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Bible Racial right Trolls

Troll army

My last comment has given me an idea. Compared to the white nationalist forums this site has very few followers. It would be ideal to have at least a hundred young fans, even teenagers, to troll those forums with the arguments and historical facts of this site.

For example, to each christcuck that we meet in those forums we could call him names: ‘Jew-obeyer Joe Doe has said such and such, to which I respond like this and that’. But the term Jew-obeyer also refers to secular racialists who haven’t broken with the morals left to us by the gospel author.

As I have said countless times, Christianity in general and the Bible in particular is a recipe for exterminating the white race. Have you already read Kevin MacDonald’s first volume of his trilogy on Jewry? While the Old Testament commands strict ethnocentrism for the Hebrew people (MacDonald’s first book), the New Testament written for the Gentiles commands a loving universalism for everyone else.

Unlike the Nazis of the previous century, the vast majority of American racialists have undertaken the quixotic task of saving their race without violating the moral commandments of the fictional Jesus. And since both the Old and New Testaments were written by Semitic authors, nationalists who haven’t transvalued their values to how the values stood before Constantine are literally Jew obeyers. The term is not even an insult: it’s a simple definition of what they are.

I wish, as I said, that enough followers trolled the main sites of white nationalism every time their admins publish articles in which these so-called anti-Semites unconsciously obey the Jew. And if your comments are blocked or not allowed to pass, shake the dust off your sandals and preach my gospel at The Unz Review, which tolerates all points of view and republishes the articles of those other forums.


Valar Dohaeris

‘Valar Dohaeris’ is the third season premiere episode of the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones. Written by executive producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, it aired on March 31, 2013.

The first scenes show us some adventures behind the Wall, some filmed in Iceland. It is worth saying that in Martin’s novels the lands north of the Wall are not as arctic as they appear in the HBO series, without any vegetation. If I had been the director I would have filmed those lands as they appear in novels.

More serious is that both in this episode and in subsequent episodes in which the redhead Ygritte appears, she is represented as one more warrior among the wildlings north of the Wall. In real life, and even more so in semi-nomadic societies like the wildlings, young and beautiful women like Ygritte would always be pregnant since the infant mortality rate was very high. It’s a great assault on reason to invent characters like Ygritte for mass consumption (they did something similar in the Vikings series). All the scenes in which Ygritte appears in various seasons annoy the male whose judgment has not been impaired by the System.

However, in this episode we see one of my favourites shots of the series: a beautiful bay that seems to me like a kind of combination between paintings by Claude Le Lorrain and Maxfield Parrish. I’m talking about King’s Landing Blackwater Bay and I put the image here because I didn’t want to put it together with the one below.

In Martin’s prose Lady Melisandre, often referred to as the Red Woman or the Red Witch, is a Red Priestess in the religion of R’hllor and a close counsellor to King Stannis Baratheon in his campaign to take the Iron Throne. There is something that Davos tells Stannis that seems very true to me: that Melisandre is an evil woman who will destroy all who follow her, which happened in a later season: by following the advice of the witch the House of Stannis was annihilated in the fifth season. In this episode, instead of listening to what his loyal advisor says about the witch, Stannis sends Davos to the dungeon.

But more than just blaming women as is sometimes done at MGTOW, I would say that the morons are us when we allow ourselves to be hypnotised by their feminine charms. For example, in the final scenes of the episode Dany, who as we have seen already has Ser Jorah Mormont as a loyal dog, gets another dog: Ser Barristan Selmy who had belonged to the Royal Guard and in the episode swears loyalty to this woman. Dany wants to recruit an army of mulatto warriors for sale to the highest bidder to conquer the predominantly white lands of Westeros. You heard right: mulattoes to conquer white lands. But it is Aryan men like Jorah and Barristan who empower the capricious blonde.

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Quotable quotes

Virgil quote

In primis venerare Deos.

Racial right

A psychotic Christian

Just once a week I check Counter-Currents and I did it today. I was shocked by a recent article by Nicholas R. Jeelvy, ‘The Struggle is Real’, because just yesterday I wrote about most white nationalists: ‘They are like the ladies sheltered in Holdfast praying to the old and new gods that the city does not fall’, and Jeelvy exemplifies it:

Imagine you’re a White Nationalist activist. You have a show on the internet where you discuss our issues. It’s going okay. You’re developing a small following. You hear from a friend that there’s a group of young guys who are your fans in another town. You’re elated and start talking to them over the internet. They seem okay, maybe a little on the rowdy side, but they’re young, it’s expected of them. You arrange an event in that town, ostensibly as part of a political maneuver, but in fact it’s because you want to meet those guys. You’re expecting a group of Ernst Jüngers to greet you.

(Gustave Courbet, The Desperate Man, 1843-45.) You find a bunch of weirdos who can’t stop talking about starting a revolution.

One of them vibes like an actual schizophrenic. No, these guys aren’t agents, you double and triple checked them. You tell them that armed insurgency isn’t the path forward and furthermore, directly antagonizing policemen and soldiers will do damage to our cause. Their faces suddenly change—they declare you a cuck, a softie.

They demand you call for a violent uprising on your show; otherwise, you’re a cuck. They feel so betrayed that they start an online campaign against you that lasts to this very day. Gradually you realize that these guys aren’t LARPers, or even stupid. These guys do not seek struggle, nor victory. They seek self-destruction.

Yes: actual revolution is premature. But doesn’t it occur to this idiot that what they really want is the destruction of the System?

And as time goes by, you start seeing in yourself that same demonic will to self-destruction, and start wondering if your entire engagement with dissident politics isn’t just a long, dramatic, and roundabout suicide-by-cop. “No, it can’t be, I live for the struggle,” you say, and then you remember that you’re often suicidal and that you often have fantasies of dying heroically in struggle against the enemy…

For many, being hated and hounded by the system is precisely what attracts them to the Dissident Right. They want to be Nazis precisely because the current morality deems it morally justified to punch, persecute, deplatform, fire, and ultimately kill Nazis.

What absolute imbecility! Doesn’t it occur to Jeelvy that they want to be Nazis because white nationalism has already shown itself to be a charlatan movement (see The Fair Race and Daybreak on the sidebar)?

There’s a little bit of the sociopathic urge to be notorious and feared at play, but far stronger is the will to self-destruction. This will to self-destruction exists because it is the ultimate act of independence and self-actualization in the egotistic and thanatophobic modern world where a long life is the ultimate good. But this self-destruction cannot take the form of your bog-standard suicide, because suicide is destigmatized and excused and suicides are pitied. No, the destruction of the self must come at the tail end of a grand epic of self-denial so that the self may be actualized…

I believe that this article can help resolve the psycho question.

But who’s the real psycho?

Jeelvy doesn’t realise that he and the shitty bourgeois who behave like women sheltered in Holdfast are the psychotic ones (even though it’s still not the time for armed revolution, only of pamphlets). More and more I want the US dollar to collapse so that BLM enters the homes of these shitty nationalists to see when their balls grow.

But Jeelvy is a fucking Christian, and on this site we know what that means. In the comments section he confessed: ‘For the record, I am an Orthodox Christian, but I recognize that I write for a religiously diverse audience so I necessarily take on the perspective of other faiths. It isn’t enough to solve problems only for white Christians’.

Yes, white Christians are the problem, and Greggy is offering them his new site.

Correspondence Miscegenation

Valar Morghulis

‘Valar Morghulis’ is the tenth and final episode of the second season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. The episode aired on June 3, 2012. The episode’s title is a code phrase spoken by Jaqen H’ghar to Arya Stark during the episode, but its meaning is not explained until the next season: ‘All men must die’.

It’s in this episode when Robb marries non-white buttocks, and let’s talk no more about it. Incidentally, from this post I will open the comments section after two and a half months of closing it (but that doesn’t mean that I will let everyone comment).

Racial right Rape of the Sabine Women


‘Blackwater’ is the ninth and penultimate episode of the second season of HBO’s medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. The Blu-ray edition of the complete seasons contains the option to listen the commentary of Martin himself, who recounts the differences between the television interpretation and his novel. Martin really liked the way the directors adapted his text for this battle. Those who don’t want to see the entire series or even a season, can watch this particular episode in isolation to appreciate it from a strictly cinematic point of view. It’s the first time that the series shows us, in detail, a battle.

From the battle at Blackwater Bay I would just like to collect a couple of dialogues. The first one, some words from Cersei who has been drinking wine, addressed to Sansa Stark. Both were in what the very voice of Martin calls ‘a fortress inside the castle’, Maegor’s Holdfast. The noble ladies are interned there under the supervision of Ser Ilyn (pic below).

His orders: kill the ladies of the fortress inside the castle if the city falls (to prevent them from being raped). His orders may seem barbaric but invader Stannis has fallen under the spell of what Ser Davos calls ‘the red woman’, a witch whose religion prompts her to burn her enemies or infidels alive. When Sansa hears the following words from Cersei she’s scared:

‘Do you have any notion of what happens when a city is sacked? No, you wouldn’t, would you? If the city falls, these fine women should be in for a bit of rape. Half of them will have bastards in their bellies come the morning. You’ll be glad of your red flower then…’

‘When a man’s blood is up, anything with tits looks good. A precious thing like you will look very, very good. A slice of cake just waiting to be eaten…’

Sansa then flees into her room to prevent Ser Ilyn from killing her if the city falls. Unaware of Tywin’s reinforcements coming, Sandor Clegane, popularly known as the Hound, has also fled the battle in which King Joffrey’s defensive forces are badly outnumbered by Stannis’ attacking forces. Sansa finds him in her bedroom and the Hound proposes to put her to safety:

The Hound: ‘I can take you with me. Take you to Winterfell. I’ll keep you safe. Do you want to go home?’

Sansa: ‘I’ll be safe here. Stannis won’t hurt me’.

The Hound: ‘Look at me! Stannis is a killer! The Lannisters are killers! Your father was a killer! Your brother [Robb, recently the King of the North] is a killer! Your sons will be killers someday! The world is built by killers’.

Nothing truer! But unlike all their ancestors, white nationalists who ‘want’ to create a white nation don’t talk about killing the enemy. They are like the ladies sheltered in Holdfast praying to the old and new gods that the city does not fall. And I don’t mean that they must fight right away. But nationalists haven’t even begun to devise a revolutionary ideology through pamphlets to encourage a civil war in the future.

Incidentally, this Hound and Sansa are the same ones whose image I picked up in a recent post when this vicious warrior rescued her from being raped by the mob.

Currency crash

Worst Ponzi ever

Many white nationalists have fallen into this trap. It doesn’t matter how big the bubble grows. Sooner or later it will burst like the Tulip mania of a few centuries ago.


The prince of Winterfell

‘The Prince of Winterfell’ is the eighth episode of the second season of HBO’s medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. It premiered on May 20, 2012.

Feminist messages continue in the opening scene. Yara Greyjoy humiliates her brother Theon in Winterfell. This pseudo-Viking is the commander of the garrison of men who, in the absence of Robb Stark due to war, took the main castle of the North. At this point in the series it’s clear that feminism is the Leitmotif of Game of Thrones. As if that weren’t enough, in Theon’s prolonged discussion with Yara the scriptwriters put the man as stupid and the woman as the smartest.

This image appears a few seconds before Cersei said some words to her brother Tyrion: ‘You, on the other hand, are as big a fool as every other man. That little worm between your legs does half of your thinking’. These words resonate with what I said in my previous post about the blunders that three horny males commit in various parts of the world.

Then we see an argument with a vengeful Cersei, as women are, but behind that ugly argument we see that the thing about the male was true, as the stupid Tyrion has fallen in love with a whore: a woman who, as we shall see in a later season, is worse than Cersei.

‘You’re beautiful’ says the poor devil Tyrion to the whore. He ignores what’s coming in the future. Cersei was right: Our weakness lies in letting what hangs between our legs do fifty percent of our thinking. After that scene and a few words from Tyrion we see that he’s truly in love. ‘I would kill for you. Do you know that?’ Tyrion said that to Shae, the whore who in Season Four will deliver the biggest blow against him during a life and death trial. All these scenes are disgusting in that they put men as idiots, although not all of us are like that.

Another absolutely stupid conduct in this episode: King Robb and Lord Roose Bolton, the head of House Bolton of the north, discuss very serious matters of state when Talisa enters Robb’s military tent. Letting this woman freely enter the king’s tent in times of war wasn’t enough. Stannis Baratheon is about to invade King’s Landing and in these moments when Robb argues with Roose, the latter immediately leaves the camp tent to let Talisa enter with the words ‘My lady’ so that she and Robb may speak in private. Naturally, Robb won’t discuss tactics or strategy with Talisa, the one with the non-white buttocks.

Hardly in the Middle Ages a king wasted his time chatting with a woman alien to his race, putting aside all military plans. Robb and Talisa talk about the biographical past of ‘non-white buttocks’, as I should call Talisa from this line on. But worst of all is that after that King Robb declares himself to her telling her, in the tent, that he no longer wants to marry the Aryan girl from House Frey. Then we see a ridiculous erotic scene between the two and even there you can see the scriptwriters’ feminism as, already naked, we see the female on top of the king.

In Qarth the black man and the warlock give a coup to the Thirteen (or rather the Eleven), the group of merchant princes within Qarth, and remain as sole governors of the city. Dany wants to stay in the city to get her dragons back but Jorah tells her it’s is dangerous, to which he adds: ‘You know I would die for you. I will never abandon you’, which is true as in the last season Jorah will die protecting the one who, in that same season, will be revealed as the worst tyrant of the entire series.

Quotable quotes

Gaius Petronius quote

Cito fit quod dii volunt.