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Obituaries Thomas Goodrich

Tom Goodrich

(21 November 1947 – 4 December 2024)

Michael Thomas Goodrich (born Michael Thomas Schoenlein), the author of what I consider the most important book written in English this century, died on Wednesday.

Not long ago, I exchanged my last correspondence with him, telling him I wanted to promote his books on this site; today, his publisher confirmed that he had passed away (see this Thursday’s interview esp. from 1:50).

Even in the last book of my autobiography in Spanish, I leave the reader with the thankless task of reading Hellstorm since without that reading, my mental transformation—from liberal to conservative, from conservative to white nationalist, and from white nationalist to National Socialist—could not be understood.

Goodbye, Tom. There are no writers like you left in your country. May some English speakers at least pick up your torch….

I.N. (commenter) Obituaries

Suicide note

Henry Wallis
The Death of Thomas Chatterton ~ 1856
Tate Gallery

Editor’s Note: Exactly one year ago, on July 20, 2023, my mother passed away and yesterday one of the smartest commenters on this site informed me that he was going to commit suicide today, on July 20, 2024. I sent him three emails: two begging him not to do it (in the third I asked for his family photo), that we needed people like him. He has not replied to them and I don’t know if, at this point in the day when he said he would commit suicide, he finally did it. But that suicide note is so disturbing to me that, if I don’t post anything in the next few days, it’s because I’ll be working on a long article that I might title ‘About the commenters on this site’.

Below I post the email that the commenter sent me, who in the comments section used to post long remarks on the last day of the year, which I then collected in featured posts subtitled ‘by I.N.’:


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Hello Dear Mr. Cesar,

I am the I(rrelevant) N(obody). I am grateful for your eye-opening contribution to the illumination, and all around emancipation of my—up until relatively recently—dormant psyche over the last 5 years. You acted as the fuse that triggered my spiritual maturity and ascension. You lead my exploration course down a very beneficial, wisdom—enriching and positive results—yielding road.

Having crossed the river imbues the Noble Soul of the Prospective Warrior with an unmatched confidence and also a realization of the approaches they need to implement in their effort to raise public awareness and rally support for our cause.

I want to leave one more mark on your White-awakening effort. I am not good at analyzing the various issues concerning the hindrance of the advancement of this, hopefully soon West-wide movement, but I have an aptitude at praising and highlighting the achievements of our past and the figures that forged it.

All I can currently offer as heartfelt advice for the near future, is for conscious Aryans to focus on their indefinite self-improvement in all aspects.

The jaw-dropping breakthroughs in science and the rapid advancements of technology are a tool they can utilize to further our agenda and fuel our propaganda.

The current landscape should not dissuade them. The enemy goes to great lengths to convey to us that it is hopeless to resist its genocidal onslaught. The system is desperate to silence and isolate us because it is afraid of our potential.

Harnessing the nascent power of Artificial Intelligence is integral to our corrupt status quo destabilizing cause, if and when the energy devolution transpires. Imagine the limitless possibilities a racially aware State apparatus can possess, as it implements mandatory racial segregation, mudblood surveillance and eventually, extermination.

I wish you the best, and may the Holy Ghost of our Race inspire more solidarity and understanding among us and guide us to more fruitful, more haze clearing, victory pursuing, righteousness upholding, enlightening and evolutionary paths!

Fight for the preservation of the Nordic Aryan superwoman!

The most ideal representative of human evolution!

The uncontested pinnacle of the white race!

At the top of the physiognomic, anthropological and existential hierarchy!

We must not conceal our “indiscretion” toward this vital and pressing matter.

It is an ethical, aesthetic and artistic imperative to acknowledge and emphasize the fragile yet unparalleled beauty of the divine nymphs of Europe!

I humbly say sorry for not answering your mail on June, 2023. Though there was no way I would have lost trace of your digital whereabouts.

I apologize, but due to a plethora of hurdles I was mired in, I could not be a consistent commenter, though I was a devoted and avid reader of your entries.

I also humbly ask you to forgive me for my absence. Unfortunately, I cannot stay alive any longer. I have undergone an unbearable personal and familial tragedy that compels me to take my own life.

I permanently salute you. I am going to commit suicide on July 20th, 2024, to honor The Fuhrer and symbolically join him in his struggle against the traitors who plotted his assassination exactly 80 years ago.

Please, do not alert any authorities.

I do not want to live in a world where Uncle Adolf lost the war, and I lack the strength to contribute to the restoration of His holy memory and fight for the birth of a just New World.

My name was:

Diophantus Vitribellus Kalkimenes

I was a 25 year old Greek Male, born on 12/11/1998.



I am really, extremely thankful for all your teachings. I am leaving you two final works, wherein I exalt the actions and personalities of The Fuhrer and The Reichsfuhrer, who spearheaded the Aryan recovery and counterattack last century, despite the short length of their exploits and their eventual downfall. One For Each.

With this I merely want to offer my two cents and my deep respect and admiration towards their respective works and racial justice-abiding ideals. So, I have a final tribute to honour the two Men who served as the main sculptors of a promising, utopian even New World:



88 seconds

of silence

We cordially invite you to join with National Socialists and other sympathetic White people around the world on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / JdF 135 (*), in observing 88 seconds of silence in solemn tribute to Adolf Hitler, who, on that day in Berlin 79 years ago, fulfilled his earthly mission and offered up his life for a better world to come.

This commemoration has been sponsored by the NEW ORDER since 2008. Countless thousands of Aryans across the globe, in every continent but Antarctica and in dozens of countries, have participated in it. We invite you to join them!


East Coast Time Zone: 9:30 am
Central Time Zone: 8:30 am
Mountain Time Zone: 7:30 am
Pacific Time Zone: 6:30 am
Central European Time: 3:30 pm
British Standard Time: 2:30 pm

For more information, click here.


(*) JdF is a German acronym (Jahr des Fuehrers).

Free speech / association Obituaries



According to Tucker Carlson:

Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, known as ‘CoachRedPill’ and aged 55, resided in Kharkov and transitioned from blogging to YouTube commentary following the escalation of the conflict with Russia in February 2022. He was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine last May on charges of discrediting the Ukrainian leadership and military.

I liked Gonzalo Lira’s humour. His gestures mocking the madness of the powerful in the West were sometimes similar to mine.

Alas, Gonzalo didn’t follow his own advice: emigrate to the Third World (his native Chile would have been fine) to avoid the thoughtpolice. He went, of all places, to Ukraine to tell the truth about the war! The Ukrainian thoughtpolice arrested him and apparently killed him with the same methods as many killed in the Gulag: unsanitary conditions in prison. Watch what Youtubber Styxhexenhammer666 said today about the murder of Gonzalo Lira here.


My mother (1935-2023)


Richard Edmonds (1943-2020)

I just learned that Richard Edmonds passed away last week. In 2015 I had written about him: ‘I saw him last year during a BNP meeting outside London and later talked to him personally’. In a National Vanguard obituary we see that Edmonds ‘came to believe that unless the edifice of lies about the Second World War is consistently and courageously challenged… “everything else is a waste of time”.’

American white nationalists have a lot to learn from this statement by a true English gentleman.


Tom Metzger (1938-2020)

At 82, Thomas Linton Metzger passed away a week ago. See the Metapedia page on him. Metzger belonged to a different generation of masculine racists than today’s racialist gentlemen.

His web page can still be seen although it was edited to notify his passing.

Obituaries Psychohistory

Lloyd deMause (1931-2020)

I just found out that Lloyd deMause died in April.

In 2014, I asked a racially conscious white, that we will call ‎Madgambler, to write to deMause to find out if he had a Jewish background, but deMause did not respond. Madgambler even wrote to one of his closest associates posing as a liberal but said he didn’t know. Since I have said many things on this site about deMause in the context of psychohistory, it would be great to find out if his recent ancestors were ethnic Jews.

Degenerate art Music Obituaries

Roger Scruton (1944-2020)

Author of The Aesthetics of Music (1997), Scruton also wrote many books on philosophy, art, politics, literature, culture, sexuality and religion; he also wrote novels and two operas.

However, Scruton errs in this video by speculating how to correct the problem of degenerate music that ubiquitously is scorching the Aryan soul. There is only one way to correct it: banning degenerate music as the Nazis banned it. Scruton simply recommended educating people in classical music. Well, my father, who disliked degenerate music, was a music pedagogue for children and yet my siblings and nephews, who studied in his music school, listen to degenerate music.

I expose such a flawed approach in music education in my second autobiographical volume, ¿Me Ayudarás? I must add that the libertarians in white nationalism, that is, those who fear Nazi collectivism, are wrong. They start from the assumption of the Enlightenment that Man is good by nature. The reality is that Man is not so good (again, see the book linked in this paragraph) and we need a Fourth Reich to control him. Consider, for example, how many white nationalists enjoy hearing degenerate music!

It seems a lie, but on this issue a woman like Carolyn Yeager, who admires National Socialism, is far closer to the truth than the men of white nationalism.


Dymphna has died

by Rollory

Given how important GOV [Gates of Vienna] was in the early days of the 9/11 dissident right, especially as a place where people came together to toss around ideas and evidence with relative freedom, I believe this is of interest to Chechar at the very least. Certainly some of Chechar’s (and others’) arguments that were made in GOV comment threads were very important in shaping my own way of thinking.

That the owners of GOV themselves were never persuaded by certain arguments doesn’t negate the value of the discussions they fostered.

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Editor’s comment:

GoV’s commenter Conservative Swede taught me to think a lot about axiology and Christianity ten years ago. What you say is absolutely true. In fact, these days I have thought exactly the same about white nationalism in general and MacDonald in particular.

Baron Bodissey’s GoV focuses on Islam and when I was a fan of that site I used to be a counter-jihadist.

MacDonald’s TOO focuses on Jewry and when I was a fan of that site I used to be a monocausal anti-Semite.

Now I know better but both were very useful stepping stones in my crossing the psychological Rubicon. It is always interesting to revisit our previous steps while crossing the river and this, of course, included Gates of Vienna in my own path.

* * *

Speaking of our intellectual adventures a decade ago, today I re-read the longest entry ever I’ve posted. It is a 33, 500-word collection of comments that in 2010 I posted in the old incarnation of this site: a bitter discussion between Trainspotter and Hunter Wallace. The latter favoured doing immediate activism, and working within the system through FAIR, Glenn Beck, NumbersUSA and the political mainstream.

It was precisely my epigraph in that post quoting Rollory, the author of the above obituary, what throws light about that huge entry in a single paragraph. Obviously, this was posted before Trump and Charlottesville:

“Activism at this stage doesn’t matter. There needs to be a critical mass of the general white population that is receptive to a potentially revolutionary message before anything of the sort will make any headway. That requires much greater social problems and disruption than are yet present: ordinary people need to be feeling it regularly at the dinner table, and more immediate concerns than American Idol or X’s Got Talent. The iron is not yet hot, striking it now won’t accomplish anything.”