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Beam on the Aryan problem!

Louis Beam said: ‘The real problem is you… that has given this land to the enemy… There is no such thing as Jewish domination. There is only white submissiveness. Refuse to submit and there is no longer domination’.

Nordicism Videos

Richie will never get it

In this recent interview, answering the question of who’s white, around minute 5:31 Richard Spencer said that the concept of whiteness ‘includes people of Mediterranean origin’. Similarly, after minute 27 of this YouTube interview by a Jew, Spencer said that the ethnostate ‘will be opened to Italians’.

I wonder if Richie will allow his daughter to marry one of these Sicilians?

Holocaust Videos

Holocaust red-pilling

I have said that one of the things that I dislike of the Alt-Right is that its members lack the gravitas needed to reclaim their societies. But I must acknowledge that presently the Alt-Right has just the right rhetoric to red-pill normies, even on thorny subjects.
Watch it after the laughing of minute 19 when they start to talk about the JQ.

Free speech / association Videos

Hypocrite Peterson

Note of February 15: YouTube nuked this account. Still can be viewed here:


Free speech / association Jared Taylor Videos

Jared vs. Jew

After minute 36 of this video this Israeli journalist, Nitzan Horowitz, tells Jared Taylor that his Jewish relatives living in the US, and even he himself, would ban Taylor’s race realism! No freedom of speech in America for such ideas!

Very interesting interview to gauge the Jewish mentality, including the other Israelis who also reacted angrily to Taylor (and spoke among themselves in a foreign language).
As a Priest of the 14 words, I would never engage a Jew in such matters. Remember our code: ‘Speak only to Aryan males’.

St Paul Videos

Kazantzakis on Paul

I have in my library Nikos KazantzakisThe Last Temptation of Christ. Although it’s not a good novel, it contains a masterpiece: an imaginary dialogue between Paul and Jesus: also, the only redeemable scene in Scorsese’s adaptation of Kazantzakis’s novel.


Just follow the golden rule!

Under no circumstances should any pro-White activist ever speak with the cops or any ‘reporter’.

Source: here. And pay special attention to the video ‘Don’t talk to the police’ embedded in that article.

2nd World War Axiology Evil Videos

Black Pigeon Speaks' best video

This is the perfect complement to my article “Witches’ brew” of 2012. I am even tempted to include Black Pigeon Speaks’ text of the above video in the 2018 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

2nd World War Autobiography David Irving Free speech / association Heinrich Himmler Holocaust Videos

David's story


Catholic Church Deranged altruism Revilo Oliver St Francis Videos

Reply to Spencer

Richard Spencer has said that this 2015 speech—:


—is one of his favourites. Halfway through the video he apparently accused the Judeo-Christian tradition for the calamity that fell on the West today: a sense of guilt that leads whites to seek their extinction around the globe.

It is curious that Matt Heimbach was in the front row listening to Spencer during that conference of American Renaissance. In the Q&A section, almost at the end of the video another Christian made the remark that in the Middle Ages white people did not feel guilty. Spencer replied that regarding ‘our capacity to become our own worst enemy, I don’t blame Judaism and Christianity on that. I think that goes much deeper. That might be some internal aspect of ours, that we were able to disembody shame and eat it and keep it inside ourselves or something like that. I do think that the modern guilt phenomena is a post-Christian phenomena.’

In this site I have said that Christianity is like AIDS: that whites were carriers of HIV, a virus for the white mind, since the beginning of our era but the outbreak only occurred in modern times.

Consider, for example, how the Renaissance popes were virtual generals who just went into the fields to kill their enemies in battles, and how the present pope is their antithesis: Francisco I follows infinitely more closely the gospel of Jesus. It is no coincidence that the current pope was the first in the history of the Roman Catholic Church to adopt the name of St. Francis of Assisi, the saint who tried to bring the words of Jesus into practice in all their purity. What Christians ignore is that this neo-Franciscanism so to speak or out-group altruism is precisely the HIV phase of our times.

Let there be no doubt: white nationalists, including what Spencer said at the conference and many others, subscribe the Christian ethics of loving one’s neighbor as oneself. They are perfect examples of what I call neo-Franciscanism, a secular love for the Other. Unlike Charles Darwin, Roger Pearson and other eugenicists, white nationalists wish the best for the black and the brown races as long as they thrive in their respective countries, and are even ready to help them as much as possible.

The AIDS / HIV analogy has to be true, for there is no record of pre-Christian whites having suffered from out-group altruism and tremendous guilt in the thousands of years of pre-Christian civilisations. As I recall when as a child I went with my family to Mass, I was very annoyed by the striking on the chests that, except me, all gave themselves pronouncing the words ‘Por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi grande culpa’ (Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa in the original Latin).

Imagine the billions of times that, over two millennia, whites have uttered these insane words while reciting the Confiteor on the par of literally striking themselves on the chest. Does Spencer and company really believe that after abandoning the religion of our parents no residue is left of that ‘malware’?

Spencer sometimes quotes Nietzsche. But he never quotes the Nietzscheans of today as we do. There is a special quote that I have been quoting over the years: a page that I stole from a Swedish blogger who is no longer active on the internet. It is worth repeating:

With Christ as part of the equation, the Christian ethics of the Gospels became balanced. Humans were seen as imperfect and it was Christ who covered for us with his self-sacrifice. In Secular Christianity [modern-day liberalism] each person has to be like Jesus himself, doing self-sacrifice, since there’s no other way to fulfil Christian ethics.

White nationalists do not realise the havoc caused by removing Christ from the equation: the psyche of secular whites was left with naked guilt, especially after altruistically they handed over their mainstream media and Hollywood to the subversive Jews!

When I was living in California, I once heard Charles Stanley’s sermon on television, and was very impressed that he said in front of millions of viewers that he deserved hell, eternal torture according to his fundamentalist interpretation of the Gospels (his words ‘and burn and burn…’ still resonate in my mind). But he added that Jesus could save us from the fire. I was so impressed by this sermon that I ordered the recording from his church by regular mail, which at that time was made with those audiocassettes that have since fallen into disuse.

The race realists who go to the American Renaissance conferences are clueless of the infinite harm that such ideas have caused in the Aryan psyche. It is not surprising at all that, once the millennial theology is rejected, the worm of guilt has not yet been extirpated from the secular mind. And once Christ is left out of the equation, the only way that the secularists may atone for their sins is by inviting, with the help of the subversive tribe, the coloureds into their lands.

From this point of view it is not homicide by the Jews what the Aryans of today suffer. It is assisted suicide.

I do not tire of repeating it: there is no historical evidence of suicidal guilt before Christianity, so Spencer’s response at the conference is refutable. With the exception of Revilo Oliver, the psychological sequels of the dismissal of Christianity is a subject not studied by white nationalists.

Next Sunday I will add one more passage from the anti-Christian novel Julian to this site.