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88 seconds

of silence

We cordially invite you to join with National Socialists and other sympathetic White people around the world on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / JdF 135 (*), in observing 88 seconds of silence in solemn tribute to Adolf Hitler, who, on that day in Berlin 79 years ago, fulfilled his earthly mission and offered up his life for a better world to come.

This commemoration has been sponsored by the NEW ORDER since 2008. Countless thousands of Aryans across the globe, in every continent but Antarctica and in dozens of countries, have participated in it. We invite you to join them!


East Coast Time Zone: 9:30 am
Central Time Zone: 8:30 am
Mountain Time Zone: 7:30 am
Pacific Time Zone: 6:30 am
Central European Time: 3:30 pm
British Standard Time: 2:30 pm

For more information, click here.


(*) JdF is a German acronym (Jahr des Fuehrers).

11 replies on “88 seconds”

Most sites like the one linked bellow are banned from general american internet providers.

So, while they are still allowed to speak freely, there is no way their message reaches, even by chance, to the general public.

The monopoly of public attention here is absolute and fierce.

There has never been true freedom of expression in the West. Part of being plugged into the matrix that controls us is believing that you are free when in reality you are a slave.

But at least sites like the one where I got the text above still exist, and those of us who have left the matrix, should know them.

The NEW ORDER Central Office is reporting that this year’s “88 Seconds of Silence” observation has been concluded and that it was a resounding success.

Participants throughout the world participated in the low-key event. Reports comng in include observations in Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia (multiple), and Wisconsin. Foreign reports have been received from Britain (multiple), Canada, the Czech Republic, Mexico and Spain (multiple).

(It should be noted that most participants do not report in, and that some who do just give a general description of their location, such as “Southern US” or “Northwest Europe.”)

This is the 17th consecutive year that the NEW ORDER has sponsored this event, which was initiated by Matt Koehl in 2008. As in previous years, other online platforms have also supported the event, such as the British National Socialist Movement (https://www.britishmovementnorthern.org/) & the West’s Darkest Hour (https://westsdarkesthour.com/ ).

Autocorrect changed ‘termed’ to ‘turned’. Please change it back.

*‘which it termed the deadly sin of “vanity”.

Done in your comment below (I’d suggest using a word processor so that you may disable the autocorrect bug).

I think that if one should add 753 years to the present year, then one would get 2777 AVC. ‘V’ is a capital ‘u’ in Latin Inscriptions. The current year is 2777 Ab Urbe Condita. I always use BCE, and CE… however, the Common era is still reckoned from the mythical birth of the legendary Christ. Were we to return to AVC dating, then this would be a signal of the resumption of History, a signal that the ‘Temporal Reign’ of Christ had ended. The Olympic Games were similarly brought back whenever Christianity lost its ability to enforce its detestation of the human form, which it termed the deadly sin of “vanity”. The resumption of the Classical dating system would be a similar signal that Christian power was waning.

I prefer to use Anno Hitleris (correct my Latin if I’m wrong!) because the Greeks didn’t discover what would eventually begin to be discovered from the times of Gobineau. We need a chronology that looks at things from a specifically racial angle.

As a 3rd-declension noun, that would be fine. However, I think that ‘Hitler’ is usually treated as a 2nd-declension noun, in Modern Latin. Thus, we have: ‘Argumentum ad Hitlerum’, and not: ‘Argumentum ad Hitlerem.’ This is also known as Godwin’s Law. On the linked Wikipedia page, ‘Hitlerus’ is treated as a 2nd-declension masculine noun. Thus: ‘Anno Hitleri’ would probably be ideal.

Also, above, I misspelled ‘Christian’. Autocorrect autocorrects stuff I don’t want corrected and fails to correct stuff that I do want corrected!

‘*…that Christian power was waning.’

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