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Fallen comrades

fallen comrade

George, a comrade of Golden Dawn’s New York division has released an audio statement (here) in regards to the murder of Giorgos and Manos: two young men who were standing outside the GD offices in the evening of 1 November 2013 in Athens Greece. According to George, the anti-West system in power today throughout Western Europe is the ultimate culprit of the double murder.

This is the first murder of our comrades that the West’s Darkest Hour reports, and I am sure it won’t be the last.

P.S. of December 3

And after a month the controlled media is still silent about these murders

Audios Hate Real men

John Tyndall (1934-2005)


Before the BNP betrayed itself

“The day that our followers lose their ability to hate will be the day that they lose their power and their will to achieve anything worthwhile at all.”

—John Tyndall

TyndallDon’t miss British Paul Hickman’s premier radio-podcast aired today in a show that has been baptized “Voice of Albion.” Hickman is a National Socialist, and it is refreshing to listen that he has chosen classical music at the beginning and the end of his first episode instead of the common rock “music” we have to endure in most white nationalist sites.

It is also refreshing to know that Tyndall’s recorded voice sounds like the voice of a man instead of the feminized voices one hears in the programs of most white nationalists.

Ancient Greece Audios

Covington on GD crackdown

GD symbol
See my recent entries on Ancient Greece, “Were the Greeks blond and blue-eyed?” On today’s Radio Free Northwest podcast Harold Covington said: “These Golden-Dawn guys aren’t actually white” and that they “mostly look like Mexicans.” Covington also mentioned the obvious fact that “Greeks are olive-skin people.” Although “they are not actually niggers” they are “not completely white either.”

We need to accept that Agamemnon and the Trojan War was four thousand years ago and that modern Greeks are not completely Aryan anymore. Greece was occupied for many centuries by the Ottoman Empire and lower-class Greeks are basically Turks, or racial Levantines. Greece is a kind of Latin America country like Mexico, Ecuador and Paraguay.

All that said, Covington conceded that there’s a residual whitish minority in Greece in the upper classes (as in some Latin America countries), and that modern Greeks “have the right to defend their land” before an even darker immigration enforced by the New World Order. Covington ended his brief speech on GD stating that, despite the Greek nationalists’ willingness to play by the rules, the NWO outlawed them.

Audios Chris Martenson Energy / peak oil

Martenson interview

Nationalists don’t want to do their homework and research peak oil objectively, for example, how Chris Martenson answers to the abiotic theories of oil:


Instead of debating here on WDH, nationalists are beginning to discuss the subject of my previous posts at Occidental Dissent, where Sebastian Ronin is dismissed by one of them as “a deracinated conspiracy doomer” and others are posting comments like: “I am increasingly skeptical in light of rising oil production due to fracking,” and also “I told you so. Technology. Never leave it out of your equations on predicting the future. There will be no ‘energy devolution.’”

There will be no energy devolution—a flat statement that ignores that mere tech cannot create energy out of thin air!

There’s nothing to do with those who don’t want to do their homework. It reminds me somewhat my experience with the counter-jihad gentiles that didn’t want to read literature on the Jewish problem, not even literature written by well-respected academic Jews!

I am afraid that those who, like Ronin and I, want to show the pro-white movement that energy devolution will tremendously impact racial politics, will be talking to a different audience.

Audios Energy / peak oil Eschatology

Sebastian discusses peak oil with skeptics


A fascinating interview of Sebastian Ernst Ronin (photo) with Joe and John on The White Voice. And not only about why peak oil should be the central subject among ethno-nationalists. Sebastian also answered tough questions from the interviewer about why he had been critical of Christian Identitarian Matt Heimbach.

Since most nationalists are willfully illiterate about the total energy devolution that is coming—very few know that America’s bottom will drop out within our lifespans—, I agree with Sebastian that his party “is the future.” I also agree that there is no record in revolutionary history that the faction that will become the dominant ideology can do it through courteous diplomacy with the competing groups and without any in-fighting.

Listen to the interview starting in minute 52 (here)!

Update of 8 December 2015:

I have now distanced myself from Ronin’s party. Admitting women in the inner party is almost like admitting Jews.

Audios Real men

“Grow Stronger!”


Listen to the latest speech
of the Old Man (here).

Audios Patriarchy


Severus Niflson discusses with William Finck the absolute importance of patriarchy after minute 55 of a radio show last year. I may not know shorthand but below are a few excerpts of the exchange:

Niflson: If you are a reasonable white nationalist you have to believe in patriarchy. Patriarchy defined as the male… being the central authority figure and the core of the society. I believe that every white nationalist would have to agree with it. [Animals] have it.

Finck: It’s the male who is the political creature and never the woman.

Guest: Egalitarianism, this idea between man and woman must be squashed…

Niflson: Patriarchy is also part of our history… Patriarchy is efficient. Patriarchy allows and promotes ideals, masculine ideals of… defensive measures, certain levels of belligerency that are required in a masculine, powerful society… If you do not believe in these things you are not [a nationalist].

Finck: Patriarchy has to exist in white nationalism or you are not a white nationalist… because [otherwise] you shun thousands of years of white tradition and you basically agree with the Jew who has destroyed patriarchy in our society.

Niflson (discussing patriarchy in mammals): She [the lioness] can go hinting for food but the lion is the lion. The male is the male. Patriarchy is not only a traditional structure: it is an effective structure for our survival… If you don’t agree with patriarchy, then your political system will be a horrible system.

Finck: Even Nationalist Socialist Germany recognized the importance of patriarchy.

Niflson: The pater familias is the core value of the European social structure. (Niflson then proceed to explain the etymology of pater, patria, patriot, etc.)

Audios Thomas Goodrich

Goodrich interview

Listen to it here, at Counter-Currents Radio.

Matt Parrott’s intervention later in the interview picked my attention. He said that American “propaganda against the Germans metastasized into our collective national religion” of Holocaustianity.

I’d go a little farther: throughout the West, World War 2 propaganda metastasized into the cultural climate that has been killing us.

That’s why the 2010 book Hellstorm, the subject of the Counter-Currents interview of its author, Tom Goodrich, is the #1 book of my list of must reads. I am increasingly convinced that, if we don’t break the official narrative of World War 2, including the collective religion of Holocaustianity in the sense that Jewish suffering was “unique,” overwhelmed with guilt the white race will go extinct.

Parrott also told Tom Goodrich that “rather than trying to deconstruct” the historicity of the harsh treatment of Jews by the Germans during that war, the best way to challenge Holocaustianity “is to show what you are showing here in Hellstorm—that no: we were not the supreme moral actors; we were also mass rapists,” including the Jews who tortured the German POWs.

More than rapists I would say! It’s worse to perpetrate atrocities after 1945, as done by the Allied forces, than those attributed to the Germans during the heat of war.

To wrap your head on this you really got to obtain a copy and read it together with what Tomislav Sunić says about Judaized, self-righteous Americans of Calvinist extraction.

I do believe that Hellstorm, a true Holocaust committed on the German people (no hyperbole—just read the book), is the most powerful weapon to undermine the current Zeitgeist. It is a pity that, because I must prepare for the crash of the dollar, I have been unable to film those high-quality films for YouTube I promised elsewhere exposing the Crime of the Century in audiovisual form.

Audios Christendom Homosexuality Patriarchy Tacitus

A Christian that I do respect


Today, William Finck’s long interview of two guests opened the world of Christian Identity to me. Pay special attention to Severus Niflson’s six points of what defines a white nationalist, especially the sixth: patriarchy, something that many so-called nationalists may disagree with.

I also liked Finck’s adding a seventh requisite to Niflson’s list—morality—; his citing of Tacitus’ book on Germanics, and his words “I don’t believe that you can be a white nationalist and a homosexual.”

Who is a real white nationalist if we take—as I do—these seven requisites?

Audios Lord of the Rings Tom Sunic

Most recent interview of Sunic

A couple of days ago Kyle Hunt interviewed Tom Sunic: an interview that I’ve just listened. It strongly reminded me my most featured post in this blog today, “The Course of Empire,” a series of paintings that evoke both the fall of Rome and the ongoing fall of the American Empire: both caused by “gluttony” and the “inevitable decay” of the spirit of whites.

Surely there were Semites inside the confines of the Roman Empire. But ultimately the fault lies upon those Western Ring Wraiths, as Tolkien called those empty-eyed men: outer shells of their former selves “who command us to abandon our morals and artistic heritance in pursuit of the gold promised by the Ring.”

Who’s to blame: Sauron or us? Most white nationalists blame Sauron. But a few of them are starting to realize that the fault lies on those men who sold our culture and blood “for thirty pieces of gold to forge our own insignificant rings.” For example, in Hunt’s interview of Sunic this Monday, the Croatian thinker said during the segment dedicated to his parting words:

“Folks let’s stick together: Don’t blame the Other with a capital ‘O’: blame ourselves for all that we are now enduring and experiencing. Don’t blame those other guys. You know whom I mean. They are not responsible: it’s ourselves. It is our petty petty egoism, it’s our trivial disputes what’s hampering us in promoting our cause.”

Speaking of trivial disputes, just disregard the degenerate music chosen by the interviewer before the Sunic interview. 🙂