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Under the Redwoods

In the footnote to the PDF American Racialism I said: ‘After publishing this book I will put together a couple of shorter PDFs: one that collects some passages from Richard Weikart’s Hitler’s Religion, and a new translation of the Introduction to the German edition of Hitler’s after-dinner talks.’(*) The first of these PDFs, Weikart’s Hitler’s Religion with my 2023 comments can already be read here.

Following the metaphor of crossing the psychological Rubicon, whoever can assimilate this kind of reading is not even a few steps away from the wetland of the beach, but a few steps away from the dry shore on our side of the river. Under the big trees, everything is much more pleasant, but there is a problem…

Away from the beach, the traveller now has even lost sight of the statuary of racialists stuck halfway across the Rubicon, unable to move because of their reluctance to transvalue Judeo-Christian values to pre-Christian values. While the majesty of the Redwoods on this side of the river doesn’t exist on the other side, except him there are no human beings. There is a trace, yes, of Savitri Devi who passed through here some decades ago but since her death, apparently there is no one else.

That’s the problem with following the call of what Jung called the Self. It may lead to the truth but the price is loneliness since, after 1945, the white man decided to betray himself. And this side can only be inhabited by those who have stood firm, the priests of the sacred words who Savitri used to call ‘the religion of the Strong’.


(*) Next week update. I had almost forgotten that this latest PDF was already ready since last year. Thus, in addition to my excerpts of Hitler’s Religion with my 2023 aggregations linked above (but linked again here), the translation of the introduction to Hitler’s Table Talk from a serious German edition, can be read here.


Holmes updated

I’ve finished watching the TV series I referred to in my previous post, and also the various feature films where the same actor, Jeremy Brett, played Sherlock Holmes.

The last films, filmed in the 1990s not long before Brett died, are a real disgrace. Although the screenwriters used the titles of some of Arthur Conan Doyle’s short stories, they significantly distanced themselves from the prose of the famous detective’s creator: which contrasts with the television programmes, especially those filmed in the 1980s. It seems that, in the darkest hour of the West, the leaders of the cultural media cannot resist the urge to desecrate the work of their artists.

And in this century the situation is much worse.

Film Kali Yuga

Sherlock Holmes

In my previous post I mentioned My Fair Lady, in which the actor Jeremy Brett sings ‘On the Street Where You Live’ which made waves among female boomers. But I was unaware that, in later years, Brett had starred in an English television series that takes up the Sherlock Holmes stories from the pen of Arthur Conan Doyle. In these times, when the ethno-treason and ethno-suicidal psychosis of white people has reached its final metastasis, it is refreshing to have a little escapism with a series of programmes that transport us back to 19th-century England, before the treachery that the West is currently suffering.

I must say that the movies that have recently come out about Sherlock Holmes have nothing to do with Doyle’s stories. They are films whose screenplays were made already in the darkest hour of the West. Even a 1979 film like Murder by Decree with stars like Christopher Plummer and James Mason already contains subtle messages of cultural self-loathing.

When I was twelve I bought Doyle’s complete works on the most famous detective of all time but never read them; just an illustrated Sherlock Holmes story for children my age. But nowadays children no longer have access to such illustrated stories; only to the most recent ‘Sherlock Holmes’ movies, which are not even loosely based on Doyle’s prose: they are inventions of our dark age. I don’t even want to mention the titles of those recent movies that betray Doyle’s stories.

I am attracted to the figure of Holmes because I have become a sort of detective looking for psycho-historical clues to understand the dark hour. Or rather: I have taken advice from the best historical detectives to understand the present, and I am referring to the literature I recommend in the featured post. From this angle, I would rather be a Dr Watson who took the trouble to narrate the adventures of his mentor. Although Dr Watson’s work is not original (Holmes is the original investigator) in the featured post it is more than clear why whites, contemporary Englishmen included, are hating themselves in our century to the point of wanting to commit ethnic suicide.

I have been to England several times in my life, in the 1980s and 1990s, but it was only in 2014 that I spoke to a group of racialists, at the London Forum. At a round table at The Victory Service Club, located at 79 Seymour Street, near Edgware Road, one of the members of that forum remarked to me that he had liked my excerpts from Pierce’s Who We Are and that he had sent the links to another of the London Forum members. What a strange thing that, having been born in an underdeveloped country whose majority is so inferior to the stock of the native English, I have more detective insight than these educated London racialists…

A perfectly legal way to start rebelling against the ethnocidal System is to repudiate the degenerate clothing that has become fashionable in recent decades and start dressing as the English dressed before they began to hate themselves. For the time being, I’ll finish watching the rest of the episodes of the series featuring Jeremy Brett. Now that my mother has died I’ve cancelled my Cable subscription, which was in my name but only she watched it. From the point of view of the fourteen words, everything that can now be seen on TV is ethno-treason, and only by watching old films from the previous century that recreate the 19th-century West is it possible to detect something of the pre-Kali Yuga zeitgeist.


Berk’s comment

Responding to a few words in my preface to our latest book-PDF (‘Unlike the American National Socialists who now are virtually extinct, today’s white nationalists do not advocate National Socialism, not even in Christianised form’), Berk said (slightly edited):

There has been a massive drop in realism with today’s so-called American White Rightists. Probably around 2000 was their peak, even though they were hamstrung by US Christianity they had a real revolutionary mindset. Today’s USA WN and the farcical Alt-Right were civic nationalists at best and riddled with system-promoted stooges. The fact there is still no viable alternate political party in the USA shows how low they are.

A paradigmatic article that shows how today’s racial right has completely lost its revolutionary spirit is Robert Griffin’s ‘An Exchange with a Newspaper Reporter’ published last week in The Occidental Observer. Griffin makes a list of recommended readings for a normie reporter, and puts Greg Johnson at the top of his list: the quintessential paradigm of the anti-revolutionary spirit that reigns in today’s white nationalism—and the same could be said of the other top racialist sites that Griffin recommends to the reporter.

As visitors to this site know, I don’t recommend immediate revolutionary action. As I said in the preface to our last book-PDF, the System has found a way to tame the blonde beast: control him through pleasure. (I hope that by now, after having left my preface on American Racialism a week up on this page, our visitors have already read Kerry Bolton’s article.)

That doesn’t mean I’m a mere reactionary like the admins of the racialist forums Robert Griffin recommends. My thinking is revolutionary. But I don’t think it is possible to make whites revolutionary as long as the System controls them through pleasure (we have to wait for the chaos that will result from the collapse of the dollar and how it will converge with other catastrophes). By now the excessive timidity of virtually all white males has so unhinged white women that they have become ethno-traitors. I have just replied to an email from a reader of this site alarmed at the mental condition of women:

Have you read my anthology against feminism linked in the featured post?

Women would immediately take our side, and their preservation in the race war if only we behaved like the characters in The Turner’s Diaries.

They are made to follow the strongest, and currently all male Westerners the Establishment allows to speak in the hegemonic media are weak and ethno-traitors. I believe that the real problem is the men, and that if they were to change, white women would change immediately.

It’s curious, I’m writing this the day after watching a few scenes from My Fair Lady (a film I watched as a child on the big screen with my family), including the famous scene of Jeremy Brett playing Freddy Eynsford-Hill when he was head over heels in love.

My sisters loved that movie as kids. It is truly amazing how the relationship between the sexes has changed after a few decades because of what the ancient Indo-Aryans called Kali Yuga (English translation: the darkest hour in history for Aryans).



Christian apologetics is a dishonest game of ignorance, according to New Testament scholar Dr. Richard Miller (five-minute YouTube clip here). They start with their conclusions and then they do the ‘research’.

Daybreak Publishing Martin Kerr Matt Koehl

Another book in PDF

In the featured post I said:

This is the migrant’s seventh and final step. He has finished crossing the river and is finally on dry land, albeit with his feet still wet in the damp, dark sand of the beach, even if he has a few more steps [emphasis added] to go before he touches dry, clear land.

Those steps, already on our side of the shore, are optional in that he who has crossed the Rubicon can continue to educate himself as he sees fit. Personally, it helped me to understand what has happened in North America, which is where I live (although south of the Rio Grande). That’s why I put together a new book which, for the moment, is only available as PDF: American Racialism from which I would like to quote the first pages:


______ 卐 ______


Editor’s Introduction

In his book Dominion, Tom Holland said that the most serious enemy of Christianity was National Socialism because no one—since Constantine—had challenged Christian morality as the Third Reich did. I agree with Holland and, accordingly, the first two pieces in this anthology touch the Christian Question.

The first is an abridged 2012 exchange between two Americans: Alex Linder and Brad Griffin, taken from Linder’s forum. In contemporary US racialism, Linder has been a fierce critic of Christianity. Griffin, on the other hand, is a Christian. Despite his anti-Christianity, Linder believes that the scale of values we inherited from Christianity is a secondary factor of white decline—I believe it is the primary factor—and blames Jewry as the primary aetiology. Using the alias Hunter Wallace, on his blogsite Occidental Dissent Griffin maintains that modernity is responsible for white decline and rejects the idea that egalitarian and universalist liberalism grew out of Christian morality, while Linder believes that liberalism is an offshoot of Christianity.

Regarding the second article of this anthology, fifteen years ago Griffin published a long list of American racial history on his website that is worth quoting, also in abbreviated form. Curiously, Griffin acknowledges, as does Tom Holland, that a form of Christian evangelism brought about the emancipation of blacks in both the UK and the US. But as a good Christian, unlike Holland Griffin is always careful to avoid the letter ‘C’ and blame Christianity plain and simply. Paradoxically, Griffin’s long list republished here corroborates Holland’s thesis in Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World. Although the racial instincts of the Anglo-Germans in America were healthy, compared to the Christian ethos with which the US was founded those instincts proved to be rather weak and, ultimately, the anti-racist forces overwhelmed racialism.

The following essay came not from the pen of an American, but from a New Zealander: Kerry Bolton, who has doctorates in theology. His academic style contrasts with the informal style of the bloggers in the previous texts. I include this third piece, ‘A contemporary assessment of Francis Parker Yockey’ because it seems clear to me that the American racial right has failed to realise that the project of nationhood represented by the US has been even more toxic for racial preservation than the communism of the former Soviet Union. Never mind that the American Yockey did not focus on the racial factor: what matters is if his critique of American culture is valid. Incidentally, Bolton said at the end of his essay that a Russia-China alliance would never happen, but recently it happened thanks to the Ukraine war. He failed to see that runaway egalitarianism metastasizes and ultimately leads to racial and political suicide.

Bolton’s essay is a splendid introduction to Yockey’s thought. In my journey of understanding the world, his article shed light on why it is currently impossible to preach our faith to the masses of white people: the System found a clever way to ‘control them through pleasure’. The passages Bolton wrote in which he refers to Aldous Huxley, in contrast to the failed Orwellian attempt of ‘control through pain’, should be read with care.

This said, I do not subscribe exactly to Yockey’s or Bolton’s worldview but to Savitri Devi’s post-1945 National Socialism, which is why the penultimate text in this book tells the story of NS in the US: ‘History of American National Socialism’ by Martin Kerr, the longest article in this anthology. This movement tried to mix the unmixable. For example, in the article we see images of an American flag next to a Nazi flag; and at a huge convention of American National Socialists we see a huge effigy of George Washington. But you cannot love two masters because you end up loving one and hating the other, which is exactly what has happened to the racialist movement. As we read in Kerr’s essay:

…the Bund adhered strictly to German National Socialism internally, but in terms of public outreach it advocated an ideology that was an awkward fusion of National Socialism and the Christian Nationalism of the times. ‘Christian Nationalism’ was roughly equivalent to modern White Nationalism. It was not a religious movement, per se; rather, by ‘Christian’ it was understood that Jews were excluded.

Inadvertently, this has been the scourge of American racialism. If Christian nationalism was more or less equivalent to contemporary white nationalism, both represent a clear regression compared to the Führer’s point of view.[1]

In Kerr’s article we will see that, unlike George Lincoln Rockwell (1918-1967) who tried to create an American-style National Socialism sympathetic not only to Christianity but to capitalism, his successor Matt Koehl (1935-2014), who was born the same year my mother was born, tried to stick more closely to Adolf Hitler’s original idea. One of the aims of this book is to honour Matt Koehl’s memory as the paradigm for anyone trying to emulate Uncle Adolf. If the organisation Koehl inherited from Rockwell was unsuccessful, that is because in the West’s darkest hour it was impossible to engender a true light of dawn. That light is only beginning to be glimpsed with deeper studies on the origins of Christianity, and how Christian morality permeates deeply into today’s secular world (see Neo-Christianity, listed on page 3).

Unlike the American National Socialists who now are virtually extinct, today’s white nationalists do not advocate National Socialism, not even in Christianised form. If we recall the parable alluded above and the impossibility of loving two masters, they have de facto chosen the effigy of Washington. But the final article in this book, a brief presentation on the books of my Daybreak Press, points to ideas that could potentially represent a breakthrough for the ideological impasse that has most racialists stuck in the middle of a psychological Rubicon.

César Tort
24 July 2023

[Read the book here]


[1] After publishing this book as a PDF, I will put together a couple of shorter PDFs: one that collects some passages from Richard Weikart’s Hitler’s Religion, and a 2022 translation of the Introduction to the German edition of Hitler’s after-dinner talks. In those talks and Weikart’s book it is clear that the Führer’s view was anti-Christian: something he reserved for his inner circle of friends.


My mother (1935-2023)

Child abuse Film

Movie revisited

I would like to say one more thing about Sound of Freedom, which I already mentioned on Thursday. Since it continues to be a box-office hit in the US, and since my speciality is an independent study of child abuse, I would like to add this postscript.

I think it was only yesterday that I detected why the hegemonic media hates the film. Since they’re self-righteous they are convinced that they, they alone and no one else but them are the holders of the new tablets of the law (equality of race, gender and sexual identity). In that tunnel vision, only transgressions against the new trinity are considered sinful.

Movies like Sound of Freedom, filmed by traditional Catholics including the Mexican producer and lead actor Jim Caviezel, which denounce a form of sin completely outside that trinity, amount to nothing less than a contest over who defines morality. This is why they’re attacking the movie: it’s the competition.

Christian factions in the past, and neo-Christian factions in the present, are so exorbitantly intolerant that they won’t tolerate the slightest dogmatic distance between them.(*) And nowadays the average Westerner has to worship exclusively the new egalitarian trinity. (Once, according to the progressive vanguard, society accepts trans kids their next planned step is to push for the ‘rights’ of paedophiles.)

The other point I wanted to make is that, as Benjamin has rightly pointed out to me, there are far more serious ways of injuring the inner self of a child than what a paedophile, who is a stranger to the family, does. And those more serious ways of destroying a child’s soul are completely outside the field of vision of the conservatives who are acclaiming Sound of Freedom.

If you are familiar with my work, you know that the victims of a paedophile—say, the two surviving siblings of the film—can keep their ego from crumbling because, after all, their father didn’t betray them. Quite the contrary: he loves them like a father loves his children in many other movies that are nothing more than prolefeed for the proles.

In real life, when the parent himself is the perpetrator—and we are talking about forms of abuse immeasurably more devastating than sexual abuse coming from a foreign—the child’s mind goes haywire, and he or she is no longer able to recover. Read the middle part (pages 31 to 191) of my book Day of Wrath to see what we mean.


(*) Christians have always been going for the jugular of other Christians ever since Constantine empowered them. ‘Wokism’ is but a secularised faction of Christian morality. If you are a new visitor, see also the book Neo-Christianity clicking on the pinned post.

Kalki Savitri Devi

Savitri quote

‘I have, in 1971, found in India more echoes than ever of the expression of my passionate expectation of the Kalki avatar and the end of the Dark Age. Others await it as I do, and they too don’t feel that there is anything to deplore at the thought of the end of man—except for those few whom the last divine Incarnation will welcome as collaborators, deeming them worthy to open with him the Golden Age of the next Cycle.’

God Oracle of Delphi Roger Penrose


There are ineffable things that cannot be communicated through reason.

The 14 words (aesthetics)

The day I visited Jez Turner and his London Forum group was the only time in my life that a reader of The West’s Darkest Hour, an artist I think, mentioned the Maxfield Parrish paintings I had added on the sidebar in the old incarnation of this site. No one else has mentioned that to me, presumably because the spiritual side of Aryan beauty, perfectly depicted in those idealised nymphs, can only be seen by a few.

One of the commenters who used to comment on this site, on the other hand, sent me an email in which he said, alluding to those paintings, that he was only turned on by the sight of women naked in erotic art! Unlike him, one of the nuclear engines that moves me to blog is that spiritual call, which far transcends the mere instinct, to the point of wanting to preserve those creatures for centuries to come.

The 4 words (ethics)

The 4 words, eliminate all unnecessary suffering, are also ineffable and complement the psychogenic emergency of he who already tends towards overhumanity. Like the 14 words, one cannot educate a subject in them: either you feel them or you don’t feel them from childhood. But the most serious thing is that the four words wrap up the fourteen words, as we can see in this email I sent to Roger Penrose in January:

I have just read your book The Large, the Small and the Human Mind where you say at the beginning that one can very well adopt the view that the Platonic world contains, besides mathematics, other ideas such as goodness and beauty. I have also been watching your videos and I was greatly impressed by a similar pronouncement of yours: that beauty encompasses mathematics and that goodness in turn may encompass beauty.

Just last year I finished my magnum opus that I started in 1988: a new genre of autobiography in several volumes. What struck me when I watched you on YouTube is that I came to the same conclusions about goodness and beauty but from this new literary genre that we could call ‘total autobiography.’ It seems as if the universe and the inner Self reflect each other, as the ancients Greeks used to say in the temple of Delphi.

‘Goodness’ is what I call the four words which, although it sounds very nice, is ultimately a call for extermination because the Neanderthals are producers en masse of an enormous amount of unnecessary suffering. So in a conflict between the 4 and the 14 words the Overman prioritises the four. Savitri Devi in her books, and the first thing Hitler and his henchmen did when he came to power (banning vivisection), gives a clue to what we mean. But the way I say it in my trilogy is more direct, frank and brutal than what the Nazis did or what Savitri wrote.

In a way that was not expected or regarded as likely, Penrose’s cosmology and total autobiography might be one and the same:

Know thyself and you shall know the universe and the Gods…