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Not so lonely!

In ‘Under the Redwoods’ I described the loneliness of crossing what I call the psychological Rubicon: from Normieland to the lands of NS. But today I received some printed material from the mailman, including a paper leaflet ‘Introducing the New Order’.

Following my metaphor, I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that we are not so alone on the other side of the river. There are still people on this side after the fateful 1945!

One side of the leaflet I received today can be seen here. On my paper printout, I marked the first three paragraphs of this ‘Introducing the New Order’, and most of what we can read under the heading ‘A Community of Faith’. I also marked the words ‘We come together privately in formal ceremonies, services and celebrations,’ as they reflect exactly what I have been saying about how to found a new religion.

The text continues turning the page, which I could quote. But it is better for Aryans interested in becoming true National Socialists to get the leaflet.

Friedrich Nietzsche George Lincoln Rockwell Jesus Martin Kerr

Hitler made us holy again

Address given at the 2016
JdF 127 Hitler Festival
in Detroit, Michigan
by NEW ORDER Chief of Staff

Martin Kerr

In the Table Talk, Adolf Hitler accepts as a matter of course that the figure commonly known as Jesus Christ was an actual historical person. He describes him as the leader of a popular revolt against the Jews of his time. Savitiri Devi, one of the best known and most eloquent of Hitler’s post-war disciples, felt otherwise. In her essay, Saul of Tarsus, she writes that based on her own extensive research, she believed that Jesus (whose name would have been Yeshua bin-Yusef al-Nazarini or something similar in his native Semitic tongue of Aramaic) was merely a fictional character from Christian mythology; that is, he was not an historical person.

It matters little to us today whether or not Yeshua was real, or whether he was as imaginary as Bilbo Baggins and Huckleberry Finn. But, of course, it does matter to the Christians, who have built up an elaborate if perverse theology based on his putative teachings. In fact, so important has he been to the Christian world that all historical dates are routinely calculated from the year that he was supposed to have been born. That practice started around the year 525 by a Christian monk named Dionysis Exiguus. Years after his birth were counted forwards and those before his birth were counted backwards. Traditionally, these designations have been known as AD for Anno Domini (or “Year of our Lord”) and BC or “Before Christ.” For reasons of Political Correctness, these old terms have now been replaced by CE (for “Common Era”) and BCE (“Before Common Era”).

But regardless of what initials are used, the basic method of calculating and enumerating the years of the calendar has remained unchanged, because Jesus—real or not—is held to be someone who “broke history in half.” In the Christian conception of things, there is an absolute rift between what came before him and what came after. In the conventional wisdom, Jesus changed everything.


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In the 1880s, a towering intellectual figure arose in Germany to challenge the accepted dispensation: the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. In his autobiography, Ecce Homo, Nietzsche suggested that it was he, Nietzsche, who was the one who would break history in half. Through a process which he called the “transvaluation of all values,” Nietzsche sought not just to supersede Christianity, but to reverse it. Thereby he would lay the foundations for a new European super-civilization. I imagine that in Nietzsche’s scheme of things, future historians would date all history from his, Nietzsche’s coming, and not from the advent of the one whom our Norse ancestors called the “Pale Christ.”

Nietzsche, we note, was completely ignored during his lifetime, except for some cursory interest that he aroused in philosophical circles, which had a negative, dismissive view of his work. That he grandiosely described himself as the man who would break history in half is widely viewed either as sarcasm on Nietzsche’s part, or else as a psychological defensive mechanism to protect his ego from the rejection he suffered from his colleagues.

Perhaps there is a modicum of truth to both of these explanations, but I feel at the heart of things, Nietzsche was being fiercely serious. He recognized the full import and significance of his teachings, even if his contemporaries did not. Today, we National Socialists recognize him as one of the earliest “fragments of the future,” someone who was not the “last of yesterday,” but rather was one of the “first of tomorrow.”


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As it turned out, neither the Christian savior nor Nietzsche was the one who broke history in half. The theology espoused by Jesus was merely a reshuffling of the older Semitic worldview, a prime feature of which was the belief that there is a dichotomy between spirit and matter. Spirit is pure and good, it tells us, while the flesh is impure and corrupt. Nietzsche, for all his genius, was unable to articulate a realistic, systematic alternative to the Christian worldview.

No, it remained to Adolf Hitler to be the man to shatter the dispensation that had held Aryan man in thrall for 2,000 years or more.

I do not know when the realization first entered the Führer’s mind that there is no division between soul and matter, but rather that our flesh is infused with and animated by our spirit, while spirit is given form by our bodies. It must have been at a very young age. Probably, it did not dawn on him all at once, but instead only emerged gradually as he matured intellectually. In any event, by the time that he sat down to write Mein Kampf, his basic worldview was already well-formed and complete.

Adolf Hitler believed that the universe was governed by natural laws, and that for man to be happy and successful, he must first acknowledge that these laws exist; secondly, he must discover what they are; and thirdly, he must live in accordance with them.

This is another way of saying that the universe runs according to the principles of Causality—that is, of cause-and-effect relationships—and that it does not operate on the basis of supernatural forces, or on the mental constructions and wishful thinking of intellectuals and ideologues, or on the religious fantasies of theologians.

But at the same time, he knew that the human soul or spirit was a reality. His consistent use of religious language and imagery, plus specific comments recorded in Table Talk, reveal the Führer to be a deeply religious man, even if his spiritual outlook was diametrically opposed to that of Christianity.

Rather than believing that Man is born as a sinful being who can only be rescued from eternal hellfire and damnation by accepting the good lord Jesus as his personal savior, Adolf Hitler believed that Man was born into a state of grace with the Natural Order. In the Hitlerian worldview, we are all holy beings at birth. It is through being raised with false beliefs, and thrown into a society out of synch with the Natural Order, that we lose our state of natural grace and holiness.

Matt Koehl once discussed the Christian conception of original sin with me, contrasting it to the Hitlerian outlook. “If you look at a newborn baby in its cradle, what do you see?” he asked. “The Christians see an evil being born in sin, and doomed to Hell and torment without the intervention of their savior. But as a National Socialist, I see an innocent and holy being, born into a state of harmony and grace with the Natural world.”

This is the Führer’s great gift to Aryan man—and, indeed, to the whole world: he has restored us to a state of grace with the Natural Order. Hitler made us holy again, and only the Gods have the power to sanctify.


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As Aryans, we may be endlessly, sincerely, and profoundly thankful on a personal level for such insights. But unlike the Christians, as National Socialists, we are committed not just to our own personal salvation, but to the salvation and resurrection of our Race.

How do we incorporate our fundamentally religious perception of National Socialism into the practical work of building Adolf Hitler’s earthly movement? We struggle with these issues today—but we are not the first to have raised such questions.

Our great forbearer, George Lincoln Rockwell, wrestled with this question as well. During the final year of his life he prepared to transform his tiny, noisy band of political dissidents into a mighty mass movement. In a passage from his book, White Power, he gives us his thoughts on the future religious or spiritual orientation of the movement:

National Socialism, as a PHILOSOPHY, embodies the eternal urge found in all living things—indeed in all creation—toward a higher level of existence—toward perfection—toward God.

This “aristocratic” idea of National Socialism—the idea of a constant striving in all Nature toward a higher and higher, more and more complex, and more and more perfect existence—is the metaphysical, supernatural aspect of our ideal.

In other words, concepts of social justice and natural order are the organs and nerves of National Socialism, but its PERSONALITY, its “religious” aspect—the thing that lifts it above any strictly political philosophy—is its worshipful attitude toward Nature and a religious love of the Great gifs of an Unknown Creator.

Christianity, for instance, is a far higher thing than its rituals, the words of its prayers, or any of its creeds. It is a SPIRITUAL STRIVING toward the believer’s ideals of spiritual perfection.

National Socialism is the same sort of striving toward even higher and higher levels here on this earth, while Christianity is striving toward a future and later life not of this earth.
For the ordinary “soldier” in our “army”, building and fighting for Natural Order—National Socialism—it is sufficient that they respect and obey the laws and doctrines established by the lofty ideals of our philosophy with merely an instinctive love of those ideals, perhaps not with the complete understanding of the highest forms of our philosophy.

But just as the greatest Christian leaders have been those not preoccupied with details and rules but rather those who were “God intoxicated” with the highest ideals of the religion, the leaders among our National Socialist elite must share this fundamentally religious approach. For them the true meaning of our racial doctrine must be part of their idealistic “striving toward God.” [1]

Through total identification of ourselves with our great race, we partake of its past and future glories. When we contribute in any way, especially by self-sacrifice, toward helping our race along the path toward higher existence, we reach toward God—the Creator of the Master Race.

In short, while the mechanics and rules of National Socialism, as codified and set forth here, are sufficient for most of us, for the few idealists ready and willing to sacrifice their very lives in the cause of their people, National Socialism must be a very real religious ideal—a striving toward God.

We should all keep Commander Rockwell’s words in mind as we go forth into the world in the coming Jahre des Führers 127. We should endeavor to bring every single racially conscious White person into our Movement. But at the same time, we must maintain the ideological purity of our Cause by seeing to it that only those with a clear understanding of the spiritual, religious character of our worldview become Movement officers. And this is especially true with members of the senior leadership corps.

In this way, we will guarantee that we, too, are “breaking history in half,” in keeping with the Führer’s mission.



[1] From White Power, chapter XV, pp. 455-457.

Daybreak Publishing

The river nymph

This will be the new featured post, where I will suggest how to cross the psychological Rubicon from Normieland to the lands of National Socialism. Needless to say, only normies with honour—that is, valour and honesty—will be able to cross it.

Politically, I was a normie until my forties. In 2010 I learned of a mass genocide perpetrated by the Allies in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Due to the Morgenthau Plan millions of Germans and collaborators perished in the years after the official end of the war. This real Holocaust is not made into films, documentaries, or taught in universities simply because the winners write History.

If you are a normie of noble sentiments, even if the System has hidden these facts from you to control your mind, you should dip your feet in the river water reading

Hellstorm, the Death of Nazi Germany: 1944-1947

which is available in printed form. It is not a matter of blindly believing what Tom Goodrich writes, but of researching; checking the sources he mentions, and realising that the Holocaust of millions of Germans was very real.

This is the first step to refute an astronomical lie: a lie so big about the Second World War that it could be measured from here to Pluto—the old trick of lying by omission!

Whoever has taken that first step into the river will be knee-deep in water, and ready to face another huge historical lie disseminated, too, to control and eventually madden the white man:

Christianity’s Criminal History Vol I
Christianity’s Criminal History Vol II

These two volumes, for the moment only available in PDFs, represent not two but a single step. A future publisher might even merge the contents into one cover showing both Constantine and Charlemagne. I separated them because the first volume ends with a veritable Holocaust of two Germanic peoples perpetrated by Justinian I, the Christian emperor of Constantinople. That Holocaust has been another of the astronomical lies—lying by omission, yet again! So much of this kind of genocide of pure whites orchestrated by mudbloods has been hidden from us that hardly anyone hates Imperial Christianity today. But in addition to Justinian’s Holocaust, Karlheinz Deschner’s books expose to the public eye a colossal number of crimes perpetrated by the Christian churches that hardly anyone has heard of (which is why the modern West, the spiritual heir of Christendom, is as mad as it is today).

He who controls the past controls the future said Orwell. These two historical lies about Christianity and World War II have kept the Aryan man virtually lobotomised so that today the poor fellow wanders like a zombie in cities full of non-whites. It will always be possible to research the author’s sources (Deschner’s original work, for example, was published in German in ten volumes, with thousands of bibliographical sources). If the noble-minded Aryan decides to investigate these two sidereal historical lies having taken the two steps above, now, with the water up to his waist, the traveller finds himself in a position to confront


Unlike the previous steps, the third step is no longer about historical facts, but rather about how to interpret them. I am talking about becoming aware of the Jewish Question; specifically, how the toxic message of the Jews who wrote the New Testament came to mutate into modern liberalism and, eventually, into Wokism whose god is a new Holy Trinity (equality of race, gender and sexual orientation). With very strong anti-Hitlerian overtones, this is the religion of the West today. Neo-Christianity abbreviates two books by two different authors—David Skrbina and Tom Holland—that explain the New Testament metamorphosis into the secular, ethno-suicidal ideology suffered by today’s white man.

Given that the water is now up to the migrant’s neck, this is a very difficult, if essential, step to continue crossing the psychological Rubicon—a step that, with rare exceptions, the racial right has been unwilling to take. But if the noble-spirited adventurer has already taken these three firm steps, he will be in a position to take the fourth, reaching the middle of the river in areas where he already has to swim:

The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour

This anthology of fifteen authors is the most voluminous of the list: a sort of textbook for understanding this site, The West’s Darkest Hour. The historical essays by the American William Pierce and the Spaniard Eduardo Velasco that we read in The Fair Race are basic for the story that the Aryan should begin to tell about himself. Few texts have had such a powerful influence on my worldview as this anthology. Velasco’s long essay on the underlying struggle between Judea and Rome, a psycho-historical notion stemming from Nietzsche, further expands on David Skrbina’s exposition in the previous step.

Memoirs and Reflections of an Aryan Woman

If the traveller has swum into these waters he will find a river nymph who will help him… dive. The Swiss Carl Jung was right to speak of the male animus and the female anima in the sense that they are complementary in reaching the Self (which Jung realised was identical to the God archetype). We refer to the nuclear power of the psyche to galvanise the collective unconscious of the Aryan.

Since, except Memoirs, the above books appeal to the intellect—they were written by men—the next journey for the male passenger is to make contact with the feminine part of his psyche, beneath the surface. It has taken a woman’s intuition to grasp the grandeur of what Adolf Hitler intended. Only by introducing numinous rituals invoking His memory would it be possible to reach the core of the Aryan Self to produce the new Zeitgeist that will eventually lead to a Fourth Reich. Here we can no longer speak of a fifth step, but of reaching the bottom of the turbulent waters without drowning thanks to the magic of the river nymph.

To exemplify this I would like to say that I recently heard William Pierce’s thesis on a religion he wanted to found, which he called Cosmotheism. Pierce failed because a new religion cannot arise from mere male animus, the scholar’s desk, even if Pierce had the best mind that America has ever produced. It requires religious ritual, like what the Germans did already in the Third Reich by touching the new flags with the flag of the failed putsch, or the ceremonies of an enchanted night that enraptured the Hitler Youth… Without collective numinosity a new religion cannot arise. And without honouring the holocausted Germans—Pierce’s mistake though not Commander Rockwell’s—no new movement can emerge that galvanises the Aryan to the extent of engendering an improved National Socialism. Immersing oneself in the philosophy of Savitri Devi to contact our deepest Self, in a daring journey into inner space, is fundamental to crossing the rest of the river.

If you have reached this point, you are practically a priest of the sacred words. However, given that the priestess Savitri invokes Kalki at the end of her book, which implies a sacrifice of billions of wingless bipeds swarming the Earth, to understand this apocalyptic archetype the pilgrim could apostille the reading of Savitri’s book with a sixth step in that, although the water is back to his neck, his feet are already touching the floor of the river.

Day of Wrath
On Exterminationism

If the expeditionary continues to cross the Rubicon, and at last finds himself once again in a state of physical comfort, feeling land on the soles of his feet with the water up to his waist, and eventually to his knees, he would do well to think about a subject that, with a few exceptions, today’s racialists are also reluctant to address. I am referring to feminism, which has been used as a weapon of mass destruction against whites. (After all, throughout history women like Savitri are, perhaps, counted on the fingers of one hand.)

On Beth’s Cute Tits

This is the migrant’s seventh and final step. He has finished crossing the river and is finally on dry land, albeit with his feet still wet in the damp, dark sand of the beach, even if he has a few more steps to go before he touches dry, clear land (see also ‘Oldtown’).

Incidentally, if the normie doesn’t even want to take the first step—Goodrich’s book—I suggest he at least read this review. It is also dark, wet sand on the beach of Normieland; on the other side of our shore. But if he has good will he will enter the river.

Hellstorm is an essential step and white nationalists omit it. While I recognise that the two steps they have taken are oriented in the right direction of the Rubicon—the race realism of those who visit American Renaissance and the JQ of those who visit The Occidental Observer—by not giving due weight to the Hellstorm Holocaust they are trapped in the river, unable to complete the crossing.

James Mason Racial right

A new story


On putting the chariot before the horse

There is something important I would like to add to my Thursday post, in which I used a 1993 interview between Tom Metzger and James Mason to say something about Richard Spencer.

On this site I have been very critical of James Mason and his epigones for admiring Charles Manson: the mastermind behind the stabbing to death of the beautiful English rose Sharon Tate (and other Hollywood showbiz personalities).

In Siege Mason compiles his articles from the journal he wrote in the early 1980s. In vain, when I was reading Siege, did I find the reasons why Mason admired Manson, insofar as the latter’s intentions in devising his crimes weren’t racial. But now that I re-watched his interview with Metzger I detected something I had missed the first time I saw it. But before this revelation about the mind of James Mason I would like to digress a little.

Unlike Metzger’s audio-visual interviews, the podcasts of Greg Johnson, one of the leading promoters of American white nationalism, are audio-only. Metzger, let alone Mason, not properly ‘white nationalists’, were infinitely closer in character to the Germans of the Third Reich than Johnson and Spencer. But in one of his podcasts Johnson said something that piqued my interest. He mentioned the decades immediately before the internet as the darkest era, in that the Establishment had virtually absolute control over the narrative. This is very true: and the new generations have no idea how impossible it was for us to find even dissident authors, to the extent that in the past we could never rebel. (Since I grew up in the 1960s and 70s I couldn’t rebel intellectually because of this absolute control of information, as I recount in the third volume of my autobiography.)

Now let’s get back to Mason’s infatuation with Manson. What I detected in the interview with Metzger, which I had missed the first time I saw it, was that the desperation of national socialists like Mason in the face of the System’s absolute control of the media meant that he began to fix his attention on the news of those who broke the law with crimes to shock public morals. It was, it seemed, the only escape valve from an Establishment that was entirely successful in suppressing dissenting opinion.

This revelation came to me in understanding Mason when Metzger asked him why he admired Charles Manson. From Mason’s response, Metzger commented that, given the impasse on all sides due to the absolute grip of the System, the whole thing had to be blown up. (Recall that Charles Manson is not the only criminal to whom James Mason devotes articles in Siege: he also discusses other criminals who, at the time, shocked public morals even though, like Manson, weren’t acting out of racial ideals either.)

That doesn’t mean that, having understood the point James Mason wanted to get across, I now approve of the behaviour of Charles Manson and company. But it does mean that what I didn’t understand years ago when I read Siege directly, I understand now having watched the splendid interview with Metzger again. As I said, for new generations it is almost impossible to imagine the prolonged despair, a suffocation of ideas I dare say, that it meant for noble-minded boomers that there was no relevant information anywhere!

But back to James Mason. While I don’t join his enthusiasm for criminals who acted without racial ideology, what about those who break the law with racial ideology: say, someone like Breivik or Tarrant? In the 2020 discussion thread on the Metzger/Mason interview, one of the commenters chided me because I said that any revolutionary action is premature:

You sound like an old and grumbling geezer.

It’s futile and unfair to accuse the youth of ardour and impatience and narrow tunnel vision. Many of them are sincerely actuated by a heroic impulse to over with this shameful state of things, this disgraceful status quo. Their hearts volcanically explodes with lava of despair and hatred for the world of their worthless parents and cowardly ancestors. Yes, the lives of foolhardy men usually end not well. And tragic triumph is a fate of exceptional ones.

But the young soul has no time to wait, be it in love or war. So, be lenient towards suicidal behaviour of the youth and do not impute to passionate youngsters the carelessness concerning those fucking Austrian economists! All this cultural and historic noise–million words in billion posts–is not a groundwork or an earnest or a linchpin or a promise of coming transvaluation of values.

They dread reaching your age, Caesar, and face their death, especially after a very long life, and realize that all their efforts failed to produce results, moreover the situation has got worse. They know some examples of lustrous persons, whose deeds were vain in spite of their “strategic thinking”. By the way, traitors often justify their betrayal with strategical manoeuvring for the sake of a lofty goal in long-term planning.

The destiny occurs HERE AND NOW, and if this “here and now” is stolen, I will not judge the glowing souls with the destructive power of dynamite inside their cores.

I confess that, now that I re-read my comment years later, I see that I responded to this commenter in a very, very poor way! I would like to reply to him now, even though so much time has passed.

It is not for the youth to make the most important decisions of a state. In a healthy world for the Aryans, as was Sparta, and Republican Rome, it was up to very mature adults. Recall that, for Plato, the philosopher-king had to be a man in his sixties.

To be impetuous, fiery, determined or bold against the System is precisely what President Joe Biden wants to tighten the screws even further (remember his inaugural speech in which he declared war on us). We shouldn’t indulge him because his administration is doing everything it can to commit suicide. The situation in 2023 has changed a lot from the days when, in 2020, the commenter mocked what I said about Austrian economists. Now, after Biden’s blunder with the confiscation of Russian funds abroad due to Putin’s military action in Ukraine, several nations have realised that their funds aren’t safe in dollars and many, even in the MSM, are already openly talking about the last days of the dollar. In other words, my restraint not to rush into revolutionary actions as impetuous youths love, but to wait for the System to collapse on its own, is being vindicated by recent historical events.

But there are even more profound reasons why I think James Mason’s ideology—something like having the System in siege with a multiplication of actions à la Charles Manson—is flawed. And here we come back to what Spencer said in his recent interview: that we need a new story or, as I would say using Jungian language, a story that manages to activate the collective Self that will produce, in the white man, the new galvanising myth. Ironically, in this respect James Mason did hit the nail on the head: ‘Someone did say that prior to 1945 we were a party, since 1945 we have been a religion.’

Indeed. The Jews have their religion, their story: what Christians call the Old Testament: ‘Ethnocentrism for me’ as Kevin MacDonald reads it in the first book of his trilogy on Jewry. That’s why they always win. It doesn’t matter that their story, what we read in the OT, is literary fiction. It is a myth they believe in and that’s why they will continue to win.

Conversely, whites didn’t write their story, the New Testament. The Jews wrote it for them: ‘Universalism for thee.’ And liberalism, which has mutated into Wokism, the secular neo-Christianity of our day, is an epiphenomenon of that NT story.

The moral is simple: it’s whites themselves who must rewrite their own history. They mustn’t allow another race to write it for them. If one reads the first anthology published by us, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, one will discover seminal texts by William Pierce, and Eduardo Velasco in his now-defunct webzine Evropa Soberana, which depict this story written by whites for whites.

And now I can answer properly to the commenter who criticised me. ‘All this cultural and historic noise–million words in billion posts–is not a groundwork or an earnest or a linchpin or a promise of coming transvaluation of values’ he said.

Actually, it is. Any revolutionary action that is not backed by a new story, a new way of understanding the Self, is doomed to failure. James Mason’s own life demonstrates this. After the Metzger interview, Mason went astray with so-called Christian Identity. A dozen years after the interview Metzger himself commented, on 17 May 2005: ‘Unfortunately he turned away from his best thoughts back toward some Christian thing. I don’t know where he is now, but I promote and sell his great book.’

The eclipse of James Mason is symptomatic not only of would-be revolutionaries, but of non-revolutionaries who subscribe to white nationalism. They lack a story to serve as cement and a platform for further action. The fact that very few have read the history of the white race from Pierce’s pen, and that even that book isn’t published (even privately) so that you can read it comfortably in your living room, speaks for itself.

This is the response of a sixty-four-year-old man to the young commenter:

You are putting the chariot before the horse. First goes the horse—the new story that will galvanise the white man’s collective unconscious—and then goes the chariot (the holy racial wars). Reversing the sequence yields results such as what happened to James Mason and his unfortunate epigones, inasmuch as Mason was completely ignorant of the real history of Christianity (which we are telling on this site thanks to the work of Karlheinz Deschner).

The central mission of The West’s Darkest Hour is that, when the System panics and cancels the internet, there remain on my visitors’ hard drives the PDF books from my humble Daybreak Press, which provide the new story the white man must tell himself.

Anyone who hasn’t read The Fair Race should read it now. The rest follows from it.

The Secret Fire

‘He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own
disciples, he explained everything.’ (Mark 4:34)

In my entry last Tuesday, I had said that I wouldn’t post anything for the rest of the year, but a thought came to me that urgently needs to be communicated:

Is National Socialism dead, insofar as American neonazism is a caricature of it—see my book Daybreak? It’s disturbing that, after my Tuesday post, I have received no feedback from the Germans who visit this site (except for one German who has been contacting me for years, other Germans haven’t done so). Isn’t it a scandal that someone on the other side of the Atlantic, who isn’t even a pure Aryan (me), carries on his shoulders the mission to resurrect the core of NS (which can only be understood with the Führer’s after-dinner talks)? Mein Kampf, a book for the masses of mostly Christian Germans, hardly criticises Christianity and does so, between the lines, until the second volume.

The literary side of National Socialism had two facets. An exoteric one: the long-winded Mein Kampf and an enormous number of inspirational and illustrated pamphlets. And an esoteric one: not only Hitler’s table talks but what laconically he confessed to his inner circle of co-religionists, so well portrayed by Richard Weikart in Hitler’s Religion. Since those who read no more than Mein Kampf are unaware of the more esoteric aspect of Hitlerism, which was taught formally in Himmler’s castles for the SS, they are under the impression that Hitler’s ideology is similar to American white nationalism.

Nothing could be further from the truth! But I don’t want to go into detail on what has already been said in the first five books of the featured post. Rather, I’m writing this article because I don’t see the core of NS anywhere: neither in Europe nor on the continent where I live. The reason for this, of course, is that the esoteric side was anti-Christian, as the Christian Weikart demonstrated in his book. It had to be hidden from the masses of Germans! However, since we are already living in the darkest hour for the white race, the time has come to reveal the Secret Fire, the esoteric facet, to every Aryan male who wants to do something for his race.

In The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf
invoked the ‘Secret Fire’ at Khazad-dum.
It’s nowhere else referred to in the
trilogy, so its particular meaning
remains unclear.

That’s why the second book on the list in the featured post will be Savitri Devi’s, since she understood the esoteric side of NS perfectly (and unlike the anti-Nazi Weikart, Savitri was, to use the title of a biographical book about her, Hitler’s priestess).

I confess that in our translation of Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne I am eliminating all her very long sentences, shortening them into much shorter sentences. Reason: Savitri made countless parentheses within parentheses throughout her book written in her native French by merely using commas, and the train of her thought is lost in most of her sentences. Mine won’t be a literal translation and once finished—yes: it’s taking a long time—it will be a perfectly understandable text.

Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne is the only post-1945, didactic introduction to the core of NS that conveys, with due numinousness, the new religion for the Aryan man that is to conquer the world. (Her best-known work, The Lightning and the Sun published seventeen years before, has the defect of being an immature work. It opens with a couple of chapters that function as an anti-rhetorical barrier for us: the idealisation of Genghis Khan and Akhnaton.)

Perhaps it’s an excess to say that NS is dead if, at least, it survives in a couple of minds, like mine. But it is alarming that so far only one German has corresponded with me on the subject. Perhaps there are other Aryans, even outside Germany, who in the privacy of their hearts keep the Secret Fire alive. Do they have a code of secrecy and that’s why they have failed to contact me?

Whatever the answer, I wonder if there is anyone on the planet willing to raise, at least, one Aryan boy and one Aryan girl and educate them strictly in NS, with all that such an education would entail. If there is anyone who harbours this fantasy please contact me (my email is in the single reply to my featured post). In case NS is already dead in Germany—that there is no such secret society of NS men—the Secret Fire must be revived, at least, in a couple of young Aryans…

Charlemagne Indo-European heritage Swastika Third Reich

Manu’s wise words…

I usually add my comments within the posts of Karlheinz Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History (to contextualise this series, click here). But what I am about to say is so vital that I prefer to add it as a separate entry.

If Hitler and his closest associates, some of them anti-Christian, had understood that the Christian Question is far more toxic than the Jewish Question (the white traitor is worse than the kike), they wouldn’t have ventured into the Soviet Union.

The evil lay at home, including Hitler’s admiration for Charlemagne, the butcher of Saxons! So at home was the evil, that it was child’s play for the victorious Allies to brainwash the Germans after the Hellstorm Holocaust, in which more Germans died than Jews in the so-called Jewish Holocaust.

Had they known that the CQ was a more serious matter than the JQ, they would have prepared the German people so that, gradually—as Hitler well saw in his after-dinner talks—the Germans would abandon the religion of our (really asshole) parents. It is worth quoting, again, what the Spaniard Manu Rodríguez told me almost a decade ago:

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Your words have made me rethink this whole period [of the Third Reich—Ed.]. In this period the Aryan people are identified and recognised for the first time in the history of a people. For the first time, our people became aware of themselves, their origin and their nature. Since the emergence of our people (that primitive nucleus) six or seven thousand years ago, there had been nothing like it. It was a dawn, a new dawn. These were sublime moments.

This ‘birth’ has to do with the emergence of Indo-European studies, and the evolutionary and genetic studies of that time. They spread new knowledge about our biocultural being, our race, and our languages and cultures. It was a recognition. It was like looking in a mirror for the first time. We were there in those texts: in the hymns of the Rig Veda, in the Iliad, the Aeneid, the Edda, the Mabinogion. It was us, our blood, our genius, our race, that had generated those texts, those cultures, those worlds.

The swastika, our banner, was not only raised against liberalism and communism… It is only today that we are beginning to understand the greatness and scope of its mission—our mission. To situate it precisely, we can make these words of Saint-Loup our own:

[Hitler was] the man who had thrown down to the world this extraordinary challenge: to attack at the same time Anglo-Saxon capitalism, Red Bolshevism, Jewish racism, international Freemasonry, the Catholic Church, pauperism and social iniquities, the Treaty of Versailles, colonialism and the French disorder.

And the list is not complete.

It was not just Hitler, but Germany as a whole: the entire German people. It was a collective ‘enterprise’.

The German community was born armed, like Athena, the first Aryan community to awaken or be reborn. And it does so to fight against those who have sought to harm it; against a whole counter-cultural environment that denies its being. Spiritually alienated, it has to fight against the Judeo-Messianic delusion, the ‘Christian millennium’. It wasn’t the only Jewish monster that had to confront this newborn Aryan nation: communism also ravaged the population and others. The Jewish hydra had multiplied, had branched out, and had too many faces, too many heads.

It seems that we have had only one enemy throughout history: the Semitic peoples and their discourses (Jewish, Judeo-Messianic Christian and Muslim). They dominate us spiritually. It is the multiple alienations we suffer at the hands of the Semites or Semitic ideologies (religious, political, economic, anthropological, sociological, psychological…). Our enemy possesses us in one way or another. The dreaded Jewish hydra. Typhon. Evil. Our evil.

Was it an awakening, a premature birth? Too young was this community to face this age-old Monster. As a young Hero, it failed in its first attempt to defeat it. Too old and cunning such a monstrosity. It engulfed the child, and the young Aryan community, in a few years.

We must rescue the memory of this period and raise it to the top with pride. We should be proud of this period. We lost a battle, but not the war. We are still alive and active… We will beat them at last. I know that.

The birth of our people is conceived in the years before Hitler came to power. The Aryan consciousness of a whole people saw the light then and received its ‘baptism’ publicly. A whole people recognised itself. 1933 was the year of its birth, the first Aryan community to be recognised as such. It was lost in 1945. We are therefore on the 80th anniversary of its birth, the birth of the first Aryan nation, of the Aryan nation itself.

That period is an unparalleled milestone in our short history. The first appearance of our people in history. We are now a people: the Aryan nation.

Hitler symbolises our first period, our first battle and our first loss. His struggle was our struggle. His loss was our loss. But this defeat hasn’t conquered us in our first open confrontation against evil, against our evil. We were defeated, so what? It was a huge thing to fight. Too many hydra tentacles… The war has just begun.

These anniversaries of Hitler and the birth of our people have been for me like a small rebirth too. Let’s say I see more light, I see more clearly. I have a feeling about the next battle—that there will be another battle. And this time we will have a space from which to advance, a bulwark, a solid base: the Aryan nation itself. We will reconquer our people. We have many great spiritual warriors, well-armed with knowledge and truth. In the end, we will win.

This is my spirit now.

Chechar, I feel I owe this letter to you (and to all those I upset with my harsh words about Hitler and the Nazi period).



(translated from Spanish)

Aryan beauty Beauty Leonardo da Vinci Painting Poetry

On the series ‘European beauty’

In the 17th photograph of our ‘European beauty’ series, which I uploaded to this site today, we see a mountain backdrop in northern Italy (see my exchange yesterday about the locations that the photos represent). That Italian mountain may well have inspired Leonardo da Vinci for some of his drawings of the Holy Family, or the Annunciation with mountains in the background. It was a time when artists were almost compelled to paint pictures with religious motifs, although the angel of the Annunciation, beyond the Nordic and the hyperborean, is the absolute opposite of any Semitic profile. These are the antecedents of the nymphs that Parrish painted last century against the background of majestic mountains.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, when artists became independent of the patronage of the Church, they were finally able to admire the mountains and Aryan beauty from a more secular viewpoint. On a mountain excursion in 1739 the poet Thomas Gray, visiting the Grande Chartreuse, wrote: ‘Not a precipice, not a torrent, not a cliff, but is pregnant with religion and beauty’.

More famous for admiring nature were Goethe and poets like Coleridge and Wordsworth, and in painting Turner came to capture more abstractly the vital spirit of nature. While Constable painted the plains the poet Wordsworth was more associated with the mountains. I confess that Wordsworth’s leisurely, long solo walks in the English countryside prompted me to ask about prices for houses in Perth when I visited Scotland because that town was perfect for my long solo walks. Of course, it was only a fantasy as I have no money in the bank. Still, I cherished the idea of moving to a place where I could feel European Nature without interference from Gomorrah.

The inhabitants of Gomorrah may believe that by going to the gym they’ll be healthy, ignoring that a healthy body can only inhabit a healthy mind. It can only be obtained through the spirit of romantic poets and painters who understood, through their art, what Hitler would later understand through pantheism. The Aryan dissident who feels like Lot in Gomorrah and cannot afford a cosy cottage in the countryside should undertake the study of art in the solitude of his room, though unlike what Catholic Kenneth Clark told us, from the panentheist point of view.

This is one of the tremendous deficits of American white nationalism. Without the feeling of the numinous, it is impossible to awaken what Jung called the Self, as the full understanding of beauty is the royal road to a true racial awakening.

Catholic religious orders Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

On the hermit’s cave

On this site, I have been using the metaphor of the three-eyed raven’s cave in the sense that for a real intrapsychic metamorphosis it is necessary to cut oneself off from human society for decades. Even Hitler once fantasised about becoming a Benedictine monk. A Trappist monk (my father, by the way, loved some Trappist monks he met in Spain in Franco’s time), Thomas Merton, wrote something that portrays what I have come to know precisely by going into that cave for most of my life:

"The world of men has forgotten the joys of silence, the peace of solitude which is necessary, to some extent, for the fullness of human living. Not all men are called to be hermits, but all men need enough silence and solitude in their lives to enable the deep inner voice of their own true self to be heard at least occasionally. When that inner voice is not heard, when man cannot attain to the spiritual peace that comes from being perfectly at one with his own true self, his life is always miserable and exhausting. For he cannot go on happily for long unless he is in contact with the springs of spiritual life which are hidden in the depths of his own soul. If man is constantly exiled from his own home, locked out of his own spiritual solitude, he ceases to be a true person. He no longer lives as a man. He becomes a kind of automaton, living without joy because he has lost his spontaneity. He is no longer moved from within, but only from outside himself".

Naturally, Hitler and I would object to Merton and the young Americans who wanted to emulate him after World War II that true wisdom is not to be gained in Catholic hermitages, but in pagan caves where the magic of the old religions allows us to see the historical past as it happened (the metaphor of the third-eyed raven). If the young men who wanted to emulate Merton had opened their third eye, they would have realised that they fought on the wrong side in WW2 (just imagine seeing the Hellstorm atrocities with your own eyes!).

Nevertheless, what Merton says about the solitude of the hermit is true.

Only by separating ourselves from our fellow human beings to develop the inner self is it possible to understand what is going on. Alas, no normie or racialist today, as far as I know, has gone through the initiatory process that Hitler went through so well, as explained in the book we recently translated for this site by Savitri Devi.


First July post

I have been told that the technical process of exporting content from the old incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) for import into this new incarnation will be completed tomorrow.

I am re-posting this article today, July 1st, because a couple of days ago it was accidentally deleted. When two people work on the same administration page, this time the technician and me, accidents like this can happen: that’s why I didn’t add entries in the last fifteen days.

Fixing this site has been a task that left me with almost no funds on my debit card. But it’s worth it because, as I say at the end of this post, after what happened last month I will dedicate myself body and soul to the health of WDH.

So I now resume my work on this site.


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In ‘Doctors, Psychotherapists, Liars and Butchers’ Jordan Peterson recently weighed in on Matt Walsh’s documentary ‘What is a Woman?’ which denounces the medical profession that now is, literally, castrating boys and cutting off girls’ breasts.

It strikes me that it is only until very recently, with the Chinese virus lockdowns and this Walsh documentary, that some are beginning to question the medical establishment.

Unlike these recently purple-pilled semi-normies, I knew, since 1976 when I was seventeen, that there was something horrendous in an institution where psychiatric doctors always take the side of the parents in conflicts with their children, no matter how sane the child is or how disturbed the parents are (see my Spanish texts on the subject).

Already since the famous Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), voices have been raised exposing a profession that has committed perfectly sane people to asylums. But it is better late than never to put the medical profession in the dock. It’s about time that a few are realising that the real purpose of medicine is profit, at least in the area of surgeries on teenagers suffering from sexual dysphoria (‘trans people’ in today’s Newspeak) or unproven vaccines. But most dissenters in this century have lost memory that since the time of the author of Robinson Crusoe, some already knew that another branch of medicine, psychiatry, was fraudulent (I refer specifically to the 18th century Salpêtrière asylum of Paris). And the same can be said of psychiatry today.

However, as I said about Matt Walsh last month, this Christian is not one of us. A few days ago, celebrating the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion, Walsh said that such a decision was like the American victory in WW2 and the liberation of concentration camps. Like hundreds of millions of normies, Walsh ignores that it is precisely the accepted wisdom about WW2 that is causing the current white psychosis.

But he is not alone.

Although Walsh is not a racialist, Jared Taylor recently wrote an obituary about a young man who helped him in AmRen. This young racialist also repudiated, like Walsh, German National Socialism. The 29-year-old race realist who suddenly and inexplicably died (covid vaccines?), and many American racialists who offered Taylor their condolences, have been also ignorant of the root cause of today’s white self-hatred.

But the most relevant thing I have been thinking about these days is something quite different. No racialist site, to my knowledge, said anything about the fact that WDH was taken down. It made me think how incredibly fragile a site can be if there is no one to relieve the editor-in-chief.

Since my sister suddenly died, I’ve been taking very seriously that death can surprise any of us at any time. If I die, say of an unexpected heart attack, and no one picks up the torch I left on the ground, the real cause of Aryan decline goes into obscurity, since there is no other site that goes to the bottom of the Christian Question (CQ).

And all this got me thinking about something I said last year about my hobby (see my book The Human Side of Chess): that I would prepare to play another FIDE tournament this year. What happened last month, and the possibility that if I die at the wrong time all my work on CQ will be lost, moved me to add a postscript to my slim book. From that unpublished postscript I would like to pick up the final paragraph:

Here I would just like to confess that this last year I have suffered from a moral hangover for having used my talents to buy several chess books, and read them, in case I get to play a couple more tournaments. But even if I do it, it wouldn’t be worth recounting any of this. The only thing that matters is the real chess: to checkmate the Christian ethics that millions of white atheists currently suffer. Only then would I cease to be an apprentice of the holy words and become a true priest…

Although these days the exciting 2022 Candidates Tournament of chess can be watched live on YouTube, for me to stop being a mere apprentice and take my vows of priesthood, I must devote all my time to WDH. Chess is a very demanding game, a great time waster; and I cannot presume to be a priest if I don’t take my perpetual vows to the sacred words, especially now that I have seen how fragile a website can be.

From this post I resume my efforts, now redoubled, after last month’s accident. What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Constantine Heinrich Himmler Hitler's Religion (book) Richard Weikart Sexual "liberation"

Some reflections

I would like to say something about the seventh chapter of Hitler’s Religion; not just what I quoted here, but the entire chapter. My reading of this book continues to confirm my premise: The most influential NS men, and those who inspired them, were just one step away from reaching the other side of the psychological Rubicon, but didn’t reach solid ground. (N.b.: I cannot link to the article ‘My stepping stones’ on the psychological Rubicon for the moment, as a technician is just about to see if it is possible to upload the WordPress-censored entries here. If this new incarnation of WDH doesn’t appear for a few moments, don’t be alarmed: we’re reconfiguring it.)

From this follows the need to create a new religious movement to take this last step, a movement I call the priesthood of the sacred words. And in doing so I must confess that I find myself somewhat closer to Himmler than to Hitler on this point.

On pages 189-90 of Hitler’s Religion Weikart informs us that, although Hitler criticised Gothic cathedrals and medieval mysticism for their somberness, he didn’t believe that NS was a religious cult for holding mystical ceremonies. In fact, his 1938 Nuremberg Rally speech was an open rebuke to Himmler, Rosenberg and other neo-pagans in the movement. Rosenberg himself in his major work recalled that Hitler had disapproved of Himmler’s plans to reintroduce the cult of Wotan and Thor. Hitler was even suspicious of Rosenberg’s studies of Germanic prehistory because he preferred the cultures of Greece and Rome.

Recall from The Fair Race that the original cultures of Greece and Rome were founded by Norsemen, and that only in their more decadent stages did they undergo interbreeding. I can well understand Hitler on this point and what he said about Wotan in one of his after-dinner talks. But Himmler’s idea was the right one: for a movement to be successful, it is necessary for believers to feel the mysterium tremendum, what Jung and others call the numinous.

And that can only be inspired by a semi-religious movement. I understand Hitler because there were occult and parapsychological aspects in some high-ranking National Socialists that had to be rejected. But an ideal compromise would have been, as Manu Rodríguez rightly said in one of our books, to use the rebuilt Greco-Roman temples (starting e.g., by destroying the Vatican and putting in its place a huge temple to Zeus) to teach languages, history and literature of the peoples with Nordic blood (peoples that obviously include Greece and Rome in their origins).

The other reflection I wanted to communicate this day is due to the recent article ‘What is a Woman?’ by Spencer Quinn, who tells us: ‘It began in the 1960s, when we pretended that blacks were the intellectual equals of whites’.

That is not true. While Quinn is correct in saying that Matt Walsh (pic above), who produced the amazing documentary What is a Woman?, didn’t dare to name the influential Jews in gender ideology, the ideology of equality began in the writings of a much older Jew, St Paul. Constantine brought to Constantinople the inversion of Greco-Roman values we read in that famous verse in the Epistle to the Galatians, inducing, with all the power of the Roman Empire, a melting pot of races in the so-called second Rome. There began the Aryan decline big time. While the ancient Greeks and Romans with Nordic blood were racists, Christianity broke down the barriers—not something as recent as the 1960s.

Once I finish reviewing Weikart’s book on Hitler’s religion, we will continue translating Karlheinz Deschner’s history of Christianity.