fullest potential for what you believe in while being a full-time slave helping to bolster the Pig economy. And you certainly can’t enjoy your fight existing under unrelenting social and economic pressure. The herds and armies of zombie-ized clones out there cannot or will not see that there IS an alternative. The revolutionary will ALWAYS find or make his own alternative. It is being done. And in this lies not only the definition of short term victory but the PROMISE of ultimate victory one day. We will LIVE. We will out-live the System. And, should we individually not make it all the way, then we will not have been cheated for we will have had our share.
Living within the Beast System as a revolutionary, day-to-day, is the REAL emergency and it calls for emergency measures to be taken on a ROUTINE BASIS. To be able to exist thus is the victory!
Vol. XIV, #1 – January 1985

Order a copy of Siege (here)

James Mason Neanderthalism

Siege, 22

Priorities Now, Perfection Later

One of Commander Rockwell’s best, most loyal fighters and administrators, Robert Lloyd, once gave me one of the essences of the nature of the present struggle we are involved in when he stated that none of us—not even the best among us—are anything close to the Ideal which we are all fighting for. This was a simple, non-emotional, uncomplicated clarification of the plain reality of the situation, all wishful thinking aside.
To go further, even in Germany during the time of the NSDAP, the Ideal that was sought after was perhaps centuries away and, to be sure, the human stock in America today comes closer to what the Germans of the Thirties and Forties referred to as untermensch. Take a look at the armies of mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers on these streets and realize that they are what pass as “White”!
It will of course require centuries of the most careful up-breeding to reverse the dangerous and alarming mess we have before us today. That can only be accomplished by the most stringent measures on the part of the highest governmental authority and that, in itself, implies directly a total revolution victorious in our favor.
In the meantime we’ll do well to guard our own bloodlines and to multiply and perpetuate ourselves and our belief in the best kind of quality as conditions and circumstances allow.
But it has always seemed to me ironical that this avowedly “racist” Movement has placed the attitude and behavior of its adherents above the genetic quality of same. As the old rationale of the Seventies ran, “So what if he’s a Jew? He’s the best leader we have right now”—meaning that he spouted the right line and went out and got the sensational headlines. But if a man was WHITE and adopted a totally unfamiliar and un-funky, REVOLUTIONARY line and strategy—and regardless whether he made hot headlines of his own—then these others would curse him into the ground.
So it goes today with the majority of those of our comrades who have been jailed by the System for having actually gone on the attack rather than just sit back. To me the reasoning—or lack of it—behind this attitude is unfathomable! What do these do-nothings expect? Do they expect some “Silent Majority” type, all squeaky clean in his lifestyle, background, and personal appearance to step out of the endless, nondescript line he stands in and pull the trigger? In these earliest, most desperate stages, do they expect the targets, the actual victims, to be a revolutionary theoretician’s dream?
What the hell do they want? It would appear that they want perfection going in. Or else, if not, that they use this claim to hide what they REALLY want: nothing to rock the boat and possibly enrage Big Brother into coming down with both feet and ruining everybody’s “fun”.
Lenin said that you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. And one Black saying of the Sixties was that you have to use what you’ve got in order to get what you need (or want). We’ll never get to that point where we can begin breeding Supermen if we can’t get our values and priorities squared away today. Trotsky said that, as revolutionaries, our only compulsion is circumstances (not wishful thinking)! It means that we have to do what we have to do and by any means necessary.
Lenin, Trotsky, and the swarming army of Blacks in the Sixties are the farthest cry from what we believe in BUT THEY HAVE BEEN INFINITELY MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN WE in getting what they are after! That is very simply because they accepted the truth that the end does after all justify the means.
Let us drop the dreaming, the faking, and the immature unreality, and recruit an army of the worst—if need be—in order to smash the Beast System and make way for the Ideal to dominate the planet and the universe ten thousand years from now.
For our part, we will welcome and honor as COMRADES any White, bar none, who wishes to join with us in the struggle. ANY action taken against the Enemy, no holds barred, is a heroic deed. For our part, we will tolerate no divisive moralism to hamstring our efforts.
Vol. XIII, #10 – October, 1984

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James Mason Kali Yuga Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Thomas Aquinas

Superficial thumbs up

During the fourth century as divisions and sects grew, the schisms and the heresies developed with increasing boldness. The anti-heretic shouting also became more strident, more aggressive. At the same time, the struggle against non-Catholics sought judicial support. It was time of agitation and almost pathological actions: a true ‘spiritual disease’ [my emphasis].

This quotation from my last excerpts of Deschner’s book gives an idea why I reproduce chapters of the Julian novel on Sundays. Also, if we reread the italicised sentence it is impossible not to see the analogies with our times.
As I see it, the West has suffered two great psychotic breakdowns in history: the first in the 3rd and 4th centuries that resulted in the conquest of the Roman Empire by a cult of Levantine extraction (as we shall see in Deschner’s chapters on Constantine), and what has been happening in the West in the 20th and 21st centuries.
For white nationalists it is easy to see the descending spiral of a spiritual disease that destroys their race today. (Just take a look at Tucker at Fox News: not every interviewee is a kike: there are ethnosuicidal whites as well.) But few have notion of the first psychotic breakdown that suffered the fair race in the centuries in which Christianity was born. And this, despite that much earlier than Deschner, Edward Gibbon also blamed Christianity in his magnum opus.
Recall these passages from the introduction to Criminal History of Christianity, quoted in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour:

The magnificent temples of worship of antiquity were destroyed almost everywhere: irreplaceable value buildings burned or demolished, especially in Rome itself, where the ruins of the temples served as quarries. In the tenth century they still engaged in breaking down statues, architraves, burning paintings, and the most beautiful sarcophagi served as bathtubs or feeders for pigs.
But the most tremendous destruction, barely imaginable, was caused in the field of education. Gregory I, the Great, the only doctor Pope of the Church in addition to Leo I, according to tradition burned a large library that existed on the Palatine. The flourishing book trade of antiquity disappeared; the activity of the monasteries was purely receptive. Three hundred years after the death of Alcuin and Rabanus Maurus, the disciples were still studying with manuals written by them. Even St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church’s official philosopher, writes that ‘the desire for knowledge is a sin when it does not serve the knowledge of God.’
In universities, the Aristotelian hypertrophy aborted any possibility of independent research. To the dictation of theology were subject philosophy and literature. History, as a science, was completely unknown. The experimentation and inductive research was condemned; experimental sciences were drowned by the Bible and dogma; scientists thrown into the dungeons, or sent to the stake. In 1163, Pope Alexander III (remember in passing that at that time there were four anti-popes) forbade all clerics studying physics. In 1380 a decision of the French parliament forbade the study of chemistry, referring to a decree of Pope John XXII.
And while in the Arab world (obedient to Muhammad’s slogan: ‘The ink of scholars is more sacred than the blood of martyrs’) the sciences flourished, especially medicine, in the Catholic world the bases of scientific knowledge remained unchanged for more than a millennium, well into the sixteenth century. The sick were supposed to seek comfort in prayer instead of medical attention. The Church forbade the dissection of corpses, and sometimes even rejected the use of natural medicines for considering it unlawful intervention with the divine. In the Middle Ages not even the abbeys had doctors, not even the largest. In 1564 the Inquisition condemned to death the physician Andreas Vesalius, the founder of modern anatomy, for opening a corpse and for saying that man is not short of a rib that was created for Eve.
Consistent with the guidance of teaching, we find another institution, ecclesiastical censure, very often (at least since the time of St. Paul in Ephesus) dedicated to the burning of the books of pagans and the destruction (or prohibition) of rival Christian literature, from the books of the Arians and Nestorians until those of Luther. But let us not forget that Protestants sometimes also introduced censorship, even for funeral sermons and also for non-theological works, provided they touched on ecclesiastical matters or religious customs.

However self-destructive it may have been for whites to empower a Levantine cult in Imperial Rome, at least Christianity had not a focused agenda to exterminate whites. The second psychotic breakdown, which we see developing in our days, is more vicious. Unless a racial revolution takes over it would no longer be possible to recover—as in the Renaissance—because the purpose now is to destroy Aryan DNA through miscegenation. Alas, there’s no revolution on the horizon, so we need to delve deeper into history to understand the West’s darkest hour.
Those thumbs up that I receive on my Facebook page for Siege links I don’t receive on Kriminalgeschichte—they’re superficial thumbs up. I wonder if their authors are able to see that, after a life dedicated to National Socialism, Christianity corrupted the mind of the author of Siege into going astray mystically. We can only imagine the revolutionary movement that Mason could have inspired in the US had he remained focused on racial matters.

Civil war James Mason Psychology

Siege, 21

Forces To Be Unleashed

The masses, or the “mass” as a whole, can only be looked upon as a coward. They say a brave man dies but one death whereas the coward dies a thousand times inside. Within these millions upon millions of pieces of bio-mass there exists the kind of alienation, resentment, fear, frustration, and burning hate—all largely undefined—that is so terrible and potentially explosive that its full power can only be guessed at.
So far the trigger, or fuse, hasn’t been found. Bleeding and pounding by the System isn’t going to do it. They just roll over like a spaniel when kicked and crawl back for more. So far the Jews have succeeded in pulling out all stops at getting and keeping the masses docile and distracted, pampered and entertained to the point where no reason and nothing reasonable can get through to them. That’s where the answer must lie hidden.
Something unreasonable. Something that doesn’t even make sense. Something they can neither anticipate nor cope with afterward. Tommasi was among many revolutionists who knew that if a revolution were ever sparked in this country, it would be done by one, lone incident that had all the dimensions necessary to catch fire and spread in all directions at once. It is the missing factor. It is why the times we are living in are the roughest because nothing, that is nothing dramatic and widespread, is happening that is truly revolutionary.
This also means that the greatest heroes and heroines of all are those who have in recent times sacrificed in an attempt, and those in the near future who will sacrifice and succeed in the task, of blowing the bottom out of the situation—thus allowing new moves to be made free from interference by the paid forces of an intact Big Brother Pig System.
That moment, when it comes, will be the pivot-point in affairs— when Big Brother’s hand is reduced and ours increases until it is the only one. The tempering we have undergone will pay huge dividends when Big Brother’s money power is broken and the criteria for mastery becomes the greatest degree of awareness, discipline, and ruthlessness in the hands of those with the greatest drive and will to power. In this we are not alone. We’d just better see to it that it spells US when the time comes.
Vol. X, #4 – April, 1981

Order a copy of Siege (here)

James Mason

Siege, 20

The Three R’s

No matter how one cuts it, there are but three steps which must be followed toward revolution—successful revolution. These are RESIST, REVOLT and RULE. In the first, one finds oneself disillusioned, alienated; then becoming more aware and intelligent of his circumstances, he enters the Movement and perhaps becomes further alienated, but—if he has the stuff within him—he becomes hardened and agile; he gains instinct; and he begins the course of “educate, agitate, and organize”.
In the second step he has learned that he must strike quickly, hard, and decisively; he takes care to see that there can be no turning back. Compromise has long since been discarded; he has in the forefront of his thoughts the awareness that only the most determined and the most radical can hope to master the situation ultimately.
In the final step, he harbors no regrets; he puts and end to his opposition; he sees that the drastic measures called for will, for a time, result in a more simplistic society but one vastly more just and healthy than before; he joyfully accepts the task. He establishes the New Order.
White Men will never rule their own lives and destinies again without a successful revolt, and no revolt can materialize without the intensive period of resistance—the basic preparatory stage of the Revolutionary Movement’s development. Attempting to revolt now would be suicidal while attempting to “rule” at present through “compromise” by trying to win a local election is rather a whimsical dream.
We must first successfully RESIST, which entails pulling ourselves together, getting up on our feet, and ceasing to roll with the blows. It means having enough organization to be able to call a number of shots—felt directly on a national, if not worldwide, scale—on our own. It means mounting a series of National Socialist—or White—VICTORIES. It amounts to a coming of age and becoming truly THE Movement to do THE job.
The trick or the key to this is nothing so new. Off and on in the recent past we’ve seen it almost done by one or another Movement grouping or leader. But what has been missing and what now must be fulfilled is a Movement functioning and acting in UNISON, maintaining, increasing, bringing into focus, and bearing its FULL STRENGTH as it is called for. A team, a network, a syndicate, an effective political entity.
To become functional and effective is the phase we must achieve. There are no others. Never have I been a user of Commander Rockwell’s “Four Phases” because I am sure that the concept became obsolete soon after his death. I would rather give it a decent burial as a good idea that might have worked in its time instead of going on like others abusing it as a double-talk term, as an excuse for introversion and wheel-spinning.
The fakers are stuck in “Phase Two”—right where Commander Rockwell died—and there they shall always remain. The NSLF will not subscribe to out-dated strategy. Rather, we must come to realize that the only correct strategy is that which is dictated to us by reality. It may sound easy but the proviso is: have we got the will, determination, and the COURAGE to selflessly follow these sometimes harsh dictates?
Vol. XI, #5 – May, 1982

Order a copy of Siege (here)

James Mason

Siege, 19

What Movement, Whose Movement?

The Nazi Movement? The Klan Movement? State’s Rights? Racial Nationalist? German-American? Anti-Communist? Majority Rights? White Christian? White Conservative?
For practically every cell of the Hard Right in this country you’ll find a separate definition of what the Movement is, as well as what the goal is and the methods for achieving that goal. Not to mention the identity of that “special person” to lead us onto that great destiny. Some of it gets pretty damned ridiculous which is why I stopped where I was in listing Movement “brand names” above. It is never my intent to offend anyone doing the best they can.
There are huge ideological and theoretical differences in these Movement groupings but because these are in the realm of thought and paperwork they are rendered as very slight when compared to the main tasks we each purport to undertake, and when compared to those fundamentals we definitely share in common.
The problem comes in when Movement people start thinking and acting as though there exists already some kind of pie to carve up, some bag of marbles to be taken home. Perhaps more than a few place much higher emphasis on giving the effect of doing something, instead of doing something in fact. A serious man will usually be found willing to work but a fun-seeker generally will refuse to be parted from his plaything.
I found part of the solution to this age-old problem we face in the pages of an issue of Pastor Miles’ From the Mountain. One good comrade. Rocky Suhayda, used the term “Resistance Movement” in reference to the pro-White, anti-Jewish struggle we all are involved in. This is a natural! It answers so many of the criteria left out by all other names for the overall Movement that I’ve heard of to date.
Most importantly, it isn’t “funky” and doesn’t reek of the useless, crappy Right Wingism which has practically made dirty words of “Nationalist”, “American”, and even “White”, when used in group names and Movement efforts. With “Resistance Movement” we eliminate any inference of divided loyalties and mixed priorities such as with “For God, Race, and Nation”. Most important of all, the name implies a kind of dead seriousness and strikes down the stupid, silly notion that somehow we are all “big wheels”, each vying for a piece of the political pie. It reduces the concept of the Movement to its most basic common denominator: Survival.
In two words—Resistance Movement—it poses to the intelligent mind most of the ultimate questions of the day: Resistance to what? What are the real forces in the land to be resisted? And what power is behind these forces? Which segment of the population is actually resisting; which are co-existing; and which are actually in support of these controlling forces?
At the quickest glance, any observer will see that we speak of the general anti-White drive afoot in every branch, at every level of “officialdom”, and they will know what it is we are resistant to: ZOG… the Zionist Occupation Government. They will know that we do not alternate between established political parties because the System, the Establishment, controls them ALL. He will see that we are resistant to the takeover of our government and our land by an enemy of our people. The term may not be the most original but it does provoke the right thought and it does fit the situation perfectly!
Furthermore, it is a term that each of us, without exception, should be freely able to identify with and wholeheartedly subscribe to. The better known “Resistance”, the one in France during the German Occupation, contained elements from the entire political spectrum, from Gaullists to Communists and back again. But they were united into the one purpose and they were very effective as any history of the French Resistance will reveal. None of our own elements in the present day are nearly so far apart as were many of those in France during the 1940’s.
Our similarities are greater, there is far more at stake, and the enemy today is the ultimate WORLD ENEMY. According to all this then, we should vastly out-do any efforts of the French Underground of the Second World War who were merely out to liberate their soil from the military presence of a White, Northern European neighbor—Germany. We are out to remove all trace of an alien presence wherever the White Race is found.
I hope this may provide some of the basis that must be hammered out toward the formation of a true, functioning Movement, and that we may freely repair to its common usage as we struggle to build this Movement while we yet have the spare time on our hands to do so…
Vol. XI, #4 – April, 1982

Order a copy of Siege (here)