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Alfred Rosenberg Arthur de Gobineau Miscegenation Racial studies


Today in the morning the first thing I did when I got up was to take a walk in the street. Whenever I go for a walk I think. Keeping in mind what we said yesterday about the pretentious academic profession called ‘philosophy’, I remembered a passage from my book El Grial that is worth […]

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Über philosophische und religiöse Quacksalberei

und ihre düsteren Folgen für die weiße Rasse Ein Brief von John Martínez an César Tort * Solange die Weißen nicht die tiefen mentalen Wurzeln ihrer gegenwärtigen Malaise begreifen (besonders was das Christentum und seinen säkularen Ableger, den Liberalismus, betrifft), werden sie sich wie ein Mann fühlen, der mitten in einer stockfinsteren Nacht von einem […]

Indo-European heritage Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 53

What he reproached most of all, it seems, was the fact that Christianity alienated his followers from Nature; that it inculcated in them a contempt for the body and, above all, presented itself to them as the ‘consoling’ religion par excellence: the religion of the afflicted; of those who are ‘toiled over and burdened’ and […]

Neanderthalism Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 52

It is certain that the decision of the young corporal Hitler, of the 16th Bavarian infantry regiment, to ‘become a politician’ [1] —a decision taken at the announcement of the capitulation of November 1918 in the tragic circumstances of which everyone knows[2]—isn’t enough to explain the extraordinary career of the man who was one day […]

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Warum Europäer das Christentum zurückweisen müssen, 2

Christliche Bücherverbrennung und literarischer Vandalismus Die Vernichtung ketzerischer und heidnischer Schriften durch Bücherverbrennung war weit verbreitet und aktiv. Obwohl sie manchmal von heidnischen Magistraten zur Vernichtung subversiver Literatur eingesetzt wurde, nahm die Bücherverbrennung erst während der kaiserlich erzwungenen Christianisierung Roms in Umfang und Häufigkeit erheblich zu. Unter der nizäischen Staatsreligion wurde die Bücherverbrennung zu einer […]

Democracy Monarchy Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Sturmabteilung (SA) Third Reich

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 50

There is no shortage of opponents of Marxism. They range from those who condemn all violence and are frightened by the known episodes of ‘class struggle’ in Russia and China, to those who reproach the Communists for their atheism and materialism, to those who own some property and are afraid of losing it if they […]

Degenerate art Egalitarianism Kali Yuga Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 49

As the present Cycle is much nearer its end than its bright beginning, it is probably not the first time that such an undertaking has taken place. I mentioned above the Revolution of 1789, which, in the name of the idea of equality ‘in law’ of all men of all races, led in France, de […]

Democracy Julian (novel) Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 47

  Chapter VIII The two great modern movements and tradition   Whenever justice is in danger, O Bharata, and injustice is exalted, so I myself come back. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of a reign of justice, I am reborn from age to age. […]

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Der Rote Riese

von Conservative Swede In England muß man sich für jede kleine Emanzipation von der Theologie in furchteinflößender Weise als Moral-Fanatiker wieder zu Ehren bringen. Das ist dort die Buße, die man zahlt. – Für uns andere steht es anders. Wenn man den christlichen Glauben aufgibt, zieht man sich damit das Recht zur christlichen Moral unter […]

Evil Miscegenation On Exterminationism (book) Savitri Devi

Good and bad Germans

As can be seen at the end of the last entry, Savitri’s admiration for Hitler was not as blind as that of those who never criticise the founder of the religion to which they belong. Dr Robert Morgan, who comments in The Unz Review, would be happy with Savitri’s pronouncement. But I differ from her. […]