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Art Film Pedagogy

Eleven films

Note from June 27, 2024: I think I overdid it with the Sleeping Beauty thing (due to the sins of Disney Studios). It’s certainly great for kids to watch it, even in an ethnostate. Thus, my 11th recommendation would be Sleeping Beauty (1959). I have added bold to the three films I recommend most: all […]

Hate Miscegenation Racial right Who We Are (book)

On Richard Grannon

In talking recently about mental illness with a clear aetiology of early childhood parental abuse, I said that I resented using Sam Vaknin’s seminal work because he is a Jew, and in a subsequent post I said that Richard Grannon said the same thing but that he is an Aryan. The problem, of course, is […]

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) New Testament

Hitler, 20

Recently, five people who tweet at X liked a tweet in which a visitor to this site, Ørdnung, quoted some words of mine: ‘It could even be argued, as I do in the featured post, that Hitler and Rosenberg themselves could be bridges to an even more refined NS than the one they promoted’ (I […]

Free speech / association

Tyrone, Chris

and the UK Just today I learned of something that happened a couple of weeks ago, about the subject of my post last month that two Londoners, who had commented on this site—Tyrone Patten-Walsh and Christopher Gibbons—had been prosecuted and found guilty for what they said on Chris’ podcast Black Wolf Radio. I met both […]

Kali Yuga

The Village

In this second post of 2024, I respond to Jamie. The wisest person after 1945 was Savitri Devi. These days I have been watching videos on cosmogony and the vastness of the universe. Among the Aryan religions, the only one that had a broad meta-perspective of the universe was Hindu. Savitri lived in India, learned […]

3-eyed crow Axiology

The Wall

‘Why were you so ungrateful to our Gods as to desert them for the Jews?’ —Roman Emperor Julian, addressing the Christians ‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past’. —William Faulkner ‘Like a lethal bacillus, Christianity is locked in a two-thousand-years-long death struggle with the white race, and only one or the other can […]

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Esau's Tears (book) Red terror

Hitler, 6

Before continuing with Simms’ book, there is something I would like to clarify about the Gemlich letter which, as Brendan Simms said in the previous installment of this series, is Hitler’s first surviving political text. Why did Hitler suddenly mention the Jews in September 1919? In Mein Kampf he confesses that he transvalued his values […]

New Testament Racial right Richard Carrier


I am surprised that the Christian author of The Occidental Observer (TOO) article I was talking about yesterday responded to me in several TOO comments. Generally, white nationalist Christians have simply ignored me. For example, I have said countless times that the fact that the Spanish and the Portuguese mixed their blood in Latin America […]

New Testament Racial right

TOO article

The entire RockaBoatus article published yesterday on The Occidental Observer (‘A 2000-Year-Old Rabbinical Psyop: Did Jews Invent Christianity to Deceive Gentiles?’) smacks of apologetics, and answering it point by point would take me days. It’s better to focus on a few passages. It seems to me, however, that when addressing Christianity and the problems of […]

Israel / Palestine

Nostalgic overture

The genocide being perpetrated in Gaza is grabbing the attention of the alternative media, including the racial right. We should welcome this Israeli blunder insofar as, thanks to it, the tribe will lose its aura of victimhood and become a victimiser at least for a section of the Western population. But this spotlight could be […]