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Child abuse Correspondence

The Unz Review

Dear Cesar,

Recently you recommended that I could utilize The Unz Review to offload some of my written thoughts. I’m afraid I still haven’t really engaged with that, although haven’t ruled it out. I browse it every few days, along with scanning Zero Hedge, the latter for occasional economics stubs. Counter-Currents is too much for me—lowbrow, ignorant and tacky.

I have to admit that I feel a bit overwhelmed by the commenters on The Unz Review. From the speech idioms and stylistics I gather they’re mainly Americans. I remember a recent irritation and mild sadness noticing a number of commenters across various articles consoling themselves and gloating over the ‘fact’ that at least we can be glad that their figures in question will, once dead (of natural causes presumably) be burning in hell.

That sentiment seems common, often applied to government agents and politicians. Much with the occasional gung-ho armchair warrior quips—for they are rarely serious or mature—I find myself scrolling through endless low-tier responses and rehashes. Hell exists for them as a passive convenience to punish others terribly without actually having to do anything, as much as that long-term imposition of fear and trauma, much as they all seem confident enough that they themselves are ‘right with Jesus’.

Naturally, bar a successful revolution, the officials in question will not be punished though, and will continue with their agenda until the terminal silencing of comfortable old age, toasted in political reverence by their groomed successors. However, at a gut level, I disliked the invocation of by proxy sadism more than the lackadaisical appeal to unlikely Judaic metaphysics. I wouldn’t really know what to add there—I’m not very adept at political discussions and don’t keep an updated in-depth knowledge of news and current affairs.

On a second point, I’m quite upset that they regularly allow Edward Dutton to post up his cruel religious authoritarianism. I don’t like his research at all, and find the science sloppy, filled with orthodox biases. Flawed premises at the fundamental level. He’d have to start again completely. I thought of your recent post on child abuse. I believe Dutton wrote a piece recently promoting school bullying as a natural evolutionary strategy. Something like that. There was a typically cack-handed piece on schizophrenia also. He seems to self-assign validity to his metrics based upon a cold British public school conservatism more than rigorous impartial science. You can feel the disgust oozing. I’ve read a few of his books also. That awful attachment to genetic reductionist dysgenics and psychiatry. He defines atheists as ‘spiteful mutants’ and maintains that faith in (Christian) religion is another evolutionary advantage.

There’s this rushed feel, as if he is frantic to solve his problem and has had to throw compassion out the window just to be pragmatic before it’s too late and the geniuses run out—a task perhaps not unbearably taxing given what seems to be an extremely low level of natural empathy. As is frustratingly common in these sorts, he vengefully lampoons Vegans in his unfunny, over-long BitChute videos. Thankfully, a few commenters seem to pick up on Professor Dutton’s contemptuous bullshit, although I notice he’s still extremely popular with much of the dissident right, particularly in the UK. In general, I take it the likes of Mark Collett define ‘child abuse’ exclusively as incest and sexual molestation, and even then only really focus on transexuals and Muslim rapists, ignoring the family unit altogether.

In my own life, I admit to you, I was forcefully raped once as a child by an older boy, a Pakistani bully, who made a habit of humiliating me publicly with mockery and physical violence as much as he pinned me down and performed a couple of disgusting acts on me in private. It haunted me for quite a while. Oddly perhaps, it didn’t scar me long-term as much as rendered me cynical and opened my eyes to other races. It remained, always at root, my parents and their emotional (and periodic) physical abuse that shattered me inside though.

My Dad telling derogatory jokes about me to that bully once as they both laughed at me hurt extremely. I was bullied quite a lot at school by a range of rich public school snobs. Almost every day, for ten years. Mum never intervening or particularly noticing hurt me—and continued to socialise with the mothers of those bullying me.

Beyond that, their general toxic pedagogy and petty, humiliating authoritarianism by nature, and their general lack of faith in me and lack of interest in me beyond their desired roles were more unbearable than anything. It lasted right up until adulthood as you know. A matter of recent months. Yes, repeated emotional damage is the most painful to me. I was angry at the Pakistani and his family, pissed off and impotent.

More of a roughing-up setback than a self-implosion though. A violent bar-room brawl measured against a systemic piecemeal suicide. I never expected the outside world to be as kind as I thought my parents would have to be. These damned white nationalist ‘campaigners for children’ never seem to consider this. I’m sorry to read that more regular commenters on The West’s Darkest Hour don’t respond to your materials on child abuse, especially given their aetiological overlaps. I was a little surprised. I won’t write for a while now, so as to let you work.

Best regards,


Karlheinz Deschner Third Reich



The skinny intellectual v. the blond beast

It is amazing how my knowledge of the origins of Christianity, and its bastard son ‘Neo-Christianity’—liberalism—, has changed my worldview thanks to Tom Holland’s Dominion and those books listed in the footnote to this post. So much so that I would like to take issue with what Eduardo Velasco, one of the intellectual heroes of this site, had to say about National Socialism before Blogger took down his site Evropa Soberana. In this post I rescued, Velasco quoted those passages from Mein Kampf in which Hitler said that the racial state’s aim is to train physically healthy men. Only after all this comes scientific instruction.

Hitler added that the racial state must start from the point of view that a man of modest education, but of sound body and firm character, full of will and a spirit of action, is of more value to Völkisch nationalism than a weak super-intellectual. Velasco, the admirer of Sparta, goes on to comment: ‘The NSDAP intended to organise German demography as if it were a farm—indeed, two of Germany’s leading racial ideologues, Heinrich Himmler and Walter Darré, had farming backgrounds’.

But there is a serious problem here. Now that I have finished uploading the most important PDF books to the featured post, I would like to quote my thoughts at the end of the last one I have put together: the second volume of our abridgement of Deschner’s book.

When a decade ago I read Hitler’s after-dinner talks in an edition of Ostara Publications, historian Arthur Kemp’s publishing house, the Führer’s laudatory comments on Charlemagne (Appendix I of this PDF) surprised me. It is true that in 1935 Himmler’s SS created a stone monument in memory of the Saxon victims murdered by Charlemagne and his henchmen. But if Hitler had become truly wise, instead of risking his newly created Reich in a foolish adventure against the Soviet Union, he would have devoted all his efforts to founding a New Germania which would have been the cultural centre for exposing Christianity and its bastard son, neo-Christianity (which I now try to do in The West’s Darkest Hour without the Reich’s formidable resources). Gradually, the Third Reich could have become the intellectual lighthouse that, by now, would have illuminated Europe after the Dark Middle Ages—and the Dark Modern Ages! (cf. the book Dominion excerpted in Neo-Christianity).

By putting all the emphasis on the Jewish Question and not on the Christian Question, and by launching a premature war (lack of atomic bombs) against the Soviet Union, Hitler’s Reich put the cart before the horse.

Both National Socialists (NS) and today’s white nationalists ignore that it is impossible to solve the Jewish problem if we don’t first understand that it is precisely Christians—think of the fanatically philo-Semitic Americans—, and atheistic neo-Christians, who have empowered Jewry, blacks, immigrant Muslims in Europe, so-called liberated women, so-called gays, transgender men, etc.

Despite his genius, Hitler never had the opportunity to read scholarly books about Charlemagne’s crimes that had not been written, such as the one eventually written decades after the very young Karlheinz was wearing his NS uniform. If Hitler, Rosenberg and others at the top of the NS intelligentsia had known what we now know, that Jesus didn’t even exist and that the entire New Testament was written by Jews,[1] they wouldn’t have fantasised about an Aryan Jesus and perhaps would have focused all their efforts on refuting Christianity, and its secular offshoots, in a Germania that could well be depicted in the image below, Oldtown.

In other words: Hitler’s Weltanschauung was perfectible but certainly not perfect. It was necessary, imperative I dare say, for NS intellectuals to see what Deschner would eventually discover about the real history of Christianity; what someone like Holland would discover about the history of Neo-Christianity, and how the Jews invented the stories of the four Gospels after the year 70 c.e. and the destruction of their Jerusalem Temple.

The slim Deschner in NS uniform was more important than the blond beast of Himmler’s farms. Hitler ignored this and wanted to win by brute force, with the results we know: after the catastrophe of 1945 the Germans betrayed themselves by internalising the narrative imposed on them by the American Diktat.


[1] The books that would hit the nail on the head on this issue were published about seven decades or more after the death of NS Germany: On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt by Richard Carrier (2014), Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity by Richard C. Miller (2015), and The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul’s Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years by David Skrbina (2019). Carrier’s and Miller’s books are for scholars, Skrbina’s is an essay.

New Testament

Imitatio Romuli

I would like to add something to what I said a week ago about Richard Miller’s Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity. Just before the section on the author’s conclusions, we read this paragraph:

Those properly comprehending, yet prone to resist the present thesis then must answer: How might a Judaized, Christianized adaptation of the “translation fable,” particularly one mimetically following that of Romulus, have appeared, if not more or less precisely as one finds crafted in the postmortem narratives of the New Testament Gospels? [page 177]

Miller is talking about how the Four Evangelists plagiarised the stories about the old God of the Romans when it came to the missing body, prodigies, darkness over the land, meeting on the road, eyewitness testimony, mountaintop speech and great commission, son of a god, ascension, taken away in a cloud and deification (classical sources about the Romulus story: Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Plutarch, Ovid, Livy and Cicero).

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Child abuse Film

Sound of freedom

I don’t go to the cinema any more, and the film won’t arrive in the country where I live until the last day of next month anyway. But considering that long ago I wanted to be a film director; that the producer of this movie is Mexican, and that this film with a minimal budget beat the latest Indiana Jones monstrosity, I would like to say something.

In the first place, I’d never have added a post about this film but it struck me that the System was so bothered by it—I didn’t understand why.

After a brief investigation, I remembered that Hollywood had promised that by 2024 only films promoting the LGBT+ agenda would be considered for the Oscars. As the Woke vanguard finds itself at the moment, the ‘T’ in the acronym above is no longer the spearhead in their ongoing Cultural Revolution but rather the ‘+’ which includes the sexualisation of children. Recall, for example, how Netflix released a film that sexualised eleven-year-old girls.

A film like Sound of Freedom, which denounces child sex trafficking, makes a lot of noise on this agenda. It is as if the System wants, after normalising the ‘T’ of transgender adults, to take the next leap forward which already started with trans children and the mutilations of girls’ breasts and boys’ genitals that are still unbanned in most of the West. Sound of Freedom simply sheds light on another of the darkest forms of child sexualisation: child trafficking.

On this site, I have mentioned Agustín Laje, the Latin American equivalent of the American Matt Walsh. In this interview just uploaded today, he appears not only with the Mexican producer of Sound of Freedom but with Jim Caviezel, the lead actor (the same one who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s famous film).

Although it is laughable that Jim Caviezel talks so piously about the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the Judeo-Christian god in the Spanish/English interview linked above, the film contributes to denouncing one form of unpardonable child abuse.

Daybreak Publishing

The river nymph

This will be the new featured post, where I will suggest how to cross the psychological Rubicon from Normieland to the lands of National Socialism. Needless to say, only normies with honour—that is, valour and honesty—will be able to cross it.

Politically, I was a normie until my forties. In 2010 I learned of a mass genocide perpetrated by the Allies in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Due to the Morgenthau Plan millions of Germans and collaborators perished in the years after the official end of the war. This real Holocaust is not made into films, documentaries, or taught in universities simply because the winners write History.

If you are a normie of noble sentiments, even if the System has hidden these facts from you to control your mind, you should dip your feet in the river water reading

Hellstorm, the Death of Nazi Germany: 1944-1947

which is available in printed form. It is not a matter of blindly believing what Tom Goodrich writes, but of researching; checking the sources he mentions, and realising that the Holocaust of millions of Germans was very real.

This is the first step to refute an astronomical lie: a lie so big about the Second World War that it could be measured from here to Pluto—the old trick of lying by omission!

Whoever has taken that first step into the river will be knee-deep in water, and ready to face another huge historical lie disseminated, too, to control and eventually madden the white man:

Christianity’s Criminal History Vol I
Christianity’s Criminal History Vol II

These two volumes, for the moment only available in PDFs, represent not two but a single step. A future publisher might even merge the contents into one cover showing both Constantine and Charlemagne. I separated them because the first volume ends with a veritable Holocaust of two Germanic peoples perpetrated by Justinian I, the Christian emperor of Constantinople. That Holocaust has been another of the astronomical lies—lying by omission, yet again! So much of this kind of genocide of pure whites orchestrated by mudbloods has been hidden from us that hardly anyone hates Imperial Christianity today. But in addition to Justinian’s Holocaust, Karlheinz Deschner’s books expose to the public eye a colossal number of crimes perpetrated by the Christian churches that hardly anyone has heard of (which is why the modern West, the spiritual heir of Christendom, is as mad as it is today).

He who controls the past controls the future said Orwell. These two historical lies about Christianity and World War II have kept the Aryan man virtually lobotomised so that today the poor fellow wanders like a zombie in cities full of non-whites. It will always be possible to research the author’s sources (Deschner’s original work, for example, was published in German in ten volumes, with thousands of bibliographical sources). If the noble-minded Aryan decides to investigate these two sidereal historical lies having taken the two steps above, now, with the water up to his waist, the traveller finds himself in a position to confront


Unlike the previous steps, the third step is no longer about historical facts, but rather about how to interpret them. I am talking about becoming aware of the Jewish Question; specifically, how the toxic message of the Jews who wrote the New Testament came to mutate into modern liberalism and, eventually, into Wokism whose god is a new Holy Trinity (equality of race, gender and sexual orientation). With very strong anti-Hitlerian overtones, this is the religion of the West today. Neo-Christianity abbreviates two books by two different authors—David Skrbina and Tom Holland—that explain the New Testament metamorphosis into the secular, ethno-suicidal ideology suffered by today’s white man.

Given that the water is now up to the migrant’s neck, this is a very difficult, if essential, step to continue crossing the psychological Rubicon—a step that, with rare exceptions, the racial right has been unwilling to take. But if the noble-spirited adventurer has already taken these three firm steps, he will be in a position to take the fourth, reaching the middle of the river in areas where he already has to swim:

The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour

This anthology of fifteen authors is the most voluminous of the list: a sort of textbook for understanding this site, The West’s Darkest Hour. The historical essays by the American William Pierce and the Spaniard Eduardo Velasco that we read in The Fair Race are basic for the story that the Aryan should begin to tell about himself. Few texts have had such a powerful influence on my worldview as this anthology. Velasco’s long essay on the underlying struggle between Judea and Rome, a psycho-historical notion stemming from Nietzsche, further expands on David Skrbina’s exposition in the previous step.

Memoirs and Reflections of an Aryan Woman

If the traveller has swum into these waters he will find a river nymph who will help him… dive. The Swiss Carl Jung was right to speak of the male animus and the female anima in the sense that they are complementary in reaching the Self (which Jung realised was identical to the God archetype). We refer to the nuclear power of the psyche to galvanise the collective unconscious of the Aryan.

Since, except Memoirs, the above books appeal to the intellect—they were written by men—the next journey for the male passenger is to make contact with the feminine part of his psyche, beneath the surface. It has taken a woman’s intuition to grasp the grandeur of what Adolf Hitler intended. Only by introducing numinous rituals invoking His memory would it be possible to reach the core of the Aryan Self to produce the new Zeitgeist that will eventually lead to a Fourth Reich. Here we can no longer speak of a fifth step, but of reaching the bottom of the turbulent waters without drowning thanks to the magic of the river nymph.

To exemplify this I would like to say that I recently heard William Pierce’s thesis on a religion he wanted to found, which he called Cosmotheism. Pierce failed because a new religion cannot arise from mere male animus, the scholar’s desk, even if Pierce had the best mind that America has ever produced. It requires religious ritual, like what the Germans did already in the Third Reich by touching the new flags with the flag of the failed putsch, or the ceremonies of an enchanted night that enraptured the Hitler Youth… Without collective numinosity a new religion cannot arise. And without honouring the holocausted Germans—Pierce’s mistake though not Commander Rockwell’s—no new movement can emerge that galvanises the Aryan to the extent of engendering an improved National Socialism. Immersing oneself in the philosophy of Savitri Devi to contact our deepest Self, in a daring journey into inner space, is fundamental to crossing the rest of the river.

If you have reached this point, you are practically a priest of the sacred words. However, given that the priestess Savitri invokes Kalki at the end of her book, which implies a sacrifice of billions of wingless bipeds swarming the Earth, to understand this apocalyptic archetype the pilgrim could apostille the reading of Savitri’s book with a sixth step in that, although the water is back to his neck, his feet are already touching the floor of the river.

Day of Wrath
On Exterminationism

If the expeditionary continues to cross the Rubicon, and at last finds himself once again in a state of physical comfort, feeling land on the soles of his feet with the water up to his waist, and eventually to his knees, he would do well to think about a subject that, with a few exceptions, today’s racialists are also reluctant to address. I am referring to feminism, which has been used as a weapon of mass destruction against whites. (After all, throughout history women like Savitri are, perhaps, counted on the fingers of one hand.)

On Beth’s Cute Tits

This is the migrant’s seventh and final step. He has finished crossing the river and is finally on dry land, albeit with his feet still wet in the damp, dark sand of the beach, even if he has a few more steps to go before he touches dry, clear land (see also ‘Oldtown’).

Incidentally, if the normie doesn’t even want to take the first step—Goodrich’s book—I suggest he at least read this review. It is also dark, wet sand on the beach of Normieland; on the other side of our shore. But if he has good will he will enter the river.

Hellstorm is an essential step and white nationalists omit it. While I recognise that the two steps they have taken are oriented in the right direction of the Rubicon—the race realism of those who visit American Renaissance and the JQ of those who visit The Occidental Observer—by not giving due weight to the Hellstorm Holocaust they are trapped in the river, unable to complete the crossing.

William Pierce


This audio which, it seems to me, comes from the voice of Alex Linder, explains very well the theses of the religion Pierce wanted to found.

Daybreak Publishing Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History II

The abridged translation of our second volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History is complete (volume I is available in the featured post).

I insist that these books should also be available in printed form, and if any visitors are interested in contributing a donation so that I can request the services of a technician to learn how to use IngramSpark’s software, in the hope that they will not cancel my account for political incorrectness (as the printer who published our books cancelled me last year), I would appreciate it.

The data Deschner collects is fundamental to curing the Aryan man of his ethnosuicidal passion, as can be glimpsed in the final section of this book, which for the moment will only be available in PDF.

Jesus New Testament

Unhistorical Jesus

by María [1]

The historicity of Jesus is a touchy subject. Talk about it on social media and you’re sure to attract both historicists and mythicists with strong views. New Testament scholars who dissent from the consensus suddenly find they’re unemployable in university religious studies departments, ridiculed online and occasionally by New Testament scholars who hold the line.

I stumbled into this topic during a period of binge-watching YouTube videos featuring New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman, a former fundamentalist Christian whose studies eventually turned him into an agnostic atheist. In one of these, Ehrman referred to a ‘fringe’ view among some that Jesus never existed, and quickly dismissed it.

Like many Christians, my first reaction was amazed disbelief that such a wackadoodle theory could be taken seriously. I watched some videos online and some debates. I occasionally fact-checked the refutations and found that in fact, opponents of Richard Carrier often misrepresented or got their facts wrong.

The Trent Horn debate in particular amazed me because Horn insisted that something was written in a text, but when I checked, it wasn’t. (Horn claimed that the Life of Adam[2] showed Adam being buried on Earth; Carrier said the text has him buried in the third heaven. Both were insistent, because a lot hangs on it, believe it or not. I checked. Carrier was right.)

Wow – what was going on? How could something I had believed all my life to be a historic fact is a myth? Why couldn’t any of these experts demolish Carrier’s argument, as I’d expected them to do?

So—I read it for myself [Carrier’s On the Historicity of Jesus].

Slowly and carefully, often looking up the footnote references. Every serious argument from scriptures (e.g. Acts, Gospels, Epistles) and from the historical record (Josephus, Tacitus etc.) was examined, dissected and evaluated according to Bayes’ theorem, using the following method:

  • how likely is it that this text would look like this if Jesus was a historical figure?


  • how likely is it that this text would look like this if Jesus began as a myth?

The chapter on the evidence from the gospels is particularly fascinating: a summary of recent scholarship that shows the brilliance of the four evangelists as myth-creators and propagandists. In the end I was convinced—on the historicity of Jesus, there is indeed reason to doubt.


[1] Posted on Amazon Books reviews by a United Kingdom reviewer on February 28, 2019.

[2] The Life of Adam and Eve, also known in its Greek version as the Apocalypse of Moses, is a Jewish apocryphal group of writings. While the surviving versions were composed from the early 3rd to the 5th century c.e., there is wide agreement among scholars that the original was composed in the 1st century c.e.

New Testament Videos

For Christians


The literary rosetta stone
that explains the gospels

‘Christianity is just one participant in a broader set of phenomenology that needed to be understood across the board, and not just studied in some kind of isolationism.’

—Richard Miller

Derek Lambert and Dr Richard C. Miller

This site is dedicated to those who want to know the basic aetiology of white ethnosuicide (and who want to do something to counteract this mental illness). It is not a site for Christians. But this post is for them.

Last month I posted a couple of entries about New Testament scholar Richard Miller (here and here). But his book, Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity only reached me on Tuesday and I’ve started reading it.

It is a book for seasoned scholars: it contains quotations in Greek, Latin, French and German; and the English translations of quoted paragraphs are by the author. By ‘translation fables’ Miller means innumerable fables of Greco-Roman gods, demigods and mortals who, for their deeds, were translated to, let us say, a cloud in the heavens after their deaths and, in the case of Romulus, the legend even speaks of apparitions and a Great Commission (see the second chapter of Resurrection and Reception).

It is a perfect book for Christians because, unlike Richard Carrier who was never a Christian, despite his very gradual and agonic apostasy Miller maintains a positive image of the religion of his parents. He shows us a gallery of the Greco-Roman myths of the resurrection or translation of so many heroes, and then does a rigorous exegesis of what it all means. The connections between Greco-Roman apotheosis narratives and the gospels, originally written in Greek, make Miller’s work an important contribution to contextualising Jesus’ resurrection narratives.

The honest Christian who approaches Miller’s work will be confronted with the same dilemmas that this scholar confronted as he devoted his whole life to New Testament studies. If you don’t want to read his book, just watch this interview.