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Chris Martenson Pandemics Pseudoscience Psychiatry

Covid & profits over lives

When the previous century I began an in-depth study of psychiatry, I came across a revealing fact. According to studies by the World Health Organization, poor countries such as Colombia, Nigeria and India had much higher recovery rates in people diagnosed with schizophrenia than in western countries. Reason: those poor countries couldn’t afford neuroleptics (‘antipsychotics’ in western Newspeak). So-called antipsychotics cause akathisia, that is, they are iatrogenic drugs. See what I recently said about Jordan Peterson regarding his akathisia produced even by other psychiatric drugs.

So from the last century I knew that there was a pseudoscientific dimension within conventional medicine. Just for the record, I recently told my female friend that ‘I reject one hundred percent alternative medicine and ninety percent of conventional medicine’, referring to drugs in the latter case; that is, most of what comes from Big Pharma.

Chris Martenson’s most recent video on covid-19 is very revealing, the summary of which tells us:

As many parts of the (so-called) developed world enter second lockdowns, and people line up for miles in their cars seeking food handouts in Texas, the less developed nations are busily discovering Covid-19 treatments that actually work. Really well. They work in an outpatient setting, in mild, moderate and severe cases of Covids-19. They work prophylactically. As always, I present the studies for your thoughtful examination.

The video is worth watching. Just keep in mind Martenson’s use of the code term ‘Dwizibin’ when he refers to hydroxychloroquine!

Although I am not sick with covid (not yet…), I already bought both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. The doctors where I live are under the influence of pseudoscientific propaganda against these drugs, so I had to pay an informed doctor to give me the prescriptions. About these drugs that do work, in the YouTube discussion thread of Martenson’s video a couple of commenters said: ‘It’s almost like a vaccine is superfluous if we followed these guidelines’. And: ‘It’s because there are expensive vaccines now that must be sold’.

It seems very clear to me that Western capitalism must be destroyed if we ever reach power. The absolute proof that it has corrupted the white man is shown in that there is not a single millionaire or billionaire today who substantially sponsors the racialists; let’s say, as they were sponsored in the previous century by the German businessmen who helped Hitler. Although the present ‘profits over lives’ policy is very noticeable in the covid-19 pandemic, capitalism in general corrupts the Aryan soul as much, or even more, than Christian ethics. Or to be more precise: the effect of both is lethal for the race, which is why the US has become a paradigm of ethno-suicide.

For those who haven’t read the essay on the meaning of the ring in both Wagner and Tolkien, it is time to do it…

Chris Martenson Currency crash Pandemics

And covid…?

Earlier this month, Chris Martenson said:

I was very worried about Covid-19 six months ago. Afraid even. Today? Barely worried at all. This video will take you through the science behind that shift in viewpoint. Very strong data from Ivermectin and hydroxycholorquine, combined with the powerful protective effect of having sufficient levels of Vitamin D combine to provide what appears to be a very effective approach for managing Covid-19 the disease.

Martenson, who has a Ph.D. in pathology, is a sane voice in an ocean of madness: from those who believe that everything is a hoax to the American authorities who committed the lockdown blunder.

The latter is convenient for us, priests of the 14 words, since it has accelerated the collapse of the dollar. Remember, America delenda est.

Chris Martenson Deranged altruism Pandemics

Covid-19 attacks our immune system!

Recent findings say that, like HIV, covid-19 also attacks the T-cells: the cells that protect us against viral invasions. Definitively, this is not just the flu. This is what Chris Martenson says today about this new research:

The covid-19 virus, while incredibly tiny, continues to confound researchers with the myriad ways in which it can wreak havoc in the human body. Today’s surprise is that the virus may have a completely second pathway, separate from targeting ACE2 receptors, for attack. New research indicates that, similar to HIV, covid-19 compromises the immune system’s T-cells and “turns off” their protective function, allowing the virus to replicate without interference.

What I find most intriguing is the open question if the virus was deliberately synthesised in a Chinese lab. What I fear is the coming winter, as the coronavirus seems to like cold weather and sooner or later people will have to break the quarantine looking for jobs and food. Those who the McSpencer group criticised yesterday are saying that people are overreacting to a non-doomsday event. But a convergence of catastrophes—this HIV-like virus and the possibility that the economic crash also occurs in winter—could be a game changer.

Whatever happens to the economy, if covid-19 attacks the T cells as HIV does, this sounds like an engineered bio-weapon. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck… As a commenter of Martenson’s video said: ‘Wuhan Institute of Virology: “Lets take SARS, hybridize it with a bat-only SARS-like corona virus which is more durable, add in some HIV receptors and we’ll call it “vaccine research”, yeah, that’s what we’ll do’.

Now comes to my mind the first days when this exploded in China and the virus had not reached the West. A news item that I didn’t understand then is that the Chinese were treating the virus (not yet called covid-19) with AIDS medication.

I blame Christianity for the pandemic. Those who have seen the videos that I have been linking will remember one that I put in ‘A Chinese Dr. Peters?’ The report openly spoke of the tremendous help the Chinese received from Western laboratories for a mysterious investigation they were doing in Wuhan. As Mark Brown said on the Martenson Channel, ‘Here are millions of taxpayer dollars to help your research, China’.

A few months ago the subtitle of this blog read: ‘Christian love is murdering the white race’, and I think it would still be a valid subtitle for the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour. Compared to the JQ, out-group altruism is the real killer: it directly targets whites’ immune system leaving them helpless against malicious non-whites, be they Jews or Gooks.

Chris Martenson Conservatism Currency crash Pandemics

Greg Johnson on the coronavirus

Ferdinand Bardamu’s long and important essay on Christianity appears in The Fair Race. On the coronavirus as a subject, of the in-depth articles that have been published to date in the racialist forums, I only recommend the article by Bardamu on The Occidental Observer, and the one that Greg Johnson published today in Counter-Currents. Johnson wrote:

Extreme classical liberals don’t believe it is legitimate for the government to do anything for the common good, because they don’t believe that collectives exist or have interests that are legitimately pursued by the state. Thus their reaction to the globalvirus is the same as their reaction to any other collective problem: simple denial. Denialism comes in two flavors: vanilla economism and tutti frutti conspiracy theories.

Since we have a Republican administration, when intelligence reports about the globalvirus outbreak in China started coming in as early as November, they fell on deaf ears. Apparently there was not a single populist who cared about the American people anywhere to be found in the Trump administration, just business boosters who wanted to protect the economy from people who feared drowning in their own bodily fluids. And, because Republicans are not just greedy and stupid but also cowardly, they were well aware that any attempt to restrict travel from China would be decried as “racism” by the Left. Hence they decided to go with the “It’s just the flu, bro” narrative.

If Hillary Clinton were in office, the result would have been exactly the same, because she is 100% owned by the oligarchy. Her rationalizations would simply have put greater emphasis on anti-racism.

However, the criticism I made of Bardamu can be made to Johnson as well. Bardamu and Johnson are well aware of what the virus earthquake means, but neither is aware of the economic tsunami approaching their beaches: the real killer, as unlike the virus it will affect the hundred percent of westerners.

This is unsurprising. Hardly anyone in the racialist forums has followed Austrian economists closely, whose message I have been promoting since 2011 on this blog, and more so now that their predictions have finally begun to come true.

The only content creator I know who masters both topics—the coronavirus and why cash will become trash—is Chris Martenson. While Martenson’s latest videos are all about the coronavirus, there is also the older ‘crash course’ videos on his channel. For a brief intro to the course see, e.g., here.

Chris Martenson Pandemics

Exponential power

‘The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function’ said scientist Albert Bartlett.

I’ve just added bold-type in my previous post: ‘We’re looking at about 1 million US cases [infected by the virus] by the end of April, 2 million by ~May 5; 4 million by ~May 11, and so on. Exponentials are hard to grasp, but this is how they go’.

To illustrate why people aren’t taking the virus seriously, watch this brief lesson by Chris Martenson explaining exponential power.

Chris Martenson

Brace yourself, 3

Listen to what Chris Martenson and
Mike Maloney say (3rd clip: here).

Chris Martenson

Brace yourself, 2

Listen to what Chris Martenson and
Mike Maloney say (second clip: here).

Chris Martenson

Brace yourself, 1

Listen to what Chris Martenson and
Mike Maloney say (first clip: here).

Chris Martenson Pandemics


Check out Chris Martenson’s almost daily updates on the Chinese virus.

I have decided to freeze this blogsite with this entry. I won’t add more entries until it becomes clear if we shall survive what it seems will become a pandemic by April or May.

Let’s filter out all the noise of the mainstream media. The best information site I’ve found over the internet on the subject is that of Martenson, linked above.

May those who will create the ethnostate survive the pandemic…

Chris Martenson Currency crash Energy / peak oil

Initial scepticism

In the comments section of the previous post I mentioned a Swede I read in 2009. In internet forums that claim to defend the West, that was the first time I heard about the coming fall of the American dollar, something about which I also commented in the previous discussion thread.

The prediction that the hegemony of the United States will soon end with the fall of its economy, something that would free Europe from US troops (for example, the gringo troops in Germany), is such music to the ears of dissidents that ten years ago I dispatched those theories as wishful thinking. That’s why I can understand that visitors to this site are so sceptical that the dollar will fall. But there is something that happened precisely in 2009 that I must confess.

The guy referred to called me over the phone, from Sweden to Spain (ten years ago I was living in Gran Canaria), and we talked about one hour on various topics. Repeatedly I told him, again and again, that I did not think the dollar was going to tank. My scepticism was based precisely on the fact that such prediction seemed sent to us by a fairy godmother, which smelled like wishful thinking.

The Swede was disappointed by my persistent scepticism and that was the last time we spoke on the phone. However, the YouTube sources cited were there, in the text that the Swede had left. (Recently Blake Hood, writing in Volkish and speaking precisely about the Swede’s text wrote: ‘This is an edited version of this epic post from the blog West’s Darkest Hour. Go read the whole thing’.)

So I started to watch online discussions between Keynesian economists and the economists of the so-called Austrian school, to which belong those who believe that the dollar is going to tank. After watching approximately one hundred YouTube discussions I changed 180º with respect to my original scepticism and realised that those who predict a great financial calamity in the United States are right.

Take into account that the economists who belong to the Austrian school cannot be accused of self-deception for the simple fact that nobody among them, as far as I know, is a white nationalist (only the latter long for a glitch in the Matrix). The conclusions reached by the Austrian economists are based on facts and an interpretation of the facts, especially in matters of economy, energy and the environment.

Those who are as sceptical as I was when I lived in Spain would do themselves a favour if they listened, with due attention, the accelerated course by Chris Martenson (pic left). If you do, keep the very important quote of Dr. Albert Bartlett in mind, as I’ve noticed that white nationalists still think in linear, non-exponential terms (i.e., the collapse won’t be gradual: it will unfold very rapidly).