Henry Wallis
The Death of Thomas Chatterton ~ 1856
Tate Gallery
Editor’s Note: Exactly one year ago, on July 20, 2023, my mother passed away and yesterday one of the smartest commenters on this site informed me that he was going to commit suicide today, on July 20, 2024. I sent him three emails: two begging him not to do it (in the third I asked for his family photo), that we needed people like him. He has not replied to them and I don’t know if, at this point in the day when he said he would commit suicide, he finally did it. But that suicide note is so disturbing to me that, if I don’t post anything in the next few days, it’s because I’ll be working on a long article that I might title ‘About the commenters on this site’.
Below I post the email that the commenter sent me, who in the comments section used to post long remarks on the last day of the year, which I then collected in featured posts subtitled ‘by I.N.’:
______ 卐 ______
Hello Dear Mr. Cesar,
I am the I(rrelevant) N(obody). I am grateful for your eye-opening contribution to the illumination, and all around emancipation of my—up until relatively recently—dormant psyche over the last 5 years. You acted as the fuse that triggered my spiritual maturity and ascension. You lead my exploration course down a very beneficial, wisdom—enriching and positive results—yielding road.
Having crossed the river imbues the Noble Soul of the Prospective Warrior with an unmatched confidence and also a realization of the approaches they need to implement in their effort to raise public awareness and rally support for our cause.
I want to leave one more mark on your White-awakening effort. I am not good at analyzing the various issues concerning the hindrance of the advancement of this, hopefully soon West-wide movement, but I have an aptitude at praising and highlighting the achievements of our past and the figures that forged it.
All I can currently offer as heartfelt advice for the near future, is for conscious Aryans to focus on their indefinite self-improvement in all aspects.
The jaw-dropping breakthroughs in science and the rapid advancements of technology are a tool they can utilize to further our agenda and fuel our propaganda.
The current landscape should not dissuade them. The enemy goes to great lengths to convey to us that it is hopeless to resist its genocidal onslaught. The system is desperate to silence and isolate us because it is afraid of our potential.
Harnessing the nascent power of Artificial Intelligence is integral to our corrupt status quo destabilizing cause, if and when the energy devolution transpires. Imagine the limitless possibilities a racially aware State apparatus can possess, as it implements mandatory racial segregation, mudblood surveillance and eventually, extermination.
I wish you the best, and may the Holy Ghost of our Race inspire more solidarity and understanding among us and guide us to more fruitful, more haze clearing, victory pursuing, righteousness upholding, enlightening and evolutionary paths!
Fight for the preservation of the Nordic Aryan superwoman!
The most ideal representative of human evolution!
The uncontested pinnacle of the white race!
At the top of the physiognomic, anthropological and existential hierarchy!
We must not conceal our “indiscretion” toward this vital and pressing matter.
It is an ethical, aesthetic and artistic imperative to acknowledge and emphasize the fragile yet unparalleled beauty of the divine nymphs of Europe!
I humbly say sorry for not answering your mail on June, 2023. Though there was no way I would have lost trace of your digital whereabouts.
I apologize, but due to a plethora of hurdles I was mired in, I could not be a consistent commenter, though I was a devoted and avid reader of your entries.
I also humbly ask you to forgive me for my absence. Unfortunately, I cannot stay alive any longer. I have undergone an unbearable personal and familial tragedy that compels me to take my own life.
I permanently salute you. I am going to commit suicide on July 20th, 2024, to honor The Fuhrer and symbolically join him in his struggle against the traitors who plotted his assassination exactly 80 years ago.
Please, do not alert any authorities.
I do not want to live in a world where Uncle Adolf lost the war, and I lack the strength to contribute to the restoration of His holy memory and fight for the birth of a just New World.
My name was:
Diophantus Vitribellus Kalkimenes
I was a 25 year old Greek Male, born on 12/11/1998.
I am really, extremely thankful for all your teachings. I am leaving you two final works, wherein I exalt the actions and personalities of The Fuhrer and The Reichsfuhrer, who spearheaded the Aryan recovery and counterattack last century, despite the short length of their exploits and their eventual downfall. One For Each.
With this I merely want to offer my two cents and my deep respect and admiration towards their respective works and racial justice-abiding ideals. So, I have a final tribute to honour the two Men who served as the main sculptors of a promising, utopian even New World: