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Hate Mainstream media Racial right

Part of the problem

Tucker Carlson spoke last night. The charlatanism of the so-called white nationalists can be seen in a simple anecdote. Carlson’s monologue yesterday (see, e.g., the minute after this moment) has been one of the most powerful in MSM. I have often said that what the white race needs first is a baby-step: moving from happy mode to angry mode. And Carlson’s anger contrasts with the even tone of the articles that can be read these days in American Renaissance, The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents and others. Not even in the recent podcasts of Richard Spencer can we listen any anger. How is that possible?

Basically, because people who had Christian parents in the United States (often Protestants) are prohibited from hating, or even uncovering the most legitimate emotions. As many of my visitors know, my specialty is not racial issues but the trauma model of mental disorders. And if there is one thing that follows from this model, it is that repressing our early traumas is what causes psychosis. It is true that when we were at the mercy of our abusive parents we could not explode our feelings. But if as adults we don’t report what they did to us, the result is a one-way ticket to any point among the entire range of dysfunctions that go from the simplest neurosis to the most serious psychoses.

There is no point in linking my recent posts about the situation in the US: the visitor can simply scroll down to read them. In short, it is unbelievable that a normie anchor like Carlson is already capable of handling the most elementary emotions while the racialists continue in that academic tone that is not going to lead the race to any revolution.

If you are white and your blood is not boiling over what is going on, then you are either asleep or part of the problem.

Racial right

Johnson talks to Woes

‘Nothing changes without blood flowing’.

—Tom Metzger

Yesterday I listened to what Greg Johnson and Millennial Woes have to say about the recent events in Congress and was impressed that, unlike the racialists I have been mentioning recently, Johnson openly stated something that strikes me as true: that the Democrats stole the election (cf. what I said last year about how the 1988 Mexican election resembles the 2020 one in the US).

Johnson speaks well but he told Woes that through words (presumably, more essays and podcasts) will change be achieved. Does Johnson believe that it is possible to create an ethnostate without any violence, merely through our racialist webzines? In his dialogue with the Scotsman, instead of a revolution Johnson hopes that a politically powerful, or economically influential dude will, one day, be seduced by our cause. This is the mentality that I have been tagging as ‘feminised Aryan males’ as Aryans of the past simply plotted how to take power by arms. They never imagined that taking power was possible only through words!

I also didn’t like those jargon donations I don’t understand (‘ice cream’, etc.), which constantly interrupted Johnson’s dialogue with Woes (the latter is pictured). But still: to date, what Johnson said is the most reasonable thing I have come across in racialist forums about this month’s events in the US. This shows the levels of feminisation suffered in white nationalism today.

Currency crash Racial right

On American bonobos

It is tiring to iterate the same in new entries but what I have recently said about The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents and American Renaissance in the context of the events of January 6 can also be said about other figures in the movement: Richard Spencer and Brad Griffin. Yesterday I listened to the dialogue between the latter two: the same civil and non-revolutionary thought as always.

It would also be tiring to repeat myself that Westerners, for reasons of a milieu of false abundance (see pages 13-15 of this text), are in happy mode and that they have to transit to angry mode (something more masculine than what recently happened in the US), combat mode (defend your homes with guns after the chimps-out start again) and finally killing mode (revolution).

The fact that throughout the dissident forums there is no talk of revolution, not even as a long-term goal, speaks volumes about the ‘bonobo’ state that white men, including racialists, find themselves in.

Fortunately for our point of view, the bonobo paradise for humans is artificial and soon an angel with a sword will expel them from it. In another recent interview, Spencer spoke for a while about the looming inflation in his country. But he fell short: what lies ahead once the new administration begins to distribute those two thousand dollars to each citizen during the pandemic is hyperinflation, not mere inflation.

It would also be tiring to repeat myself on the subject of the coming collapse of the dollar, although once again: the parallel with the Germans of the Third Reich, in contrast to the American racialists of today, couldn’t be more paradigmatic insofar as the Germans had precisely suffered the hyperinflationary stage of the Deutsche Mark before a genuine revolution of thought took place: something that the Americans still have to suffer.

I don’t know if the thoughtpolice is going to take down the YouTube audio linked above in which Spencer chats with Griffin. But one of the YouTube commenters nailed them with these words: ‘Richard “perfectly legal streams” Spencer’. Paraphrasing a featured author of this site, the Spaniard Evropa Soberana, we could add: The American bonobo knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he doesn’t know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

Racial right

Flawed Guyénot article

Above, Antinous as Bacchus, a sculpture presumed to have been from Hadrian’s villa in Palestrina: the second image that appears in ‘How Yahweh Conquered Rome: Christianity and the Big Lie’ by Laurent Guyénot, published this Christmas on The Unz Review.

Many years ago I asked Paulina, the only person who knows me, if I had a character flaw. She replied that I was very mocking. And indeed: as my previous post today shows, sometimes I am.

But I am beyond redemption. Take, for example, the article I had started reading today. As soon as I reached this sentence—:

What else can you expect from an institution that has always invited the Jews, and declared that they cease being Jews the moment they receive baptism? And so Christianity is a dead end. It is now part of the problem, not the solution. It may have served us well for some centuries [emphasis added]…

—I stopped reading. It is a disgrace that racialist intellectuals don’t read this site, as I have shown more than once that Christianity never served us well. And I’m not just talking about the masthead on this site, but the translations of Deschner’s work that we’ve been accumulating (we will soon be translating instalment 133 of Christianity’s Criminal History).

There is no way I can overcome that mocking spirit unless I am taken seriously, even if it is to refute me (in case I am wrong).

Child abuse Evil Racial right

On Scott Peck

Thanks to an article by Greg Johnson, almost a decade ago I got to know the work of M. Scott Peck (1936-2005). I even wrote a post on this site about it, ‘My evil parents’ which, over time, I changed the status from a public article to a private article. Peck, who also had abusive parents—and also when he was in his middle teens—tried to define evil scientifically. He didn’t make it, as we’ll see at the end of this post.

I would like to quote what Wikipedia says about Peck’s philosophy to illustrate something I say in one of my books in Spanish: it is useful to understand abusive parents to know why the white race commits suicide.

Peck discusses evil in his book People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, and also in a chapter of The Road Less Traveled. Peck characterises evil as a malignant type of self-righteousness in which there is an active rather than passive refusal to tolerate imperfection—sin—and its consequent guilt.

This attitude is the Leitmotif of the phenomenon I analyse in the sixth of my eleven books, titled Padre. But it is also typical of those anti-Semites who, not wanting to repudiate their parents’ religion, continue to obey the New Testament commands of the god of the Jews. The self-righteousness of my late father and those anti-Semites who see nothing wrong in Judeo-Christianity is limitless.

This syndrome results in a projection of evil onto selected specific innocent victims, often children; which is the paradoxical mechanism by which the People of the Lie commit their evil.

Interestingly, in his article Johnson uses this observation from Peck to talk about another topic, the self-righteous Jews. But Peck used it when talking about abusive parents.

Peck argues that these people are the most difficult of all to deal with. He describes in some detail several individual cases involving his patients. In one case which Peck considers as the most typical because of its subtlety, he describes Roger, a depressed teenage son of respected, well-off parents. In a series of parental decisions justified by often subtle distortions of the truth, they exhibit a consistent disregard for their son’s feelings, and a consistent willingness to destroy his growth.

I rarely translate intimate passages from my autobiographical books, but this willingness to stop the growth of a lad reminds me of the very first page of the first of my eleven books. On the other hand, by repudiating National Socialism, white nationalists also show a willingness to stop their growth because WN is merely a stepping-stone that helps us cross the psychological Rubicon, from Normieland to NS.

With false rationality and normality, they [the parents] aggressively refuse to consider that they are in any way responsible for his resultant depression, eventually suggesting his condition must be incurable and genetic.

In my research of psychiatry I found academic studies of millions of kids on Ritalin to force them to study stupid subjects. Pseudoscientific psychiatry blames the genes of Aryan boys who rebel against the traditional school program. Similarly, as I said in ‘Christmas Eve’, it is abhorrent for some nationalists to blame their genes for pathological altruism rather than the religion of their parents: where the problem lies.

Peck makes a distinction between those who are on their way to becoming evil and those who have already crossed the line and are irretrievably evil… Those who have crossed the line and are irretrievably evil are described as having malignant narcissism.

It was my parents’ malignant narcissism that rendered them incapable of seeing what they were doing to me and my sister (the subject of my first, sixth, seventh and eighth books). But there is also evil narcissism in those American nationalists who don’t want to see that the axes on which their nation was founded, capitalism and a branch of Protestantism that admired the Old Testament, would have devastating consequences on their history.

Evil is described by Peck as ‘militant ignorance’… Peck argues that while most people are conscious of this, at least on some level, those that are evil actively and militantly refuse this consciousness. Peck considers those he calls evil to be attempting to escape and hide from their own conscience through self-deception.

This reminds me very strongly of my essay on ‘God’ that I have linked several times on this site. But most white nationalists also militate in their ignorance by not wanting to ponder on what we say on the masthead of this site.

According to Peck, an evil person is consistently self-deceiving, with the intent of avoiding guilt and maintaining a self-image of perfection; deceives others as a consequence of his own self-deception and projects his or her evils and sins onto very specific targets—scapegoats—while being apparently normal with everyone else; maintains a high level of respectability, and lies incessantly to [conceal] his or her sins.

What better portrait of my parents when they were abusive towards us! But aren’t anti-Semites fooling themselves with their scapegoats while at the same time they, the anti-Semites, bend their knees to the god of the Jews?

An evil person is characterised not so much by the magnitude of their sins, but by their consistency of destructiveness; is unable to think from the viewpoint of their victim (scapegoating), and has a covert intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury.

Once again, what a perfect description of what I wrote about my father in my sixth book (or about my mother in my first and eighth books)! But why don’t American nationalists back down and recognise that their nation started wrong; in the words of Sebastian Ronin, predestined to become New Zion?

Most evil people realise the evil deep within themselves, but are unable to tolerate the pain of introspection, or admit to themselves that they are evil.

It’s amazing how Peck’s psychological insights continue to perfectly describe what I wrote in my sixth book, which recounts several of my confrontations with my father à la Toxic Parents. But can those nationalists who exclusively blame the kikes tolerate enough introspection and receive my Christmas present?

Thus, they constantly run away from their evil by putting themselves in a position of moral superiority and putting the focus of evil on others. Evil is an extreme form of what Peck, in The Road Less Traveled, calls a character and personality disorder.

Indeed: my parents used to project the evil of the family on me and my late sister. Similarly, some American southern nationalists use terms like WN 101 and WN 102 as if their repudiation of Rockwell’s neo-Nazism were an advance (‘moral superiority’), not a regression.

Though the topic of evil has historically been the domain of religion, Peck makes great efforts to keep much of his discussion on a scientific basis, explaining the specific psychological mechanisms by which evil operates. He was also particularly conscious of the danger of a psychology of evil being misused for personal or political ends. Peck considered that such a psychology should be used with great care, as falsely labelling people as evil is one of the very characteristics of evil.

In the Letter to Mother Medusa (see sidebar) we read that my mother began to see the devil in me when I reached puberty, but my only sin was that I had started to transvalue my Christian values. There are still some people in the racialist right who falsely label Nazi Germany as evil: the only European nation that had begun to transvalue Judeo-Christian values.

He argued that a diagnosis of evil should come from the standpoint of healing and safety for its victims, but also with the possibility, even if remote, that the evil themselves may be cured.

My father died unredeemed but in theory nationalists may be cured as they’re still alive. But this would require that they swallowed their pride by recognising they are stuck in the middle of the psychological Rubicon, and that Uncle Adolf’s way was and is the only way.

Ultimately, Peck says that evil arises out of free choice. He describes it thus: Every person stands at a crossroads, with one path leading to God, and the other path leading to the devil.

Peck was another American who got stuck in the middle of the river until he died. He never realised that the religion of his Quaker parents was inherently perverse. For his ‘scientific’ definition of sin to be truly scientific, the word devil would have to be replaced by evil. Always keep in mind my article ‘God’ linked above, which also appears in Day of Wrath.

Racial right

From January 1st, 2021

what I said earlier this month will come into effect. I will take the drastic step of eliminating the comments section, although that doesn’t mean making it impossible for commenters to opine on this site. They will have to send me old-fashioned letters through regular mail commenting on what is said in a specific entry. If a comment comes from a priest of the fourteen words, I’ll scan it and use a text converter for the discussion threads.

Make no mistake: Very few commenters have reached the level of commitment of SS Germans to save their race from the ongoing program of white extermination throughout the West, and I’ve run out of patience to continue fooling around with those misnamed ‘white nationalists’ who, in fact, aren’t absolute fanatics of the fourteen words.

And remember that if WordPress takes down this site, the backup also appears in the link of my first line above.

Conservatism Evil Racial right

Bleeding Germany dry, 2

According to the American investigative journalist and publicist John Sack, Jews are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Germans. Sack, who is himself Jewish, writes in the foreword to his book An Eye for an Eye:

Jews killed Germans. God knows the Jews were provoked, but I learned that in 1945 they killed a great number of Germans: not Nazis, not Hitler’s triggermen, but German civilians, German men, women, children, babies, whose ‘crime’ was just to be Germans. Through the wrath of Jews, however understandable, the Germans lost more civilians than at Dresden, more than, or just as many as, the Japanese at Hiroshima, the Americans at Pearl Harbor, the British in the Battle of Britain, or the Jews themselves in all of Poland’s pogroms.

One of these murderers was the commandant of the Polish concentration camp at Schwientochlowitz, Shlomo Morel. This former member of the Jewish partisans was behaving like a savage brute. His punitive measures became a well-established ‘Please tuck me in’ ritual: ‘At around ten, a sergeant would shout, ‘Attention!’ and the Germans would leap out of bed like volunteers, raise their right arms, say, ‘Heil Hitler!’ sing the Horst Wessel Song, and, in answer to ‘How many blows?’ say, ‘Fifteen,’ for if a German said, ‘Ten’, the guards would say, ‘Coward!’ and give the German fifty.

The guards used clubs, bed boards, crowbars, and the Germans’ own crutches to give the Germans their fifteen blows, and at times they blurred the distinction between corporal and capital punishment by seizing a German’s arms and legs and swinging his head against the wall like a battering ram.

In the centre ring, Shlomo used his pet birch-wood stools on the Germans, but he was unsatisfied and his guards came back again and again on many marathon nights… the guards started beating them all: if they didn’t salute, if they didn’t say, ‘Yes, sir’ in Polish, if they didn’t pick up their hair in the barbershop, if they didn’t lick up their blood. The guards put the Germans into a doghouse, beating them if they didn’t say, ‘Bow wow’. They got the Germans to beat each other: to jump on each other’s spines and to punch each other’s noses, and if a German pulled his punches, the guards said:

‘I’ll show you how’, and hit the Germans so hard that they once knocked a German’s glass eye out. The guards raped the German women—one, who was thirteen years old, got pregnant—and trained their dogs to bite off the German men’s genitals at the command of ‘Sic!’ And still three thousand remained, and Shlomo hated them more than he had in February, hated them for not dying compliantly. It seemed as though hate were a muscle and the longer he used it, the bigger it got.

Editor’s note:

The above quote comes from pages 427-428 of Claus Nordbruch’s book. I have already said it many times and it is necessary to reiterate it until at least some understand it: The intellectual cowardice of so-called white nationalism lies in that its proponents don’t go around pounding, day and night, with this type of information.

How is it possible that even a Jew, the author of An Eye for an Eye, is talking about this German holocaust but white advocates don’t do it on a regular basis? Jews win and will continue to win because they have made their Shoah a religion for Jewish and Gentile consumption. The Aryans lose because not even those who supposedly defend their race go around hammering 24/7 with the historical facts of World War II with the frenzy that the Jews do with their Shoah.

When will Counter-Currents sponsors understand that the money they are giving Greg should be sent to the true defenders of the Aryans? So-called white nationalists like Greg are de facto conservatives. And as I said recently in one of the discussion threads, conservative types are worse than Antifa: they’re a hoax just like the 2016 Trump campaign was a hoax (as ascertained when he actually came to power).

Postscript of 16 December:

I just censored an old commenter who wanted to post an irrelevant video on one of the threads (a commenter who doesn’t believe in any vaccine) and was tempted to delete another comment from another commenter.

Some who visit this site have not realised the seriousness of what I said in the sticky post, and I could rephrase it in a very different way: Do you feel the hatred that I feel, exterminationist hatred? Because if you don’t feel it, you are not a priest of the 14 words.

I didn’t explain Johnson’s paradigm above. He is not the problem, but the ones who send him money. The last time I visited his site they had already sent him $135,000 this year and he wants $15,000 more. Yes: like every white nationalist he is a charlatan. However, charlatanism doesn’t come only from him, but from the sponsors who are responsible for the health and prosperity of his webzine. (No handsome financing, no full-time Greggy working on his Counter-Currents.)

Perhaps I should start posting a series of articles that more clearly define the type of commenter I would like to allow on this site? But for the moment I would like to focus on the topic of the above post: the admins of the main sites of white nationalism, that the paranoid System sees as wolves but are lambs in wolf skins, are not the problem. The problem are the masses of racialised conservatives who are promoting these webzines with their numerous visits, comments and financial support.

Where is there anything that remotely resembles the pamphlets the SS published in Germany? Or, after the Hellstorm Holocaust, a site that regularly mentions such holocaust? At least Greggy published a couple of times featured articles about it. As far as I know, Occidental Dissent hasn’t said a peep about this holocaust of Germans in spite of the fact that its admin has German blood in his veins.

The fact that some racialised conservatives have invited Greg to some European countries instead of reviewing their recent history speaks of the collapse of the Lebenskraft more eloquently than any tirade I can think of in this obscure corner of the priesthood of the fourteen words.

Ethnic cleansing Eugenics Nordicism Racial right Third Reich

Lebensraum, 4

‘White’ to me just means ‘European’, which includes a whole range of skin tones, from the whitest white to brown.

–Greg Johnson

Abducting the future Sabine women

The image below says: ‘New Wolf’ [see first comments below] and below other letters seem to indicate that it is a text for the racial policies of the NSDAP.

To found Rome, on this site I have talked a lot about the abduction of the beautiful Sabine women, who belonged to an ethically related people of the Spartans. We have also talked about how the Spartan state nationalised small kids to garrison them.

But neither Sparta nor Republican Rome still suffered from the miscegenation that would fall on Europe centuries later. Since the extensive interbreeding with mudbloods was already well advanced in the last century, the Germans were forced to kidnap the most Nordish-like children from the conquered countries to educate them as god intended.

If the white race is to be saved, these kinds of measures will have to be retaken along with the repudiation of white nationalists who, following the egalitarian fashions of the darkest times in the West, reject Nordicism. Let’s just compare the above heading to the policies of the NSDAP and we will understand what the word quackery means in my mouth when I refer to white nationalists.

But let’s go back to the non-quacks who wanted to save the race.

Despite the successes, Himmler admitted that Lebensborn households couldn’t produce enough children to fulfil his dream. Even counting German-speakers in newer regions, such as the Sudetenland, the Third Reich’s population didn’t exceed seventy-nine million, well below the 120 million that had been proposed.

To increase the number of inhabitants, Himmler gave the order to the soldiers of the occupied countries to abduct Nordic-looking children. This strategy was carefully put into practice in some areas of the East, especially Poland. The children were divided into two groups: those with Slavic features were deported to the east or became labour; those with Aryan features could be Germans with all their privileges. The result was a real hunt of blond and blue-eyed children.

After this examination, they were classified into three different categories: desirable, acceptable or undesirable. Having gypsy features automatically made a child undesirable, which, in practice, carried a death sentence. Many of them were sent to the camps.

The past of the chosen children was painstakingly erased. Usually they were told that their parents had died and, after giving them a new name with Germanic resonances, they were sent to Germany. (At this point it’s necessary to recall the quote from Who We Are in the last article of Daybreak in which Pierce tears his garments when speaking of the ethno-suicidal American custom of bestowing Hebrew names on children.) There they entered a home where they strictly forbade them to speak Polish. Those who were unable to learn German or who didn’t adapt to their new nationality would be sent back to Catholic Poland.

This same fate happened to the children of many other parents, including Czechoslovakia, Slovenia, and parts of the Soviet Union. One of them was Alexander Litau, originally from Crimea, who was only twenty months old when, in 1942, Germany invaded the peninsula. With his blue eyes and blond hair, the little boy matched exactly what the Germans were looking for. One day, some SS officers saw him playing in front of his house and took him away.

Alexander was first sent to Poland, where German doctors made sure that he was healthy and met all the requirements. The examination was thorough and it was found that the child didn’t have any Jewish traits. He was then placed in a Lebensborn home, Sonnenwiese (Sunny Meadow) in Kohren-Sahlis, Saxony. Here, now under the name Folker, he was offered up for adoption along with others.

‘My first memory is being in a room with thirty other children. People would come in there and they would line us up as if we were puppies looking for a new home. Those people were going to be my parents. They left and came back the next day. Apparently my “mother” wanted a girl, but my “father” preferred a boy… I placed my head on his knee and this was enough: I would be his son’, Folker recalled.

Eugenics Heinrich Himmler Racial right Schutzstaffel (SS) Third Reich

Lebensraum, 3

‘Blessed be every mother of good blood’
was the motto on Lebensborn’s insignia.

National Socialist courses

Mothers of children who bore healthy children were normally allowed to keep them, but had to follow certain rules and, in exchange for taking care of their physical well-being, Lebensborn controlled them ideologically. While there, the women had to attend indoctrination courses three times a week where propaganda films were shown to them; they read episodes of Mein Kampf, heard radio talks and sang war songs.

The staff was instructed to closely monitor the women and report on their behaviour in daily life, their bravery (or lack thereof) during childbirth, and the opinions they expressed on Hitler and National Socialism. To do this, each was given a book with the inscription RF—corresponding to the Reichsführer—which, after their stay there, was sent to Himmler and used to decide whether to use a Lebensborn home again. Himmler ran the homes in a very personal way, with all kinds of guidelines. One of his favourite subjects was diet, on which he had very strong opinions.

The Reichsführer regularly visited homes to follow the evolution of mothers and children. He was so interested that children born on his birthday, October 7, automatically became his godchildren. Each received a mug engraved with his name and that of the Reich leader. Then the homes sent him reports on the development of the creature. In one of them, Himmler could read that Ingemar Kurt, born on October 7, 1937 ‘is developing well and is a strong and healthy boy’. Gerlinde, born the same day two years later, had contracted severe pneumonia but was already recovered. ‘Gerlinde has overcome her serious illness and is a happy girl’, the message read.

Before the children left home, they went through the rite of baptism, which served as an oath of allegiance to Hitler and the SS. At a table covered with a swastika flag and a bust or a photo of Hitler, mothers promised to educate children to be good citizens of the Reich. Then they handed the baby over to an SS officer, who gave him or her a kind of blessing.

The words changed from one home to another, but the content was the same: ‘We believe in the god of all things. And in the mission of our German blood, which is rejuvenated on German soil. We believe in race, the carrier of blood. And in the Führer, chosen for us by god’. Then the officer held a dagger over the child and read the words with which he was initiated in the SS: ‘We will welcome you into our community as a member of our body. You will grow up under our protection and you must give honour to your name, pride to your brotherhood and glory to your inexhaustible race’.

Just compare this National Socialist Credo with the old Nicene-Constantine Creed and how American white nationalists baptise their kids in front of the Semitic idol!

The stupidity of humans is unlimited…

Currency crash Racial right

More on women’s club

That white nationalism is a women’s club is noted in the latest American Renaissance article from the pen of a very prolific American racialist.

The article begins speculating what whites can do in these times that are becoming increasingly darker for the white race, but at no point does it speak of destroying the American government as the only way out. I recently reread the passages in which heroic freedom fighters killed Uncle Sam in The Turner Diaries, and I am sorry that contemporary racialists religiously obey the Christian prohibition against hate, but instead to be meek as lambs. That the Gregory Hood article was also reposted on Occidental Dissent speaks for itself.

I am increasingly disgusted by American white nationalism, American race realism, the American alt-right, and the racialist southern nationalism of some Americans.

Today I also gave a cursory glance to the latest Counter-Currents articles, a webzine as feminised as the ones mentioned above. I noticed that one of its articles is now advertising Bitcoin, which is just air. The author tells the lie that Bitcoin has a store value. I would reply that it has as much store value as paying huge amounts of money during the tulip mania of the Dutch Golden Age. Mark my words, because in our lifetimes we will see how the Bitcoin bubble bursts.