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Hermann Göring Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Modern day national socialists

by Joseph Walsh

I don’t think you are over-the-top with your recent post on Heimbach and the rabbits. National Socialism had very high moral standards as created and exemplified by Hitler. You ensure that Aryans understand those standards with your blog. Most present-day Aryans do not live up to those standards. They are Aryans by blood but Untermenschen (subhumans) in character. One of the tasks of the racialist movement is to create a better man (what Nietzsche called the Übermensch). Hitler is the Aryan that has come the closest to being an Übermensch in the history of our race. For example, Göring, even though he banned vivisection, used to enjoy the hunting of animals which appalled Hitler. Also, I don’t think you can expect Americans to become National Socialists like the Germans were, at least not anytime soon. Europeans stand a better chance I think.

Another thing that annoys me about Heimbach is his promotion of National Socialism as being for all races and nations. This contradicts what Hitler says: “The National Socialist doctrine, as I have always proclaimed, is not for export. It was conceived for the German people.” (Hitler-Bormann Documents, Feb. 21, 1945). A primary feature of National Socialism is Nordic supremacy, that is Hitler wanted the best Aryans of Nordic blood (i.e. the SS) to become lords of the earth, as stated in Mein Kampf. This automatically rules out National Socialism as being an ideology for all races as no other race is going to want Nordic domination (and many Whites will also not want Nordic domination).

Modern day Aryans play down or ignore the aspects of National Socialism they do not like such as non-acceptance of degenerate music, Nordic superiority, kindness to animals, even in some cases they tolerate homosexuals! This is because they do not have the discipline or integrity to be National Socialists as the Germans of the 1930’s and 1940’s did. There has been a tremendous decline in White people’s character since 1945. If our race is to achieve greatness again we MUST improve our character through intense discipline. At the moment Whites are a joke.

Neanderthalism Vegetarianism

Inferior racists

This is a postscript to a friendly discussion within the comment section of my previous post.

On the latest Daily Shoah (1:49) Matt Heimbach talks enthusiastically about his recent experience with a friend who breeds rabbits for food: “I helped actually to slaughter and kill the meat rabbits. It was a very kind of cool…”

I don’t need to wait and see the (forthcoming?) video of Heimbach’s so-called “National Socialist” speech in Kentucky. He’s obviously not a perfect National Socialist. See for example my Goebbels quotation this April 20th, the 128th birthday of our beloved Führer.

I reiterate what I thought when I wrote “Ethnosuicidal nationalists.” The American racialist movement is incomparably more primitive than German National Socialism. If Americans really want to become overmen they should take a week break from surfing white nationalist sites, and read instead the book of Savitri Devi that I have been excerpting, and will continue to excerpt, for this site: Impeachment of Man.

Audios Axiology

Linder on Christian ethics


What is still wrong with WN?

In my yesterday’s post I added an image of Matt Heimbach’s recent speech at Kentucky. That is ok, as he was one of the central speakers in Pikeville last month.

But Heimbach’s ethics is ultimately incompatible with race preservation. In this Red Ice interview for example, Heimbach says that he has no problem with giving, for free, food surplus to the hungry of the Third World. In my yesterday’s post I also linked to a Daily Stormer article but barely quoted from it. The Stormer is a neonazi website, not a Nazi site like The West’s Darkest Hour. This is what the Stormer editor wrote:

Prior to leaving camp, Heimbach gave a second speech, this time on National Socialism. It was the most clear and concise summation of that topic I think I have ever heard.

That’s bunk of course. Heimbach’s speech was but Southern Nationalism (listen to it: here). While I like Southern Nationalism and wish they had won the war, it must not be confused with National Socialism.

As I have iterated many times in this site, the problem with southern nationalists, white nationalists and even American neonazis is that they are stuck with Christian ethics. For those who have not digested the articles on this site about “axiology” I recommend listening very, very carefully what Alex Linder recently told a South African about the Christian problem. To me this is a problem more serious than the Jewish problem, insofar as it is a kind of malware for the Aryan mind: a malicious software that whites must erase as soon as possible.

To erase it you can read my book Day of Wrath mentioned on the sidebar, a copy of which recently I sent to Linder. If you don’t want to read it, listen the Linder interview after minute 27:30, or more to the point around minute 40 and contrast it with the ethics of normies.

“Christianity: The Dangers of putting Religion before Race” (Note of June 21, 2017: The Thought Police at You Tube cancelled this account.)

The interview is a treasure of commonsensical arguments by Linder against the scale of values that is killing whites around the globe, a scale even shared by many in the white nationalist community. I liked particularly something he says around minute 55: “Who dominates this world? People who don’t believe in the afterlife,” referring to the Jews.

Holocaust Videos

Holocaust, the ultimate taboo

See Swedish Henrik Palmgren’s intelligent interview in English of another Swede, Ingrid Carlqvist, on Red Ice TV.

It is magnificent!: a perfect link you can send to your friends who are not red-pilled about the Jewish Question.

After the first hour of the interview, Ingrid, who recently has lost many of her friends in Sweden, starts to raise elemental questions about the ultimate taboo in the West today:

“Scandal in Sweden When Ingrid Questions the Unquestionable”

Joseph Goebbels Real men


“Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state,” said Goebbels. While our comrades at the other side of the Atlantic can be incarcerated for trying to conquer the street, at least in this continent they were allowed to do it last Saturday in Pikeville, Kentucky, USA.

“There were people in attendance from the National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, Iron March, Daily Stormer, The Right Stuff, The League of the South, White Lives Matter, America First Party, Vanguard America, and innumerable others,” wrote Benjamin Garland on The Stormer.

Now I can withdraw what I said in the past about “ethnosuicidal nationalists,” at least in the sense that they are—finally!—organizing themselves.