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Psychology Racial right

Christian cup

Kevin MacDonald’s most recent article, ‘Will the Gaza War Threaten Jewish Power in the U.S. and Their Status as Occupying the Moral High Ground?’, caught my attention.

KevinMac is probably the most respected figure in American white nationalism, whose message is that Jewish subversion is the primary cause of white decline. I have mentioned in the past that Thomas Kuhn used the Rubin vase to illustrate how a paradigm shift works: the experience of seeing either a vase or two faces before exactly the same image engages a subject’s subjectivity. For example, KevinMac tells us at the beginning of his article: ‘The Gaza war is bringing us an awesome display of Jewish power over the US media and political culture’.

I would have said: ‘The Gaza war is giving us an astonishing demonstration of the hypnotic power of Judeo-Christianity in the political culture of the United States’, in the sense that if this continent hadn’t been conquered by Christians (let’s say it had been conquered by the Vikings), the Jews wouldn’t have the power they now have in the US.

KevinMac is seeing the faces of Jewry in Rubin’s vase. I am seeing the Christian cup whose ‘Kool-Aid’ turned many Americans into demented fanatics of the state of Israel (to a certain degree, Ben Klassen had already detected this psychological phenomenon in the US decades ago). Exactly the same information, the same ‘vase’, is being processed by me and white nationalists in a radically different way.

Update of November 10:

Mark Weber, the head of the INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW, in his address at a London Forum meeting also viewed exclusively the faces, not the cup!

Christian art

Non-Aryan Jesus

‘By making a man of another race into your God, obviously you are denigrating your own’. —Robert Morgan

Just for the record, the first image is a close-up of Jesus’ face in a painting of the Last Supper from the Museum of Art of Catalonia and comes from the Sigena monastery, Spain.

The second image is another close-up of the resurrection of Christ by an unknown painter belonging to the last decade of the 15th century, in the Segorobe Cathedral Museum in Castellón, also in Spain.

New Testament Racial right Richard Carrier


I am surprised that the Christian author of The Occidental Observer (TOO) article I was talking about yesterday responded to me in several TOO comments. Generally, white nationalist Christians have simply ignored me. For example, I have said countless times that the fact that the Spanish and the Portuguese mixed their blood in Latin America since the centuries when Christianity was in good shape means that the problem of Aryan ethnosuicide is more complex than what Judeo-reductionists claim, insofar in those times the Inquisition reigned in the Americas, an institution that controlled the Jews. The American racial right has ignored these facts so many times that I gave up and resigned myself to posting almost exclusively on this site, instead of trying to communicate with them on their forums, as I did quite often in the past. That’s why the Christian author’s several responses in the TOO discussion thread surprised me.

Below I not only quote my second retort, posted today, on TOO but some other things that I would like to respond to the Christians who are commenting in that thread.

RockaBoatus, the author of the article ‘A 2000-Year-Old Rabbinical Psyop: Did Jews Invent Christianity to Deceive Gentiles?’, told me:

What you’re reading today [textual criticism of the New TestamentEd.] are simply rehashed and outdated polemics that are about 150 years old with a new sophisticated twist. Conservative biblical scholars have refuted this nonsense…

By ‘conservative biblical scholars’ what you really mean is fundamentalist scholars.

Did you notice that above [i.e., in my first retort] I mentioned Ian Wilson, an English Catholic who has defended Christianity throughout his literary career? Unlike the list of fundamentalist Christians you cite, Wilson is honest enough to agree that what you call ‘outdated polemics that are about 150 years old’ are not outdated at all (cf. his book Jesus: The Evidence).

And Miller, whom I also mentioned above [again, in my first retort], is not anti-Christian like Carrier, who was never a Christian. Miller was a fundamentalist Christian who learned Greek, Latin, German and French to study the New Testament as a full-time scholar. Only when his research was advanced did he realise that there were serious problems with the so-called scholarship promulgated by his evangelical colleagues. This passage from a YouTube interview with Miller is vital to understanding his spiritual odyssey from traditional Christianity to apostasy. In fact, that YouTube channel, with its countless interviews with other NT scholars, can serve wonderfully to answer you (which I can’t do point by point because, as I said, it would take me days).

Regarding the rest of what you say, as well as what Pierre de Craon tells me about the evangelist John, in order not to overwhelm this discussion thread I think I’ll answer it in the next entry of my blog.

The only thing I would like to clarify now is that the thesis that Judeo-Christianity is a Jewish psyop is not exactly my thesis, but Skrbina’s. Rather than blaming St Paul et al, I blame Constantine and the house of Constantine (except Julian) for using the most toxic religion of the Mediterranean, the one inspired by intolerant Judaism, to control the population of the empire. If you don’t want to read the mini-book by the Spaniard Velasco that I linked above, see at least these excerpts from Vlassis Rassias’ book about how the Judeo-Christians of the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries destroyed the temples, sculptures, art and books of the classical world.

That is the starting point to understand the darkest hour of the West.

______ 卐 ______

The above is what I posted today on TOO. In one of his several replies to my yesterday’s retort, RockaBoatus said: ‘Jews did NOT “invent” Christianity.’ But he omits that St Paul was Jewish. He omits that the rabid hatred of John of Patmos, the author of the last book of the Christian Bible, was anti-Roman and that the ‘Seven Churches’ to which he wrote (Book of Revelation, 1:11) were in towns replete with Jews. He also omits that even Christian theologians admit that evangelists like Matthew were Jewish, and also the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Another Christian, who has frequently commented on TOO discussion threads, Pierre de Craon, responded to me by claiming: ‘attributing Revelation to John the Apostle is a sound judgment.’

That caught my attention since the consensus of New Testament scholarship is that the Book of Revelation dates from the end of the first century c.e., and a putative apostle from the beginning of the 1st century wouldn’t have lived that long. But to understand cultured Christians like Pierre de Craon I would like to digress a bit.

NT scholars can be classified into three groups: fundamentalists (there are also Catholic fundamentalists, not just Protestants, who believe in the historicity of the Garden of Eden, etc.), liberal Christians and non-Christians.

Since I come from a very Catholic family, in the 1980s I began to read liberal theologians, such as Hans Küng, who unlike the fundamentalists incorporated, to a certain extent, the textual criticism of the NT that has been doing since the Enlightenment, sometimes admirably summarised by Christians such as Albert Schweitzer’s classic The Quest of the Historical Jesus.

Fundamentalists haven’t responded honestly to this textual criticism which, I insist, sometimes comes from exegetes who have not apostatised from Christianity. And exactly the same can be said of the racial right.

Generally, Christians on the racial right as Pierre de Craon belong to the first group: that of Catholic and Protestant traditionalists. They haven’t even managed to assimilate what the liberal Christians have conceded long ago (e.g., Schweitzer’s 1906 classic). In my first retort I mentioned Ian Wilson, who with his books on the Shroud of Turin has even tried to create a kind of contemporary apologetics to support the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. But many of the Christians who comment these days in the discussion thread of the aforementioned TOO article don’t even know that a textual criticism of the NT exists: criticism that Christians like Wilson have already incorporated, for so many decades, into their way of seeing the world.

And what about the third group: the non-Christian scholars who dedicate themselves to studying the NT? What does one of them say about the book of Revelation, say, Carrier?

Revelation was written in the reign of Domitian (the 80s or 90s AD) and used Matthew as its base text. It is indeed an anti-Pauline document, but so is Matthew. And both were written in Greek, and thus for audiences outside Palestine. There is no evidence anyone was alive at that time who would know anything first-hand about the origins of Christianity, least of all the Pillars (they would be two generations gone by then), much less any who would ever have even heard of, much less read, Revelation (or Matthew for that matter). We also have no reactions to Revelation’s publication, so we have no idea how anyone responded to it anyway.

Revelation references no sources; in fact, it claims to have all its information from mystical visions, not any objective evidence at all. Someone, in other words, just dreamed all this (or was claiming to). And so far as we know it had no sources, other than “The Gospel according to Matthew,” which was simply an expanded redaction of the “Gospel according to Mark.” Revelation is therefore derivative and thus cannot corroborate anything. All it does is prove Matthew’s historicism existed at that time. Which we already know—from Matthew (and Mark, whose text is even earlier). It therefore can have no effect on the probability of historicity. Once the Gospels exist, it is already 100% expected there will exist texts expanding and riffing on them, like this, regardless of whether Jesus existed or not. So we are back to simply assessing the probability of the Gospels.

Nevertheless, Revelation is actually a little cagey about whether historicity is actually true, rather than symbolically represented. In Rev. 11 it sufficiently implies Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem; but in Rev. 12, Jesus is born in a lower heaven (in the vicinity of the moon), and soon whisked away to even higher levels of heaven, and seems never to leave there (in a manner that fits the Star Gospel that in OHJ I find in Ignatius and the Ascension of Isaiah). So it’s unclear which version of events the author believed actual and which merely allegorical. It could be both, depending on one’s level of initiation at the time, just as was the case for Osiris cult.

But regardless, since the author shows no sign of having any sources of information other than the Gospels we already know about, and his own imagination, it doesn’t matter. We can’t use it to prove anything in the Gospels is true. We can only use it to prove they were circulating by then, which we already knew, and thus already accounted for.

Based on what I said recently about my autobiographical work and how I can recover my previous Christian selves in exercises of the imagination, people like Miller and I are capable of psychically ‘encompassing’ folks like the Christians who comment in TOO. But they cannot return the favour because they have never experienced any apostasy in their minds (let’s say, that an apostate like Miller returned to the shelter of fundamentalist Christianity).

Update of November 6th

My last comment in that TOO thread was posted today.

New Testament Racial right

TOO article

The entire RockaBoatus article published yesterday on The Occidental Observer (‘A 2000-Year-Old Rabbinical Psyop: Did Jews Invent Christianity to Deceive Gentiles?’) smacks of apologetics, and answering it point by point would take me days. It’s better to focus on a few passages.

It seems to me, however, that when addressing Christianity and the problems of Jewish cultural subversion, these esteemed writers [Oliver, Pierce, Dalton, Rockwell] have over-reached in their criticisms. Their zeal to vanquish Christianity has not always been grounded on a true knowledge of Christian theology and history. They have often appealed to outdated liberal higher-critical arguments…

The trick with this passage is that none of the racialists mentioned are New Testament scholars, like the recent work of Richard Carrier or Richard Miller, to whom I have dedicated several entries.

In Revelation 3:9, the apostle John records…

RockaBoatus is obviously ignorant not only of recent studies by non-Christians like those of Carrier and Miller on how the New Testament originated. He also ignores old Christian studies that say the author of the book of Revelation has nothing to do with an apostle. Is RockaBoatus unaware of the literary criticism that has been levelled at the NT since Reimarus, which even Christians like Ian Wilson have popularized?

Gentile Christians in the New Testament are described as a people on par with Jewish believers. Together, both Jews and Greeks (gentiles) are described as one in Christ.

But that’s precisely the psyop! The Greco-Romans perceived themselves as superiors to the ugly Semites of Palestine (remember how the sculptures of Aelia Capitolina, which the Romans raised over ancient Jerusalem, showed Aryan beauty humiliating the conquered Jews). Putting them as equals is precisely what it was about for the Aryans to stop feeling superior to the mudbloods!

Historically, and particularly in modern times, Jews have worked feverishly to undermine and ultimately destroy Christianity.

This may seem true in modern times, but there are certainly historical facts that are never discussed on the racial right, and I would like to quote a translation from Spanish to English of the master essay on this site, written by Eduardo Velasco:

Judaea, victorious

In the eyar 435 occurred the most significant action on the part of Emperor Theodosius II. He openly proclaims that the only legal religion in Rome apart from Christianity is Judaism!

Through a bizarre, subterranean and astonishing struggle, Judaism has not only persecuted the old culture, and Rome, its mortal archenemy, adopts a Jewish creed—but the Jewish religion itself, so despised and insulted by the old Romans, is now elevated as the only official religion of Rome along with Christianity!

We must recognise the conspiratorial astuteness and the implacable permanence of objectives of the original Judeo-Christian nucleus! What they did was literally turn the tables on their favour: turn Rome into anti-Rome; place at the service of Jewry everything that the Jews so hated; take advantage of the strength of Rome and its state apparatus to have Rome against Rome itself in a sinister political-spiritual jiu-jitsu—from spitted slaves, trampled, insulted, despised and looked down, to absolute spiritual masters of the Roman Empire!

In a nutshell, Christianity was a subversive movement of agitation against Rome, against Greece and, ultimately, against the European world. As already stated, we have to assume that what has come down to us from the Greco-Roman world is only a tiny part of what was really there and that it was taken away by the Judeo-Christian destruction. Christianity, as a slave rebellion devised and led by Jews with the aim of destroying Roman power—and, ultimately, all European power—was and is a doctrine aimed at converting vigorous peoples into a domesticated flock of sheep. Nietzsche understood it perfectly, but when will we be able to fully assimilate what this meant and what it still means today?

Saint Peter, likewise, commands his readers to “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers” (vv.13-14). If that’s not clear enough, he further urges them to “honor the king” (v.17). We are compelled to ask: Why would a group of “pro-Jewish” writers say such things especially when their primary purpose is to deceive gentiles so that they become just as “anti-Roman” as themselves?

The answer appears in David Skbina’s book, The Jesus Hoax, which Prof. Kevin MacDonald reviewed for TOO: a book that alleges that the entire New Testament was written by Jews, and precisely that the idea was to perpetrate a psyop. At the end of the book Skrbina wrote: ‘This is the “peaceable Jesus” reply. We all know those famous lines, and they get repeated ad nauseum. My general reply is (a) the Jewish cabal was compelled to insert such lines for cover; too much explicit talk of rebellion was dangerous. Also (b) these relatively few lines are outnumbered by far more that imply rebellion and war—see my discussion in chapter five. And in any case, “rendering to Caesar” says nothing about not also working for his downfall. And sure, you may perish by the sword, but that’s what happens in war. I particularly appreciate “love thy neighbor”: Who, after all, was “the neighbor” if not the Jew?’

Finally, although one may claim that Paul was a deceiver and allege that he “made it all up,” this is not the kind of character we find depicted in his epistles. Instead, we find a person who seems devoted to truth…

Paul truthful? Really? I think every visitor to The Occidental Observer should read Skbina’s book, as it answers the kind of arguments we see about Paul in the TOO article (excerpts from his book can be read on pages 11-36 here).

A question…

…for the Christian Zionists in the US who, by all accounts, seem even more fanatical than the Israelis themselves: What is the Plan B for you when the Rapture, after the apocalypse in Gaza, doesn’t arrive?

Israel / Palestine War!

A final solution…

to the Palestinian problem

Above, Davidster (Star of David) by Dick Stins, a holocaust memorial in The Hague. The text at the side in Dutch and Hebrew is from Deuteronomy 25:17, 19: ‘Remember what Amalek has done to you, do not forget.’ On the other hand, about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Netanyahu has said: ‘You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible’, which is based on 1 Samuel 15:3:

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

What the Jews are doing doesn’t shock me. What is fascinating from the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour is that American evangelicals see nothing wrong with this Palestinian Holocaust, simply because the victimisers are the chosen ones (remember what I recently quoted from Tom Sunic). Had the victimisers been pure Aryans, like these evangelicals or what Himmler and his henchmen did—God forbid!: i.e., the god of the Jews, which is why, when I talk about genuine spirituality, I don’t use any more the word ‘God’ but ‘Gods’ in the plural in reference to the words in Delphi’s oracle; this is what transvaluing all the values means.

Just look at the Xtian hawks in the American Congress: they don’t care about the Palestinians, only about the chosen ones! Is it clear now why we have been saying since 2012 that the Christian problem ‘encompasses’ the Jewish problem?

Tom Sunic


On Monday I said that William Pierce, the year of his departure, uploaded a lucid podcast in which he said that we could see the JQ in a novel way: that we, because of our failings, were enabling the empowerment of Jewry.

The accepted wisdom on the racial right is diametrically opposed: the Jews empowered themselves without our help, to the point of dominating our societies. This claim is sometimes heard on the non-racial right as well. For example, on this day the respected Colonel Douglas Macgregor said a couple of times in this interview that Bibi dominates the American Congress!

Obviously, it is the other way around: it is the traitorous whites, the worst scum of whites that have existed since prehistoric times, who have empowered Jewry to delusional levels. Although Pierce died two decades ago, it is refreshing to know that on the other side of the Atlantic an intellectual, Tom Sunic, holds a POV analogous to mine. In The Occidental Observer this week Tom wrote in his article ‘Homo judaicus: The Political Theology of US Foreign Policy’:

America’s unconditional support of Israel resembles a belated form of White House Christian-inspired medieval neurosis. Fear of being called an anti-Semite prevents American politicians and a great number of American academics from openly criticizing Israel.

When some sparse critical voices are heard, they usually leave out the founding myths of the Biblical narrative, and focus, instead, on dry facts relating to the influence of Jewish lobbies in America.

In the typical fashion of American “expertise,” American academics who happen to be critical of Israel use one set of arguments while neglecting other scholarly approaches. In their analysis of the holy alliance between postmodern Israel and America, American scholars tend to forget that the Old Testament ties between these two countries had already predestined America to nurture a special and privileged rapport with the state of Israel.

My emphasis!

One does not have to agree with everything Sunic says in that article, or in the book on which the article is based. But what I quote above superbly portrays the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour as far as the JQ and the CQ are concerned.

Quotable quotes


German WWI hero and anti-Christian general Erich Ludendorff (1865–1937) wrote in his essay ‘Abgeblitzt!’:

The Jewish faith in and of itself would no more concern us as Buddhism or the faith of any Negro tribe in Africa. But the Jew, according to his faith, draws the justification for his world domination from the Old Testament and has closely connected this Old Testament with the Christian doctrine to destroy the Roman Empire, which oppressed him and destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 AD, and then, with the help of the then emerging Bible, to give his national god Yahweh as God to other peoples as well, to better achieve his nation-destroying goals.

Only when white nationalists have reached the level that some prominent Germans reached in the 1930s (this essay was written a year before Ludendorff’s death) will they have reached maturity. By the 2030s, will the American racial right have reached the level of intellectual sophistication that some Germans had a century earlier, or will they continue to worship the god of their enemies?

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Judaism


In his commentary today, Gaedhal tells us:

I do feel that Christianity is not at home in this 3rd millennium of our Common Era. As this millennium waxes on, Christianity just appears more and more anachronistic. However, Judaism might survive a bit longer, because, as I said before, the leaders of Judaism, even religious Judaism are atheists. We even see this in the New Testament. The wealthy Jews, who were the Vassal-statesmen of the Roman occupation were Sadducees. They didn’t believe that the Writings and the prophets were ‘inspired’. Neither did they believe in an afterlife. They were essentially crypto-atheists. Thus the leaders of the Jewish religion see the Old Testament as allegory, Yahweh as a poetic projection of the Jewish ethnic soul, and the Messiah as their own political activities.

This is very true and reminds me that the Greco-Roman religion was exactly the same but… on the Aryan side! Those who haven’t read The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour should at least read Eduardo Velasco’s ‘Were the Greeks and Romans blond-haired and blue-eyed?’ (pages 331-350).

What emerges from what Irishman Gaedhal and Spaniard Velasco say is that Christianity has been a religion imposed on the Aryan psyche. Unlike Judaism with the Jews, it is neither natural nor endogenous to our interests. Any discourse of cultural and racial preservation for the Aryan should start here, especially if we bear in mind that Western Christian Civilisation is not to be confused with European Civilisation (what Hitler and his ilk tried to reinstate).

William Pierce

Xtian cons

I would like to add a postscript to my Friday post, ‘The new subordinationists’.

It is amusing that the first comment on the most recent post on Occidental Dissent, a forum where many racialist Christians argue, vindicates what I said in my Friday post. The commenter said: ‘Not “bloodthirsty Boomer cons”, Hunter, but “bloodthirsty Christian Fundamentalist cons”—the types who say “He who blesses Israel is blessed, he who curses Israel is cursed!”’

One might think that The West’s Darkest Hour is in a fight to the death with the racial right forums because most of them believe that Jewry is the primary cause of white decline, whereas I believe it is the Aryan traitors who empower them. But on closer inspection, we are not that much at odds with the most lucid voices in that American movement.

Several years ago for example I linked a YouTube audio in which William Pierce expressed precisely the idea that we could see the JQ in novel ways, and he said that one of those ways is that our societies have been allowing Jewish subversion. It is a pity that YouTube has cancelled all the channels that uploaded Pierce’s old podcasts. However, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find that specific podcast as it was originally aired in 2002, the year Pierce died.

It is good to know that the most lucid mind that American white nationalism has ever produced, at least once in his life, expressed a view identical to the one on this site. (Too bad he died that same year…!)